Ukrainian parliament slammed for celebrating Nazi collaborator


Literotica Guru
Mar 22, 2020
A post on social media by Ukraine's parliament that celebrated the birthday of WWII Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera (1909-1959) has sparked a wave of condemnation from Polish officials, as well as researchers and journalists from the US and Israel. The Verkhovna Rada deleted its tweet amid the outcry.

The now-deleted post celebrating what would have been Bandera’s 114th birthday on January 1 featured a quote from him and a photo of the Ukrainian Armed Forces chief, General Valery Zaluzhny, with a large portrait of the Nazi collaborator in the background.

Another apparently deleted post by the Rada quoted Bandera as having said that “the complete and supreme victory of Ukrainian nationalism will be when the Russian Empire ceases to exist,” Israel's Haaretz newspaper reported on Monday. Zaluzhny was “well aware” of “these instructions of Stepan Bandera,” the post added, according to the news outlet.

The posts were not received well by Ukraine’s backers in the West and particularly by Poland.
Then there’s this? True or propaganda that predates this version?

He cultivated German military circles favorable to Ukrainian independence, initiated the formation of a Ukrainian military legion (see Legion of Ukrainian Nationalists), organized OUN expeditionary groups, and prepared the 30 June 1941 Proclamation of Ukrainian statehood in Lviv. For his refusal to rescind the decree, Bandera was arrested and spent the period from July 1941 to September 1944 in German prisons and concentration camps.

Nazi’s get put in concentration camps??
Fake history ??
Was he a hero for Ukrainian Independence or a Nazi collaborator??
Or… all this newer “history” Russian War propaganda? Cleanse the Ukraine of Nixiis by killing ALL of them ??

My father was once fingered as a Communist for having been in his cousin’s cell during Nazi occupation. Busy painting any Nazi slogans. War makes odd bed fellows? After that war the communists took my grandfather on a death march. Fuck all extremists!!
Yep, does everyone understand that the RT designation traces back to Russian propaganda?
Everyone is a big term. Many who follow sources that are not reputable don’t really understand that they aren’t- they see a story on the internets and it must be true.

Clearly they missed lessons in school about how to evaluate sources (maybe not everyone has had a good education?), but I’m sure the OP could find a similar story in the epochtimes, another “great” outlet.

This is one of the reasons to post your source so those who do understand sourcing will have the full information. Those who have their head in the sand ignore the sourcing anyway, if they read it for the first time.
Stalin murdered more Ukrainians than Hitler did. Makes it hard to choose a side back then.
Stalin murdered more Ukrainians than Hitler did. Makes it hard to choose a side back then.
If Germany had won the Second World War Hitler intended to treat the Slavs, including the Ukrainians, harshly enough that they would die off and be replaced with German and Germanic settlers.
If Germany had won the Second World War Hitler intended to treat the Slavs, including the Ukrainians, harshly enough that they would die off and be replaced with German and Germanic settlers.
I'm well aware of that. If the Nazi's had treated the Ukrainians as liberated people instead of slaves they would have risen up and marched to the gates of Moscow with them, but that didn't happen.

Like I said, picking sides as a Ukrainian back then would have been complicated.
I'm well aware of that. If the Nazi's had treated the Ukrainians as liberated people instead of slaves they would have risen up and marched to the gates of Moscow with them, but that didn't happen.

Like I said, picking sides as a Ukrainian back then would have been complicated.
The number of Ukrainians who fought against the Germans was far greater than the number who fought with them.