Far-right nationalists march under ‘White Lives Matter’ banner in Kiev ..............


Literotica Guru
Mar 22, 2020
By Jonny Tickle

Thousands of far-right Ukrainian nationalists have taken to the streets in Kiev on the country’s Defenders and Defendresses Day, a public holiday, under the flags of the Azov and Right Sector extremist organizations, among others.

The march, which began in the city’s center, started at noon on Thursday and saw the participants walk through Kiev to Maidan, the capital’s main square.

The holiday, founded in 2015, is celebrated every year on October 14. A regular fixture of the festivities has been a march of Nazis through the center of Kiev. The date was chosen to coincide with the anniversary of the founding of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, a Nazi collaboration group that fought against the Soviet Union during World War II. In recent years the group has been revered, despite its collaboration with occupying German forces, involvement in the Holocaust, and ethnic cleansing. The Ukrainian Insurgent Army was the paramilitary arm of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, led by ultranationalist collaborator and anti-semite Stepan Bandera.

Wonder how they work up an interest, in a country where nobody has seen a live Jew since WWII and nonwhites were never a thing.
Wonder how they work up an interest, in a country where nobody has seen a live Jew since WWII and nonwhites were never a thing.

Typical of the Left-wingers on Literotica.

'Why would anyone step foot in the big scary world when they could stay home, jerk off, and get fat.' ~ Collective thoughts of Literotica's deplorable, left-wing, incel D-bags.
Typical of the Left-wingers on Literotica.

'Why would anyone step foot in the big scary world when they could stay home, jerk off, and get fat.' ~ Collective thoughts of Literotica's deplorable, left-wing, incel D-bags.

Are you in some kind of nonsequitur contest?