TSCLT 12.0: The pantheon hates a pussy 2.0

Happy Monday!!! Slept decently. It's chilly outside. The heat is running. Got a letter to write and some phonecalls to make, and there's the usual stockpile of stuff around here to do, too. It all has a way of working out.

After coffee, of course. A man has got to know his limitations.

Those who have spent ten or twenty years brushing aside the weeds looking for the way and yet have not see the buddha nature often say they are trapped by oblivion and excitement. What they don't realize is that the substance of this very oblivion and excitement is itself buddha nature.

- Kao-feng






Happy Tuesday!!! Slept okay. Better at this sleep stuff the last few days.

Had a good chat with a good friend yesterday evening. It would be nice to go to see him soon. We'll see what works out.

Meanwhile, coffee . . . .

Anger is the real destroyer of our good human qualities; an enemy with a weapon cannot destroy these qualities, but anger can.
Anger is our real enemy.

~ His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Living beings are without number;
I vow to row them to the other shore.
Defilements are without number;
I vow to remove them from myself.
The teachings are immeasurable;
I vow to study and practice them.
The way is very long;
I vow to arrive at the end.

~ Four Vows of the Bodhisattva







Happy Wednesday!!! Slept okay. Crashed too early so up too early. Such is Life. Looks like a good day to take the big truck in for its annual state-sponsored (required) safety inspection. They don't require those Out West. I have a brake light out to tell them about so that (maybe) they don't search too hard for something else.

Cuppa numbah two . . . .

"In general the teaching of the Buddha is very vast and profound, it is not so simple as to grasp it in one time. If we had to summarize the complete teaching of Buddha we would see that all is included in two main points, that is:

• cause no harm to any sentient beings,
• always try to benefit all sentient beings;

or, if we are not able to benefit others we should at least avoid all harmful thoughts and actions.

Buddha Himself summarized in a few lines the essence of His teachings: abandon all harming actions and all negative actions, practice all positive actions completely and control your own mind. This is the teaching of Buddha. "





Productive day all in all.

Waiting to get the truck back from the state safety inspection. That'll be tomorrow.



Happy Thursday!!! Slept okay. Should get the truck back today. The oil filter should arrive today, too, so I can change the oil this weekend. New project down the road starts Monday. Coffee started a little while ago . . . .

People should never be ashamed to own they have been in the wrong, which is but saying, in other words, that they are wiser today than they were yesterday.

~ Alexander Pope

I am convinced that human nature is basically gentle, not aggressive. And every one of us has a responsibility to act as if all our thoughts, words, and deeds matter. For, really, they do. Our lives have both purpose and meaning.


Compassion is what makes our lives meaningful. It is the source of all lasting happiness and joy. And it is the foundation of a good heart, the heart of one who acts out of a desire to help others. Through kindness, through affection, through honesty, through truth and justice toward all others we ensure our own benefit. This is not a matter for complicated theorizing. It is a matter of common sense.
There is no denying that consideration of others is worthwhile. There is no denying that our happiness is inextricably bound up with the happiness of others. There is no denying that if society suffers we ourselves suffer. Nor is there any denying that the more our hearts and minds are afflicted with ill-will, the more miserable we become. Thus we can reject everything else: religion, ideology, all received wisdom. But we cannot escape the necessity of love and compassion.

From: Ethics for the New Millennium His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Riverhead Books, 1999






One wonders about people sometimes. Tis a waste to wonder too often, but there are some serious keepers out there, too.


Happy Friday!!! Up too early but slept okay. Got a dr's appt today. Been busy reading the NFL first round picks this morning and thinking that it resembles a livestock auction.

And it is Happy Hemi Day, too.

Coffee . . . .

Some people create their own storms and then get mad when it rains.

~ anon.

Now for a really simple question: What is the essence of Buddhism?

Respect all forms of life, and then compassion and affection toward all sentient beings, with the understanding that everything is interdependent - so my happiness and suffering, my well-being, very much have to do with others'.





Happy Saturday!!! Slept okay, considering. Looks like some rain heading this way this morning, later. Got breakfast with Dr. Tyler in a little while. The truck's oil may get changed today, and then again, it may get to wait until tomorrow. Or next weekend.

I never got why oil changes were mandatory at 2500-3000 miles once upon a time. Nowadays, 5000 is as soon as any of them want to be changed, bikes included. The truck has a change monitor on the computer and it says 10K. The synthetics say that they'll go longer than that. Okay, whatever. At the end of the day, and since they are my engines, I use the best filters I have read about (K&N) and the best synthetic oil, according to the article. The bikes get changed at 2500 miles and the truck at 5000. Oil is cheap, and steel ain't.

Coffee is cheaper than Wats . . . .

If those who are like wanton children
Are by nature prone to injure others,
What point is there in being angry--
Like resenting fire for its heat?

~ Bodhicaryavatara

There is an old saying, “nobody buys a drill because they want a drill, they buy one because they want a hole.” It is not always what you want, but what you ultimately need that drives our desires.






I had a discussion with an old fart on the anvil site about why I change the oil once a year in a car which doesn't get 500 usage. Obviously, it has nothing to do with worn oil and everything to do with water content in the crankcase. Those cars don't run hot enough to boil the condensation out and will then have a bit of water in the oil which is circulated around the engine.

Of course, he was right and Wat was wrong. But, since he's not paying the freight around here, fuck what he says.


Our road vehicles have synthetic oil that's changed twice a year, when the tires are changed for summer or winter. I do need to change the oil in the Skidoos.
The truck is going to wait until tomorrow.

The bike was done over the winter and hasn't got 500 miles on it since.
Every time a problem arises, the essential thing is to immediately become aware that the problem comes from our selfish mind, that it is created by self-cherishing thoughts. As long as you put the blame outside yourself, there can be no happiness.

~ Lama Zopa Rinpoche


From a previous iteration:

We had a slow-down on the highway coming home from work earlier. Stopped for a bit. I looked in the rear view just in time to catch the guy driving behind me shove his left index finger up his left nostril and then proceed to do what can only be described as . . . mining. Allah, it got good to him. He spun the finger in all directions, being quite sure to capture all the boogery goodness under his fingernail. Then he extracts said finger and shoves it into his mouth, his waiting maw, where he proceeds to scrape the nail on some incisor or another to harvest his find. He then licks his finger mightily so as not to let any snot globules escape. It appeared to be supper and dessert in one sitting.

I was on the phone with Mom and told her the whole live-action tale. Her complaints made it all worthwhile.

I hope it doesn't give me nightmares . . . .



Happy Sunday!!! Slept okay. Getting the shooping list finished off for the trip after sunrise. Looks to be warmer and sunnier today. I suppose that I should cut the grass. That's one of my least favorite chores.

Coffee first. A man has got to know his limitations.

How foolish is Man!! He ruins the Present by worrying about the Future, but Weeps in the Future by recalling his Past.

In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities; in the expert's mind there are few.

~ Shunryu Suzuki

Through non-doing, nothing is left undone. To give up everything is to gain the universe.

~ Lao Tzu





