Trump says Abortion should be left to States, Doesn't endorse national ban


Oct 4, 2023
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The significant point is that Trump (like his Supreme Court appointees) lies on this issue, and you can't take what he says now as an indication of what he'll do if he returns to office. With Trump, you have to assume the worst. He does pretty directly confirm this is the case in his video, where he says you have to do what you have to do to win elections. He's saying he'll say whatever he thinks is advantageous and quite likely will do something else.
The Dobbs decision doesn’t preclude Congress from passing a national law but the given the polarization on this issue. likelihood of of that happening anytime soon is very remote. Many states are unwilling to leave it to Congress and have already followed Trump’s advice.
That was the only issue Trump could have lost the election with.
Now its over, he can't lose...
No. I do not believe that because the MSM will continue to report, as reality, that Trump's "backers and supporters (the billionaires and deplorables)" want to end abortion, period. That's just the reality of the creeping corruption that is overcoming corporate (and the MSM is big corporate) America. They own the Democrats, the fountainhead of their cheap labor.

There is still considerable and influential pressure against him that the walking corpse's chances are good and the thrill will be there for the Left when we have out first token black female President; competency be damned! This is not a meritocracy, it is a (D)emocracy!

The border is Trump's Achilles Heel. He's a Xenophobe and a Racist.

If it was you, you'd cross the border too! You're a HYPOCRITE!
The Dobbs decision doesn’t preclude Congress from passing a national law but the given the polarization on this issue. likelihood of of that happening anytime soon is very remote. Many states are unwilling to leave it to Congress and have already followed Trump’s advice.
Unless he gets in office and the Congress sends him one. Then he'll sign it faster than the fetal heartbeat they think exists.

Trump is a liar. Anti choice people are liars.

The sooner everyone who values pro-choice policies realize this, the better
That was the only issue Trump could have lost the election with.
Now its over, he can't lose...
Emily, why did you suddenly delete all your posts about being a young masseuse and how your boyfriend loves it when you wear your bikini and show his friends your vagina and how Mr. Throbbie comes out when you tease your tennis coach?

Aren't screenshots kewl?
Trump says he will support national ban on abortions around 15 weeks of pregnancy

This was less than three weeks ago. Now this new one this month. I wonder what Trump will say next month. Not like he'd remember. Cognitive decline and all that.

Cognitive decline + absolutely zero genuine and informed moral, ethical, legal, scientific, or religious position on / investment in this incredibly consequential matter.



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No. I do not believe that because the MSM will continue to report, as reality, that Trump's "backers and supporters (the billionaires and deplorables)" want to end abortion, period. That's just the reality of the creeping corruption that is overcoming corporate (and the MSM is big corporate) America. They own the Democrats, the fountainhead of their cheap labor.

There is still considerable and influential pressure against him that the walking corpse's chances are good and the thrill will be there for the Left when we have out first token black female President; competency be damned! This is not a meritocracy, it is a (D)emocracy!

The border is Trump's Achilles Heel. He's a Xenophobe and a Racist.

If it was you, you'd cross the border too! You're a HYPOCRITE!
Lol, just look to the southern states passing abortion laws for reality about who wants to end abortion.

You can do better than that gibberish.
I had to, my new partner said to...
Surely the same happened to you when your family read your erotica posts...
Or do you only post about politics...?
I only pull my hip-waders on to slog through this cesspool of a politics board when things are boring or slow over on the fun side. And my family certainly doesn't get to read any of my interactions on Lit.

Also wondering why you speak like an adult on this board, when you always posted as a slow 15-year-old with English as a second language over on the sexy boards. Did you get tired of playing that character? Or are you trying to pull the "pornstar tries to go legitimate Hollywood" route? Either way, you'll get no respect from me or anyone else who remembers your alter-ego. Which means your opinions are worthless.
Wow! i just realized "SmokingFap" actually took screenshots of my quoted posts and uploaded them onto another site....
How does is it possible for someone to be so obsessed with me? 😮
And to put so much time and effort in?
That is truly mindboggling 🤭
When I see a cockroach, I go to great lengths to squish it.
As i've said before, politics is serious, while erotica is the opposite...
I've always spoken that way about erotica, online and offline, when i was married that's how he liked me speaking and that's how i still speak by habit.
Its like roleplaying, except mine happens naturally and without thought.
And when i'm speaking about non-erotic things i naturally speak formal.
You'll always just be the horned-up mentally-challenged teenager to me.
