Trolls, keyboard warriors... ignore, block or digilantism?

The trolls, keyboard warriors, etc. are to be expected. It's the real assholes you have to watch for - the ones who pretend to be something they're not, garner your trust, and then use it against you. Those are the real cretins of this place and the ones destroying it.
The trolls, keyboard warriors, etc. are to be expected. It's the real assholes you have to watch for - the ones who pretend to be something they're not, garner your trust, and then use it against you. Those are the real cretins of this place and the ones destroying it.

That's connie in a nut shell. He posted robdownsouth's personal info all over reddit because Rob hurt his little feelings here. Everyone needs to be aware of what he did and to stay away from the creepy little tranny.
There should be a sticky thread warning about creepy Connie and that internet pervert Ishmael. Don't give your personal info to these assholes. They can't get women irl so they go after online pussy. :mad:
Name names.


"There is too many of them and they are all paying customers."
There's no one here on my level to interact with. The cool kids are all busy passing puder pics and trolling the other posters with their alts. It really has become an open sewer. I won't be spending much time here anymore. There trolls. Have at it.
There's no one here on my level to interact with. The cool kids are all busy passing puder pics and trolling the other posters with their alts. It really has become an open sewer. I won't be spending much time here anymore. There trolls. Have at it.

Nice try, cancer boi. Have you joined Connie in the tranny club for aging men?

One would have to be a fucking masochist to post here anymore. :)
Is this your reason for all the bullshit posts?

Ignore the most stupid. Confront the not so stupid.
Sometimes I can't tell them apart. Mostly we do just ignore them or poke them with a pointy stick. It all depends on the warrior troll at the time.

Michelle Carter convicted for urging her boyfriend to commit suicide
She'll get out of it even though she shouldn't. It just shows the mind control women have over men. In battle it's not physical strength, the one with the tits wins.

Lit is killing itself by not controlling the trolls and Alts.
There's no one here on my level to interact with. The cool kids are all busy passing puder pics and trolling the other posters with their alts. It really has become an open sewer. I won't be spending much time here anymore. There trolls. Have at it.

Nobody gives a fuck, bert. Fuck outta here. :)
Lance is on the rag.

I'm not sharing my precious chocolate with him. :D

Debbie is a Stalwart, a darling, a thinker
I'll opt for Debbie over many a lit stinker.

99% of the time I iggy you and LTR and many, a little goes a long way.

Being lumped in with someone as smart and sexxxy as ltr makes me feel amazing. :)

Would you feel the same way if your daughter or granddaughter was targeted online by some fuckwit who follows her around online, tries to blackmail her and eventually causes her to feel that she may be unsafe?

A person is not weak or a snowflake if they have genuine reasons why they feel the trolling they are experiencing goes way beyond the trollish behaviour of just name calling and general fuckery.


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There's no one here on my level to interact with. The cool kids are all busy passing puder pics and trolling the other posters with their alts. It really has become an open sewer. I won't be spending much time here anymore. There trolls. Have at it.
You and Lance (but for some of his over- the top comments about Wings and LTR) are the only so- called "trolls" whose knowledge base and IQ are well above the median.

It's funny how the cool kids nominate as "trolls" and menaces those whose posts are a joy to read and help firing one's synapses. You guys and a few political posters.

At the same time, the cool kids' idea of fun is to encourage or cover up for the trolls from their midst, whose idea of wit and snark are comments in the line of: "I hope you die of fake cancer! You stink or fart! You're a female impersonator! He's old and wears depends!" etc. etc.

I sometimes wonder whether they're just trying to dumb down the GB.
There are no cool kids.
There is no clique.

There's no place like home er I mean the gb. ;)

Apart from the trolls, alts, drama, free speech there is a lot more going on.

Sometimes you have to look for the gold nuggets. But they are here. :heart:

There have always been trolls and alts here.

As individuals the gb is still what we make of it.
Considering the th'd was started with a quote from a born again Muslim in New Zealand, on a article, talking about anything related to "securing"...

...shit I'm getting my second troll wind. You fucking progressives really get sucked in by anything.
Ofcourse being a guest lecturing professor from the Kiwi university of manhate never talks about how men deal with feminist trolls, even though they are the ones taking over cyberspace and spewing their hate speech.

If you had the misfortune of being born Caucasian with a Y chromosome, well there's really only one outlet left for you. Drink up, because you will probably be banned from there soon for creating a toxic environment during the hours of "me feels" to "fuck you".

Why should a minority such as white Caucasians born with a Y chromosome have such a huge say in things? We should have a minority opinion. That would be the democratic way.
I'm not sharing my precious chocolate with him. :D


Being lumped in with someone as smart and sexxxy as ltr makes me feel amazing. :)

Would you feel the same way if your daughter or granddaughter was targeted online by some fuckwit who follows her around online, tries to blackmail her and eventually causes her to feel that she may be unsafe?

A person is not weak or a snowflake if they have genuine reasons why they feel the trolling they are experiencing goes way beyond the trollish behaviour of just name calling and general fuckery.

When will LTR start being smart and sexy?

Youre among the worst trolls on the GB.

My mon carried a gun to deal with trolls. A gun paointed at you changes hearts and minds.
Considering the th'd was started with a quote from a born again Muslim in New Zealand, on a article, talking about anything related to "securing"...

...shit I'm getting my second troll wind. You fucking progressives really get sucked in by anything.

Ofcourse being a guest lecturing professor from the Kiwi university of manhate never talks about how men deal with feminist trolls, even though they are the ones taking over cyberspace and spewing their hate speech.

If you had the misfortune of being born Caucasian with a Y chromosome, well there's really only one outlet left for you. Drink up, because you will probably be banned from there soon for creating a toxic environment during the hours of "me feels" to "fuck you".

Must be awful hard carrying around the cross you nail yourself to.
Why should a minority such as white Caucasians born with a Y chromosome have such a huge say in things? We should have a minority opinion. That would be the democratic way.

Among men they aren't the minority in America and Canada.
Why should a minority such as white Caucasians born with a Y chromosome have such a huge say in things? We should have a minority opinion. That would be the democratic way.

Hey now. Let Porky air his feels.

He's an oppressed minority in his country, you see. No true representation of his kind in media, can't go to the store for a can of Coors without getting catcalled, doesn't have a voice in government, gets constantly profiled out in public while being a citizen, etc...poor guy. It's rough being born marginalized in this society, by gum. :(
Hey now. Let Porky air his feels.

He's an oppressed minority in his country, you see. No true representation of his kind in media, can't go to the store for a can of Coors without getting catcalled, doesn't have a voice in government, gets constantly profiled out in public while being a citizen, etc...poor guy. It's rough being born marginalized in this society, by gum. :(

Tyranny of the majority! Down with the oppressors! Fight the man!

Tyranny of the majority (or tyranny of the masses) refers to an inherent weakness of direct democracy and majority rule in which the majority of an electorate can place its own interests above, and at the expense of, those in the minority. This results in oppression of minority groups comparable to that of a tyrant or despot.

Potentially, through tyranny of the majority, a disliked or unfavored ethnic, religious, political, or racial group may be deliberately targeted for oppression by the majority element acting through the democratic process.

American founding father Alexander Hamilton writing to Jefferson from the Constitutional Convention argued the same fears regarding the use of pure direct democracy by the majority to elect a demagogue who, rather than work for the benefit of all citizens, set out to either harm those in the minority or work only for those of the upper echelon. The Electoral College mechanism present in the indirect United States presidential election system, and the phenomenon of faithless electors allowed for within it, was, in part, deliberately created as a safety measure not only to prevent such a scenario.

If you had the misfortune of being born Caucasian with a Y chromosome, well there's really only one outlet left for you. Drink up, because you will probably be banned from there soon for creating a toxic environment during the hours of "me feels" to "fuck you".

Don't worry, Pork Warrior, there will be uprising of white, misogynistic men soon's already in the making. Watch this instructional video here:

And then learn how to resize a picture, for fuck's sake. Baby steps, I know....