Things that made you smile today.

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The delicious smells emanating from my oven right now...first 'real' snowfall...wrapping presents with hand decorated paper...Mini Brit's drawing of her Daddy on his birthday card...

Even though I didn't get to write, yet, today...I am a happy little Brit.
It was rather pretty this morning... the sky was a steely gray, which made the color of the tree leaves stand out all the more and the fact that the ground was wet with rain from the night just made the air smell fresh, crisp and Fall fragrant. It was wonderful and made me smile. It was one of those mornings that reminded me as to why I love this time of year. :)
My little man got his hair cut. :)

He kind of looks like he's smirking. He may try to eat your clothes in the middle of the night, I'd keep an eye on him.
She offered to, but she cut it so close in the back, I didn't want the poor guy to have a bald ass.

I got some coupon for a free cut next time, like I'd ever go back there again!

Although, the scarves are cute....Damn it!
Have you been there before? If it was their first mistake, I'd give 'em another shot. Especially if it's free. If it wasn't... you can find scarves anywhere!

Although not always the ones you want, as I've discovered.
Connecting with an old friend...from WoW of all places...he has a boat and next year will sail off into,the sunset..i wanna go with him !!!!:):)
JotJ!!! Dancin' weekend starts tonight! :D





(These gifs are not entirely accurate on speed or fluid movements. Haha)
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