Things that made you smile today ~ 2013

Shoe shopping!!


This has me laughing like a loon...I guess the painkillers have kicked in then... :D
Two ten year old boys from next door, on hearing an ambulance going by with the Americanized shriek they use nowadays, responding instantly with imitating the traditional 'Nee/naw' old British ambulance noise.

That sound has not been heard for at least twenty years. I LOVE cultural conservatism when it is this innocent and charming.
My roommate trying to convince me to get into a fist fight just to get one of "them fine looking officers" over to handcuff him.

You could just take your clothes off and start streaking. Then you'll be naked and cuffed, buddy.
Writing. Feels awesome.

Planning surprises for dear friends.

Making tentative birthday plans for myself.
Literally crying with laughter whilst visiting a friend and reading all the things she has printed off from Damn You Auto Correct! and stuck up on her toilet wall.

Best medicine ever :D
Writing. Feels awesome.

Planning surprises for dear friends.

Making tentative birthday plans for myself.

Writing??? *smiles*

Why tentative birthday plans? You deserve set-in-stone birthday plans.


Literally crying with laughter whilst visiting a friend and reading all the things she has printed off from Damn You Auto Correct! and stuck up on her toilet wall.

Best medicine ever :D

Auto correct pisses me off.

Unlike you!
Writing??? *smiles*

Why tentative birthday plans? You deserve set-in-stone birthday plans.


Novel stuffs.

winks and hugs

And tentative because everyone is so busy in August, it might just be me on my lonesome in a cocktail bar. And that'd be sad.

sighs melodramatically
And tentative because everyone is so busy in August, it might just be me on my lonesome in a cocktail bar. And that'd be sad.

Screw that - come visit me, I shall take you to a place that does rather divine strawberry dacquiris and we can have a joint birthday knees-up (mine is early September) ;)
Screw that - come visit me, I shall take you to a place that does rather divine strawberry dacquiris and we can have a joint birthday knees-up (mine is early September) ;)

I like the sound of that!

starts to check flights to a land far away