"The Unwilling Cohort"

Her eyes opened slowly only to feel the burning of the bright light, she squinted so that her eyes would adjust to the light, however, upon hearing his voice she opened them taking the slight pain for a sight she welcomed. “Taylor!” she whispered pushing herself to an upright position. Her head felt thick slightly hard to think, “Must have been a good one, my head has the weight of a bowling ball.” She brought her hands up and slightly lowered her head into the waiting palms of her hands. “Ugggh,” she managed to whisper as the bruising and soreness settled into her body. “I feel like I’ve been hit by a mach truck.”

She lifted her head and locked her gaze upon him. “Are you ok… They wouldn’t tell me anything for hours, I didn’t know if you died, being beaten, or anything.” She swallowed hard, “Then when they did they wouldn’t let me see you.” she placed her hand on his lap, her gaze looking over where the wound would be. “Her other hand lightly pulling upon his shirt looking at the bandage as if making sure they did it right.” closing her eyes slightly, “I thought you were going to die in that cab. Then when they came and tried to take you, I did everything I could to stop them, but I’m no Jane Bond either. Mr. Bond!” she looked at him with a smirk smile. “I’m glad you’re ok… No I’m hysterically happy that you’re ok, just too sore to show it.” She smiled at him rubbing her upper arm.

Her face turned serious for a moment, whispering, “Can you tell me anything of what is going on? If not, can you tell me if I’m safe and not in any trouble?” Her hand subconsciously began to rub his thigh. Her eyes gazed around the room, “And where are we?” She looked at him closer now then she did before. He was handsome in a roguish way, secretive by force of habit. Cold, calculating tools of the trade, but in all honesty she liked him.

She looked up toward the camera then back to him. “Ty! What’s going to happen to me?” she looked at him with a serious I need to know look. “I’ve been treated ok, but I’m still scared.” she admitted openly. “I just want to go home.” she whispered then smiled trying to break the fear, “Yeah I know, I have to do this and I will be free in just a few more moments!” she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “See I’m getting to know you quite well.” She chucked..
“Ugggh,” Alysa groaned, sitting up. “I feel like I’ve been hit by a mach truck.”

He wanted to say, That's the drugs, but he didn't want her to think any more nefarious thoughts about him and his cohorts that she already was. She would have lots of opportunities to think bad thoughts of the people around her without him adding fuel to the fire.

“Are you ok…" She began a ramble of questions he would have addressed, except that it was in his nature to hear a question, think of an answer, reconsider the answer carefully, and then finally give it ... and Alysa simply didn't give him time before she was onto her next statement or question for that kind of methodical response from him.

Taylor contained the grin that so wanted to escape. Alysa was an amazing woman; she'd been snatched from a bar at gun point, involved in a fire fight in the middle of an American city, forced to preserve the life of the very man who'd kidnapped her, endured -- now -- a full day and a half of captivity ... and yet her first thought was of Taylor's life, or lack thereof.

It made him think of his mother, who'd remained in an abusive marriage for thirty years because she'd known that leaving her husband would be the end of the man's life. She'd been more concerned about her asinine husband's health and welfare than of her own.

But ... is that it...? Taylor suddenly made another comparison, to his last lover, who had already been married and in love and by all measurements very happy and yet had still given it all away simply to lay naked with Taylor on a beautiful beach and experience the adventure she'd always thought life would bring her.

So ... which was it...? The loving concern of a mother figure, or the lustful desire of a yearning woman? While most men would have hoped for -- prayed for -- the second, at this moment Taylor would have been just as happy with the first. It had been a long time since someone had genuinely cared about his well being, and not just his bod' or the suspenseful life he led.

When she called him Mr. Bond, his smile faded a tad. Oh, if only you knew, Alysa. If he were to answer the questions she'd been asking, they only would have led to a litany of further questions. Taylor's life was anything but an open book, and if had been one one, it would have been an encyclopedia.

When her hand began to caress his thigh and she leaned in and kissed his cheek, the smile returned ... as did the little twitches in his groin that reminded him of why he'd involved her in his little adventure while back at the lounge.

Taylor reached up and gently pressed a hand to her cheek, saying softly, "I'm sorry I got you involved in this..." And then, in a voice a bit louder -- to ensure that the microphones heard him -- he added, "I'm sure that the agents will get everything straightened out in a couple of days, and you'll be able to go home soon--" He smiled broadly, correcting as she would expect, "--in a few more moments."

He clasped one of her hands, squeezed it, then leaned in and kissed her cheek, whispering, "We're in danger here. Do as they say, and I will get you out ... soon. Trust me."

He pulled back, studied her expression to his sudden warning, and smiled. "You're perfectly safe here, Miss Newport. Trust the agents ... follow their instructions ... and you'll be out of here in no time."

He stood, turning such that the camera was to his back, and mouthed, Trust me.
Whatever fears that Alysa felt faltered to his touch, the tension of the past few days seemed to fade as she nuzzled her chin into his soft but strong palm. She gazed into his eyes once again but with a different emotion stemming from her heart instead her mind, she submitted to his comforting touch. His words were inaudible for she was savoring the security that she felt from his touch.

His words broke her retreat into the warmth of his touch with a sense of uncertainty for his sense of humor seemed off note if not ill timed. Did he do this on purpose to gain her unequivocal attention? She gazed back into his eyes searching for anything, she scanned his face for answers to her questions of why he seemed so off keyed, but he was too skilled for her untrained eye to read beyond his facial expressions.

Under different circumstances, she would have been encouraging him to continue with his cajoling but his whisper sent shivers down her spine, crushed her since of security, and sent her spiraling back into the swirling mist of fear. She shot her gaze to him as fear gripped her gut once more. She wanted to jump up and cling to him, but the words he spoke of trusting him she could do that for him, for he put himself in harms way to protect her earlier, and here he was doing it again. She nodded her understanding, but couldn’t shake the look of fear on her face.

As he pulled back, she wanted to reach out to him, to grasp his hand with hers and walk out of here with him, but it was obvious that there was more he had to do, and couldn’t have her tagging along with him. She trusted him that he would come back for her, but what if he couldn’t what then. A spark of fear formed in her orbs as she watched him leave.

‘Don’t forget about me Ty. Please.’ her mind whispered out…
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Taylor winked to her again, and departed...

He woke her with one hand pressed hard over her mouth and the other, with a finger against his lips, signalling her to stay silent. He helped her upright; as he leaned left to retrieve her shoes, she could see the agent, passed out face down on the floor with his hands zip tied behind his back.

He moved close to her, whispering, "Do as I say, when I say it ... and we'll get out of here just fine--" He smiled broadly, clarifying, "In just a few moments."

He pushed her shoes her way, urging her to get dressed.
Eyes popping open, a scream that was never heard choked off by its predator. Fear coursing through her blood forcing her lungs to inhale and exhale rapidly. Her eyes watered from the bright light and the fear factor crashing into sleep like a freight train hitting a stalled car on the track, total decimation. Her body jerked and withered about, her hands shot up to the attackers hand and tried desperately to free her scream.

The fog of blinding light cleared giving her vision of her attacker. Her breathing still heavy but the panic subsiding, dulling to a near nothing, her hand stops scratching, pulling but goes to holding. Her body relaxes and becomes still while her chest still heaving with the forced air. Slowly calming to a normal rate of intake, she closes her eyes and then opens them again to the shushing finger to his lips.

She raised herself with the aid of his hand pulling up on her shoulder. Her head turns to look about the room and notices the agent lying on the floor, bound. She heard his words and a smirking smile came over her face, but instantly she placed one hand upon the back of his neck, the other wrapped around his waist. She pulled him into her approaching lips, crashed them to his with a force that a loved one would give to an absent partner of a very long time. She breathed heavily into the kiss, slightly pulling away to look into his eyes before clasping into another deep kiss.

She pushed him away with a look of a hungry wolf, but knew it wasn’t the time but she wanted him to know she cared; he could take that wonder off of his heavy burdened shoulders. She put her shoes on quickly; rolling out of the bed still wearing a tank and shorts she looked at him, rolled her eyes at him, knowing he hoped she was naked. She leaned over to him and whispered. “Get us out of here and we will discuss payment… Of course, it will be in just a few moments.” She smiled back at him with a gleam in her eye. He didn’t forget her…
The kiss had been unexpected but in no way unwelcomed. When she pulled back to stare into his eyes, Taylor wondered What now...? Do I-- But the second kiss, even more passionate on her part and -- with him prepared -- his part as well, simply sent his mind, and imagination, spinning.

The term payment intrigued him, but later would have him asking himself, But who owes whom...?

In any case, escape was the task at hand, and thoughts of being with her -- for the first time beginning to appear more than just fantasy -- would wait. He led her to the door, reminded her of following his lead, quickly turned and kissed her again, and hurried her up the passageway, down stairs to the basement, and through a smashed wall in a ventilation service room ...out to freedom via a half mile long service tunnel.

(OOC -- Sorry, I only had a few minutes to write. I won't be back on for a couple of hours minimum.)
Alysa looked into his eyes and wondered if she made the right call or not. She only speculated that he liked her by the way he looked at her, the way he put himself in harms way, but as being an agent wouldn’t he have done that for anyone, even a male. She blushed a little after she put that thought of hers into the equation and didn’t like the answer. All of this is his job and he seemed to be one of those duty first types of guys. She shook her head at what she had done and somewhat regretted that she showed her cards way too soon.

He took her hand and she accepted the strong, firm hand by clasping her fingers around his. He stopped at the door and without any warning leaned in and kissed her. Her mind exploded for this was him kissing her now without any provocation. Was this the sign that she wanted to see, even if it wasn’t she wasn’t going to refuse to kiss him back which she did deeply. She moaned and then whimpered when he pulled his lips away, “No.” She whispered out to him forgetting that they were to be quiet. She lowered her eyes but was quickly forced open when he hurried her up the passageway, she nearly fell down the steps when she missed one and lost her balance but managed to keep upright and moving.

He pointed to the hole that he wanted her to go into, and she nodded and ducked into the tunnel where she awaited for him to step through and show her which way to go. When he came up from the hole she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her in a tight emotional kiss. Her mind yelling at her this wasn’t the place but she had to make sure there were no misunderstandings of their emotions. She wanted him to know that she was highly interested in him and she had to make sure that he felt the same way. This was the way to see for if it was just his duty this stop and kissing him in mid-escape would have him just instantly pulling away and leading the way to go. If he hesitated and kissed her back for more than just several seconds then there was something there…
Taylor was searching the path ahead when, again, Alysa's lips were upon his own. He reciprocated with parted lips and a hand at the small of her back, pulling her shapely body tightly to his--

He grimaced, releasing her quickly and pulling his lower abdomen away from her own. He looked down, as if he was going to suddenly see his guts spilling out or something. They wouldn't, of course; the gun shot had, indeed, penetrated his torso but it had been a through and through and, luckily, hadn't hit any vital organs. It had, however, struck an artery -- the reason for the massive amount of blood that had covered him, the taxi, and Alysa -- and he was still sensitive due to the injury and the subsequent surgery.

Taylor looked into Alysa's eyes and smiled weakly. "Hurts so good, right ... like the song says...?"

He kissed her once more -- a quick but meaningful embrace -- then grabbed her hand and rushed her out into the open. They were in City Park, a huge area of both developed areas -- ball parks, playgrounds, open air amphitheater -- and relatively nature areas, including the thick forest they were in now. He led her along a trail that at some times followed the lake; the cityscape could be seen across the water, with the minimal, scattered lights of the skyscrapers dotting the otherwise dark sky like motionless fireflies stuck in flight.

He slowed, then stopped, studying an open area ahead, then squeezed her hand in his, turned to smile and wink, then hurried her across to a small building next to the docks. There, he fished about in the decorative moss at the bottom of a potted palm. He quickly used the key he found to unlock what was obviously the boat house, returned the key, and directed Alysa inside.

The building was musty -- the City had discontinued its use the previous season due to budgetary issues -- and filled with cobwebs like a Hollywood horror movie. Taylor met Alysa's eyes with a tired expression, then took her hand yet again and led her to the back of the building. There, they found the former caretaker's quarters, a small room that looked very much like a college dorm room except for the sailing decor.

Taylor searched about, found a cardboard box, and gestured to Alysa, saying, "Open that." He turned to look at her and saw her expression at her realization that hand written on the cardboard in permanent marker were two letters: Ty. "I made a call ... requested some things from an associate."

He would have said more, but instead he dropped onto the bed, exhausted, and simply looked to who was now his cohort in crime and said, "I think I better rest now..."

...and he flopped back onto the bed, quickly fading away into a state of exhausted, half-consciousness.

(OOC -- sending you a PM about the box.)
There was no mistake on the emotional part of this messed up situation that Alysa has found herself to be in for the past few days, or longer amount of time, for she has lost track due to being captive, she couldn’t even tell you what day it was nor the time, she could only say it was night time. What she was sure of, was Tyler, for now he was the only one that she trusted, and that was due to she didn’t even know what was going on and everyone else could be one of his bad guys.

She felt him pull away slightly when their kiss ended, a facial expression of pain crossed his face, and she followed his gaze down to his lower abs area. The gunshot wound. She closed her eyes in shame that she forgot his wound when she embraced him. She held an expression of I’m sorry look upon her face knowing she was the coz of its flare up. She went to reach for him again only to stop shaking her head for she almost did it again.

She smiled when he did regardless of how much it hurt. His smirk comment brought a smile to her face and a slight shaking of her head. Only to stop when he reached in and placed a kiss upon her lips once more but pulled away before it got deep. He gave her a meaningful but hurried embraced before taking her hand and guided her through what she thought was the park on the northeast side near the docking lanes.

She loved the view and wished they were in a different situation to where they could sit down and enjoy the smooth relaxing lights of the city. Nevertheless, that faded away when she felt him moving again she followed able to stay up with him due to his injury. She was thankful for that for this because it has been awhile since she had to run the mini-marathon.

She watched him dig about the planter looker for something. It only took him a few moments to pull a key from it and unlock the door to the small building. Then replacing the key and hurried her inside. The building was musky and needed ventilation badly but she just huffed and dealt with the smell. Swiping the cobwebs to the side, she followed him, wiping her hands with a little disgust but kept following him.

Soon they entered into a small room that was apparent used as some king of quarters. Tyler searched the area and found a box, he handed it too her and told her to open it. She read the writing and frowned for it had the feel of a females writing.

He told her that he made a call and an associate put it here for him, but now he needed to rest and fell back on the cot and was pretty much out of commission. She opened the box and began looking through it. He didn’t tell her not to and she was curious to find what this so-called associate put in here for him.

Alyssa’s brow rose when she seen items from her home, ranging from clothes to tampons. A little bit of anger shot across her face as she felt, her privacy was invaded and abused. Nevertheless, that really wasn’t the issue…it was a FEMALE…She shook her head with a little bit of a building tantrum.

She looked at the other stuff and realized that it belong to Taylor, She looked at the tablet, then back at him, then back at the tablet while it was powering up.. She also looked at the cell phone, pulled up the screen, and began looking at the data folder, the contact list, and the photo gallery, all of it wanting to know who the FEMALE was…
The tablet, which had been in sleep mode, powered up and revealed a text:

Stay put until I call you. Established code words. EVERYONE is looking for you. Trust no one. Lose the chick.

On the bed, Taylor grimaced, shifting in his half-sleep in an attempt to kick off his shoes but failing.
In the moment of Alysa’s fury she heard the cot that Taylor was resting in creaked and moaned under his weight. She glanced up over the phone at him with a concern look and that is when she noticed that he was shifting his weight around trying to get comfortable, but couldn’t. He was in so much pain that she wished she could do something for him, but her medical expertise was limited to putting on a band-aid. Then she noticed that he was trying to kick his shoes off without much success.

Taking deep breath she pushed herself up and walked over to the bed taking a few moments to look at him before moving down and taking a hold of this ankle and pulling his shoes and putting them under the cot. She moved back up toward his head when a concern came to her. She slowly raised his shirt and checked the wound, wanting to make sure that he didn’t rip any stitches seeing nothing wrong she pulled it back down. She knew he was in pain and needed rest so she left him alone. She sat back down where she was and picked the phone back up. “Ring dam you.” she whispered at it. ‘Ditch the chick… I will show you watch chick will ditched, Bimbo!’ She was furious that some Bimbo had her meat claws dug into him, she looked back over to him and smiled as he seemed to calm down and drifted into a deep sleep. She crawled over to the cot and sat next to him as if it was her turn to watch out for him. She pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her chin upon the top of them.

‘What is going on!’ her mind drifted over the possibilities that her untrained mind could think of and all of them sounded crazy and beyond believe. She just had to wait for Taylor to explain it to her whenever he could. She pushed herself backwards up against the cot and waited..
(OOC -- I hope you don't mind, but I "redressed" her, for a bit of an erotic twist. If you have a problem with this, pleeeeeeeease don't let me get away with it; I can edit it, seriously.)

He ran down the long tunnel, never seeming to reach the light at the end, despite the fact that it was growing in size and intensity as he neared -- or didn't near -- its source...

The men behind him had been two, then four, then ten, then twenty...

They carried handguns ... then shotguns ... then hatchets...

He looked forward again, finding the light replaced by a massive pair of doors, like something out of a Medieval castle...

He slammed his weight into it, causing his body to explode in pain. Looking down, he found a fountain of blood streaming from his side...

"Come to me..." a female voice called from seemingly everywhere...

He slammed against the door again, and again -- this time, definitively from the other side of the door -- heard the woman ... Alysa ... call, "Come to me ... you will be safe ... in just a few moments...

Suddenly the door opened ... he smiled to Alysa ... except ... it was no longer Alysa ... it was...

Gloria raised a sawed off shotgun, which fired with a horrendous explosion--

Taylor jolted awake, grabbing quickly to where his side arm should have been but found nothing but pain as he struck the bandaged injury. He grimaced but remained silent, a skill that had saved his life several times when he'd been injured and hiding from very-near enemies. His eyes searched, and it only took a moment for him to remember having made it safely to the boat house. Instantly, he thought of Alysa; he looked over the side of the cot and found her asleep, her head laying awkwardly upon a sail bag.

Silently, he struggled to his feet and did a bit of surveillance. It was still dark beyond the abandoned building's windows, with the Cityscape sparkling in an early morning fog. It was warm inside, a nice surprise his Contact had apparently arranged by reactivating the time-activated thermostat. Taylor checked the fridge and found it both on and filled with food and drinks. He smiled as he thought, She knows how to treat people she still has a need for, that's for certain.

He checked the doors, finding they had automatically locked after their entrance. He found the phone and immediately checked the Contact List; procedure called for the digits to be scrambled, to prevent an unauthorized person from calling the number, and sure enough, when he pressed send, the phone dialed through to a closed pizza parlor in Queens.

Taylor brought the tablet out of sleep mode, and when the email came up his stomach turned over; he looked to Alysa and wondered if she had read it as well. Lose the chick...? His contact certainly didn't have the scoop on exactly who Alysa Newport was. Of course, no one did ... not even Taylor. She'd just been, as the email described her, a chick ... someone to provide him cover, someone to provide him an escape from those meaning to do him harm.

So ... who is she to you now? he wondered. He returned the tablet to sleep mode, setting it aside, and moved over closer to her. He studied her for a long moment, him mind jumping back and forth between two camps: first, she was just a civilian, a bystander, who he had drug into a dangerous situation and who, surprisingly, responded by risking her life to save his; and second, she was the young beauty that he'd fantasized about, knowing that nothing would ever happen between them ... only to realize that there was a distinct possibility that things might happen after all.

Did we really kiss like that...? His lips spread in a happy smile, and his eyes began a slow walk over her body. She was wearing new clothes -- apparently from the box of goodies his contact had stashed here -- and they fit her a bit better than those Gloria had provided her back at the supposed safe house. He knelt down for a better look. Her button up blouse parted over her sternum, revealing the lacy edges of the brassiere that highlighted the cleavage of her firm, rounded breasts. Jeans wrapped her shapely ass tightly and rode low enough on her hips to make Taylor wonder how the hell they stayed up in the first place.

He stood and moved back to the windows, staring out onto the world that was trying so hard to kill him. How the hell did you get yourself into this mess, he chastised himself. He returned to the tablet, activated it, and sent an email. Less than sixty seconds later, he got a reply ... and breathed a sigh of relief. He looked to Alysa as she stirred a bit, then tapped a sequence of keys that erased the emails and any evidence that they'd been sent from the hard drive.

He put the tablet in sleep mode again, returned to the cot, carefully pulled the blanket from it, laid down close to Alysa, and put the blanket over them both. She stirred again, and moved up close to him, slipping an arm around his body, still asleep, Taylor believed. He gently wrapped his arms around her, and together -- conscious and unconscious -- they pulled their bodies close together. Taylor could feel the warmth of her flesh against him, and it only took a moment for his lower body to react in a way that caused him to pull his hips back, despite wanting desperately to do just the opposite...
Eyelids slightly crest open, reveled the dark blue underneath them. They drifted from side to side taking in the dark facial feature before her. Then it hit her, there was warmth nearby, an arm lying across her side and tucked under her on the other side, a warm blanket draped over her and the shadowed figured lying before her groggy, morning vision. She panicked slightly until she fully came to terms of her awakening. “Taylor,” she whispered. Slightly embarrassed finding her arm draped over his waist as well.

“Morning.” she whispered to him, her orbs gazing through the strands of red hair to his orbs. “Another desperate situation that requires me to be this close to you?” her brow raised slightly over her eye, with a jokingly smile on her face. “So… Her eyes getting a little flare in them, before I kiss you, or deal with that down there that you gentlemanly moved away. You must tell me who she is. In addition, do you plan on Ditching the Chick! I don’t put out to be dumped out afterward.” she moved her hand up to his cheek, and gazed into his eyes, “Well okay, ummm,” she leaned in and pressed her soft lips upon his, partially opening to give small kisses between each breathe she sucked in between their lips. “You can tell me afterwards.” she continued to roll toward him until he was on his back and she was on top of him, straddling him, adjusting her hips so his cock was between their pelvises. She slowly grounded her hips in a circular motion, pushing her cloth-covered pussy against his thickness. She leaned back slightly, sliding her hands down his thigh to the knob of his knees. Her head tilting backwards as the feel of him sends shivers down her spine. “God.” she moaned surprised as it continued to grow underneath her. She began sliding her hip up and down, stoking his cock with her shielded cunt.

Then out of nowhere she raised up off of him, “Now this action will continue the moment you tell me about her.” her body came up and bent down, brining her face only inches from his. A film covered her eyes, her breathing was a bit heavier, and her tongue slightly appeared only long enough to lick her drying lips. Her hips continued to lightly grind against his very thick cock. She could feel the wetness slowly soaking her lacy trimmed panties. Her hands up and out supporting her weight due to his injury or she would be laying flat upon him pressing her breasts against his chest. Just the thought of feeling his chest against her sent shivers down her chest and excited her breasts as her nipples grew hard and poked through her bra and blouse. She closed her eyes, trying desperately to keep her position of negation. “Fuck,” she whispered as she lowered her lips down to his, opening her lips and pushing her tongue forward, licking over his searching for an opening; she wanted to explore his mouth, to touch every inch of his tongue.
Even through the jeans, Taylor could feel -- or simply imagined so -- the softness of her pussy fitting against against his erection. It had been some time since he'd been like this with a woman -- longer than Alysa would probably imagine, given the Hollywood reputation of men in his line of business. Taylor rocked his hips with Alysa, causing the pressure to move up and down his entire shaft and making the pleasure well quickly within him.

“Now this action," Alysa told him, "will continue the moment you tell me about her.”

His mind was so deeply in the moment that he almost didn't comprehend her question. He considered his answer, began to speak it, and hesitated to rethink it.

“Fuck,” Alysa whispered, the pleasure within her body obviously welling as it was in his. She leaned down and kissed him again, this time more erotic, being careful not to put pressure on his wounded left side.

Taylor slid his hands up her thighs to cup her buttocks, using his powerful hands to assist her in riding up and down his length. He wanted inside her so badly and simply couldn't wait; he reached to her belly and began unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans ... ignoring the question she had promised would have to be answered before he received the pleasure she knew he so desperately wanted.
Alysa’s eyes rolled backward as the waves of pleasure rose from her tormented covered pussy. “God,” erupted over her lips as the thickness of his cock seemed to grow more. She wanted him now, the rage now fueling the flame in her eye. “OH FUCK!” She growled when he used his hands to push her even more against his thickness and length. She rolled and grinded her hips downward crushing his meat against her swollen sex, purring like a well fed kitten. “Fuck me.” she looked into his eyes, hers filled with the flame of lust and desire.

She pushed herself up when his hard, thick hands slid up over her ass, across her hips to the buttons of her pants. Her hands moved up her body and cupped her breasts, squeezing them roughly. Her eyes not leaving his, she wanted him to see the wanting of him, her tongue licking her lips in wanting, her body growing desperate.

Upon feeling the buttons release, she pushed herself up, still straddling his hips, looking down at him she watched his face, she was going to give him the opportunity to undress her, most men liked undressing their women. If he showed signs of pain she would help but then for she wanted him to feel the power he had over her.
Taylor ignored the pain shooting through him off and on; he had lived through worse for less important reasons. Once, with a make shift bandage over a knife wound in his thigh, he'd stood at a Craps table in Panama for three hours, waiting for the tourist next to him to leave the casino because Taylor needed to steal a car and had really taken to the man's new Jaguar. If he could endure that, simply because the Jag's green color had been his favorite, he could certainly deal with a gun shot to feel the pleasure of Alysa's pussy around his rock hard dick.

He rolled her to the floor and, grimacing, moved atop her. He quickly finished unfastening her jeans and stripped them and the tiny panties below off her in one smooth motion. As he tossed them aside, he leaned forward a bit, forcing her to part her thighs. He smiled, pleased with the view, and quickly began working on his belt, button, and zipper.
Alysa grunted, slightly whimpered when he rolled her onto her back. Her eyes went wide for a moment from the animalistic attitude that he was now displaying. She knew he cared for her but not like this. She wasn’t some two bit whore who was getting paid for her time. He didn’t have treat her like one. “NOT LIKE THIS!” she screamed pushing his chest way with her hands. “I’m not a whore you’re paying for!”

She looked into his eyes shaking her head slightly, she knew that look well and she knew he lost control but she wasn’t a toy for his amusement. She was going to give herself to him but still wanted the respect and emotions that were to come with this. She wasn’t going to be a bond girl for one night and become just a name in a black book. “Ty, not like this, please. We both got caught up in the moment and I can understand you being upset with me but I don’t want the one night stand.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and waited for his retaliatory remark to come.

‘What was she doing?’ she cared for this man in the small amount of time that they have met, but was it the thrill of something new in her life? Was it the handsome Jamie’s bond look of him? Yeah, the kissing showed more interest in her but was that just to get her to this point? She didn’t know and until then she couldn’t give herself like this. “I’m sorry please let me up.” She whispered to him.

Alysa's sudden counter to his obvious show of lust surprised him.

“I’m not a whore you’re paying for!” she continued, locking her eyes on his. “Ty, not like this, please."

Taylor halted his undressing, his jeans already loosened and curled down below his buttocks but his tightie-whities still covering -- though certainly not hiding -- his rock hard erection.

"We both got caught up in the moment and I can understand you being upset with me but I don’t want the one night stand.”

Taylor leaned back onto his haunches; his gaze dropped to heaven denied at the meeting of her parted thighs. Her shaved pussy was wet and swollen by the earlier play of their bodies against one another. As he gentlemanly reached to her knees and pulled her legs slowly together, returning her to a respectful posture, he cursed himself for having misread the passion ... and playfully cursed her for not being the slut that he wanted her to be at this moment.

“I’m sorry, please let me up,” she whispered.

"Of course," Taylor said, moving to allow her legs to move to one side of him together. He helped her up to sit on her buttocks before him and said with sincerity, and a bit of disappointment, "I'm sorry, Alysa. I ... I didn't mean ... well, you know."

He stood and turned his back to her, refastening his own clothes and giving her an opportunity to refasten her own. He looked out the boat house window for a moment, thinking, Fuck...
Alysa looked downward as she fixed her blouse, reached over and grasped her panties and pants from the spot they were tossed. Her mind racing with what she had done. She is the one that lead the lion to the meat and then expected the lion not to devour the meat. Who the hell did she think she was? A bitch who shows and grinds to bring the lion then teases it, dangling the meat directly in front of it deservers to get bit and bit she got, and now she is playing it off as it was his fault.

She sat there with her panties and pants still clenched in her hands. Alysa’s pussy still leaking the heated juice as it flowed down the curve of her ass and dripped to the pile of empty sand bags under her. She mental wrapped her arms around her chest attempting to calm the shivers she was experiencing at the moment from the self-providing lashings of her behavior. Her mind replaying everything that happened and guilt came like a brick wall. He was nothing more than being a gentleman until shown the meat and then even after it was taken away from him, he still was a gentleman toward her. She was a bitching tease.

She closed her eyes and took control. “TY… No, it wasn’t you at all. It’s me. I started this and was fine with it till the lust and desire took its toll on you and you reacted to it which we all do.” she leaned back against him. Pushed her head against his for a moment before turning to her side and looked at him. “Ty.” she opened her legs and laid back, “Now that the raging lust of a bull is gone. Make love to me.” she gently pulled on his arm toward her. “Make love to me, don’t fuck Me.” she smiled at him, “For I want to make love to you, but I don’t want to fuck you.”
Taylor watched Alysa lay back onto the makeshift mattress he'd been about to fuck her on ... and, as she was defining, fuck was what he'd been planning on. She had gotten him so hot he'd been afraid he was going to lose it in his pants and never reach ... there.

And now, she was laying back, offering herself up to him again. He looked down to her -- down to her! -- and felt that eager twitch in his already re-contained groin. Was she doing this because she wanted him...? Truly wanted him? Or was she feeling guilty because she'd led him so far down the path, only to reach a fork and point him the direction he didn't want to go?

Either way, his mind -- always thinking, always moving on -- was already on the danger the pair of them were in. He leaned into her, kissing her softly on the lips, before standing tall above her and saying, "Alysa, I ... I want to ... but ... maybe we did rush things, and maybe we need to think about ... about what I've gotten you into before we do anything that... well ... you know what I'm trying to say."

He stepped back, then turned his back to her. He stood there a moment, then half glanced back to her; he didn't honestly want to see her response or the expression on her face to his denial of such an incredible offer. He headed for the boat house door, then hesitated at it with his hand on the knob.

"Why don't you get dressed, and..." Taylor opened the door just a bit, looking out into the early morning fog. "I'm going to go grab some coffee. I'll be back in ten minutes. Stay away from the windows ... don't leave the building ... and I promise..."

He didn't know what to promise her ... so he didn't, instead just heading out into the early morning fog.
Her heavy eyelids closed when he reached in and kissed her. She pressed up against his lips savoring his taste, but something was wrong as she felt the kiss lighten up instead of getting heavier. Her eyes popped upon just as Ty was pulling away, “No,” she whispered, “Ty.” she heard his words and realized that he did just as she did a few moments ago, but her hold up was the fucking, his hold up was love making. She closed her eyes and looked away; “Yeah, I know what your saying.” she looked back up at him with a deep sorrow in her eyes as he took a step back from her. She wanted to jump up and grab him by the neck and pull him back down, and allow him to devour her, but it was too late the damage was done.

She sat there with a painful look upon her face as the quickly shot a gaze back at her she just closed her eyes and didn’t want to see him leave. When he stopped and hesitated her heart jumped her eyes opened to look at him, hoping, praying that he would turn back around and come to her, but the only thing that came to her was his words of telling her to get dressed, stay away from the windows, don’t leave the building and that He promised he paused then said nothing as he walked out.

The single tear fell sliding down her smooth cheek to the pile of sandbags. Followed by another one and then another before she stood up and removed her blouse, digging in the clothes she pulled out her tank top, and shorts and the older sneakers that were already broken and comfortable for her to wear. She looked over the items that were here and decided that none of it was worth taking with her. She looked at the phone, tablet and just shook her head with disgust on herself, “Well, he didn’t ditch the chick, she did it for him.” She whispered to the tablet before she moved to the door, stopping for a moment and looking back at history, she looked at the cot that he was fell to when they got here, she looked at the sandbags were she woke up arm in arm with him, he look in his eyes to softness of his lips. “You stupid bitch.” she closed her eyes for a moment before walking out the door.

She looked around the area, not knowing exactly where they were but she seen the city and the landscape that led to it. So she took off running in that direction, she run as hard as she could at first wanting to get away from this immediate area as fast as she could then she slowed her pace down and ran and continued to run.. Her mind swarming of what to do, she couldn’t go back home that was an obvious fact. So her only place she could go was to her best friends home and hope that she wouldn’t bring danger to her friend, but they didn’t want her they wanted him so she should be fine once she gets there.

She sped up running wanting to get to the busy streets of the city so she could blend in and walk, jog the thirty blocks to get to her friends apartment complex.
Taylor threw the paper coffee cup at the wall. As the thick, brown mocha exploded against the antiqued woodwork, he yelled, simply, Fuck!"

There had simply been too much going on to leave Alysa unattended and unguarded: the mission, the twists, the betrayals, the suspicions, and -- last but certainly not least -- the aborted moment of passion. How could you be so stupid.

The clothes she'd been wearing, shedding, and replacing were still here, and his phone and tablet were still here, too. It all led to the conclusion that she'd left of her own accord as opposed to having been taken. He quickly looked through her things to see if there were any clues as to where she might have gone, but the back that had been waiting here for her had simply been things a woman might take with her on a weekend getaway; he hadn't seen nor did he now not see an address book or anything else that might provide a clue to where she'd disappeared.

Suddenly, glass was flying all about the room! Taylor dropped quickly to the floor and, trying to avoid the shards continuing to pollute the concrete, crawled quickly to the wall below dozens of regatta trophies and plaques and slammed a fist upon a long, narrow ventilation duct. The cover fell open, and in a flash, Taylor's hands were filled with weapons: a riot style shot gun, a small caliber rifle with scope, an AK-47 assault rifle, and a pair of pistols, as well as a duffel bag filled with the accompanying ammunition. He checked the assault rifle, finding it loaded, and moved to his knees, keeping his head down behind the wall.

A second round of automatic gun fire -- the actual shots silent to him -- cut through the building; they sent more glass and wood shards to the floor and cut through the furniture, trophies, scale model boats, and more. Taylor was very familiar with the surroundings beyond the boat house -- he'd been using the location as a safe house for a decade -- and simply by judging where the bullets were striking the wall and furnishings, he knew exactly where the gunman was shooting from. He waited for the current round of bullets to cease, then quickly stood, leveled the AK and fired it on automatic. The bullets ripped through a ticket stand just twenty yards away and, a moment later, a body fell to the ground.

Pain erupted in Taylor's bicep, and even before he realized he'd again been shot, he spun the weapon toward an abandoned row boat and emptied the rest of the rounds. He dropped back to his knees and quickly changed out the ammo clips. But ... there was no more fire.

Most people would have stuck their head up to look for more danger ... and likely gotten it blown off by a marksman. Instead, Taylor gather the weapons he wanted -- the small caliber rifle, the shotgun, and the small revolver -- as well as the tablet and phone and hurried to the trap door, which lead to the sewer system and, ultimately, the subway system...

Taylor never knew who was shooting at him -- the bad guys or the other bad guys -- but he knew that he had to find Alysa before she took a bullet that his enemies would rather have put in him. He took a risk, using the phone to call his contact, who knew nothing. "Do me a favor. Run a thorough back ground check on someone for me ... Newport, Alysa Newport. I'll text you the details I have via the secure channel, but I have to tell you ... it isn't much. Oh, and by the way ... if anyone knows you're doing this, they'll terminate you."

The contact acknowledged the danger and ended the call, and Taylor smashed the phone and tossed the remains into a sewer. In the growing light of morning, he headed off to yet another supposedly safe safe-house to wait for word...

It would be a while...
The pounding of her heart echoed in her ears with each long stride she took, running as fast as she could to get away from …, from what, TY. Her mind asked with each step she took that pushed her further away from him. She slowed down and looked a back across the bay toward the area she just left. Her mind heavy with guilt and many questions raging but only one was the most important of them all, and that was why. Why did she abandon him for all that he has done for her? She closed her eyes as her mind answered harshly ‘because you’re not a whore! He only wanted a one-time bang. Nevertheless, her heart said something completely different.

She lowered her head, thought about going back, going back to him, and try to patch things up. It was just the stress of what is going on, and the heat of the moment that crashed together and brought uncertainty between them, at least this is what she was telling herself. She took a deep breath and gazed back over the bay wondering what he was doing. Was he okay? Was he out looking for her? Alternatively, did he even care that she was gone for his other woman informed him to ditch the chick. “Grrr” She bit the bottom of her lip, as she didn’t know what she should do..

“Damn-it” she gritted her teeth. “Get a hold of yourself.,” she yelled to herself. She wanted to be with him was the next thing that shot up from her heart and got her feet going back the other way. Just as fast as she ran away, she was running back to him. Her only thought was diving into his arms the moment she spotted him, and this time whatever he wanted he could have. The images of seeing him again shot outward from her core, her momentum was faster than her legs could go and she tumbled headfirst making a roll that any commando would be proud of she spun right back up and was running within seconds of the tumble.

The closer she got to the building the more she noticed the bullet holes and shattered glass. Her heart shot up to her throat as the fear that he was inside dead made her fall to her knees and puke what little she had in her stomach. Tears swelled up in her eyes as she forced herself to stand. “No..No..NO..” she cried as she was hesitant to walk inside. She took a deep breath and headed for the door…Then she felt an extreme pain in her chest before everything went black…