The Prescient Rand


Libertarian Sage
Oct 11, 2022
From: Five Ways Rand Predicted America's Political Crises, from Parents Spurned to Cancel Culture.
Kerry J. Byrne, Fox News

1. Rand foresaw America's tragic failures in education
2. Rand warned against government encroaching on parental rights and authority
3. Rand predicted the intellectual dangers of victimhood
4. Rand warned that ever-larger government would stifle intellectual freedom
5. Rand argued that Capitalism would perish in a society cowed by cancel culture
Libertarian idolizes another libertarian.

That's nice.

Hint: I'm not the topic and where were you when Izzy was just yesterday blasting me for being a faux Libertarian?

I mean, as long as this is about posters and not politics or topics...
Deflecting to Izzy is fun.

This isn't a politics post...this is an admiration post. All Rand did in your list there is spew libertarian ideology. You do that all the time.
Rand was a rank hypocrite. She accepted Social Security checks when her books stopped selling. You know that toxic socialism she railed about that would destroy the country. If she truly loved America she would have rejected that handout and written something salable. Nope a fraud. Just like every libertarian.
The last Rand fan or two here had a penchant for underage females. Is that a Rand fan thing?
Rand was a rank hypocrite. She accepted Social Security checks when her books stopped selling. You know that toxic socialism she railed about that would destroy the country. If she truly loved America she would have rejected that handout and written something salable. Nope a fraud. Just like every libertarian.
This ranks as one of the years stupidest posts.