The menstrual cycle thread shut down, but there wasn’t the usual stuff. What’s up, mod?


Literotica Whisperer
Aug 10, 2003
I’ll avoid returning to the topic, but naming the thread is necessary.

But there wasn’t any of the more typical descents into name calling, threats, trolling, personal attacks, etc., (unless there were some actually deleted/removed posts I never saw) to put it in lockdown status. But it’s locked. Also another thread (one I didn’t pay much attention to) also locked, again without “the usual” reasons for locking.

Just curious…. Mod?
We seem to be seeing random thread locks.

I’ve personally asked for threads to be deleted, but only when ill-advisedly moved to the Politics Board.

What gives @AH_Mod ?

I was going to comment on the other thread: 'sanpro' is a UK term for 'sanitary protection' - tampons, sanitary towels, pantyliners, cups.

It was invented about 15 years ago to enable a debate in Parliament to get VAT reduced on such items, on the grounds that (male?) MPs were too embarrassed to talk about tampons and periods on TV, so was first notably used by Gordon Brown (can't recall if he was PM or still Chancellor at the time).

VAT (value-added tax, basically sales tax on almost everything except basic food) was reduced to the legal minimum rather than 15%. Did prices of such things go down? They did not - but supermarkets started producing their own much cheaper versions, because they weren't paying a fortune to tell you you could magically master volleyball and skiing if you used their tampons...
VAT (value-added tax, basically sales tax on almost everything except basic food) was reduced to the legal minimum rather than 15%. Did prices of such things go down? They did not - but supermarkets started producing their own much cheaper versions, because they weren't paying a fortune to tell you you could magically master volleyball and skiing if you used their tampons...
I was bitterly disappointed that Always Ultra didn't turn me overnight into a figure-skating champion. I complained to the ASA but didn't get a response...
I'm guessing the thread lock for the blood one was possibly related to sharing 'private' communications, since there was another thread a while back that got locked with that being one of the reasons. I don't recall anyone being named, but possibly there was enough information to guess? Or maybe it got reported by the beta-reader?
I wouldn't be too worried unless it doesn't come back in a month.
The OP asked for it to be deleted. I felt it had too many responses and not much in the way of bad behavior for that, so I settled on locking it so it would sink off page 1 in short order.
The OP asked for it to be deleted. I felt it had too many responses and not much in the way of bad behavior for that, so I settled on locking it so it would sink off page 1 in short order.
Ok. Fair enough.
Ugh, why won't this topic just die?! 😅

I posted the thread for two reasons

1) I wanted genuine input on a disagreement on how to improve my story.
2) I wanted to PLAYFULLY thumb my nose at one of my proofreaders, if everyone agreed with me.

Unfortunately, my short-sightedness made the issue appear as I'd I was genuinely ridiculing my proofreader and mocking him. That wasn't my intention or my goal.

Apparently, I unintentionally misrepresented his opinions to start with, and he pointed that out to me.

It was his idea for me to post the screenshots. I would not have done that without his permission.

I just wanted the whole issue to go away, so I asked the Mod to delete it, but he locked it instead.

I sincerely apologize to my beta-reader, and I learned an important lesson from this experience.

Now for the Love of Pete, just let this topic die. Please 🥺😭
Ugh, why won't this topic just die?! 😅

I posted the thread for two reasons

1) I wanted genuine input on a disagreement on how to improve my story.
2) I wanted to PLAYFULLY thumb my nose at one of my proofreaders, if everyone agreed with me.

Unfortunately, my short-sightedness made the issue appear as I'd I was genuinely ridiculing my proofreader and mocking him. That wasn't my intention or my goal.

Apparently, I unintentionally misrepresented his opinions to start with, and he pointed that out to me.

It was his idea for me to post the screenshots. I would not have done that without his permission.

I just wanted the whole issue to go away, so I asked the Mod to delete it, but he locked it instead.

I sincerely apologize to my beta-reader, and I learned an important lesson from this experience.

Now for the Love of Pete, just let this topic die. Please 🥺😭