The Empty Nest(closed)

She wanted to die. Just sink into this pommel horse and disappear. He wasn’t suppose to find out about her going commando tonight. It was just something she had done on the spur of the moment and had felt sexy to her.

"Aren't you a dirty girl."

His voice in her ear made a delightful shiver slide down her spine but what had nearly made her come off that leather horse was the light slap on her ass he gave her. He set her clit to throbbing and made her pussy clench with need. Cara wasn’t sure that Bill required a further verbal response from her, however, he got a low, guttural moan from her deep in her throat as the wand was doing its job. She just couldn’t take it anymore and rubbed her clit against the horse.

“Bill…. Oh god, Bill…. I want… I want…..”

Her voice trailed off into another moan. The wand was pressed right up against her cervix and turned her blood into fire that raced throughout her body. She spread her legs even wider apart, pushing her ass up into his hand. Cara couldn’t remember when the last was that she had felt this turned on. It wasn’t only the wand in her pussy or the sounds, scents and people around her, but it was mainly Bill himself. She never would have guessed how commanding her could be. He had always been so easy going and she was finding out that she liked this side of him.
Every nerve in Bill's body was on fire and his heart race seeing how turned on she was. This was normally this point where he couldn't wait to sink himself into her but in the moment he had no intention of doing that. No, this was about her, turning her on and giving her pleasure and the excitement he felt in doing it. It was a new paradigm for him, far different from the traditional program they seemed to have always followed with minimal variation.

He could feel there were eyes on them. Watching as he took her to the edge and it excited him even more knowing that they were there.

"Cum for us!" he growled out as his hand slapped against her ass again leaving a faint crimson outline of his palm where it had landed.

Steve had just walked out of the dungeon room disappointed that it was full when he stopped dead in his tracks and grabbed Marsha's wrist.

"Look!" he sputtered out in amazement seeing Cara pressed against the horse with Bill working the wand into her from behind her.

Marsha jumped a little when Bill's hand landed on Cara's ass and she gripped Steve's hand tighter as she started to walk closer to watch what was going on.
"Cum for us!"

This time he hit her ass harder than before and she was amazed (and delighted) how royally turned on she was. She wanted Bill’s cock inside her but instead, he was using the wand on her and she didn’t give two damns who saw or knew it. She was so into the moment between her and Bill. She could feel the heat rising from his latest slap to her ass and it caused her to whimper as she let her body spasm right then and there on the leather horse.

“Bill! Yes… oh… yes….”

Her hands gripped the horse as she pressed back against the instrument inside her and felt it vibrate throughout her body. The height of her sexual arousal seemed to go on and on. Her body quaking violently as she rode out her orgasm.
When her body started to quake Bill turned the knob on the wand down lowering the intensity as she rode out her orgasm against the horse. It was so incredibly erotic to see her body virtually explode like it did and it only served to ignite his imagination of things to come.

As her body fell still he slipped the waned from her then lowered her dress to cover her ass as she took a moment to recover.

"That was so fucking hot!" he said to her as he turned her towards him and wrapped his arms around her kissing her deeply.

As their lips parted he turned towards the table to find Steve and Marsha standing only feet away with huge grin's on their faces.

"I see you two are making yourself right at home." Steve said as his smile continued to beam. "Let's get another drink and we'll see what other trouble we can get you into."

Bill gave Cara's hand a squeeze and looked over at her making sure she was alright. Two weeks ago when he started the conversation with her he never in his wildest dreams imagined feeling as close to her as he did in that moment.
Cara was thankful that Bill turned down the wand and she was further thankful that he understood her. Bill removed the wand from her body and put it in the receptacle marked “Used”. He reached down, turned her around and drew her up against his body.

"That was so fucking hot!"

His words made her blush and she would have buried her face into his shoulder except that she felt his lips against hers as he kissed her deeply. She responded in kind and melted against him. As he withdrew from her lips, keeping his arm around her, they turned and both of them saw their friends, grinning from ear to ear, standing there. She wasn’t sure just how much they witnessed but from their grins, a lot.

"I see you two are making yourself right at home."

Steve said, still grinning, "Let's get another drink and we'll see what other trouble we can get you into."

The four of them turned and walked back to their table. As they sat down, Cara’s eyes were drawn to what was going on around them. When Bill squeezed her hand she turned her eyes toward him and she reassured him with a soft smile and squeezed his hand back. Her body was still throbbing from the orgasm he gave her. Marsha leaned over to whisper in her ear.

“That good, hm?”

Cara grinned.

“Oh yeah.... Marsha….”

Cara’s voice held a cautious, hesitant tone.


She could tell Marsha was curious.

“Let’s go to the Ladies Room for a moment.”

“Okay. If you gentlemen will excuse us.”

Marsha grabbed Cara by the hand and pulled her out of her seat and without waiting for the guys’ acknowledgement, headed toward the bathrooms. Once they were inside, Marsha turned toward Cara.

“So, what did you want to tell me.”

Cara wasn’t use to being so open with someone but this mattered. A lot.

“Marsha, do you and Steve… well…. do you have sex here in the club with other people? You don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to.”

Marsha smiled.

“Of course we do. Steve and I understand each other and having sex with someone else helps our sex life. Like we’ve said before, ‘What happens in the Club, stays in the Club.’ I think I also mentioned that you can find anything you want here. Why do you ask?”

“Well, I was thinking… would you mind… uh… er… fucking my husband?”

Marsha’s eyes went wide with surprise.

“Are you sure about this? I don’t want anything to ruin our relationship, Cara.”

“I’m sure. Bill just gave me a mind-blowing orgasm, but I want him to experience something just as mind blowing.”

In all the years of their marriage, Bill had never cheated on her. They had always been faithful to each other. It was one of the things that kept them together. She had often wondered about other men and she had seen Bill looking at other women. Though she wasn’t sure what he actually thought about having sex with another woman.

“I’m not sure how Bill feels about having sex with another woman, maybe you could….” Cara got a huge, wicked grin on her face, “feel him out about it? I never thought I’d say this but, I think I’m going to enjoy watching him with another woman.”

At that moment, Cara realized that she meant what she said. She was curious to see Bill with another woman. What the hell had gotten into her?
When the girls stepped away to the ladies room Steve leaned across the table and gave Bill another huge grin.

"I have to say I'm was more than a little surprised to find you two up there. When you walked in it looked like you were going to throw up and then BAM, you're putting on a pretty hot display for most of the club. Did you see how many people were watching?"

Bill hadn't really noticed but he had felt eyes on them. He nervously looked over each shoulder to see if people were still looking at him before returning his gaze to Steve.

"I was kind of surprised myself but I felt like if we sat here too long it was going to be like picking where we want to go for dinner with both of us saying 'I don't know, what do you feel like?' and I didn't want us to waste the night like that." Bill looked back over his shoulder towards the door the girls disappeared into to make sure they hadn't emerged yet before continuing. "I've never done anything like that in my life but once I got up there it was like a calm fell over me and I felt so under control."

Steve nodded knowingly as a wry grin spread across his lips. "It's funny how being in control helps you feel in control isn't it."

The logic was so simple that it almost knocked Bill out of his chair. In his career he'd always felt the weight of being the leader of an organization and the responsibility he felt for everyone that worked for him but in this instance it was freeing in a way he hadn't expected.

"So what did you guys do?" he asked, curious what they had managed to get into and out of so quickly.

"Sadly nothing. The room we wanted to try out was full so we were dropping back to regroup when we happened upon you two."

Bill thought for a quick moment then laughed. "Probably lucky that you did because after that I'm all out of ideas. Maybe we can find something together?"

He'd missed the opportunity to ask them to help guide them earlier so he didn't want to let the opportunity pass again even though, now that the ice was broken, he felt like he and Cara could wander the space and pick something that looked appealing to them.

"We'll see what the girls feel like when they get back. I'm sure they're in there cooking up some crazy idea now." Steve replied just as the girls emerged from the restroom.

"So you're saying they weren't peeing?" Bill added with a feigned look of surprise on his face.
The girls headed back toward their table, their heads still pressed close together and talking animatedly. Marsha had, at some point earlier, discarded her street clothing and was just in her bra and g-string panties. Cara didn’t have the confidence nor the willingness to walk around like that but she had nothing against anyone else doing so, if they wished. She had always admired Marsha. The woman was tall, slim, rounded and spunky as hell, not to mention sexy as hell walking around in her underthings, stockings and high heels, as if she owned the place.

Marsha retook her seat next to Bill.

“What are you guys talking about?”

Marsha leaned forward to take a sip of her new drink before settling back in her chair again, this time letting one of her hands rest on Bill’s thigh. Cara, in the meantime, was sitting back in her chair and watching Marsha and Bill. Marsha’s fingernails trailed lightly up and down Bill’s inner thigh lazily, coming to rest at the top and delicately raked across his balls before scraping across the line of his cock, in his pants. Marsha looked over at Cara with a big grin and winked.

“Bill, how about we go see if one of those rooms are open yet?”

Marsha’s voice was sultry and low. Cara grinned at the both of them.

While in the Ladies room, Marsha had outlined her plan. Cara didn’t have a problem with it. Marsha also told her that it would be one of the rooms where Cara and Steve could watch from another small private antechamber. Marsha mentioned that Steve liked to watch her. Now… it was all up to Bill.
"Oh you know, just guy talk." Bill said as the girls took their seats.

He had just taken a sip of his drink when Marsha's hand came to rest on his thigh. He gave a nervous glance toward Cara then Steve but neither seemed to have noticed or cared. Marsha wasn't really doing anything to hide it so he assumed it was just a friendly gesture as he settled back in his chair.

The brush of her nails along his inner thigh was sending shockwaves throughout his entire body that only got more intense the higher her hand drifted up his thigh then brushed against his crotch. He had no idea what was happening and everything in him was screaming that he should put a stop to it but he couldn't. Just moments before he'd felt as in control as he'd ever felt in his life but that feeling came crashing to an end as Marsha's finger traced the outline of his cock straining against his slacks.

“Bill, how about we go see if one of those rooms are open yet?” she said, nodding over towards where she and Steve had disappeared to earlier.

Bill gave a nervous look again to Cara and it was met with a broad grin from her telling him that it was ok.

"Ummm, sure. That sounds great." he said, taking along sip of his drink that emptied the glass.

Pushing up from the table he took her hand in his, trying to seem as confident as he could as she led him towards the rooms. He couldn't help but feel like a lamb being led to slaughter but he also couldn't deny the excitement that was causing his heart to beat nearly out of his chest.

"What are you two up to?" Steve asked Cara with a devious smile as the two walked out of earshot.
"What are you two up to?"

Wearing a wicked grin of her own, Cara impulsively grabbed Steve’s hand and tugged him along.

“Come on, I’ll show you.”

Steve, being far more acquainted with the club, knew exactly where Cara was leading him. Cara opened the small observation door that Marsha had pointed out earlier. While in the bathroom, Marsha had borrowed Cara’s phone and called the club, reserving the room they were all in now. Closing the door behind him, Steve then went to the front of the small room and pulled a cord that opened the window. Marsha and Bill.

“Get out of here. Seriously?!”

Steve turned an incredulous face toward Cara, causing her grin wider. There were several windows surrounding them but only one had a one-way window, the very room Steve and she were standing in. For Steve’s part he couldn’t believe what he was seeing through the window. Marsha and Bill. He hadn’t taken Bill for someone who could fool around with other women.

Marsha was stripping Bill of his clothing until he was buck naked. She then led him over to what Steve explained was a St. Andrew’s Cross. At each end of the cross were leather shackles and Marsha was in the process of securing Bill’s naked body to that cross. Cara was fascinated. She didn’t take her eyes off of Bill’s face. After securing Bill, Marsha picked up a feather and began teasing Bill with it. She ran the edge of the feather over Bill’s fingertips, then across his palms before she slowly moved it over the tops of his arms, not underneath. Clearly, Marsha had done this type of thing before. Cara watched silently as the feather moved over Bill’s neck and down his chest. It paused before getting to his crotch. Marsha said something to Bill and continued. The soft feather glided down to caress Bill’s balls then using just the tip, Marsha traced a line up across the underside of Bill’s rigid cock and stopped just below the head.

Steve came up behind Cara, putting his hands on her hips. His voice low in her ear from behind.

“Enjoying the show, Cara? Marsha’s good at what she does.”

Steve’s hands wandered over the firm curve of Cara’s ass.

“I just love your ass, especially when I saw Bill smack it.”

She felt Steve’s lips on the back of her neck. Felt him take her hand and place it, palm side down against the glass before he did the same to the other one.

“Don’t move your hands from the glass, Cara and keep watching Marsha.”

She didn’t need any encouragement from Steve there. She couldn’t take her eyes away from the scene happening in front of her if she had wanted to. In the meantime, Steve’s hands roamed up her back and then back down over her ass before traveling back up and bringing her dress with them, bunching it at the small of her back.

“Spread your legs for me, pretty lady.”

Steve crooned to her as he got down on his knees and kissed the inside of her thigh.

“That’s it, Cara. Just like that. Good girl.”

The next thing Cara felt was Steve’s mouth on her mound. She felt his tongue invade her body just as Marsha threw away the feather and got down on her knees herself, first palming Bill’s balls then taking one, then the other into her mouth before pulling them both in and gently rolling them around. Cara saw Bill’s head toss back, his hands clench in their captivity. Steve pushed a finger up into her as his mouth found her clit and began sucking on it. Cara’s hips pushed back against his finger and mouth as she moaned softly. Cara wasn’t sure what was turning her more, watching the other two in the room in front of her or what Steve was doing. Steve got to his feet and Cara felt soaking wet and throbbing but Steve wasn’t done with her yet. His fingers latched around her wrists. His voice was back in her ear and his hard cock was rubbing against the crack of her ass as he pressed his body into hers.

“Like what you see, Cara? Marsha’s about ready to suck your husband off and I’m going to fuck you, but not just yet.”

Steve’s cock slipped between her legs and rubbed against her lips and pushed against her swollen clit. Cara’s hips slid back until her ass touched his lower belly. Steve’s hands came up to squeeze her breasts.

“You ready for me, Cara?”

“Fuck me, Steve. Please… fuck me….” came her whispered response.

Cara’s eyes were fastened to the scene being played out before her. Marsha’s lips poised over Bill’s rock hard cock for just a moment before her lips sank around it and she swallowed him whole. Steve’s low moan filled Cara’s ears. She hadn’t realized he was looking over her shoulder at the other two. She felt the head of Steve’s cock tease her outer lips before sinking inward. One of Steve’s hands left her wrist for a moment before returning. The next thing Cara heard were the actual sounds coming from the room in front of them. The sounds of Bill and Marsha filled their little room. Steve leaned back and began fucking Cara in earnest. Cara could feel her orgasm building as her hands pushed against the safety glass. Her hips bucked back against Steve’s. Cara watched as Bill’s hips came off the cross as he strained against his bindings. He was cumming for Marsha, filling her mouth with himself. Steve’s fingers found her clit and rubbed it, pushing Cara over the edge as well. Steve wasn’t far behind her. When it was all over, Cara leaned against the glass for a moment or so. Steve leaned against her before he tugged her dress down and pulled his pants up.

“Come on. I can use a drink after that. How about you?”

Cara glanced at him and gave a little laugh.

“I could use a drink too.”

They left the other couple to themselves as Steve and Cara left the small room and wandered back to their table.
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When Marsha led Bill into the room he was nearing a full fledge panic. As the door closed behind them she pinned him to it and kissed him deeply for a moment before Bill planted his hands on her shoulders then pushed her away.

"I can't.... Cara" He stammered out but unable to get away.

"Who do you think asked me to do this?" Marsha said as her hand traveled down his chest then came to rest on his cock as it strained against the zipper. "This one doesn't seem to mind either" She added with a playful squeeze.

"She did?" he asked stunned at the idea what she would have agreed to this but the grin she'd given them before they left told him it was likely true.

"She did. Now are we going to talk about this all night or are we going to have some fun?"

Bill was only able to manage a weak nod unsure of whether he could bring himself to go through with this. Fortunately for him Marsha didn't plan on giving him much of an option as she started to slowly unbutton his shirt as she nibbled lightly on his ear lobes.

"Holy Shit!" Bill breathed out as his hand worked it's way up Marsha's side then to her breast.

"No touching!" she said as she smacked his hand away.

Marsha pulled Bill's shirt over his shoulders then discarded it on the floor before pressing her body against his. She looked into his eyes and ran her tongue seductively over her lips as she unfastened his belt then slowly lowered his zipper.

"It seemed like you liked being in control. He's going to see how you respond when the shoe is on the other foot." she said as as she shoved his pants and boxers down past his hips.

Bill let out a low groan then stepped out of one then the other shoe to allow his pants to fall to the floor. Marsha lowered to her knees being sure that her hair bushed against his hard cock as she slipped his socks from his feet then stood and led him over to the St. Andrews Cross.

"Whaa.. What are you going to do?" he asked eyeing the cross.

The look of it was intimidating and he was sure she was going to bind him to it. What would happen next was the most concerning to him since he'd have no way to stop anything she was going to do. "Just relax, you trust her." he told himself as she guided his hands into place then fastened them in. Through all his nervousness Bill's cock never wavered at all.

When she began to drag the feather lightly across his skin it sent shivers up and down Bill’s spine that only got more intense as she moved it across his neck then down his chest and stomach.

“Are you still worried about Cara?” Marsha asked as she teased going lower.

“No!” Bill said breathelessly.

“Do you want me to go lower?” She asked again.

“Yes.” Bill urged eagerly.

“You don’t sound convincing.”

“Please!” He said through a whispery breath.

“Very well.” She said as she moved the feather lower tracing it across his balls then up the underside of his shaft.

“Fuck, that’s amazing!” Bill moaned out.

“Just wait.” Marsha said as she cupped his balls then caressed them.

Not being able to move his hands, to touch her, to enact his will was driving him crazy with anticipation.

“Oh god!” He let out with a gasp as his head fell back and he fought against his restraints trying to get free so that he could touch her.

She took one then the other into her mouth teasing what was to come.

“Tell me where you want my mouth.” Marsha urged as she positioned her waiting mouth torturously close to the head of his cock.

“I want you to suck my dick.” Bill blurted out embarrassed at how badly he wanted to feel the sensation of her lips slowly dragging down the length of his cock.

Marsha leaned forward taking him into her mouth then slowly took him deeper until her lips met the base of his cock then held there for a moment before withdrawing.

Bill let out a loud moan. It had been so long since Cara had given him head he’d forgotten how amazing it felt. It only took a few minutes before Bill sent thick ropes of cum against the back of Marsha’s throat. He was almost embarrassed at how quickly she’d made him come.

“that was amazing!” He sputtered out as she rocked back on her heels then wiped the corners of her mouth.

“I’m glad you enjoyed.” That’s what it’s like to be on the other side of the power dynamic so use it wisely.

Bill nodded enthusiastically as she released the bindings around his wrists.

“Now let’s go see what your lovely bride is up to. I’m sure Steve has been taking good care of her.”

When she said it, that was the first time Bill had considered that Steve might have been doing something similar to Cara. There was a moment of apprehension until the visual of her in the throes of ecstasy with him went through his mind and it made his heart race.

“Yes, let’s.” He said before getting dressed and returning to the table to find the other two.
Steve and Cara were softly chatting and idly enjoying a drink when the other two returned.

“Welcome back,” Cara piped up watching Bill.

“Here you go, Bill. Have your seat back. I was just keeping your lovely wife company while you were gone,”

Steve gave Cara a wink and went to sit with Marsha, whom he kissed as he sat down. As Bill rejoined her, Cara put her head on his shoulder and yawned.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I wonder how late it is. “

It wasn’t as if they had to be to work the following morning because it was Saturday. Cara still was trying to process everything they had been through tonight. Never in her wildest dreams…. Never would she have thought that they would go as far as they had tonight. She quickly glanced at Bill. She wondered what he was thinking. Leaning up, she whispered in his ear.

“Bill, would I be a party pooper if I asked if we could go home? I’m getting a bit tired, I guess.”

She really didn’t want to spoil his evening if he was having fun, but between her emotions and having a couple of explosive orgasms, only one of which came by her husband, Cara was ready to call it a night for their first evening to Impulse. However, if Bill really wanted to stay they would and she told him as much.
Bill didn’t even bother to look at his watch when Cara said she was ready to go. If she was tired or even pretending to be that was good enough for him. A part of him wondered if she’d had second thoughts about sending him off with Marsha and she was trying to politely extract them before anything more happened.

Bill stood from his chair then offered Cara his hand to guide her up.

“Sorry if we’re cutting the evening short but we should be going.” Bill said as he rounded the table and shook Steve’s hand then gave Marsha a hug. “Thank you so much for tonight.”

There was an awkwardness that Bill felt when I he thanked them. He knew Steve likely knew or soon would know what happened but he didn’t really know the etiquette for showing appreciation for another man sharing his wife with you.

“Not at all, we’ll head out too.” Steve said before walking to the front door with them.

At the car, they said one last goodnight before climbing into the car. Bills started the car then put it into gear before pausing then putting it back in park.

“So do we talk about the details of what happened?” He asked unsure what she knew or what she wanted to know. He also wanted to know if there was any truth to his suspicion about what happened with her and Steve or if she had any second thoughts about any of it.
Cara was silent as Bill helped her into the car before he got in and headed out. So much to absorb.

“So do we talk about the details of what happened?”

“Do you want to talk about the details?”

Was her comeback. Cara was unsure if she wanted to or not. There had always been transparency in their relationship. However, much of the time, they didn’t make time to discuss their relationship or what was going on or the lack thereof. To be honest, she wasn’t sure what Bill was going to think if she told him what had happened with Steve. She wouldn’t lie to Bill, she had never lied to him, ever. If he asked her directly, she would tell him, openly and honestly. Still, there was considerable trepidation on her part as she waited for him to answer her question.

The car was eating up the miles to their house. The headlights shone along the black asphalt. The night had darkened around them. Watching Bill with Marsha, kind of made her sad in one sense. She hadn’t seen him that excited in a long time. She couldn’t remember the last time she had Bill’s cock buried down her throat. For her, it was an act of intimacy not just sex. Her hand snaked out and rested lightly on his thigh.
Bill wasn't really ready for her to turn the question back on him the way she did and the whole exchange laid bare some of the risks involved in what they were doing. The whole thing, at least for him, just happened and he didn't really know if he could sit there and describe what Cara's friend had done to him without her specifically asking. It put him out on a limb he wasn't sure he wanted to be on and he was guessing by Cara turning it back on him, she wasn't exactly sure either.

"Maybe that's something we should leave for another time then." he said finally.

It had been a fun night and it seemed like they both enjoyed it so he wasn't eager to push them into a conversation that could easily go south and set them back. When her hand landed on his thigh he gave it a reassuring squeeze then held her hand for the rest of the quiet drive home as he began to ponder what he should expect then they got there. It was another gray area that he hadn't really considered.

As hot as things had gotten at the club should he expect that it was going to carry over into when they got home? Would it be confined to the club since they'd both been satisfied in their own way? By the time he pulled into the garage the complexities of it all seemed to have snowballed in his mind and it started to feel like the less that was said the worse it would get.

The walked into the stillness of their darkened house and he turned on the light as he entered the kitchen then walked over to the half full bottle of wine still on the counter.

"If you're not too tired I think I would like to tell you about what happened." he said before pouring a couple glasses.

Bill leaned against the counter and handed Cara her glass. When she took it, Bill took her hand and turned her back to him and wrapped his arms around her waist. He wasn't quite sure where to start so after swallowing hard he started from the beginning.

"Well she took me into one of the rooms then undressed me." He started to whisper softly into her ear.

When he got to the part where she used the feather on him he lightly traced his finger along Cara's body to demonstrate the path of the feather hoping the seductiveness of his touch did something sooth any difficulties she might have in hearing it.

"And then, she took me in her mouth." he stammered out before falling silent and wondering what she thought of it.

He knew that telling her his was a risk but it was one he had to take in the moment and she could only get so mad if she put Martha up to it. He just hoped the reality of it happening wasn't more than she was bargaining for. After a moment of silence he squeezed her tight then took a sip of his wine.

"How does that make you feel hearing what happened?"
There were a good many emotions Cara was still processing. Nothing bad, she was just trying to sort herself out. So when Bill mentioned just leaving it for another time, part of her felt relieved. There was another part of her that felt like the longer they went without discussing things, any manner of doubts would fill their minds. Still, the drive home was quiet.

"If you're not too tired I think I would like to tell you about what happened."

Cara shook her head as she accepted the glass of wine from him.

“I’m not too tired,” she replied softly.

However, she wasn’t prepared for what Bill did next. She found herself leaning back against him, his arms wrapped around her and his voice, low in her ear.

"Well she took me into one of the rooms then undressed me," he began.

Part of her was listening to him, the other part of her mind was envisioning what she and Steve had witnessed. Although, she was pretty sure this wasn’t the first time Steve had watched his wife have sex with another man. It certainly was the first time she had ever had sex with another man while watching her husband with someone else.

His finger tracing along her skin, made goosebumps appear and caused her to shiver. By the time he wrapped up summary of what Marsha and he had done, she was weak in the knees again. She took a sip of wine for instant courage. She studied the contents of her glass as she quietly told him.

“I know, Bill. Steve and I were in the observation room and watched you both and how did it make me feel? Partly sad, partly envious and mostly happy. Sad because it made me think when was the last time I gave you a blow job? Envious because as I watched your face, I wanted it to be me that was making you feel the way you were feeling then and happy because I wanted you to have a mind-blowing orgasm like the one you gave me.”

Cara turned slowly in his arms until she was facing him and mindful of their wine, she leaned up to kiss him.

“I know there is more to our relationship than sex, but I think it was a good first start, don’t you?”
Bill was stunned to hear that Cara and Steve were in a room observing what was going on. He could only imagine the mixed emotions that Cara must have had watching that play out in front of her and he felt guilty for making her watch just how much he enjoyed Marsha's mouth taking him in.

He kissed her deeply when she turned in her arms and held her quietly for a moment considering what she'd said.

"I know our relationship his about more than sex and I want you to know that regardless of what happens I love you more than anything else in the world." He paused for a moment letting his next though solidify. "Maybe tonight was just about us remembering just how powerful desire is for ourselves so that we can start to share it with each other."

He knew he could have worded that better and made it more clear and it might just have been a rationalizing for what happened but in the moment it made sense.

"So did you and Steve just watch?" he asked after another long moment.
"So did you and Steve just watch?"

So there it was. The question she had been dreading, not knowing how he was going to react. The reassurances of his love for her went a long way, but the fear remained. How was he going to feel? Cara gently pulled away from him and went to look out of their plate glass sliding doors that overlooked the city.

“No,” her soft voice came hesitantly, “we didn’t just watch.”

She wasn’t sure just how much detail he wanted or if he wanted any at all.

“Does that bother you?”

She continued to stare out of the sliding glass door and sipped her wine. All of this had happened so fast. She hadn’t expected the night to go as it had, but she wasn’t sorry for giving Marsha the green light to give Bill a blowjob.

“We were watching through the window. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you and Steve came up behind me, placed my hands on the glass and told me not to move them. Then I felt him kneel down between my legs. He fucked me with his tongue and fingers before getting back up and putting his cock inside me. He rode me from behind until we both came and never once did I take my eyes off of you…. when you came, I came.”

It was quiet behind her for a long moment or maybe it was longer than that. She couldn’t into the glass to find his image. Instead, she focused on the lights of the city before her, nervously twirling the stem of her glass in her fingers.

“I kept thinking… I wish it had been you.”

The last fell away in a whisper.

“I love you, Bill. I always will. You will always be first with me no matter where our intimate relationship takes us. I learned a few things tonight.”
Bill listened as she described what happened. It wasn’t a shock to him. He suspected something had happened and he didn’t draw much of a distinction between getting a blowjob and Steve fucking her.

She fell silent then continued to start out the window and let him process what she’d said but his feeling about it was evident to him from the moment she started to describe it. Slowly, Bill walked up behind her then took her free hand and placed it against the glass before taking her wine glass and putting her other hand next to it.

“Maybe this time it can be.” He said as he set the glasses down on the floor by their feet then raised the hem of her dress just as she described Steve doing it.

His tongue drew along the length of her folds then parted her as his hands gripped her ass.

“Like this?” He whispered before darting his tongue into her damp passage.

He hand slipped around her thigh then found her clit and he started to stroke it as he fucked her with his tongue. After a few more moments he rose to his feet then unfastened his belt then lowered his pants, teasing his cock between her damp folds.
She had been aware of Bill coming up behind her. She could feel his body heat radiating toward her. She thought he had come to look out at the city lights with her. When he had placed her hand on the sliding glass door, she had not thought anything of it, but then, he took her wineglass and was in the process of setting it down on the floor.

“Bill, what are you----"

He set her other hand beside the one already on the glass.

“Maybe this time it can be.”

Her breath caught in her throat as he lifted the back of her dress and felt his tongue on her skin.

“Like this?”

Oh dear heavens. Cara moaned as his tongue darted into her slickness. She nearly jumped out of her skin when his fingers found her swelling clit and stroked it. It wasn’t long after that that she felt Bill rise up, heard him unfasten his belt and let his pants fall to the floor at his feet but when she felt his rigid cock tease her, she came up on her toes and strained backwards.


It was a plea of needfulness and desire for the man behind her.
Bill guided himself into Cara then slowly pressed deeper as his hands traveled up her sides collecting the fabric of her dress as they climbed.

“God, you feel so good.” He breathed into her ear before closing his teeth around her earlobe and giving it a tug.

Bill picked up a slow streaky rhythm sending him deep inside her as his hands cupped her breasts. Anyone with a pair binoculars and the fortunate timing of being in the right place at the right time would have been treated to a show but he didn’t care. This was the passion he wanted to feel from Cara all this time and there was no way he was letting the moment slip by.

Letting his hands slide again down her body, Bill left one on her hip as the other tangled in her auburn hair. Wrapping a few strands around his fingers he pulled it taut then tugged her head back towards him.

“I don’t care what you do as long as you remember this pussy is mine.” He hissed into her ear as his pace increased and his hips slapped loudly against her ass.

It felt awkward for him to say but after tonight he knew he wanted to push beyond their normal patterns and try new things. He was sure some of them were going to land flat but hopefully some wouldn’t and it would give them something to build on.
Her inner muscles tightened around him as he pushed himself further into her, making her sigh.

“God, you feel so good.”

“Not as good as you do, “ she whispered back and then shivered as his teeth closed in on her earlobe and tugged.

His hands on her breasts made them swell. Her nipples tightened and poked into his palms. Then… his hand wrapped around some of her hair and tugged back, her head complied, making her neck taut.

“I don’t care what you do as long as you remember this pussy is mine.”

His voice susurrated in her ear, again, making her shiver as a ripple of delight streaked down her spine.

“Yes, Sir. Yours.” She whispered back.

She wasn’t sure where exactly this Bill had been hiding, but it certainly thrilled her. She ground her hips back against crotch, feeling the tip of his cock rub against her cervix.

“Oh god, Bill….” She whimpered, going up on her tiptoes as his cock slammed into her, backed up and slammed into her again.

Her hands, against the glass, braced her for Bill’s onslaught. Her clit hummed and pulsed even as her interior muscles rippled along his hardened length.
“Oh god, Bill….”

Bill's heart swelled as it pounded against his chest. There it was! That intense fire he'd so desperately wanted to hear in her voice. A bead of sweat trickled down his cheek and his damp skin glistened in the dim light filtering through the glass as he continued to pump into her.

"Fuck, I'm cumming." he sputtered out as his the rumbling sensation started to build deep inside him then worked its way to the surface.

Bill's hands fell to Cara's hips then gripped them tight as he drove deep into her one last time then shuddered as he erupted. His cock convulsed sending out thick streams as the shockwaves coursed through his body one after the other until he finally fell still. His breath still ragged, he pulled her tightly against him and tasted the salty sweat on her neck as he held her tight.

"I think we're going to like that place." he whispered through a long breath punctuated with a soft chuckle.
"Fuck, I'm cumming."

Those words thrilled her to the core. She felt him drive deep inside her one last time, felt him ripple, quiver and jerk into her depths. She felt him paint her insides with his hot cum. It made her cum. Again. Finally, he went still and pulled her away from the plate glass. His lips on her neck sent a tremor all the way through her.

"I think we're going to like that place."

She managed a small laugh as she rested against him.

“I think so too. Let’s go to bed. Suddenly, I’m terribly tired.”

She managed a chuckle. When was the last time he had worn her out? Their college days, maybe? No. More like when they were first married and before life as adults took over.

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

That night Cara slept spooned into Bill, sleeping the night away. Saturday morning came and she stretched her body. She felt alive and young, well, younger at any rate. She slipped from the bed, careful not to wake Bill and headed for the bathroom. A good, long soak in the bathtub was what she needed and looked forward to.
Bill woke to the sound of the tub filling then rolled onto his back with his head resting on his arms reflecting on the night before. The club did everything they expected it would for them and more but he wondered if they'd have to rely on it to keep that spark that had been re-ignited alive. He also wondered if things between them and Steve and Marsha would be different now? Was this a one time thing or would it start to become a habit. He couldn't possibly know the answer to any of these things but he was content to let things reveal themselves in their own time.

Climbing out of the bed he walked naked into the bathroom then crossed to Cara before giving her a kiss as she lay in the tub. He couldn't remember the last time he walked into the bathroom while she was in the tub without knocking or her not rolling over to conceal herself. It was just another reminder that things were starting to change for them.

"I'm going to make some coffee. You want a cup?" he asked as he allowed his eyes to drift over her body.
Bill walked into the bathroom without his usual knock. Her eyes followed him, wandering over his naked body. He crossed to the bathtub and leaned over to kiss her. Aware of his eyes on her own body even though most of it was covered in bubbles, she leaned up to meet him halfway.

"I'm going to make some coffee. You want a cup?"

Delectable. He asked her something. Oh, yeah. She pulled back slightly.

“I’d love a cup, darling. Thank you for asking.”

Her fingernails traced the outer side of his thigh. What in blue blazes had gotten into her since yesterday? It felt like going to Impulse had cracked open her libido. She silently wondered if they would need to keep going back there just to fan the flames. She hoped not. If anything, they should depend on one another. She just needed to remember to communicate with her sexy spouse here. She had seen him in two different lights last night and both of them turned her on tremendously.

“Hey,” she said softly while tickling the underside of his balls, “I enjoyed watching Marsha take control of your body last night and to repeat something someone said to me, I don’t care what you do with this,” she reached up and grabbed his cock tenderly, “but just remember, this, belongs to me.”

She didn’t want to give him a green light and want him to think she just didn’t care what he did. She did care. Mainly, she wanted to remember to whom he was married. She belonged to him as just as much as he belonged to her. She smirked up at him, her eyes glowing mischievously.