The Declaration of Apparent Orchestrated Intent

Double Speak

POST #723
Everytime something is said it can be taken at least 3 ways.

Realistically. The opposite of realistic, asin: a lie, or that third(other) way.

By what do I mean?
The president responds, “We have not yet redecorated this room . . . Given that we are in the midst of some very difficult economic times, we decided to hold off last year in terms of making some changes.”

Two weeks later, reports Attkisson in the book, a White House official contacts C-SPAN to say, “the Washington Post will be breaking the story of the President’s reported multi-million dollar renovation of the Oval Office,”

The code I found fixes this, turning everything into at least 50/50 when applied to context.
'There were 8 people hurt.'
1. 8 people were hurt.
2. No one was hurt.
3. those other things: were? 8=infinity, heart you strength brew


Another example:
“I want to assure you that this is not true and is not my opinion of you in any way, shape or form,” Orman wrote. “My reference to a ‘clown car’ was commenting on the near-endless number of political supporters of Senator [Pat] Roberts who have piled out of Washington to support him, none of whom I think are clowns. I certainly wasn't calling you - or any of the others supporting Senator Roberts - a ‘clown.’”

Speaking earlier last Friday, Orman derided the stream of GOP surrogates who have come to Kansas to boost Sen. Pat Roberts (R), a three-term incumbent. Political visitors have included Mitt Romney, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.). “It sort of seems like a Washington establishment clown car to me. Every day a new person comes out of that car,” Orman said.

It's obviously a war for posterity.
Now researchers in some the most highly respected universities in China, and increasingly in Europe and the U.S., are wedding Western techniques for analyzing complex biological systems to the Chinese notion of seeing the body as a networked whole.*


Is this article trying to tell me that this hasn't been happening all along?
Or does this article have the audacity to tell me that this hasn't been happening all along?

Either way.
Former congressman Tom Tancredo wants Republicans in Congress “to immediately file articles of impeachment against the president” if he uses executive action to block the deportation of some undocumented immigrants.

“If Republicans capture the majority in the U.S. Senate as now appears almost certain,” Tancredo explains in his weekend*WorldNetDaily column, the GOP congressional leadership should gather the “courage to follow the Constitution and impeach the man.”

I say do it anyway. Who cares if they win? There is more than enough to build a case against the guy.

Bad Presidents are bad for everyone everywhere.
Correct New Math

SO: Considering POST #S 766 &769

What are the chances that a death from something else gets classified as an E BOLA death?
What are the chances of that----^ Considering this unverifiable article released on election day?:

What are the chances of that same question considering this article, which has a perfectly reasonable explaination (even though it's a guess):
"The powers were derived from the Ebola emergency regulations the country is currently under," Koroma said, without detailing the charges against the journalist or specifying the length of his detention.

lol @ over
“When*Eric Holder*wants to know why he was the first attorney general held in criminal contempt of*Congress, he can read the judge’s order that compelled the production of 64,280 pages that he and President Obama illegitimately and illegally withheld from*Congress,” saidRep. Darrell E. Issa, California Republican and chairman of the House Oversight Committee.
Initially, the*Justice Department*assured*Congress*that no guns were ever knowingly allowed to be taken into Mexico. But months later the department had to recant that assurance, admitting that officials did in fact know that agents weren’t tracing the traffickers who were buying the guns.

Congress’s investigation now centers on that letter and the rest of the aftermath, with Republicans questioning whether there was a cover-up to try to protect top political aides to Mr. Obama.
In a letter accompanying the submission to*Congress, John Tyler, a department official, indicated they’d rushed to put the documents together and indicated that they may have made mistakes and still redacted information that should have been released.

“Given the time constraints, in some circumstances it has been necessary for the department to employ redaction methods used in Freedom of Information Act processing to ensure that law enforcement sensitive information is not disclosed publicly, which may have resulted in more redactions than the department ultimately will want to press in this case,” Mr. Tyler said.

He also said they may have been inconsistent, releasing some information in one place while redacting it in another, which suggests the hasty approach to clearing the tens of thousands of pages.

Make a note: Everything requested has not been released.

Just from the circumstances alone, it's obvious that someone intentionally made this program to back up the coincidentally timed claim of:
"Guns in Mexico come from the USA."

..even though it's obvious they're from Russia (that's a sweet AK47, hombre). You think it was coicidental that a cop got shot with an illegal gun, or was that part of the plan?

So there is something going on here. I say this because nothing about this story makes sense unless this guy was targeted or not properly informed by his bosses:
An investigation conducted shortly after the president's visit revealed that Tate was carrying a CDC-issued firearm, a violation of Secret Service protocols — and a security lapse that the agency's director at the time, Julia Pierson, never mentioned to the White House, the paper adds.
Tate, who says he has not found another job, believes he is the real victim. He says he tried to get the cell phone photo of the president later on, outside the CDC.

If you smear the guy from the door, then he cannot claim he saw something shady without the smear being thrown in his face.

I've been saying this throughout this thread, parts of this article are far more articulate than I:
Already, he has demonstrated again and again that he has no regard for the constitution or the legitimacy of laws when they do not suit his agenda. He flaunts his disregard for the constitutional process, dismisses laws he doesn’t like and rewrites others.

He mocks the powers of Congress. The Supreme Court has slapped him down more than any president in recent times. All of this as he tells us he is an expert on constitutional law.

Now come his very explicit threats to pass more illegal and unconstitutional presidential edicts to grant amnesty to illegal aliens already in the United States. This, in turn, will issue invitations for millions more illegals to come streaming across the border.

It will not end at immigration. Unchecked power is addictive.
But President Obama is not a listener. He is not a negotiator. He is not a learner. He will just take what he wants. It is easier that way.

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s court-packing scheme during the Great Depression was nothing like the strains this president has put on Constitution. Indeed, not since the Civil War has America faced such a dire threat to her existence as a lawful, constitutional republic.

The difference in leadership between then and now could not be more striking.

To bind the union, Abraham Lincoln took an economic and political war and elevated it into something higher. He made it about emancipating slaves and won. And saved the Republic.

This president does the opposite. He got elected promising to elevate politics but instead finds unity and sows discord, often inciting racial divisions.

So this story was a front page/network story:

"The Russians want to kill your conputer with malaware" or whatever.
Just seeing it gives me bad vibes, but not because of Russians:

1. Without BO we're all going to die.
2. This is what we pay the Government to prevent.
3. MOAR INTERNETZ OVERSIGHTS1!!!! (this is bad, very bad)
3 1/4. Oh look, a new term, rofl @ 'black energy'
4. This is BO's fault cause he was in charge.
5. ...and we're just discovering that Russians cause problems on the Internet? Really? No, really?
-----^---->Wait until you find out about desi sites and this Warez thing that's all kinds of new (joke)
6. This idea (article) can be used as one hell of an excuse for something.

So, I have to ignore the topic (article) as a whole without some kind of outside confirmation, it's far too coincidentally timed and I have a hard time believing government computer nerds would let this happen. A presidential iPad sure, no one protects a Mac worth a shit cause they think they are 'untouchable':

...but some form of the energy infrastructure system? Really? Die Hard, what?

Call me skeptical....
Posterity Win

I usually only post @ epic religeous stuff, but this one hits hard for a short article, & even though you can tie it to politics, it can easily stand alone:;_ylt=AwrBJR4srltUJxcANOrQtDMD

The files, which were released online, and other documents released in January show how the archdiocese dealt with abuse allegations during the past six decades, including the practice of moving priests accused of abuse to new parishes.
As part of a mediation agreement, the archdiocese in January released files on 30 former priests accused of abusing minors. Lawyers for victims had said at the time they wanted the archdiocese to release documents on more than 30 other priests.

Thursday's release, which comes less than two weeks before the retirement of Cardinal Francis George, is the latest in a series of such abuse disclosures by Midwest church officials.
None of those named in Thursday's scheduled document release is still in active ministry and 14 have died, the archdiocese said. Ninety-two percent of the cases occurred prior to 1988.

Now, granted this is not current info, and this kind of stuff wasn't freely handed over (at first), but think it through:
These are Posterity Facts for the most part.
...which is very cool.

History will show that there was allegations of abuse, there was court action on abuse, and that when asked, though resistant, the Catholic Church of Chicago did what needed to be done.

They will probably do more. That Francis dude is all for shaking up this system within reason.

This also tells you quite a lot about Chicago, previous to this article I always assumed it was all Blues Brothers back in the day.

Things you can do with an empty house if you're a creeper?
How many empty homes are in your neighborhood?

Have you ever taken a good look at them during the night?
(*note: You have to be a creeper to catch a creeper, or you have to be Bold Ass Law Enforcement):
(*note: Look who owns the paper: Is that coincidental? Are they informing or instructing?)
"The inside was a mess," Wilson said. "It looked like (someone) was packing to move. There were a lot of boxes, some pictures of children on the fridge."

Authorities told Wilson the most recent piece of mail was from November of 2011 and unpaid taxes went back three years. The corpse was on the floor of the master bedroom next to the bed. Longtime neighbors say an older woman from Miami last lived at the home with her sister, but they hadn't seen or heard from her for several years. She was described as nice, but reclusive.
Some thought she moved, others said she just disappeared. Outside, the grass grew long and the community speculated. Inside, Wilson said all that remained were bones, skin and the smell of remains. In the living room was a bird cage and piles of feces.

"You couldn't tell who it was," Wilson said. "You couldn't tell if it was a male or a female ... it's disappointing and a sad thing that nobody cared enough to check."

This is not the first time something like this has happened. It might not be a dead body, but it could be Satanic Nazi douche bags.

...and so it begins:
Most of this article is bullshit fluff, I cut out the good parts for you, you can skip it if you want:
Democratic Sen. Daniel Hall said he switched to the Republican party Wednesday, a move that will help the GOP secure a majority in the upper chamber of the West Virginia Legislature.
West Virginia voters ended eight decades of Democratic rule in the Legislature on Tuesday. They dumped Democrats from the state House of Delegates and deadlocked the Senate.

Hall quickly broke the Senate tie. The Wyoming County lawmaker confirmed his party change with The Associated Press on Wednesday evening.

For Republicans, it’s the first real chance to govern the Legislature since the 1930s.

Toss in Democratic Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin, and West Virginia’s state lawmaking could be pretty jumbled come January.

“What you see occurring now has not occurred during the lives of anyone else that is alive,” said House Speaker Tim Miley, D-Harrison. there is nothing stopping this from happening at the FeD level....
...but it's scary to think of a nutjob liberal mascarading as a nutjob conservative...
...that could do a lot of damage...
Sphinchter says what?

This goes with some posts way back:
He did, however, say the House will vote to repeal Obamacare and will also likely pass a bunch of bills to carve out some of the most contentious parts such as a tax on medical devices or the individual mandate.

“We need to put them on the president’s desk and let him choose,” the speaker said.

Boehner (read: Bain er) talks a lot. He says great things about America.
What that snippet is about is just what many conservatives want to hear.

He also said he was working on a lawsuit.....

So why are we sending this bitch the the UN to speak about violence and torture?
A police report detailing a fight last month between members of Michael Brown’s family over the sale of commemorative t-shirts identifies the late teenager’s mother as one of the “attackers” who beat and robbed vendors selling the merchandise from a tent in a Ferguson,*Missouri parking lot.

...but who is the other suspect? Yeah: 'one of'
When TSG requested the document two weeks ago, Karr noted that Brown’s mother, Lesley McSpadden, was “described in the report” and had “specifically requested that the report be withheld from the media.”

Karr added, “Knowing this, do you still want a copy of the report?”

Still think the cops aren't in on it?
“Just because technology can be used to answer a question doesn’t mean that it should be,” Lewis said. “And if you watch people electronically and don’t tell them ahead of time, you should tell them afterwards.”

So this genius... Apparently he has never been to a supermarket or Government building, and he has massive problems with stock film footage.

Glad that's cleared up.

"The smartest person in the room is obviously an idiot." Seriously. I bet this guy doesn't even have opaque tape over his smartphone cameras.

Wake up. This is why curtains were invented.
Tax on 'thingy'

How dare you enjoy something.
How dare you be fat (which is relative, they say fat people are healthier, fat, not obese)
They drank tons of soda in the 40s/50s/60s...
How many of those obesity studies take Television viewing and population increases into account?
...are they using the Body Mass Index crap?
Is this tax FDA approved?
Isn't the NYC soda thing precedent against this?
Those who oppose the taxation question the science, contend government shouldn’t regulate consumers’ food choices and say taxing penalizes consumers, especially the poor. They also note that for a soda tax-model to work (ie, reduce obesity), consumers have to choose healthier options instead of soda. Some proponents of the tax concede that making a significant dent in the obesity problem could be slow. Yet a recent study from*Duke University* shows that a soda tax does steer consumers to make healthier choices (a 20% soda tax decreased caloric intake by almost 5%). Research also shows that broader taxes on nutrients (as opposed to specific products) are likely to have an even broader impact. Also, a study reported in the*Journal of Agricultural Economics*found that taxing by calorie rather than ounce has the potential for greater impact and could do so at a lower cost to consumers than an ounce-based tax.
It’s no secret that anti-soda advocates*turned to the template–a strategy designed to*vilify, tax, then ban marketing of a product to children–used to fight tobacco. While this strategy has added to Coke’s*business and public relation woes, it signals how it, like a number of iconic American brands including*McDonald’s (which, in 2002, along with Burger King, KFC and Wendy’s was*targeted and sued by a consumer claiming his health conditions were a result from eating fast food)*is in transition and under fire.

1. Never trust a scientist who finds an end.
2. "In small doses, botulism toxin tightens and tones the facial muscles, instead of killing you in the most horrible fashion imanginable."
3. A perfectly reasonable explaination is always not.

If anyone has the right to say anything about BO, it's China, because without their help, he would have been in charge of a shutdown government due to his signing more overspending in the wake of excessive overspending.

They devalued currency just to support our government. (basically)

So, since I cannot read Chinese, I don't know what words were actually used, but the translations are worthwhile just the same: (the article tone is shit, almost like someone is pissed that they had to write it):
A mouthpiece of the Chinese Government has described President Obama as 'insipid' and claims U.S. voters are sick of his 'banality'.

See what I mean about translation? N E Ways:

The state-run Global Times has published an editorial deriding the leader a few days ahead of his visit to the growing economic and military powerhouse.

It stated: 'Obama always utters "Yes, we can," which led to the high expectations people had for him. But he has done an insipid job, offering nearly nothing to his supporters.

'U.S. society has grown tired of his banality.'

Ouch, this comes from a country that presents the average of a billion people. Yeah.

It also takes aim at the political system in America, claiming it is 'too lazy to reform'.

With this I agree. China swept up all the pedos and corrupt officials they could find. We'll see what happens in the long run with a new Congress.

Their priority, IMO, is to work mutual respect back into Asia. Honestly, we'd have a better shot sending some random congressperson out there than BO for this----v
Obama will focus on the global economy and U.S. policy toward the Asia-Pacific region during stops next week in China, Myanmar and Australia.

The itinerary includes a state visit with Chinese President Xi Jinping. While in China, Obama will attend the APEC Leaders Meeting and the APEC chief executive Summit.

...because all he's done with Asia foreign policy is make trouble, which is the point of his agenda, and Australia is at an Idealogical opposite if what the Dem platform is.

I mean come on, the dude (BO) is still pushing Climate Change..

Corporate Welfare < DoD

This is probably the best explaination of the Asia situation that I have ever seen, it's fucking brilliant.

Also a good article, the WS is generally pro for any political POV.
While the U.S. military's budget is being cut, China's budget has been growing at about 12 percent annually, Kendall said, and may soon be as large as the U.S.'s. China is of particular concern according to the under secretary because "no one's studied us more -- including immediately after the first Gulf War -- than the Chinese. And they have been building systems since then designed to counteract some of the things that we have." Kendall is not concerned about war with China, but a stronger military will give that country proportionally more influence in the region. Additionally, the Chinese may sell their technology to other countries that the U.S. might end up facing someday in an armed conflict, and this also poses a problem.

...makes you wonder about that full on pull out of Iraq with no residual troops.....

When is someone in Washington, or anywhere, other than me, going to say the truth:
"There is nothing wrong with the immigration system in the United States except for a wide open border, citizenship w/o sponsors or tests, and failures galore at ICE to do the job they are supposed to." ?

Seriously. The original immigration system works like a charm, the only reason anyone wants reform is to increase the tax base to cover their poor governing ability. Also re election.

Shit ain't free in this Country. Something given has no value.

That being said, here's a dem pretending to be a rep and talking 100% pure bullshit:-----------------v
The article is written around his quote and stereotypes of what just happened in the mid-term:
While immigration was generally a muted issue in elections dominated by the Republicans, Obama promised the next day to move ahead on his own to remove the threat of deportation or grant work permits to an unspecified number of immigrants living here illegally.

"The initial reaction from Republicans is going to be very ugly and not well- thought-out, unfortunately," said Alfonso Aguilar, former chief of the U.S. Office of Citizenship in the George W. Bush administration and executive director of Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles.

Aguilar said congressional Republicans must offer a plausible alternative to the president's plan, especially since the Republican- controlled House has shelved bipartisan immigration legislation. His call echoes those of some of the party's potential 2016 candidates to reach out to Hispanic voters in some way.

When is someone in Washington, or anywhere, other than me, going to say the truth:
"There is nothing wrong with the immigration system in the United States except for a wide open border, citizenship w/o sponsors or tests, and failures galore at ICE to do the job they are supposed to." ?

Seriously. The original immigration system works like a charm, the only reason anyone wants reform is to increase the tax base to cover their poor governing ability. Also re election.

Shit ain't free in this Country. Something given has no value.

That being said, here's a dem pretending to be a rep and talking 100% pure bullshit:-----------------v
The article is written around his quote and stereotypes of what just happened in the mid-term:

Case in point:
Most of the people the Border Patrol stopped from sneaking into the country last year were from countries other than Mexico, according to agency statistics, a shift that might have provided fodder for politicians leading up to Tuesday’s election.

But they didn’t get much of a chance. The Border Patrol’s annual statistics were posted on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Web site for about five hours on Oct. 10, then taken down.

Now some are questioning whether that decision was an example of the Obama administration playing politics with public information.

South America =/= North America
So what, now, do you think BO and his lackeys mean when they say 'America' ?
The plan

So now that rebels all across the middle east and nearby areas are fully armed and organized, and now that Puntin finally stopped acting like a creeper and blatantly threw troops into eastern europe, BO has decided to send troops to the ground so that they can be slaughtered with their own weapons.

Wait, I mean 'to train Iraq police.'
A senior military official says that American military advisory teams will now go to Iraq's western Anbar province where Islamic State militants have been gaining ground and slaying men, women and children.

The teams are part of President Barack Obama's new directive to expand the U.S. mission in Iraq by deploying another 1,500 U.S. troops to serve as advisers, trainers and security personnel.

Great timing.
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Oops... mybad

SO: this Post links to all post, and especially to the things I say:

Read the article 1st, see if you spot it:

Did you see it?
The justices upheld the heart of the law in a 5-4 decision in 2012 in which Chief Justice John Roberts provided the decisive vote.

----->secret answer (not really)What's missing? One word is wrongly omitted: 'tax'

It's a neat trick, I use it for effect in my stories. Also, that's the whole ACA, not the heart if it.. tax ..

"This lawsuit reflects just another partisan attempt to undermine the Affordable Care Act and to strip millions of American families of tax credits that Congress intended for them to have," Earnest said.

That's mean. And uneeded. Also, BTW, AP, there is no such thing as a 'decisive vote' on the Supreme Court. That's not how it works. Chief Justices oversee a group of Justices in Legal Process, WHEN the Justice votes, as in what order or what time, does not matter at all.

Decisive... shame on you...

Also: Here's the best one: They don't tell you what is illegal. Sure it's 'subsidies' but what specifically is illegal about subsidies? What is the argument?... ...?

Lots of factoids for chasing down, whole lot of twisty twisy.

...decisive... *tsk...

That was fun.