The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 09

Alas, no northern light show at my place. Too far south.

On the other hand, I checked stats tonight: milestone marker—crossed 900K views!

My latest story, about transgender and crossdressers, was posted on the 11th. It scored 4.87 from 15 voters. By my spreadsheet calculations, that's had 1,069 views. Score breakdown: 2-4votes and 13-5votes.

Coffee past midnight is limited to one cup right now. I have a doctor's appointment in the morning, so I have to 'try and be good' for the visit and report on my diet.

Be good, everyone. And you to @ChloeTzang! ;) I have my Mike Hammer story 'finished' btw. Does anyone care to review it for grins before it posts in July? I'd appreciate some input.
Argh - thanks for the reminder @dmallord, for the 3rd year in a row that I've failed to come up with a Mike Hammer story. I've been working so hard on Andi's Dream that I let it slide by again. I started Andi's Dream in 2019, it's time to bring the primary story to a close.

Thanks for getting the coffee TP. I get to see my regular doc at the VA tomorrow, we need to discuss the cheesy CPAP mask the VA put me on.
I get to see my regular doc at the VA tomorrow, we need to discuss the cheesy CPAP mask the VA put me on.

Oh, I feel for you on that. A buddy I would travel with for trade shows had a CPAP. What a nightmare.

Good luck.
Didn't see the game. What did Jamal Murray do?

I think I wore myself out yesterday. I slept well enough, but I've been in an exhausted mental fog all day.
First, he tossed a towel at one official which landed behind his feet. Then threw a wet heat pad on the court at one player's feet, who kicked it without seeing the pad. Another Nugget picked it up and threw it off the court. The heat pads wrap around the calf when someone has an ache. They aren't electric but are kept hot in a heated box with water inside it, which keeps the pad wet and hot.
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Between a needy, huggy bug of a son and cat, and a diuretic pill, I'm not getting much done today. It seems that drinking coffee might be counterproductive, but fill 'it up, boys!
Oh, I feel for you on that. A buddy I would travel with for trade shows had a CPAP. What a nightmare.
I love my CPAP! Before I used that I was waking up sitting up and gasping for air. I was barely able to drive home from work I was so tired. When I got on the CPAP it was incredible!
I think it took me about four tries to find a mask that didn’t keep me awake.
Me too. I finally found one, then last month the VA said, "We don't use that one anymore and sent me four masks that worked, but the headgear was weak and cheesy and I wake up with the mask around my throat. As that great Cuban-American band leader used to say, "You have some splainin' to do!"
Ok, late evening coffee and tea is on, while I try to pull this story together.

Did ya ever have one of those stories that came to you in bit and pieces and no mater how you jumble the parts together they just don't want to mesh? FRUSTRATING!
I think it took me about four tries to find a mask that didn’t keep me awake. Mind you, my CPAP is so old that it’s still coal-powered. Good luck.
Reminds me that I really need to get mine replaced. It resembles a WWII gas mask; it's that old too.
Ok, here's one for you math wizards. How can a story get one page view, but 2 votes in the past 24 hours? My OCD Mind wants to know.

Coffee is on for you late night folks, I'm going to go watch some Anime and crash. I'm expecting to get some decent sleep while the wife is out of town, she took her snoring dog with her. (Do they make CPAP masks for Cavalier King Charles spaniels?)
Probably database updates slightly out of sync with stats display. I've noticed a few things that make me go "Huh?" this way and then remind myself that the LitE universe seems to be spread over separate servers with batch updates.

Thanks for doing the coffee, D, but tonight I went out on a limb and mixed myself a glass of strawberry milk. Childhood memory was satisfied, and it was good! However, everyone do note that Hershey's Strawberry Syrup is too runny for "other things" - it'll run off onto the sheets before you have a chance to lick it off. Stick with chocolate.
mixed myself a glass of strawberry milk. Childhood memory was satisfied
Did that myself this morning, I had shredded wheat - THE BIG BISCUIT. No sugar, no fruit flavors, no cartoon cereal characters on the box, and one piece fills the bowl. That and coffee.

More doctor appointments today, I better coffee up

Another big problem for TX, I believe he is in the Lake Livingston area----"During the last 30 days, the majority of our area north of Interstate 10 has received at least 10 inches of rain, and locations further north, particularly in the Huntsville and Lake Livingston areas, have received in excess of 20 inches. This has led to significant river flooding, and we’re likely to see more of that in the coming days after storms this evening and overnight." Today's weather prediction.
Just home from my yearly check-up with the cardiologist. All is well with the AFib and BP. Now if I could find something that took care of my arthritis, I would be thrilled.

Today I'm drinking the new Dr Pepper flavor --creamy coconut. :)
Dad uses Ibuprofen but only over the counter. He says you learn to live with the pain. I find that unnecessary myself, if there is a pharmacological solution out there.
Just home from my yearly check-up with the cardiologist. All is well with the AFib and BP. Now if I could find something that took care of my arthritis, I would be thrilled.

Today I'm drinking the new Dr Pepper flavor --creamy coconut. :)
Dad uses Ibuprofen but only over the counter. He says you learn to live with the pain. I find that unnecessary myself, if there is a pharmacological solution out there.
Ibuprofen doesn't go with some of my meds, so I don't take that. I can live with the pain. I need to be able to walk though. Most likely the hips and right knee will need replacements.
Ibuprofen doesn't go with some of my meds, so I don't take that. I can live with the pain. I need to be able to walk though. Most likely the hips and right knee will need replacements.
Same here - tylenol only for me. Everything else reacts with my blood thinners. I'm doing everything I can to avoid hip replacements.
Almost all arthritis meds have varying degrees of Ibuproven in them. Tylenol is Acetaminophen, which has rather bad long term effects.
Ibuprofen doesn't go with some of my meds, so I don't take that. I can live with the pain. I need to be able to walk though. Most likely the hips and right knee will need replacements.
Same here - tylenol only for me. Everything else reacts with my blood thinners. I'm doing everything I can to avoid hip replacements.
I'm going to have a pork sandwich today with a side order of bacon, lobster, and catfish.

No, I'm not! I'm just kidding. All this talk about things that are bad for you put me in a rebellious mood. Coffee black, no sugar, and a rice cake, please.
Almost all arthritis meds have varying degrees of Ibuproven in them. Tylenol is Acetaminophen, which has rather bad long term effects.
Yes, liver damage, so I avoid it as much as possible I chose to chose to damage my liver with small amounts of alcohol. I figure that with about 1oz of alcohol a month I should be 159 when my liver goes. Everyone that tries to stay healthy dies, I'm going to attempt longevity through small amounts of misbehavior.
I'm going to have a pork sandwich today with a side order of bacon, lobster, and catfish.

No, I'm not! I'm just kidding. All this talk about things that are bad for you put me in a rebellious mood. Coffee black, no sugar, and a rice cake, please.
I knew you were kidding, lobster and bacon goes with trout, not catfish.