south dakota teacher hands out letters to trans students and their friends, wanting to 'save them'

How much you even care to retain can vary as well. I've forgotten most higher level math. I don't actually care much about division If me and for the sake of argument five friends have a thirty seven dollar bill that's gonna come down to 4 people paying five and the last paying seven. I don't CARE about that two bucks enough to even bring up the math.

For me history should be taught, primarily, as cause and effect. Do care what the date was when Cortez sailed to South America? Nope. Do I care when the locations of every battle of the French Indian Wars? Nope. I care that it bankrupted England and the result was they started taxes us when they had mostly ignored us at least on that front. I could go on and on about details that I've no interest in. I strongly believe that if you know the WHEN of soemthing but not the WHY yo've clearly taken the wrong lesson away.