Shapeshifter x Shapeshifter (Closed to jc199123)

Josh sat there for a bit just petting Zaria as she nuzzled into his chest. He couldn't help but to run his fingers through her soft chocolate fur. He gently moves his hands under her chin and moved her so he could look into her eyes and he asked. "Well girl what do you feel like doing now?" He didn't know what she wanted to do but he thought he had a clue but he thought it better to ask and not just assume that she wanted to play.
Her gold eyes seem to light up when he asked what she wanted to do. Zaria, though a very intense warrior, was at heart, very playful. She backed up, tail wagging as hse lowered her front end to the ground, play bowing, inviting Josh to play with her. Her tail wagged back and forth eagerly as she watched the human.
Josh sat there for a minute looking at her trying to figure out what to do seeing how they didn't keep toys around to play with. He soon came to the conclusion to let her chase him around for a bit like she had done Zaveri. He got up and playfully shoved the chocolate wolf before him to one side before taking off running. He jumped off the porch into the yard and waited to see what Zaria would do.
Letting herself be pushed Zaria's tail wagged as she yapped in delight. Giving chase, she caught up to the human quickly, nudging him with her massive head.She leaped around him, play bowing, tail wagging eagerly. She yapped again, eyes bright with playfulness.
Josh could see that the wolf was happy playing so he got down on his knees and began to playfully rough house with her. He didn't mind the rough play because he would be as rough as the eolf he was playing with. He just hoped that Zaria would understand that he was in his human form and wouldn't be to rough with him.
Zaria seemed to grin as she enjoyed rough housing, though of course she was mindful to not hurt him, though shifters were tough, their human forms were still weaker than their wolf form.
After a couple of hours of playing Josh was spent and didn't know how much more he take. He sat down petting the wolf and said "lets go up stairs to my room and rest girl you have to be tired by now I know I am. He gave her a pat on the head before getting up and walking into the house. He could hear clicks of toe nails in the house but he wasn't sure Zaria was following him or not. He figured that more than likely she probably was.