Searching for an old-fashioned woman


Loves Spam
Apr 27, 2022
To make a connection with. For all sorts of things I outline in my profile. And I search for you for another reason too: for us to provide a point of reference to each other. A reference with the kind of substance inside that only old-fashioned people seem to possess nowadays.

To me one sad development appears obvious: that towards ever more self-centricity. People seem ever more disappointed by the world around them, so their answer to this dilemma becomes not to trust anybody any more. And very few remain who have not given up yet.

But I believe: this unworkable “solution” has not yet afflicted the truly curious specimen among older women. Because curiosity usually drives an open mind. And some imagination also. So it is really an open-minded older woman I search for, with lots of imagination roaming around in your mind. ….. And if I’m really lucky, you – such a rare needle in a haystack – are longing also for an intimate connection. Perhaps for the same reason(s) I do.

And I trust that you know what to do now. So I bid you a pleasant day now, and I look forward to reading your side of the story soon in my PM in-box.
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Old-fashioned woman, that is active on Lit... That's a bit of a contradiction in terms, no?
Dear Annie, thanks for your comment, first of all. You and I conversed once before, btw.

To respond to your question: the woman with an old.fashioned value set i search for -- must not necessarily be active on Lit. But I figure her to be curious enough for reading the ads here now and then. ... And you nailed my problem on the head precisely: that hardly ever happens.

So thanks for your commenting question, and thank you for bumping my ad in the process; it'll give it a bit more exposure this way. Enjoy yur day and Ciao from Adam
I thank you, Utility Curve, for bumping my ad. And now I hope that a woman with an old-fashioned mindset will read more than just the ad’s headline.

We all know, headlines rarely tell the whole story. And in an ad, it is always the whole story that matters. So I am hoping for one woman with genuine curiosity seeing this, and I hope her curiosity will motivate her to inquire with a high motivation.

And in addition, I wish every passer-by a pleasant day. Ciao to y'all from Adam
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