Red's Thread - come in and read a bit, post a bit, and lick a bit... okay... alot!!!

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In my thread, Just Say Something Nice, probly three pages back now.

it took me about ten minutes to realize that no, my internet wasnt "just going slug slog as nomal"- it had thrown me!
then it took another ten minutes to reboot it

and another 4 to get in that thread, find the =Very lovely post:kiss::rose:- and get back here.

*pffts a hair out of my face.~

i hate my internet services lack of prowess; kills my grooves, my "smexy" and my comedic timing.
did you just imply Warl0ck is chicken? sometimes the tigress-ese gets all jumbled up with the other stuff in my head~

lol she can imply what every she wishes if you can show me how to take pictures of myself while I am working then I will think about it.
did you just imply Warl0ck is chicken? sometimes the tigress-ese gets all jumbled up with the other stuff in my head~


i woudn't callw a chicken unlee i was challenging him at someting. No referring to getting the "Angel scent" out of the kilt. what is all this fuss about Angel feathers? Wet or not...they feel amazing...and they DO NOT STINK! Hmmph!:mad:
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