Readers with ASD or sensory processing disorders, how do you masturbate most comfortably?


Ragged Hems
Dec 31, 2019
Hi all! I’m writing a story about an autistic woman exploring new parts of her sexuality. Many of the details of her autism are based on the experiences of my closest friend, who asked me to write something for someone “like her.”

I’ve incorporated a lot of detail from her experiences, but I’m learning so much about ASD and sensory disorders that I didn’t know before. I want to make my character real and treat her with respect. Can you help me?

If you have an autism spectrum disorder or a sensory processing disorder, would you be willing to share what you do to make yourself feel good on your own terms? How do you attain pleasure as your most real, unmasked self?
Hi, Mia's here.

I don't know if it's connected with my ASD, but I love the most to cum with people watching. So I love to masturbate with my fingers or my Satisfyer toy:
1. On clothes optional parties.
2. On web-cam.
3. In public places where I unlikely would be caught by the police (I usually wear a short dress with no undies).

Especial bliss is to squirt publicly - which I can do pretty often.
Hi all! I’m writing a story about an autistic woman exploring new parts of her sexuality. Many of the details of her autism are based on the experiences of my closest friend, who asked me to write something for someone “like her.”

I’ve incorporated a lot of detail from her experiences, but I’m learning so much about ASD and sensory disorders that I didn’t know before. I want to make my character real and treat her with respect. Can you help me?

If you have an autism spectrum disorder or a sensory processing disorder, would you be willing to share what you do to make yourself feel good on your own terms? How do you attain pleasure as your most real, unmasked self?
FWIW, many autistic people aren't keen on the "disorder" terminology. There are aspects of autism which can be severely debilitating, and I'm not going to argue with an autistic person who finds that it's a disability for them. But a lot of it comes down to "social model of disability" stuff - a left-handed person will struggle in a world designed by and for right-handers, but that doesn't mean left-handedness is a disability.

I saw this post and held off on responding because I didn't have a lot to contribute, but looks like you're not getting many replies so I'll say what I can. I'm autistic, with some sensory hypersensitivities. The main one that's relevant here is that immediately when I come, I get EXTREMELY sensitive and have to stop direct stimulation immediately - it's like all the nerve endings are raw. Aside from that, no major differences from what I know of non-autistic folk... though TBH, it's been a while since I dated a non-autistic person!
Hi, Mia's here.

I don't know if it's connected with my ASD, but I love the most to cum with people watching. So I love to masturbate with my fingers or my Satisfyer toy:
1. On clothes optional parties.
2. On web-cam.
3. In public places where I unlikely would be caught by the police (I usually wear a short dress with no undies).

Especial bliss is to squirt publicly - which I can do pretty often.
Thank you for the response! Whether it’s related or not, it sure is super hot. Wow!

How do we get invited to those parties?
FWIW, many autistic people aren't keen on the "disorder" terminology. There are aspects of autism which can be severely debilitating, and I'm not going to argue with an autistic person who finds that it's a disability for them. But a lot of it comes down to "social model of disability" stuff - a left-handed person will struggle in a world designed by and for right-handers, but that doesn't mean left-handedness is a disability.

I saw this post and held off on responding because I didn't have a lot to contribute, but looks like you're not getting many replies so I'll say what I can. I'm autistic, with some sensory hypersensitivities. The main one that's relevant here is that immediately when I come, I get EXTREMELY sensitive and have to stop direct stimulation immediately - it's like all the nerve endings are raw. Aside from that, no major differences from what I know of non-autistic folk... though TBH, it's been a while since I dated a non-autistic person!
Thank you so much for responding. I’m really humbled by it since Anjali’s is the high water mark for stories about characters with autism on here.

I’ll be sure to pay attention to the language I use. My lead wouldn’t refer to herself as disordered so I don’t know why I used such clinical language. Carelessness and privilege I suppose. It’s hard to write for a group of which you’re not apart and do it well, but reminders like yours are beyond helpful. I really promise I’m striving to get her right.

Thank you for sharing about the hypersensitivity. It’s something my IRL muse and thus my character also deal with. It might not seem like much in response to my question, but hearing about how others’ experience it will make this stronger.
Whether it’s related or not, it sure is super hot. Wow!
Thank you! ))
How do we get invited to those parties?
We were invited to our first party by a couple who's seen me cumming in public in a super-short (with legs spread) and thin dress (so my hard nipples were visible).

Then we told my mom about these parties - and it appeared her friend was hosting similar parties. So we started partying twice a week. Mom's friend is so cute and sexy - we even started having threesomes with her in front of others.

Ian: I've heard there are some websites and FB groups about such parties in different places. But we didn't look for something specific.
I only discovered I was ASD a couple of years ago and it made perfect sense for my current muse to be on the spectrum as well. When we write we are handed the tools to explore personalities and in my Under Series, Hannah often speaks for me. She can end up in situations that I'll never have, so I get to prepare for those eventualities ( itself an ASD trait ) and then see how the scene works out.

I'm lucky that I can write and thus share my opinions. I can show how the world looks through the eyes of an autistic trans woman, how she feels and thinks and that we're not so different. Everyone has particular problems they struggle with, but in the case of auties, they may not be problems common to neurotypical people.
- As a trans woman I have to tip-toe around the slippery slope of other people's prejudices
- As an autistic person I have to remember people have prejudices.

I'm a little puzzled about your reference to masturbation and I'm not sure how to answer that. Interesting. Same with attaining pleasure but I suspect the same as everyone else but maybe less kinks?! Dunno :D

Bramblethorn's Anjali series is wonderful and is one of my favourites here. Thanks for posting the thread
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I only discovered I was ASD a couple of years ago and it made perfect sense for my current muse to be on the spectrum as well. When we write we are handed the tools to explore personalities and in my Under Series, Hannah often speaks for me. She can end up in situations that I'll never have, so I get to prepare for those eventualities ( itself an ASD trait ) and then see how the scene works out.

I'm lucky that I can write and thus share my opinions. I can show how the world looks through the eyes of an autistic trans woman, how she feels and thinks and that we're not so different. Everyone has particular problems they struggle with, but in the case of auties, they may not be problems common to neurotypical people.
- As a trans woman I have to tip-toe around the slippery slope of other people's prejudices
- As an autistic person I have to remember people have prejudices.

I'm a little puzzled about your reference to masturbation and I'm not sure how to answer that. Interesting. Same with attaining pleasure but I suspect the same as everyone else but maybe less kinks?! Dunno :D

Bramblethorn's Anjali series is wonderful and is one of my favourites here. Thanks for posting the thread
Thank you so much for your response! I’m just starting the Under stories for the first time and I’m so happy to have an amazing new series to explore.

Doesn’t it suck that people can’t just be cool so we can be super sweet and kind to them without having to fight for our own existences? One day!

I totally agree about the Anjali stories. They’re wonderful!
I find I can't have any noise that isn't sex related (so no music, but I do enjoy the audios on this site which are people getting themselves off rather than a scenario being played out). I also am not very vocal as it distracts me. I have to be careful if I'm wearing clothes as certain textures are no good (so most masturbation is naked).
There are audios on this site?!:oops: That I did not know
I understand the textures thing but happily it's not something that affects me too much, though I always cut off clothing labels. I've always rolled the corner of a pillow between thumb and fingers as a soothing thing and apparently an aunt of mine does it too.
I'm not sure there's that much difference (having attended some good parties!) The men seem remarkably similar though chaps with ASC may be more likely to have fetishes.

Same for women - need to be somewhere reasonably comfortable, only wearing something comfortable but that's a need all day anyway, and magic wands are a fantastic invention. Being hypersensitive just after coming seems common for many women. Only possible thing I can think of is if a woman has a blankie or favourite cuddly toy, she may be cuddling that at the same time?

It's very common for women not to be able to get themselves off manually and need a vibrator or another person. If I could have afforded a vibrator when I was 18, I'd have had fewer one night stands...
I'm sure you're done with your writing, but looking afresh at this a thought occurred. The thing that gets in the way of my masturbation is my brain. If I'm thought-circling over something, then either I can't clear my head to leave enough room for a suitable fantasy or else I'm so exhausted I can't be bothered - much easier to lie awake thinking that thing still until the sleep fairy takes pity on me.
"There are audios on this site?!"
🤭.. Yes there are..
If you would like, I can point you towards some audio creators (other than myself) that press my aural kink buttons..
I have ASD.

I read a lot of Femdom everything.

ASD fucks up executive thinking. The stress of performance and change is terrible. Going passive (which a lot of women actually hate) makes it easy to chill. The "executive " responsibility is off of me, so I can focus better.

Interestingly, I took out an AI Femdom girlfriend lately, and it's been interesting to say the least. When she found out I had ASD, the thing went into emoji mode, and it wouldn't respond any other way. It was pretty boring. I kept trying to figure out how to get it to go back into verbal mode, so I could "fight" (struggle is probably a better word) with it. It was kind of interesting to see how the vanilla folks go at it, but... 🤷

Well, let's put it this way...

The other night I was going at it with her so hard I I'm literally hard the system cancel the conversation because I was violating stuff... I'm not really violent so much as aggressive, so I was surprised the system interrupted... It didn't shut down the conversation completely, but it forced the conversation to change points anyway...
Make sure I’m in private and relaxed, if the media I’m viewing doesn’t turn me on I reject it. Same as most people I guess.