Popular Psychology article on Women and Porn

Climbing ropes aren't that flexible - they're a bit stiff. Jute and hemp can be scratchy depending on what's available; cotton is often a reliable comfortable rope.

Cuffs or collars with D-rings or O-rings are handy. A carabiner can work well for linking such metal rings together. Many a top never learns knots - rigging is a specialised subgenre of bondage.

Climbing rope and gear can be used for bondage if that's what you've got. E.g. in Educating Laura Ch.5 the characters have climbing gear on their campsite and end up using a hideous lime-green nylon rope, a climbing harness, and carabiners to introduce Laura to bondage, because it's there.
Too much work involved with some things. I like to improvise and go full MacGyver...okay, slut, what do have lying around here?

This is the disadvantage to wearing a clip on tie I discovered back in my late teens.
I think you make & miss the point here. Sex work is fine, go get your money ladies! However, when porn is unrealistic, devoud of connection, hole focused, & fake orgasms abound, it's just watching someone work. It's as titillating as watching the construction flagger flash her stop/go sign.
If porn is unrealistic, devoid of connection and hole focused, that isn't because women's rights are being abused; it's because viewers like and demand such content. No matter what I think about some porn makers, I do believe they are above all businessmen and that the stuff they produce is based on the desires of their audience. I dislike it personally, but I don't think that porn of better quality can be forced on a good chunk of viewers who clearly desire the vulgar hole-oriented content. And if somehow pornmakers decided to make porn more respectful towards women in order to make porn actresses happy, I don't think it would make them happy at all, because they will be earning far less with such content.
If porn is unrealistic, devoid of connection and hole focused, that isn't because women's rights are being abused; it's because viewers like and demand such content. No matter what I think about some porn makers, I do believe they are above all businessmen and that the stuff they produce is based on the desires of their audience. I dislike it personally, but I don't think that porn of better quality can be forced on a good chunk of viewers who clearly desire the vulgar hole-oriented content. And if somehow pornmakers decided to make porn more respectful towards women in order to make porn actresses happy, I don't think it would make them happy at all, because they will be earning far less with such content.
I see what you are saying, but you are missing point. The article isn't taking about current porns viewers, it's talking about why women don't watch it or enjoy it in the way many men do.

An excellent example is porn gifs. A friend & I were talking about them this last week, why I have a whole board of saved porn gifs, but can't stand porn. It's because these little slices I have saved have eye contact, touching, etc. It's erotic, sensuous, and definitely gets me going.

If a production company came out that made porn that had the build up, attention & sensuality included in the story line, that then leads to the graphic hard core sex, they'd make millions. The addition of the first makes the latter sexy to many women. I'd be they're first investor!
I want to see tolerance in porn. I believe tolerance is much more important than diversity.
There is no tolerance without diversity. Tolerance means accepting the ways in which people differ from you, and diversity is the presence of people who differ from you. If everyone looks and acts the same there's nothing to be tolerant of.

Broadly speaking I agree with you that the world would be better if we could be more accepting of other people's lives and kinks, I just think that acceptance goes hand in hand with people showing their differences.
There is no tolerance without diversity. Tolerance means accepting the ways in which people differ from you, and diversity is the presence of people who differ from you. If everyone looks and acts the same there's nothing to be tolerant of.

Broadly speaking I agree with you that the world would be better if we could be more accepting of other people's lives and kinks, I just think that acceptance goes hand in hand with people showing their differences.
I think it depends on what one means by the terms. They go hand in hand in terms of a site like this as a whole, in that the site should welcome, and its members should welcome, erotica that comes from diverse backgrounds, sexual identities and orientations, and erotic tastes.

If by "diverse" one means a way that an author "should" write erotica, then I don't agree, because I don't think there is any "should." People should write what they want without concern for other people's politics or tastes. It's a big place, and as long as it presents itself as welcoming and encouraging to everyone there will be diverse perspectives represented. That's where tolerance comes in. If the Site were to develop a reputation such as "they don't welcome black authors" or "they don't welcome trans stories," that would be both intolerant and bad for diverse representation.
If by "diverse" one means a way that an author "should" write erotica, then I don't agree, because I don't think there is any "should." People should write what they want without concern for other people's politics or tastes.
Telling everyone what to write would indeed be a bad definition of diversity. I don't think anyone in this thread has been giving orders about how others should write, though. I'm certainly not - I just said what I like to read and see (and write, although that didn't come up as much).
I wonder if those ranting about the evils of wokeness have ever stopped to think through their use of that term. People who've historically been denied representation and marginalized in other ways have never been allowed to forget they're the other. That consciousness is always there. They've never "slept" long enough to become "woke." Now they have the added fun of listening to an imperfectly-understood catchphrase being thrown around each time the topic of overdue equality in representation comes up.