Pay the rent...or??? (closed for Becaa57)

"A bit hectic, but life gives us challenges all the time."

Her body was so firm and not hesitant at all with me drying her off and touching any part of her. Which was a plus from my perspective...her willingly allowing exploration even if it skipped the ultimate goal. Just the feeling of expectation in touching her skin said so much.
She exhibited some quiet desire as if wanting to explore, but with that reservation. Easy achievable. Her eyes kept contact with mine and the timid smile was intriguing.

Who kew how far she was willing to go as she had asked for guidance..

"And your day?"
A big part of me is amazed that I'm letting you dry me, let alone enjoying the touch. But you are I making an effort for it not to seem sexual. Just drying my body, although a lot more thoroughly then I do usually. A lot of eye contact as you do, trying not to appear nervous, however if I was honest to myself I am. Still not used to another man touching me. Even though your touch has given me 2 powerful orgasms.
"My day was hectic, school and work. Thinking about looking for a new job though. Oh and I have another dinner date with Bob this weekend, so will be home late" Almost adding an ok Daddy but maybe not
"I'd imagine the bar scene can get old after awhile. The only upside being a good tip night which can get ruined with grabby hands and lewd comments. Hopefully another date with Bob will go just as well."

I realized my drying her was a bit overdone but she didn't seem to mind it and of nervous, it can across in a good way...more like anticipation. Spreading her towel on her lounger, we both sat down to stare at the stars and to relax. I think both of us were still processing our "massages" and the pleasant feel of them. We didn't want to rush things and at the same time excited about where things would move forward. Even more so, we just seemed comfortable with one another.

"Well, you can always Uber/Lyft if needed or we could come up with a "safe" word to text and I'll load up the buckshot".
It felt nice and a bit strange for both of us to be sitting on my lounge looking out at the stars. "Yes the lewd comments and grabby hands are a pain, but if they get too bad, Joe the bouncer is right there"
Sitting thinking of how my life has changed recently. I'm sitting nude next to a man who is almost old enough to be my father, and in fact reminds me of him in many ways. Then talking about my dating life on top of it, not to mention the mutual happy ending massages we'd given each other recently, and hopefully more in our future.
"The safe is actually not a bad idea, I used to have one for my dad, and while I'm sure he'd still answer, you might be quicker. If you are serious, won't need buckshot no shotguns in my future I hope!!!!" Scooting a bit closer to you as a breeze comes through. "How about pool?"
"I'd willingly do that for you both of us a comfort level to know we have someone to rely on."

She scooted closer, the breeze not enough to calm some desires by how close we were becoming. The water would help in that regard and hell, another chance to dry her off. We both stood up and a brief pause staring at one another before jumping in. And her nipples were in my thoughts as we swam.
As I jump in, I'm thinking maybe I made him nervous but sitting close, I would have been ok with just an arm around me. Oh well, I love swimming and do several more laps before getting out, as before you beat me out. Climbing out I know my nipples are standing at attention, a combination of the breeze, but also your eyes roaming up and down my body. As you hold my towel out, I smile and say. "Such good service here" letting you wrap the towel around me, holding me for a minute before starting to towel me dry again.
Even through the towel her body was tempting me. The smile and comfort level continued to draw us together. I felt pretty special since I figured I was privileged to have this connection to her no one else had. She takes a deep drink of her bourbon and lays back. I drag my lounger sideways to hers.

"Okay, since you are a working lady, you need to get a good foot massage before you call it a night. I promise not to go beyond your calves."

No way was I going to miss more direct contact.
Laying back to relax, but the promise of a foot massage is tempting me. "Ok I could use one one of the downsides of working a bar is on my feet a lot. Only to the calves??? " :) smiling but shifting my feet over to your lap. "I do appreciate this you know" Taking a smaller sip of bourbon. "It's funny how life turns out, a couple months ago, I was kind of lost, felt abandoned by my parents, and having lost my best friend, not counting that man whom I thought I'd grow old with. Now while I still miss my parents and Lisa. I think I've come to terms with things. Bobby is nothing more then a memory, I don't even miss him, which I never thought would happen. I've contacted and heard back from both my Dad and Lisa. So I think a reconciliation of sorts is coming. Although both relationships will never be as they were. But that's part of life right? Relationships change, sometimes for the better, sometime not. But things really shouldn't stay the same" Moaning as you work your thumbs into the balls of my feet. "God you should open a business!!!!"
"Then there is my own personal changes, being independent for the first time in my life. Living here with you, but not WITH you. Spending and being comfortable being nude with you, and even Mack which I still can't believe. The wonderful memory we've created with the happy ending massages. Mostly though, just you here listening to me. Thank you"
Just her placing her feet in my lap was all the permission I needed. And I knew I wouldn’t stop at the calves. Our connection was already deeper than to be that limiting. Massages of this type are not just for the recipient I’ve found.

“Listening can be silent just as it can be deafening. The tricky part is understanding what you hear.”

Not sure if we would have the time for a full experience, I still knew she desired some relief from what she was saying about her life. I could feel the relaxation in her as I moved my hands up her legs.

“You’re more than welcome, Becca. It’s delightful that you are comfortable.”

She was relaxing and letting her mind drift…and didn’t even tense up as my hands touched her more private area. A slow pressure and responding to her breathing and throaty moans. The slow build up or her impending release while I viewed the changes in her face of desire and expectation. Then that release that melts.

“Being with one, can be in so many ways other than physical and at the same time, identical.”
I close my eyes as your hands continue to work on my feet, then up my legs, when you go past my knees I smile. "So much for stopping at my calves" make no move to stop you as your work up my legs. You spend time on my inner thighs, which who knew are very sensitive. Then start touching my pussy, rubbing my lips, then sliding a finger between them. Going back and forth, not too deep just a light touch that is turning me on big time. Moaning softly, my hands going to my breasts, playing with my nipples as your touch continues to tantalate and excite me
No one would realize how her touching her breast was so exciting to me…unless you had her perspective and line of sight. My cock stirring at the sight of her and the feel of her pussy and thighs. Teasing that sensitive area between legs and torso and then switching to her lips with a slow insertion of two fingers. Holding back on my desire to lick the same areas.

“You know Mack is probably hard also.”
loving your touch, so light and sensitive, then slipping two fingers in just for a minute. My hands on my breasts squeezing them, softly gently, not like working for an orgasm, but more just the enjoyment of hands on me. I open my eyes when you mention Mack being hard.
"You know I never thought about that, is that a bad thing? I knew he enjoyed looking at me but..." thinking more
"I honestly don't know what I should do if anything? What do you think? He does seem like a nice guy and I guess I kind of like him looking at me"
"It doesn't surprise me at all that you like being looked at, Becca. Look at us, it may have started as an obligation but you seem to be real comfortable with it, am I right? I'd wager it wasn't too long ago you never thought you'd be where you are at now and massaging your own breasts while I explore you with my hands and eyes."

My hands and fingers continue to roam and insert into her, taking the liberty of pulling on her labia and gliding over her clit just to hear those quiet moans as she continues to relax and think.

"Not sure if you should do anything, but I'd also bet besides liking that he is looking at you, a new dimension added thinking he may be getting excited when doing so. On the bright side, if dinner conversation is slow tomorrow, you'll have plenty to think about."

She hadn't stopped playing with her breasts, if any thing a tad more forceful as I put some firm pressure on her clit and just watched her slowly roll into the waves.
"I know!!! When I moved in, the most I was going to be comfortable with was my bathing suit, in face I was thinking to get a more conservative one. Now look at us Ohhhhh yes" as you rub my clit more. "I knew in the in the beginning it was optional and I could have said no, I was feeling brave. Now you have your fingers on me, and in me!!!! Ohhhh yesssss" Taking a minute to catch my breath.
"I know he likes looking at me and as much of a surprise for me, I like that he does. To be honest even at work, I don't get as creep out when someone looks more then they should or says something. I'd NEVER do anything with them, because they're horn dogs. But still"
"I guess you're right it will give me something to think about at tomorrow's dinner, is it strange that I have no plans or desires to take that any further?"
"Not strange at all in my opinion...different relationships for different things as we have talked about before. Do what you feel best, what is comfortable for you and who you are with."

I squirted some more lotion on her mound and switched to a two hands approach after also letting her chest get a good dose. Tracing curves and keeping that tease going on her lips and gentle insertions, small amounts of pressure on her clit whenever I glided by it.

"You are quite attractive to look at and..." but it was evident she was lost in the physical feelings in her body and the private thoughts realizing she was definitely in the exhibitionist category and quite pleased with that realization. Her breathing deepened and that intense frown deepened as the tremors started. It was quite erotic to see her body succumb to my hands and her own playing with her nipples a bit more intensely.

Jokingly.."I'd bet Mack would love to see all that I see...he could be your first Only Fans."

Easing up with my fingers, it was a full three or four minutes before she calmed down, hell, she was almost to that state of needing another assist to bed.
"Different relationships for different things, makes sense, but for me in the past, this " gesturing to you and your hands on me. "Was only for a special person in my life, not that you're not special, but you know what I mean. ohhhhhhh yes" I feel you put lotion on me, both down on my mound, but also up on my breasts, moving my hands aside as yours rub it into me.
"I think he'd like too, but not on a website!!!! I've heard of that one, maybe one day"
I close my eyes and just concentrate on your fingers and the thoughts in my head. Letting them and my orgasm flow through me. Finally calming down enough to talk.
"This was so different and very good Unexpected"
Who knows what all she was considering or kicking back and forth inside. She was prime for being guided further, but at her pace of acceptance. She needed to be ready for it but also needed that surprise and push, she was eager for it as she was realizing.

"Maybe your day will go smoother after relaxing without obligations. And you'll enjoy your dinner, just accept it for what it is."

I could see it in her eyes, as sleepy as they were from the orgasm, and maybe even the shock of she had assisted in it. A "never done that before" thought. The coming days will be interesting...and pleasurable for both of us.
As I relax from the orgasm and foot/leg and more massage.
"I've got a lot to think about it seems and I'm glad no obligations, although you weren't 'Obligated' to do this. I do believe in fair play though. Want to do some more laps, maybe another drink? which reminds me, I have a bottle in my room to replenish your supply, I'll bring it down tomorrow if I can" I get up, stretch and jump into the pool, as I'm doing laps my mind goes to your neighbor Mack, wondering what you have in mind, and where it may go.
Watching her get up and stretch was almost like a private dance, maybe part of that comfortable exhibitionism we had developed.

"As you know, desire doesn't create obligations in the right relationship." I jump in along with her and we swim side by side. When we finish I get out and pour us each a nightcap, this time just enjoying watching the water run off her body as she opts to not dry off. Still amazed at how comfortable we fit together in such a short time. So much to teach her and guiding her to higher levels.

Our glasses clink and we sip with eyes locked. Me knowing where we were headed and her not sure but curious with a hunger that teased me in a way.
As I sip the drink, I can see you want more, and a huge part of me wants the same thing. But a relationship like this is so new to me. I know I'd said I was ok with FWB relationships, I just never thought I'd be in a position to have one, and what if I'm misreading you? Also can't get your neighbor out of my mind, did you have ulterior motives when your brought him up, although you seem like the last person in the world who do be sneaky that way. Or did you just want to see what I would say or do. Having no answers as I finish my drink.
"Well I think it's time for me to head upstairs, give Mack his nightly thrill :). You've given me a lot to think about"
"Nothing to mis-read at all. I'm an open book. No ulterior motives at all, I aways aim to please even if you are just inquisitive, Becca, and are exploring in new ways. Enjoyment should never be rushed."

A smile crosses my face as I watch that sexy body walk away knowing all the promises she would open up to...her needs, and mine were growing.
I was glad he mentioned being an open book, I am growing to trust him, maybe more then I should. As I walk up, thoughtful I see Mack on his deck looking my way. Sending him a wave and a "Hi Mack, how are you tonight?" He stutters some kind of answer. One more wave and I continue to my home. Strange to think of it that way, but it's what it has become. Going in, I rinse off and slide into bed, enjoying the sheets on my body and breeze coming through the window. Tomorrow may be an eventful day.
I watched her wave to Mack, getting a chuckle out of it. Tomorrow was Friday and she probably had school and with the dinner date most likely just a partial work night. Being the boss I planned on taking the day off to get some things done around the house and yard. I wasn't sure how late she had meant though I was enjoying our late night get togethers. Maybe I'd do up some late night snack for both of us just in case she needed something to nibble on as she related how things went on her dinner date. Nothing heavy, just some fruit and light appetizers. The breeze stayed steady all day and about 9 PM I had nothing better to do than sit poolside and wait her return. I didn't drift off but was lost in thought in general when I heard the click of heels approaching the garage apartment...
Friday goes by as expected, a quiz before the weekend, confirmed that I would still have dinner with Bob, that night. Taking Friday from work, going home quickly to just change into more of a going out to dinner outfit. Looking over at your place, but not seeing any sign of you. Guessing you are either working or stepped out for a bit. Dinner went as well as could be expected, but got more pressure to take it to the next level. He grudgingly accepted when I said I wasn't ready or wanting another serious relationship. I did find my mind wandering to the pool, and George and strangely enough Mack. How much simpler it is to just enjoy someone's company for only that nothing more. Finally getting home, walking up the stairs in heels, remembering to be careful. Inside I get undressed, and grab the bourbon bottle I'd brought for you. I head down, I know you are there because the pool light is on. Waving at Mack, poor guy is his whole life centered around me going up and down the stairs? May have to ask George more about him. Going into your pool area.
"Hi there, I come bearing gifts!! " Handing you the bottle before jumping in to do some laps.
Smiling, “Well howdy. See you aren’t that late at all. Hopefully it didn’t end early on a bad note?”

Taking the bottle from her with thanks, I pour us each a glass while she takes her first laps. She comes out and lays back as if relieved the whole day/night is over.

“I do have some snacks ready if you feel inclined. No need to decide now, just chill and do what makes you happy.”