
I typically write novel (or at least novella) length stories with multiple characters so TPO is the most obvious perspective for the narration and the one I employ most frequently. While I always have an ending in mind before I begin writing a story, I am prone to get inspired by one or more of the side characters to already have an idea for another story where they will become the main characters. This allows me to tailor the ending of the story so that it provides a cliff-hanger or lead-in to the next one.

Side characters from "His Daddy's Car" became the main characters in "Change". Side characters from "Change" became main characters in "Searching". Side characters from "Searching" became main characters in "Elements"... and the list goes on.

When the premise of the story supports a more intimate erotic relationship between two characters, I will generally use FPP. These are always shorter stories with much more detail related to the relationship dynamics and physical interactions between the two main characters. I believe the narrative is more closely suited to a first person perspective.
I've not counted it up, but my go-to these days seems to be third person limited. But my current long work in progress is first person, told from a woman's point of view, so I mix it up.

To answer your other question - I rarely know how a story will end, but I know when I get there.
I prefer first person for erotica, because I feel that the immediacy of the POV lends itself well to making a scene hot.

I generally loathe present tense, because it's hard to make sense of why the story is happening now and isn't being related to the reader the way most stories are. Further, present tense removes any cognizant foreshadowing; there's room for things the narrator doesn't yet know about, but that's honestly hard to pull off. First person present CAN be good but it's awkward and reliant on a lot of skill.
I used to love first person, but the stuff I write quickly hit the limits that style imposes - mainly the inability to easily depict things outside the narrator's perception.

Nowadays I prefer to write third person limited, giving each character I place the focus on a strong identity through internal monologue, thoughts and mannerisms while having the freedom to pull back the camera and slot in some world-building or other descriptions as needed.

I do miss the seat-of-the-pants feel good FP narrative can provide.
I have no real preference. The story itself decides. The scope of the story, and the size of the cast factor in. Is it a "holy cow, I can't believe this amazing thing is happening" story or is it a "this thing is happening" story?
know this depends on the story… but what narrative do you prefer using? First person, third person omniscient, or limited third p..?
ANYTHING but second person, that is such a pain to write. I'm usually 3rd person omnipresent (I bounce views around a lot) I haven't tried 3rd person limited, lately my stories have been two wide and sweeping for that.