Nothing to see here, Justa bit of Florida sunshine with a chance of hurricane.

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so todays rambling...back to finishing up my limited and pointless experience with chicks.

this is a short one. It was maybe 8 years ago. Ok, we tried to move as far away from family as possible. when we bought out rural bumblefuck house, we eventually learned his mothers cousin lived next town over. We started doing some family events. Their barn parties were pretty wild. Everyone over 20 and under 55 drank heavily. So, I am already three sheets to the wind, dancing and laughing, maybe even karaoke, and I can't sing and now it, so I am plowed when that happens. It started to die down around midnight. So, we leave, but when I am drunk, I can live forever, there is no need for sleep ever, etc etc. Seriously, it is like, god damn will that crazy bitch just pass out already, but alas, no. So I convince Hubby to take me to a local redneck bar. We met this young couple, chick was fucking hot, and she and I are really hitting it off. We are dancing, making out, all over each other, going well. Yeah, she is plowed too. Her and I decide it would be awesome to get our hubbies and take the party private. After discussing, She and I determined their house is where we should go because her cat just had kittens. Yes, drunk chick logic dictates go where baby fury animals are, so we can hold them and go awwww and shit. We inform our husbands of our plans, seems all good. We are supposed to follow them. Hubby does not, and just drives until I figure out we are not following anyone. He tells my drunk ass, sorry I guess I lost them, so home it is, and we go home. Next morning, I ask if he played me, and yeah he is pretty much bitch please, no way, was not happening, but you are impossible like that, so I figured I'd say I agree, ignore your plan, and hope you forgot. Never saw the couple again. Hum what is the chick version of a cock block? ...beaver dam, cunt shunt, clam jam, lip zipper, taco blocko, twat swat? Well whatever, clearly he was not down with me and bar chick taking our night private. And now i will need to find a new topic to ramble about.

But hey, work pics

Great ramblings... and oh to share your cubicle!!!:devil:
Everytime you post those evening bend over picks and the morning pics at work, I tend to get a bulge in my pants. Don't get me wrong I like the bulge in my pants. And I like it that you can be so naughty at work. Thanks for the almost daily inspiration.
So todays ramblings. I realize I sound like a lush (which I kind of am), but again who has a story that begins with a salad. I just remembered that I do. It isn’t a sexy story, but I thought it was funny. Again, you will find, to me, it is the people life introduced me to that is the story.

It was 92, I think, maybe 93, and I am in my house eating a Sheetz taco salad (I loved those things, and the touch screens were cutting edge). A friend and coworker of my moms 3rd husband comes over. Someone new is with him. She isn’t that much older than me. Her name is Sanya. My salad is half eaten, it isn’t polite to eat in front of people, and I am done anyway, (Taco salads don’t save well, all the toppings makes the nachos soggy) so I dump my plate into my dog’s bowl and he eats it (he ate anything). Sanya looked at me like I had just shot her dog or something. She can’t really explain her shock, because, turns out, she is a Russian mail order bride. That shit actually exists, I thought it was myth. I would also think it would be out of this guys income level, but he worked at the same factory for near 30 years, lived in his dead parents’ house, never married or had kids, so I guess life was a lot cheaper for him. Sanya is like 18 or 19 and speaks no English. Yeah, my mom is not going to be her friend and do the wives club thing, so when they come over, Sanya hangs out with me.

I have had friends who don’t speak English before, over time they pick up more and more. Usually, they were shy and looked lonely hence me reaching out to them, and then discovering they cannot effectively converse in their surrounds, but no worries, I talk enough for two people. It is really interesting watching people learn, grow, progress and “Americanize”. Teens going from appearing terrified of their surroundings to life of the party. One of my very good male friends was Romanian, and I don’t think he understood most of what I said for like 6 months.

Anyway, so first day, I try to understand the look of horror about my dog eating my salad, and he explains who she is and says she has a lot of weird food things. I decide to show her around the neighbor and a local mom and pop grocery store. As near as she could communicate, produce was something that wasn’t in her stores at home, she seemed familiar with grains and canned goods though, so we bought and sampled produce. We had some random outings like this, sometimes just hung in my room, sometimes we would go out and her husband would give her money to spend. She had gotten used to handing cashiers money, and the process, though she just handed them everything and let them figure it out. We would do typical teen girl things, makeovers, listen to music, shop etc.

This is all relevant because the funniest day with her takes all this into account. One other thing of note, I was hot, but Sanya was fucking phenomenal, probably cost everything he had. Anyway, her husband comes over, and asks me to take her to the mall, help her pick out clothes, and make a day of it. He gives her a couple hundred, drops us off at the mall, and we do some shopping. We do some runway struts down aisles as we try on clothes. In public, she would emulate me, so I am sure I screwed up her social skills, but we laughed a lot, communicating with very simple words and a lot of gestures. Eventually we meet some guys, whom I actually convince to do a runway show in a women’s clothing store with us. Yes, the employees were confused, but even those women were practically rolling on the floor laughing with us by the end. Nothing like an 18 year old goth boys with their black and green hair doing runway struts and striking a pose in pretty dresses.

We then part ways with the boys, and continue shopping. We hit a sunglass booth. We try on a bunch, striking silly poses and making fun faces, yup teen girls posed for selfies and did duck lips before there was such a thing as selfies. The sunglass guy is just watching us, chit chatting we me, and understanding the situation of her not speaking English. Eventually, we both settle on a pair, and when we try to pay, he says, they look great on you, keep them, no charge. She is confused and keeps trying to hand him all her money so he can take what he is owed. I push her hand and money back to her, and do my best to explain. I say you, pointing to her, then I do a vogue with like dual hands with a movement similar to the sign for pretty in ASL while saying pretty, point to him while saying he, then say give you gift while acting like I am handing her an imaginary box. She seemed to get it. Next, I decide she must try an Orange Julius. We go, and do our thing, I chit chat with the cashier, again when we are about to pay, he says on the house. So, again I push her hand and money back to her and do the whole “he give you gift” statement and motions. We wander around some more, but still have time to kill, so I decide hey, let’s watch a movie. Yup, I totally took Sanya to see Basic Instinct because I wanted to see what all the drama was about. And, for the third time that day, the ticket guy says no charge, so I, again, do the whole pushing back her money and “he give you gift” statement and motions.

Now, after the movie, we sit on a bench and try to decide what to do next. A woman, probably in her 50s, is sitting on the next bench, sees our communication struggle, and asks if she is deaf. I explain no, she is from Russia and doesn’t speak much English. The woman looks at her and asks how she is liking American and what is different about America compared to Russia. Sanya looks at me because she doesn’t understand. I say “America, Russia, different, how” and do the exaggerated like why hand body shrug I use to indicate a question with her (and hoping she understands different). Sanya looks at her and answers “food”. Woman asks for more details, so I explain the salad and grocery store and how it seems Russian grocery stores are nothing like America. Woman then asks “what else” Sanya again looks to me, so I say more and use this hand wave I use for more. Sanya is clearly trying to think how to say something, then she busts out with what became the funniest thing of the day, because this woman gave us such a cat butt face and walked off. After the pause, Sanya says in her broken struggling English, “me pretty, men give me”. It was the longest sentence she ever said, and I could not stop laughing at the situation.

So that is my story that begins with a salad, and ends with me breaking a Russian Mail Order Bride. A few years later I also broke a shy submissive Filipino women that a friend came back with after a trip. The lesson to be had today is do not give me your shy, passive, submissive women, as I do not give them back the same.
So todays ramblings. I realize I sound like a lush (which I kind of am), but again who has a story that begins with a salad. I just remembered that I do. It isn’t a sexy story, but I thought it was funny. Again, you will find, to me, it is the people life introduced me to that is the story.

So that is my story that begins with a salad, and ends with me breaking a Russian Mail Order Bride. A few years later I also broke a shy submissive Filipino women that a friend came back with after a trip. The lesson to be had today is do not give me your shy, passive, submissive women, as I do not give them back the same.

Ahh... you are not only beautiful and sexy, but also amazing at international diplomacy... a talented lady!!!:rose::rose:
I love your ramblngs! Need to check out your thread regurlarly now that I found it....:D And you look great! :kiss: We really deserve to get laid more....:cool::

Well thank you. and girlie, you are preaching to the choir. now how to make it happen is a question for the ages.

Hate to break it to you, but it isn't the wardrobe but the hot, sexy woman rocking it! You make everything look amazing!

thanks, but I know everyone likes a daily kmart, walmart, amazon fashion show

Justa love todays outfit!

About that clearance sale well its just the same toys no one wanted to buy and helped cause the closings , youtube is full of videos about the crappy toys and toysrus got stuck with.
But I'm sure some smart shoppers will find some treasure in the mess that is there.

I knew things were bad in 08 till 16 when you saw brand new cars at the Dollar General and Family Dollar stores parking lots and not the normal beat up cars us poor types drive.

Justa those nipples of yours just begging to be played with I swear and that ass pic just has me saying back that up over here::p: :nana:

Such a great Friday and the weather is so nice to be out in.

thank you. and when they hit 90% off, people will buy everything. Come on, it isn't spending, it is saving.

and thank you, there are many things that would enjoy being played with. Hope your friday is good too.

Love the photos. I like the bent over pic. My favourite position.

thank you. I am a fan of the position myself

Great ramblings... and oh to share your cubicle!!!:devil:
thanks, but warning be near my cube, you also get stuck listening to me.

We definitely need to seem more of that great ass of yours... Damn you are one sexy lady!!!:rose::rose:

thanks, and come on, there must be 30 pictures of my ass now.

Everytime you post those evening bend over picks and the morning pics at work, I tend to get a bulge in my pants. Don't get me wrong I like the bulge in my pants. And I like it that you can be so naughty at work. Thanks for the almost daily inspiration.

Well thanks, pants bulges are always the best compliments.

Ahh... you are not only beautiful and sexy, but also amazing at international diplomacy... a talented lady!!!:rose::rose:

Yes, I will talk with anyone...including those who have no idea what I am saying. It is just how I roll.
So todays ramblings. I realize I sound like a lush (which I kind of am), but again who has a story that begins with a salad. I just remembered that I do. It isn’t a sexy story, but I thought it was funny. Again, you will find, to me, it is the people life introduced me to that is the story.

It was 92, I think, maybe 93, and I am in my house eating a Sheetz taco salad (I loved those things, and the touch screens were cutting edge). A friend and coworker of my moms 3rd husband comes over. Someone new is with him. She isn’t that much older than me. Her name is Sanya. My salad is half eaten, it isn’t polite to eat in front of people, and I am done anyway, (Taco salads don’t save well, all the toppings makes the nachos soggy) so I dump my plate into my dog’s bowl and he eats it (he ate anything). Sanya looked at me like I had just shot her dog or something. She can’t really explain her shock, because, turns out, she is a Russian mail order bride. That shit actually exists, I thought it was myth. I would also think it would be out of this guys income level, but he worked at the same factory for near 30 years, lived in his dead parents’ house, never married or had kids, so I guess life was a lot cheaper for him. Sanya is like 18 or 19 and speaks no English. Yeah, my mom is not going to be her friend and do the wives club thing, so when they come over, Sanya hangs out with me.

I have had friends who don’t speak English before, over time they pick up more and more. Usually, they were shy and looked lonely hence me reaching out to them, and then discovering they cannot effectively converse in their surrounds, but no worries, I talk enough for two people. It is really interesting watching people learn, grow, progress and “Americanize”. Teens going from appearing terrified of their surroundings to life of the party. One of my very good male friends was Romanian, and I don’t think he understood most of what I said for like 6 months.

Anyway, so first day, I try to understand the look of horror about my dog eating my salad, and he explains who she is and says she has a lot of weird food things. I decide to show her around the neighbor and a local mom and pop grocery store. As near as she could communicate, produce was something that wasn’t in her stores at home, she seemed familiar with grains and canned goods though, so we bought and sampled produce. We had some random outings like this, sometimes just hung in my room, sometimes we would go out and her husband would give her money to spend. She had gotten used to handing cashiers money, and the process, though she just handed them everything and let them figure it out. We would do typical teen girl things, makeovers, listen to music, shop etc.

This is all relevant because the funniest day with her takes all this into account. One other thing of note, I was hot, but Sanya was fucking phenomenal, probably cost everything he had. Anyway, her husband comes over, and asks me to take her to the mall, help her pick out clothes, and make a day of it. He gives her a couple hundred, drops us off at the mall, and we do some shopping. We do some runway struts down aisles as we try on clothes. In public, she would emulate me, so I am sure I screwed up her social skills, but we laughed a lot, communicating with very simple words and a lot of gestures. Eventually we meet some guys, whom I actually convince to do a runway show in a women’s clothing store with us. Yes, the employees were confused, but even those women were practically rolling on the floor laughing with us by the end. Nothing like an 18 year old goth boys with their black and green hair doing runway struts and striking a pose in pretty dresses.

We then part ways with the boys, and continue shopping. We hit a sunglass booth. We try on a bunch, striking silly poses and making fun faces, yup teen girls posed for selfies and did duck lips before there was such a thing as selfies. The sunglass guy is just watching us, chit chatting we me, and understanding the situation of her not speaking English. Eventually, we both settle on a pair, and when we try to pay, he says, they look great on you, keep them, no charge. She is confused and keeps trying to hand him all her money so he can take what he is owed. I push her hand and money back to her, and do my best to explain. I say you, pointing to her, then I do a vogue with like dual hands with a movement similar to the sign for pretty in ASL while saying pretty, point to him while saying he, then say give you gift while acting like I am handing her an imaginary box. She seemed to get it. Next, I decide she must try an Orange Julius. We go, and do our thing, I chit chat with the cashier, again when we are about to pay, he says on the house. So, again I push her hand and money back to her and do the whole “he give you gift” statement and motions. We wander around some more, but still have time to kill, so I decide hey, let’s watch a movie. Yup, I totally took Sanya to see Basic Instinct because I wanted to see what all the drama was about. And, for the third time that day, the ticket guy says no charge, so I, again, do the whole pushing back her money and “he give you gift” statement and motions.

Now, after the movie, we sit on a bench and try to decide what to do next. A woman, probably in her 50s, is sitting on the next bench, sees our communication struggle, and asks if she is deaf. I explain no, she is from Russia and doesn’t speak much English. The woman looks at her and asks how she is liking American and what is different about America compared to Russia. Sanya looks at me because she doesn’t understand. I say “America, Russia, different, how” and do the exaggerated like why hand body shrug I use to indicate a question with her (and hoping she understands different). Sanya looks at her and answers “food”. Woman asks for more details, so I explain the salad and grocery store and how it seems Russian grocery stores are nothing like America. Woman then asks “what else” Sanya again looks to me, so I say more and use this hand wave I use for more. Sanya is clearly trying to think how to say something, then she busts out with what became the funniest thing of the day, because this woman gave us such a cat butt face and walked off. After the pause, Sanya says in her broken struggling English, “me pretty, men give me”. It was the longest sentence she ever said, and I could not stop laughing at the situation.

So that is my story that begins with a salad, and ends with me breaking a Russian Mail Order Bride. A few years later I also broke a shy submissive Filipino women that a friend came back with after a trip. The lesson to be had today is do not give me your shy, passive, submissive women, as I do not give them back the same.
That was a very nice thing. I remember helping a couple of students from Asia when I was in high school kinda the same way. You're as decent a human being as you are beautiful and sexy.
Yes the marked down prices do give some people that false sense of savings and before i sound smug I was informed how these sales and donations can get some people tax credits so I learned something and still got to stare at your sexy body Justa. :nana:

Now will there a Friday drunken bout of sex or just more pics?
Yes I am a noisy bastard :devil:

Also noted never to allow you around any submissive dates or internet brides, cue Eddie Murphy
Nothing worse than your bush bitch getting Americanized, direct Eddie quote and not a trigger to those of a sensitive nature ........Front Page of the African Enquirer , classic gold right!
That was a very nice thing. I remember helping a couple of students from Asia when I was in high school kinda the same way. You're as decent a human being as you are beautiful and sexy.

oh I am just one of those people who like to talk with unique and different people. Again some of my closest friends I met in parking lots, I have met a ton of interesting people in airports and on planes, but thank you

Yes the marked down prices do give some people that false sense of savings and before i sound smug I was informed how these sales and donations can get some people tax credits so I learned something and still got to stare at your sexy body Justa. :nana:

Now will there a Friday drunken bout of sex or just more pics?
Yes I am a noisy bastard :devil:

Also noted never to allow you around any submissive dates or internet brides, cue Eddie Murphy

fuck on a friday, in my house, yeah right, hell he blew me off last saturday.

and omg sitting in my cube with my headphones laughing hysterically, but yup nailed it.

Half Eddie I want HALF!
yeah that was funny.
Nothing worse than your bush bitch getting Americanized, direct Eddie quote and not a trigger to those of a sensitive nature ........Front Page of the African Enquirer , classic gold right!

well it is funny when Eddie says it, but from you, yeah total trigger. you said words, traumatizing words, with things that damage my feminine ears like bitch and bush. the horror the horror
Ok no sex last Saturday , shocked and feeling your disappointment in spirit , you traumatized not likely but I will offer you a golf clap and a shot of any top shelf booze. :nana:

Pearl Harbor sex Justa it works for the ladies, guys never see it coming.
Ok no sex last Saturday , shocked and feeling your disappointment in spirit , you traumatized not likely but I will offer you a golf clap and a shot of any top shelf booze. :nana:

Pearl Harbor sex Justa it works for the ladies, guys never see it coming.

yes it was very sad, i am still mourning. I never turn down booze though so awesome. Must admit to first having to google pearl harbor sex. 2nd will admit to using that plan of attack...too often lol. It is not an option anymore though.
Well I'm left without any suggestions now !
I have failed this thread :eek:

Yes I have dated pop culture shout outs and call backs feel free to flame me.
oh I am just one of those people who like to talk with unique and different people. Again some of my closest friends I met in parking lots, I have met a ton of interesting people in airports and on planes, but thank you

fuck on a friday, in my house, yeah right, hell he blew me off last saturday.

Youre welcome, and I'm going through a bit of a dry spell myself. About a month i reckon.
yes it was very sad, i am still mourning. I never turn down booze though so awesome. Must admit to first having to google pearl harbor sex. 2nd will admit to using that plan of attack...too often lol. It is not an option anymore though.

Well you are not the only one.. I had to look it up too... Never heard of that before. :rolleyes:
Look up spaceghost, not the cartoon character the term and suddenly Pearl Harbor sex makes more sense.
Well I'm left without any suggestions now !
I have failed this thread :eek:

Yes I have dated pop culture shout outs and call backs feel free to flame me.

lol, hell, I share what I have to google so I can be flamed. My pop culture game is so poor it is laughable

Youre welcome, and I'm going through a bit of a dry spell myself. About a month i reckon.

sucks to be you too I guess.

Well you are not the only one.. I had to look it up too... Never heard of that before. :rolleyes:

lol, but yup only works if you can get them in bed in the first place.
Look up spaceghost, not the cartoon character the term and suddenly Pearl Harbor sex makes more sense.

oh I miss watching Space Ghost coast to coast. or I think I do. I loved watching that during my stoner days. but I remember it being fucking funny. of course, I might have found water funny so who knows.
lol, hell, I share what I have to google so I can be flamed. My pop culture game is so poor it is laughable

sucks to be you too I guess.

I don't know what pearl harbor sex is either. And if we have the same problem, than maybe we can come up with a solution together 😉 lol

P.S. With a body like your's,I find you having a dry spell hard to believe.
Dexters lab and being stoned was a winner and maybe some PPG and Miss Sara Bellum

Power Puff Girl if you were wondering.
I don't know what pearl harbor sex is either. And if we have the same problem, than maybe we can come up with a solution together 😉 lol

P.S. With a body like your's,I find you having a dry spell hard to believe.

Well apparently Pearl harbour sex is like laying next to someone who is asleep and just acting like you are just being cuddly, then pouncing. Sneak attack they don't see coming. It works for a while, until they get more vigilant and avoid you because ya know oh no sex run lol.

And thanks but yeah Dry spell ... That is pretty much my 30s, and my late 20s weren't so awesome either. But again I am pretty needy, so I sit here whining about things many would be thrilled with.

I have an decent toy collection though, and know how to get hubby to avoid me if I choose (ya know the look, being friendly) so if I want to watch like greys uninterrupted, I can just be friendly and he will find something he needs to work on in the garage. Awesome lol.
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