Nothing to see here, Justa bit of Florida sunshine with a chance of hurricane.

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so ramble of the day..... my freakish number of highschool friends on tv as well as my brushes with fame.

well I mentioned the one best friend who her and her husband won messiest home in the country. they did get like a 60k home makeover, not sure if it was worth the humiliation though. It was funny for hubby and I to watch them clean out their house, and we were all oh I gave her that and oh I gave him that. it did also explain that originally when I used to come to town, I would come visit her, then she met me at a nearby diner, then just didn't return my calls at all. Or maybe she just outgrew me. I was always way more wild than her.

One of my other best friends. At the time she was a stripper. Her and her stripper friend and her boyfriend decided to concoct a story about a love triangle to get a free trip and get on tv. There was no real love triangle, all lies, but she was naked wearing a dog collar and leash on Jerry Springer. (She later switched to doing porn movies, eventually aged out of mainstream porn, and is still working as a cam idea about the other couple)

One of my male friends mom took him on an out of control raver teen episode. he wasn't that out of control, but wasn't an angel. He is about to retire from the military now.

Another male friend was on a serious oprah discussing openly gay teens (was more common in the 90s than say the 50s, but still wasn't overly common). he is still gay, otherwise don't know much.

my 1st boyfriend... saw him on a who is your baby's daddy maury povich. His dad brought him on because his new baby might not be his, but be the dad's. I actually believe it to be true. I was young when I was dating the son (again first boyfriend ever). He lived in the trailer park by the factory I mentioned, with his dad. Well boyfriend used to work 4 to 7pm some days. One day, me and 3 of the girls walked over a little early to wait for him. So just hanging out with his dad, as we had before. His dad asked me to come look at his new bedroom set and give my opinion, weird but whatever. yeah, I understood when his tongue was down my throat. He then made it onto my list of creepy old guys that I should never be alone with. But that is why I don't believe the dad made it up as I know the dad is the creepy pig type and would try to screw his son's girlfriends. Baby ended up being the son's

one of my girl friends, her husband took her on a serious Dr Chick type show. He took her because their baby was then almost 2, and she refused to leave the baby out of her sight, like ever. Literally, had never left the child. Screwed up home life like everyone else and she was always so excited about having kids in the future, so I guess not a shock. By the end she did agree to go out to a dinner, leaving the kid with his parents.

I am quite sure I am forgetting one or two, but it would have been similar screwed up stories.

And I guess my claim to fame is next. It sounds pretty cool without the whole truth, but I was on a TV show weekly for a few years, and was on the cover of a magazine.

Whole story, ok I love animals. I had been trying to get the humane society to let me volunteer from the time I was 8. At 12, I used to volunteer in the high school biology lab to take care of the animals, and in talks with the biology teacher, I mentioned I really wanted to volunteer at the humane society, but they always said my age was a liability. Well my biology teacher was roommates with a top person there (I didn't get they were lesbians until it dawned on my in my 20s) Anyway I started volunteering at 12 when the biology teacher got her girlfriend to pull strings for me. So, I was 14 or 15 when the local public broadcast network and them decided to do a weekly half hour adoption advertisement show. Somehow I got elected to be the face. So every Wednesday night, a guy would come, film me holding, walking, playing with a few dogs and cats, while I told him about them. He would then edit and voice over all of it with the important facts. So basically I guess I was the local Vanna White of homeless animals on public broadcast for a few years.

Next, magazine cover. OK, I was working for a hunting equipment manufacturer. Yes, I realize the contradiction. The answer is, I sold out. They had a job that paid more than what I was making. I started shooting bows on my break (target shooting). Eventually, got pretty damn good. Anyway, a bowhunting magazine put a bunch of photos of industry chicks holding new bows for the company they represented. like 15 women, and I will say I could have never shot the bow I was holding, as with most of the women lol. So yeah my cover girl story isn't that cool either haha.

And that summarizes my brushes with TV fame.
The no panties at home , well you are at home and yet I find that very hot while smiling at the thinking that went into figuring that out......wasn't there a guy that stayed in his pj's had a magazine called Playboy...yep so your one up on him Jutsa already.

Triggering sundress kink and fantasies......:devil: ;P

haha. and yes there may be some sundress kinkiness that happens at my house on weekends.
Your ass is exquisite. As amazing as your tits are I certainly would not complain with more peeks down below.
So not boring is what your saying!

You were hunger games before Jennifer Lawrence , that's hella cool!

Mmmm yeah! love that angle and the pantie free feeling it inspire's to other ladies:nana:
Oh my goodness! :devil: :kiss:

thank you

So not boring is what your saying!

You were hunger games before Jennifer Lawrence , that's hella cool!

Mmmm yeah! love that angle and the pantie free feeling it inspire's to other ladies:nana:

lol, yeah I ran with some crazy ass people. sometimes I get a kick out of being called the "normal one" lol

and thank you

Nice, I love that angle, very hot,
thank you

Fucking hot.
thank you

thank you
Wow! Thats the best part about you and your gorgeous body...things are always looking up!

Lol. Yes it is always good when things look up. And thank you

Yes, that will more than do...makes me wanna DO you!

Glad that will suffice.

That’s it, just lower yourself onto my face, my tongue is out ready

Hum now wondering if i should gif a video from that angle (minus a Man's face of course)

Yep, another great angle of a great body, sooooo sexy

Thank you.

love it! and all your pics.. going backwards through your thread..

Thank you. Backwards, interesting

More like this would be awesome!!

I will add that to the to do list. Probably not as exciting in my normal weekday wardrobe of jeans.
So for today's picture, I think I will go with slutty picture fails. Well, I have already mentioned I am a walking pinterest fail. I have also said I am out of slutty picture ideas, so why not turn to the internet and probably fail

ok cute naked girl in apron. one I happened to grab

me, ok, I can be all slutty Donna fucking Reed. I'll even cook too. hum shouldn't these straps go around my waist. well it was like a buck, so I assume made in China, the women in China are short, I am probably an Amazon compared to them (I am not really tall, I'm 5'7" ok sometimes I go with 5'6". yeah years, inches, and pounds all sometimes get shaved off in my head.)


maybe that too high waist tie will keep the girls in check, can i cook like this?

nope, I moved, girls win.

well at least I can still badly cook.

and for today's rambling. you know you probably spend too much time on lit when you actually first heard a news story here. granted, it was just the dumb story that a kid was investigated for terroristic threats because commenting the radical symbol kind of looked like a gun. yeah I found it funny. real school shootings not funny, crazy overreaction to nothing, funny. That of course reminds me of what I think was the funniest...the Fresh Prince of Bel Air not terroristic threats. omg, I shouldn't still find that one funny, but yeah, If i was his friend, I'd still be picking on him (as well as if i was friends with anyone that heard it and just didn't understand and escalated to that being treated as a threat.) omg it is will smith. how can you not get it.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed today's tour through the random thoughts in my head.

Reminds me of a line in a Garth Brooks song, "she was standing in the kitchen with nothing but her apron on." I used to get so horny when I heard that song. Funny that I can't remember the name of the song, just that line.
so it was pointed out to me, since I didn't get a bent over shot in the apron, my sundress would do. so....

It works very well. I would "accidentally" bump into you with my stiff cock. One of these days I'll get a hole in one.

just a different angle from this morning.

I like, I like. I'd drop something on the ground to get a peek but you're more likely to flash me instead and thus saving me from looking like a silly fool.
It works very well. I would "accidentally" bump into you with my stiff cock. One of these days I'll get a hole in one.

I like, I like. I'd drop something on the ground to get a peek but you're more likely to flash me instead and thus saving me from looking like a silly fool.

I bet you'd get a hole in one with very few attempts needed. And what kind of chick do you think I am being likely to flash? Well whatever type you think, you are probably correct.

very sexy views,,, :devil:

Thank you

Reminds me of a line in a Garth Brooks song, "she was standing in the kitchen with nothing but her apron on." I used to get so horny when I heard that song. Funny that I can't remember the name of the song, just that line.

To be honest, I don't listen to a lot of country. Yes I am an embarrassment to all the rednecks around me. But yeah concept of wearing only an apron, hot. Me actually doing it, not as much. I rock only a trench coat better (once walked and shopped in only a trenchcoat, was a dare)
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