My Opinion, now I invite every one to castigate and judge the f**k out of me, thanks!

This quote from Aristotle (whose name means The Best Purpose) was made in response to an even smarter, but never recognized philosopher, Elachistos (whose name meansThe Least Purpose).

Elachistos refused help Aristotle write his great book, "The Nicomachean Ethics."

Instead, Elachistos told Aristotle - "You're stoopid and your mother eats bugs."
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Would my cunt be less f**ked up had I not said thanks? I probably should have used the asterisk in the word cunt, hmmmm I apologize.
Apology accepted, but your c**t is no less f****d. But that's just my o*****n. Who am I to j***e.
I have been reading threads today and seeing people give their honest opinion on a variety of subjects, only for others to tell them how wrong they are just for having their opinion, whatever it is. So Lit, here it is, I have an opinion, let people have their say and please stop being so judgy! Now let the tushy-tearing begin!

I'm just here for the tushy. *wink wink*

(Oh, please, God, no...don't let that one guy who posted his torn tushy see this and post here!)
About the only time I will tear into someone is if their opinion harms others, particular those that have had to deal with it historically or in their modern lives. People like to say that words don't actively hurt, but normalizing speech and ideas leads to normalizing of actions. Or, in addition, they are just based on quakery of some sort.

You start talking shit, expect to "get hit."
I have been reading threads today and seeing people give their honest opinion on a variety of subjects, only for others to tell them how wrong they are just for having their opinion, whatever it is. So Lit, here it is, I have an opinion, let people have their say and please stop being so judgy! Now let the tushy-tearing begin!
My opinion is that your opinion on having opinions about opinions is wrong!

(No. Not really. 😎)
My opinion is that we all will be judged for our opinions, for better or worse. If you throw some bullshit at me or just out there for public littering...Count on me to throw that shit back at ya. I cant stand people who litter. There.
I have been reading threads today and seeing people give their honest opinion on a variety of subjects, only for others to tell them how wrong they are just for having their opinion, whatever it is. So Lit, here it is, I have an opinion, let people have their say and please stop being so judgy! Now let the tushy-tearing begin!
imma gonna pinch you hard. lol
I have been reading threads today and seeing people give their honest opinion on a variety of subjects, only for others to tell them how wrong they are just for having their opinion, whatever it is. So Lit, here it is, I have an opinion, let people have their say and please stop being so judgy! Now let the tushy-tearing begin!
…welcome to the internet.
Hmmm, ok then, in my opinion I’m dom now, but if I were truly dom I wouldn’t have to express the opinion, which negates it as an opinion and makes it………just stupid?
Hmmm, ok then, in my opinion I’m dom now, but if I were truly dom I wouldn’t have to express the opinion, which negates it as an opinion and makes it………just stupid?
I'm so confused right now. 😵‍💫