
Read my previous post addressed to Adjudicator, and stop deflecting.
I'm not. I genuinely have no clue what point you were trying to make. And I did read all your posts in this thread.

And you still haven't answered my question: how come they gave the 20 m swimming pools to women, and the 50 m. ones to men?

And my guess was because the 50m pool is bigger, as in rooms more people, and there were more men wanting gender separated time than women.

What's your theory?
Ever done laps in a 20m pool? You get dizzy, not to mention the sillynness factor.
I have. It's passable, but not not ideal.

But also beside my point. If you have, say, a group of 10 and a group of 20, and you need to split them up into two differently sized pools, which group do you put in the bigger pool?

Of course, ideally, they'd set aside time in the 50m pool for both gropus, but then they'd have to take twice as much time away from regular non-segregated pool time. Would you be cool with that?

Not to mention the fact that scheduling gender segregated swimming pools during evening hours, discriminates against women in other ways.

A lot of women juggle the responsibility of households too. I can't see many men being willing to wake up in the early morning in order to make breakfast, supervise the kids' morning routines and so on by themselves, while the wife is at the swimming pool. Or being able to do all those things by themselves.

For that reason, some women prefer evening swimming (or exercise) hours, after the kids are put to bed and the spouse is parked in front of the TV. My sister, for example only exercises in the late evening, because of that.

And having to put up with a 20 m. swimming pool (which was designed for smaller kids or beginners) instead of a normal 50 m. one, because of that?
That's discriminatory too.
Sounds like having to put up with a 20m pool is the least of her problems.
Not to mention the fact that scheduling gender segregated swimming pools during evening hours, discriminates against women in other ways.

A lot of women juggle the responsibility of households too. I can't see many men being willing to wake up in the early morning in order to make breakfast, supervise the kids' morning routines and so on by themselves, while the wife is at the swimming pool. Or being able to do all those things by themselves.

For that reason, some women prefer evening swimming (or exercise) hours, after the kids are put to bed and the spouse is parked in front of the TV. My sister, for example only exercises in the late evening, because of that.

And having to put up with a 20 m. swimming pool (which was designed for smaller kids or beginners) instead of a normal 50 m. one, because of that?
That's discriminatory too.

You are talking about one pool. One. Singular.
Here ya go. Speaking like a real man.
Never occurred to him that one might look less than flattering (slightly congested face, red eyes and so on), after being soaked for an entire hour in a chlorine pool.
And goggles aren't impermeable. Water still gets through.

There you go again. Acting like an expert on something you don't even do. Why don't you get your ass in a pool and swim for a while and then you can talk about it from experience.

You generalized earlier that men prefer to swim in the morning, but not women. Why is that? That hasn't been my experience, either. In my experience, the swimmers who are doing it for exercise do it early in the morning regardless of their gender.
hashdrag said:
lol I'm so much better than you guys at this.
Bring it on!

Are you still persisting with this funny argument? I can bring you so many reasons why you're wrong.

First of all, ask Adjudicator, and he might agree that 29 m. swimming pools are for children or retards.

Secondly, why force women into the worst swimming pool, because they are in a minority (aka in lower nombers than men, at that particular hour)? Doesn't that clash with your liberal mantra of advocating for all minority groups, regardless of type or setting?

I will swim wherever I can. My HS pool was 25 meters and I swam laps in that for years. My current pool of choice at my YMCA is 25 meters. It's just fine. I've swam in smaller pools at hotels, and it was frustrating, but workable. Swimming laps in a 25 meter pool (I've never encountered a 29 meter pool) does not make one dizzy; I would think only the elite Olympian swimmers are so fast that the 25 meter pool would bother then, but I also don't believe they would care too much.

Did you really just use the word "retards" to try to make your point?

fucking hashtag said:
Did you pay attention to the point of the articles?
"Swimming pool segregation on the rise to accommodate Muslim migrants in Sweden"

Women-only hours have been offered in Swedish swimming pools since the late Nineties - but there has been a recent increase after the country accepted tens of thousands of refugees from the Middle East.

The rise in women-only swimming hours has been promoted as offering a safe space for women and girls who may not be comfortable with showing their bodies in swimwear, or who hold conservative beliefs rooted in religion.

This is still the argument you're making to support your thread about GB Libs and multiculturalism? It's your thread. You came up with the assertion. Can you support it?
1.I used to, more than you did.
2.What would you know? Maybe I'm trying to get plumped up and nice, for the Thanksgiving dinner stuffing.

3.Umm, look at your initial post. YOU were the one who started with such sweeping generalizations, by claiming that both genders prefer mornings.

"In my experience" =/= sweeping generalization
Good for you; you scored more points.

I know that a lot of people (mostly men) prefer mornings from 6 to 8 am, maybe because it makes them feel better for the rest of the day and they don't care a damn about how they look.

I always preferred evenings. And I saw that a lot of other women used evening hours as well. Not very pleasant to start your day with red eyes and blocked sinuses, and exhausted.

Back home and I suspect in Sweden too (less so here, I have to agree ) 50 m. swimming pools were packed with more serious swimmers -regardless of abilities: those who were interested in swimming, as opposed to floating on a raft and so on- from 8 to 9 pm.
They avoided them during daytime and especially during weekends, when they were crowded by air beds and iddle people who were getting in their way.

lol I'm so much better than you guys at this.
Bring it on!
You know, when you have to assert that you're winning, you usually don't.

Are you still persisting with this funny argument?
I'm sorry you find common sense funny.

Secondly, why force women into the worst swimming pool, because they are in a minority (aka in lower nombers than men, at that particular hour)? Doesn't that clash with your liberal mantra of advocating for all minority groups, regardless of type or setting?
The option is to take up even more time for gender specific pool hours. I assume you support that then?
1. Gosh, you really suck at this sport. You're really clueless about what sorts of swimming pools are preferred by adults or non-beginners.

2.This argument doesn't make Any sense.
My argument was: keep the no. of gender segregated hours the same as they were before, instead of this exponential increase.
Uh-huh. And how do you do that in this particular case without placing one of the genders in the smaller of the two available pools?

Women's rights (western And muslim) are being subtly and systematically being encroached upon.

Women's rights are being encroached upon by offering them more women-only times in swimming pools? They are not forced to use the pools ONLY during the women-only sessions.

That seems the wrong way around. They are getting MORE, not less.

Our local swimming pools are open much longer each day than they used to be because of increased demand. Men and women have MORE swimming time than they had.
Best. Hash. Thread. EVAH!

We've gone from a thread about "LitLibs" and gross generalization s to debating whether 20m swimming pools are only for "retards" and kids.

And boy, is this an important distinction!

Christ, I'm laughing so hard here, Hash. You need to go have a swim, refresh yourself.
Didn't you pay attention, LitLib? 'She' gets dizzy when 'she' swims in less than an Olympic sized swimming pool, because 'she' is the fastest swimmer in all of time.

I wouldn't know, personally. I only swim in open water. You go much faster when you think something might be biting your toes.