Menendez bribery scandal

Don't you just hate it when you accept gold bars as a bribe...and then you find out they are linked to a robbery that occurred a decade ago? I mean...who can you trust?
Isn't it better to be an agent of Egypt than an agent of Saudi?

Asking for Jared Kushner.
Good! Toss his ass in prison already!!
Oh.. he gets a trial?
Start the trial
Indict his ass!!
Make rules that you have to step down as a senator, rep or judge if you are indicted
Oh.. that would weapons the courts ?
Then we wait for him to grow a soul!
Emoluments baby! It needs TEETH!!
Hang 'im high.

Gold bars are not the worst of it. For that, look to Egypt's torture chambers. | Moran|2 hours ago
Prosecutors say that Menendez helped the dictatorship in Egypt sidestep restrictions on arms exports that were designed to discourage torture.
What? Two tiered justice system. Dems can break the law and nothing happens!

I gotta stop doing my Wrongguide impression. @Rightguide
^^^ Well, we have a double header with the Texas Crueller case:

Opinion: Menendez and Cuellar cases sound the alarm on foreign influence on Congress
CNN on|22 hours ago
On Monday, for the first time in American history, a sitting senator is going on trial for allegedly conspiring to act as a foreign agent. The trial centers on the allegations swirling around New Jersey Democratic Sen ...

Third person pleads guilty in probe related to bribery charges against US Rep. Cuellar of Texas
The Associated Press on|15 hours ago
Federal investigators have secured a third guilty plea in connection with an investigation into U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas, who is accused of accepting nearly $600,000 in bribes from an Azerbaij ...

A White-Collar Indictment Shatters a Congressman's Blue-Collar Image
The New York Times|15 hours ago
Representative Henry Cuellar started from humble origins, but records show he welcomed the trappings of power afforded by his position.
^^ power has the ability to corrupt but, even before that, will often attract the worst kind of people seeking to enrich themselves at the expense of others

if they are corrupt, may they serve many years in prison
Now this guy is throwing his wife under the bus to have her take the rap.
Ask @Rightguide , that is their purpose. Be in the kitchen, clean the house, take the fall for a bribery scandal.

Except he can’t even keep someone in the house, maybe his cultish beliefs keeps people away. Or maybe he is just as big of an ass in person as he is here.
if they are corrupt, may they serve many years in prison

It may seem extreme but a politician caught in a corrupt relationship would in my eyes be committing a crime against the people of the country. To me that's treason.
Bob Menendez is guilty as Hell!
End of story!
No way is he going to get away with this by pointing his finger at his wife blaming her as some sort of fixer. I just came here to make sure none of you libtards were trying to pass this off as a victimless crime.
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Loan or Bribe? Menendez Jurors Hear About $23,568 Mortgage Payoff.
The New York Times|3 days ago
Senator Robert Menendez's wife never signed a loan document before a man also charged in the bribery case arranged to pay her mortgage, a witness testified.

And that:

Menendez trial takes a weeklong break after jurors get stuck in elevator|2 days ago
The trial of U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez grinded to a weeklong break on Tuesday after federal court jurors who were treated to a brick-by-brick build of the prosecution's bribery case got stuck in an elevator a day after they were forced from their usual assembly room because of flooding.

Loan or Bribe? Menendez Jurors Hear About $23,568 Mortgage Payoff.
The New York Times|3 days ago
Senator Robert Menendez's wife never signed a loan document before a man also charged in the bribery case arranged to pay her mortgage, a witness testified.

And that:

Menendez trial takes a weeklong break after jurors get stuck in elevator|2 days ago
The trial of U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez grinded to a weeklong break on Tuesday after federal court jurors who were treated to a brick-by-brick build of the prosecution's bribery case got stuck in an elevator a day after they were forced from their usual assembly room because of flooding.
He needs to be locked out of Congress.
Why do they blame it on their wives?

The backstory of the NJ businessman who admitted to bribing Sen. Bob Menendez with a new Mercedes
USA Today|13 days ago
It's one of the more startling accusations in the federal bribery case against Sen. Bob Menendez — that he traded his influence for a new Mercedes-Benz convertible for his wife after she totaled her own Mercedes in a crash that killed a pedestrian.

At Sen. Bob Menendez's bribery trial, prosecutors highlight NJ politician's wife's desperate finances
The Associated Press on|7 hours ago
Prosecutors at Sen. Bob Menendez's bribery trial have showed jurors hundreds of texts, emails and phone calls that show his girlfriend-turned-wife's desperate financial situation before New Jersey businessmen came to the rescue.