Love and War, It's All The Same To Me: (closed)


Avatar of Fantasy
Mar 1, 2007
Love and War, it’s all the same to me

The summer villa was designed in the elven style. This meant that its structure was interwoven with the trees of a small forest at the edge of the capital. One couldn’t exactly say that it was far from the bustle of the city, yet it at least attempted to embrace a level of tranquility that the palace would never be able to manage.

A half-elf stalked through the hallways of the villa like he owned the place. He didn’t, but you almost wouldn’t know that by the number of salutes he received, or even nods of respect or acknowledgements that came his way. He returned nods here and there and a few of the salutes. He did not own this place, nay, his dear friend did. The princess. He almost had to check himself. She would be queen soon enough. Even now her human father was dying. Old git had gone and gotten himself bitten by some snake or something. Some of the healers gave him weeks to live, some said it could be as long as a year.

However long he might have, power seeks a vacuum. The king’s enemies had stirred and the Southee’s, a less than affectionate term for the humans in the southlands had gone to war. Rumor had it that his friend wanted to lead a diplomatic mission to the southern province, bargain for peace or some such nonsense. She had the army strength, destroy them all. Yet, the south was known for their abilities in magic, so the half-elf’s plan was probably based more on bravado than actual good sense.

Samnon, more commonly known as Sam wasn’t sure what his part was in all this, why had his princess summoned him to her father’s summer villa, essentially his fellow half-elf’s personal court for these last 10 years since the death of their mothers in an accident that the king could still not explain to this day. Samnon suspected that the king and his daughter had had a falling out, but he didn’t really know. He Afterall had been embroiled in other matters.

Sam had found that though he chaffed in the military, mocked for his less than pure human heritage, there were ways to profit from the military, and those that valued his skills. Those that would pay handsomely for passage through the elder forests south of the capital. The military had thought Sam every inch of those forests and could he be blamed for using that knowledge to his advantage. He conveniently didn’t tell the princess about these less than reputable deals, plausible deniability and all that. However, she was not stupid, he was sure she suspected him of something, why else would she have kept him away from her court for so long. Surely it wasn’t because her father didn’t approve of Sam, as if half-elves were dirty, his own daughter was one. To Sam’s knowledge she didn’t give a damn what her father thought. To Sam this meant there was some other reason.

While on that subject what did she want with him now? Why now? He suspected he knew. An informant had told him of the proposed peace negotiations, it had to deal with that. Samnon’s underworld connections surely started with smuggling things through the forest but these days most of his business was in information, and he heard whispers from most corners of the kingdom. It was that that kept him around, why none of the king’s nobles had called for his execution. He knew too much. That being said he did not feel exactly certain that he knew what exactly she wanted with him now that she had called him home—for this had once been just that his home. His mother was handmaid to the king’s elven bride after all. Sam didn’t believe in coincidence; with the advent of civil war surely the princess wanted him for something specific regarding that matter.

He straightened the brown tunic of one of her army rangers, for in this situation he was in the guise of his military persona. Let anyone question his right to be there. None would, he knew that for a certainty. He might be living a double life, but the very public life he led was as commander of all the scouts of her army, no one would dare question his presence in the Villa. He tucked a stray lock of his black hair back into the leather thong that held it at the base of his neck, before he unceremoniously banged on the princess’s door with the butt of his spear by way of announcing himself. The stormy blue gray of his eyes boring into the wood, as if punishing the oaken planks for standing in his way. He was in a hurry. Her message had indicated some sort of urgency. Yet, even here so far from the heart of the capital, he had to observe some niceties.
Latara paced in her room, nibblng on her lower lip. Her country was in such a mess. What she really needed was the advice of her closest childhood friend, Samnon. She and Sam had been thick as thieves until he grew up and became part of her father’s military. Now, she seldom saw him but if she summoned him, just as she had a few days ago, he would come. He always did. She needed Sam’s advice badly. Just days before, she and her father had a falling out. He wanted her to marry the Crown Prince of this Sothern Province that was trying to stir up a war between them.. Latara did not like the idea of being a pawn of her father’s.

“Shaura, please find Samnon for me and have him meet me for breakfast. I suppose I need to get this over with so we both can get on with our lives.”

Shaura bowed and left her mistress. Latara continued to pace. There had to be some other solution than marriage to man she didn’t know. Who knows? Maybe this Crown Prince didn’t wish to marry her anymore than she wanted it. She knew she was only kidding herself or trying to. Her father had given her one hell of a dowry, not to mention all that she stood to inherit one day. Of course the Crown Prince would be a fool not to marry her. There simply had to be another way.

One of her other ladies-in-waiting helped Latara get dressed for breakfast. She was anxious to see Sam again. As children they had grown up together playing in the woods. As they got older, not so much. It hadn’t been proper for her to go wandering around with Sam. He was, as her father had pointed out, that Sam was below she station. She had once asked her mother about it and her mother had tried to explain. She, Latara, was a Princess and in bloodline to inherit her father’s kingdom if her mother produced a male heir for her father. In simpler terms, it came down to their bloodlines. Sam was beneath her because he didn’t carry royal blood. It was something her father was big on. Royal elves, even half elves, were becoming extinct.

She really didn’t follow her father’s line of thinking. She was a half elf. Her mother was Elven and her father, human. Wasn’t their bloodline already “tainted”? She had asked her father as much and she saw the anger was swift to rise in his eyes. He had lifted a hand to her, but hadn’t struck her. He had simply sent her from the room.

Completely dressed and ready for breakfast, Latara left her room and headed for breakfast patio where they all normally had breakfast. Her heart was beating a little faster as she anticipated seeing Sam again. Her slippered feet made little to no noise as she walked the hallways and paused at the entrance to the patio. It was an open patio with a table and chairs overlooking the gardens. All that greenery gave Latara a sense of peace.
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No sooner had Sam banged on the doors to the inner sanctum, he having waltzed right through the front doors, then a guard opened the door. “The princess is breaking her fast, she does not wish to take reports this early. Come back later.”

Samnon frowned, managing not to glare. This particular guard knew well who he was, and was just being difficult. He was one of the new hires, clearly. All the ones that had been around for years knew not to interfere with Sam. They may not have all liked him but most did. Most common folk liked Sam just fine, it was the nobles that couldn’t stand him.

Before Sam could give this fellow the tongue lashing, he had coming to him a voice sung out. “Dennis, please let the captain through. He is expected.” Shaura came down the hall way, her slippered feet making distinctly more noise than Latara’s ever would.

“He is?” Dennis sounded unimpressed and disbelieving.

“Yes, and you get out of the way right this instant before I let him chew you out like you deserve.”

Sam almost laughed at that, but appropriately adopted a suitable grouchy expression to back up what she said. Dennis didn’t seem too bright yet finally stepped aside. Before Sam could exalt in his minor victory, Shaura grabbed his wrist and yanked him down the hall. For a petite woman she sure was stronger than she looked. They were halfway down the hallway before Sam even realized that she’d been talking. “What was that?”

“I was saying you can’t get good help around here, and a uniform, really Sam? Please dear heaven let me change you.”

“I don’t think that will be necessary.” But it was too late, a snap of Shaura’s fingers and there were other women coming forward to assist. They had him stripped to his small clothes within seconds. He could have stopped them sure, but honestly, appeasing them was just simpler.

He tried to ignore the few times a couple of the women ran their hands over his skin or took other liberties. His eyes were only for Shaura, the ring leader as she produced a formal tunic and the looser pants of a noble. Voicing his distaste for such attire, likewise would do little good so Sam bit his tongue for now. It would get him out of their clutches sooner.

“No, you cannot take my spear.” He growled after they’d dressed him.

“You know the rules, no more than a belt knife are allowed to dine with the royals.”

“What ever happened to my being a captain in the military, doesn’t that count for something.” Yet, even as he protested, he acquiesced handing over sword and spear. “Am I presentable enough, now?” he asked the acerbic bite clearly evident in his words. Shaura was beaming and enthusiastically nodded her approval of his state.

Samnon blew a sigh remembering exactly why he had wanted to stay as far away from court as possible. Even this court which was decidedly less formal than the palace. “Am I allowed to make my way to breakfast without fanfare, or should I summon the trumpeters?” Sam muttered as the women lead him towards the patio where presumably the princess would be. Sam had looked collected in his uniform, he seemed out of place now, uneasy and off his footing. That look stayed through the grand entrance to breakfast. They were old friends, why so much pomp, didn’t Latara get tired of this crap too?

Finally, he was announced and stood before his princess. He bowed awkwardly to her. “Princess Latara. How may I serve you?” he asked formally. It wasn’t the greeting he wanted to give her, but after what had just taken place, it was the greeting he thought she expected.
“Princess Latara. How may I serve you?”

She knew that voice. Latara spun around ran the few steps it took her to reach him and not only threw herself at him but threw her arms around him as well.


She hugged him tight. It had been a while since they had spent any time together. It took her minute to realize she might be suffocating him and loosened her grip. She stepped back a pace or two. She kept her hands on his shoulders, as her grey eyes studied him. She noticed he was studying her as well. She had grown up some since the last time they saw each other. Her silver-grey hair was now really long that it flowed over her shoulders and it barely touched her breasts. Her complexion was flawless. She had a straight and noble nose and her face was slim with full ruby lips. She had inherited her mother’s Eiven ears. She was truly a blend of her human father and her Elven mother.

“Sam, it’s been so long. How have you been? Come, join me for breakfast. We’ll talk later.”

She led him to the table and went around to her seat and sat down. Once seated the servants brought out breakfast and presented dishes for them to choose from. She chose coffee as her beverage. She watched Sam pick his food and drink. They ate in silence, except for some small talk, just catching up on everything. Finally, Latara set her fork down and picked up her coffee and looked at him over the rim.

“I need your advice, Sam. Father wants me to marry some Crown Prince from the Southern Providence to keep the peace for our countries. Why do humans always have this urge to fight? You’d think they’d learn something from their ancestors by now. I don’t want to get married and certainly not be dangled in front of someone as….as…bait. I hate the idea of being my father’s pawn, Sam. What am I going to do?”
No sooner had he spoke his words of greeting and she had thrown herself into his arms. He didn’t remember her feeling quite like that the last time they touched. He awkwardly had his hands on her back as she attempted to squeeze the life from him. He couldn’t help but to smile, her enthusiasm was infectious. If he had any doubts about how he would be received by her they were swept away with a that very human gesture of affection.

He took his seat with her and tried to be comfortable, though it was clear the clothing did not sit well on him, it never had. For his beverage he took Tea in the elven fashion and then probably surprised her when he took only vegetables in a very elven fashion. Samnon’s time with the elves he smuggled through the elder forest combined with years of eating military rations had encouraged him to adopt more of the elven eating habits.

He kept his eyes on her throughout the meal, she didn’t say much. They seemingly avoided almost every subject of import, speaking of the flowers that he had seen on his way in and his curiosity if she grew them or if one of the servants had. His new found love for cooking explaining that after so many years of military rations he tried to cook anytime he could. Yet, she hadn’t confronted him on the big question, why did he eat as an elf now. They also avoided the big topics like her father’s health and so on.

When she did speak it was not what he expected. He frowned. “You’re going to do whatever you want, right? I mean… you’ll be queen soon, or are the rumors of the king’s illness greatly exaggerated?” he asked curiously.

He took a sip of his tea and gazed at her across the table. Her frustration was evident and of course it was. What was her father thinking. Yet, it was a smart move.
“You’re going to do whatever you want, right? I mean… you’ll be queen soon, or are the rumors of the king’s illness greatly exaggerated?”

She sighed as she poured herself another cup of coffee.

“His physicians refuse to tell me anything. They treat me as if I were still a little girl not a young woman on the verge of becoming a queen and you know I can’t just do whatever I want. There’s the kingdom to consider but how is marrying this complete stranger suppose to make things better?”

She set her cup down and looked at him.

“Sam, be honest with me. You’ve never held back before that I can recount.”

The world, as she knew it, was going crazy. The humans wanted war and for what? More land? Did they feel wronged somehow? Her eyes gazed out at the gardens that were so immaculately kept. Bees and hummingbirds flinted from flower to flower. Further along in the gardens was a pond with water lilies and willow trees. It was a peaceful spot and one of Latara’s favorite places here. She remembered that as a child, when her family came here, she would disappear with a book and hide beneath the willow tree’s hanging boughs, leaning against a tree trunk, munching on an apple she had pilfered from the kitchen. She would spend hours there, reading while her tutors were looking for her.
Now days, it wasn’t so simple or easy. Again, she sighed. In these days of turmoil, she found herself wishing for the simple times of her childhood. Their childhood. Sam usually came to find her and would crawl under the branches with her. Bringing herself back to the present, she turned to look at him.

“Sam, there’s another reason I asked you to come here. Father is going to request your presence. He, um,” she fidgeted a bit, “wants you to become my personal bodyguard. I tried to talk him out of it, but he seems to have this notion that I’m in some sort of danger. I couldn’t talk him out of it. I thought it wise to call you here, where we can discuss things in private before all this happens back at the palace.”

She always called it the palace. She never felt at home there not like she did here. This place was so informal and free. She could breathe here. At the palace everyone was always watching her or so it felt like. At the moment, judgmental eyes she could do without.
Sam listened to her words idly twirling a fork in his fingers. “Lord dexter commands quite the army and I can see why your father would seek to segment peace with him in that way, but is that what you want? I mean I can clearly tell that is not what you want.” Then it sunk in her words about the rest of it, why she’d asked him here.

“Say what now?” he looked at her, “He hates me. Why would he want me around you let alone to protect you.” Had her father grown pragmatic in his old age, or sick and dying state. “It’s not that I’m unwilling, but what of my duties, my role. Is it really the best use of my abilities?” Should he be asking her these things. Logic said he should just have agreed with her and become her guard. This probably wasn’t the time for his honesty, but what did she expect? She had asked for it.

He leaned forward fingers steepled in front of him and resting on the table his green eyes boarding into her. “What else do you know. What is the nature of the threat.” He might think the circumstances were strange, but her father wouldn’t have summoned him unless he saw it was important. Unless she was the one who had asked for him, just to have her childhood friend close again. Would she do that?
She sighed deeply, took a sip of her tea before her eyes met his across the table and she shurgged her shoulders lightly. Only her fingers, wrapped around her teacup gave any indication of her internal distress.

“Who knows why Father has requested this. There are any number of men here in court that would suffice the chore. He’s dying, Sam. I swear his mind wanders into weird places at times.”

It was only with Sam that she could be this open, otherwise, she would have been the straight-laced, tight-lipped princess everyone knew. Only the Goddess knew how much she had not only missed Sam as her friend but also as her confidant. She blinked once then settled back against her chair.

“I am thinking this may have to do with the Crown Prince in the Southern Providence he wants me to marry. It may have to do with heading into the Southern Providence, I’m not sure. All this is pure speculation on my part. I daresay he’ll be calling for you soon.”
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“I still can’t believe he wants you to Mary Lord Dexter,” Sam said. The southern lord was a strong ruler, talented and a good commander, but his prejudice was well known. “Is marrying one of the leaders of For Humans First really an option?” Sam asked leaning forward. “I can’t tell you what to do but the southerners see my.” Here he paused and cleared his throat, “I mean our people as second-class citizens. Oh, they’ll fuck us just fine, but we’re not good past that.” His expression was troubled as he spoke.

Setting down the fork he reached out to lay his hand over hers, “But if you are truly going anywhere near those lands, and going to meet with him on any level, I would rather see you with me as your protecter than most anyone. I’ve spent more time in their wilderness than most.” He let his thumb rub across the back of her hand before he pulled his hand away. “At least your father isn’t completely addled.
“Apparently it’s a serious option my father is entertaining.”

She let out a soft sigh as she set her teacup back onto its saucer. Her fingers idly, nervously drummed on the fine linen tabletop.

“But if you are truly going anywhere near those lands, and going to meet with him on any level, I would rather see you with me as your protecter than most anyone. I’ve spent more time in their wilderness than most.”

The feel of his thumb casually rubbing across the back of her hand seemed to mollify her. Sam had always been able to calm her when nothing and no one else could. However, she couldn’t quite yet bring herself to confide in Sam that she had a deep-seated feeling that she was a pawn between Elven kind and Mankind. Before she could turn her hand over and lace their fingers together, Sam pulled his hand away.

“At least your father isn’t completely addled.”

Maybe not completely but plenty enough. These days she hardly recognized her father, let alone understood him.

“He wants me to leave immediately, Sam. So, on the morrow? Or is there anything to keep you here for the moment?”

Silently she hoped, nay, prayed that Sam would have some sort of business to keep him here in the capital for a while longer. She truly was not looking forward to this trip at all.
“I think we’re all pawns in this game we call life,” Sam muttered. “So soon? He’s over eager for you to be in Dexter’s bed, is he?” and Sam snorted. “Sorry my friend. That was uncalled for. I just.” He shrugged. “If you’re relieving me of my military duties my lady then I see no need that would keep us from leaving on the morrow.” He reached out to her again, as if in apology again for his harsh tongue.

He felt uncomfortable, like he didn’t know how to talk to his old friend anymore. The prospect with leaving so soon didn’t sit well with him either. He had hoped to check on some leads while here, see what he might learn about his people and their journey through the human lands. It vexed him that humans weren’t content to just kill his people, now they were killing each other, and she wanted him to guide her right into the heart of it all.
He’s over eager for you to be in Dexter’s bed, is he?”

Well, That stung. A little. She flinched on the inside when Sam said that but her exterior facial expression remained calm. From an early age, Latara knew she was being groomed to be the wife of either royalty or a highly established politician. She was a pawn. She, by the nature of her birth, was destined to give her virginity not only to the highest bidder but also a man who could benefit her father’s kingdom the best. A commoner stood a better chance at marrying for love than she did. A pawn in the game of life? For certain. She wasn’t even a queen on the board, at least, not yet.

She had heard things about this Lord Dexter. He was a human, after all, but that wasn’t the most disturbing part. She had heard dark things about him, some of which made her shudder just thinking about it. Lord Dexter wasn’t overly enthused about Elves but he did show some interest in young elven maidens. Her race aged much slower than his kind did. She might be 150 summers old but looked so much younger to humans. She was still very young for an Elf. She had never been in love and knew next to nothing about went on between a male and a female but she had heard the maids giggling and their whispers were hard to ignore. She knew far more than she wanted to know.

“Sorry my friend. That was uncalled for. I just…” He shrugged. “If you’re relieving me of my military duties my lady then I see no need that would keep us from leaving on the morrow.”

She gave a little shrug of her shoulders and gave him a small wry smile and set her cup down into its saucer before looking him directly in the eyes.

“No need to apologize, Sam. We both know it’s the truth. I’m being used to save our kingdom, our homeland, to gain an ally. I knew this day would come but I had hoped Father would have at least given me away to King of the Northern lands, at least he’s an elf.

“I will have my ladies ready to ride on the morrow. Should we leave at sunrise?”

She seemed so…. matter of fact. At least she hoped she did. They had far to travel and she was eternally glad that Sam was leading the way. She begged the Divine in silence that the journey would not end too quickly. Meeting and spending time with Lord Dexter was not something she was looking forward to.
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Sam nodded, “I should be able to gather enough supplies by then.” He wanted to comment on her ladies riding with them but kept his mouth shut. Was there to be other guards, would he be having to command them.

He stood up and headed toward the doorway. He wasn’t one for many pleasantries and he took that as his dismissal. As he stepped that way a soldier filled the door way saluting Sam as he snapped to attention. “What is it?” Sam asked looking surprised as the man was looking at him not at Latara.

“Forgive me Captain, but the scouts on the edge of the compound have spotted something they wish you to take a look at.”

“What is it?” Sam asked, the tone of command slipping over him.

“It is a track. They wish your expertise.” A cold knife of fear lanced through Sam. One of the reasons he’d agreed to come here at all was because he knew there was a group of elves heading up through the forest, they were due to pass by here tomorrow on their way to freedom in the northern lands. It was risky for elven tradesman to journey south to sell their wares, but it was profitable for many to try. Some got caught, and sometimes their king ransomed them, other times they escaped. Sam had helped this group escape. Not that he would tell Latara or her father that. The less they knew for all he cared.

Sam shot a look to Latara. “I should go check that out. I will see you in the morning my lady?” he asked, formally again with another present.
“I should go check that out. I will see you in the morning my lady?”

She nodded.

“Indeed. I will see you bright and early then.”

She watched him take his leave and silently wondered what that had all been about. However, knowing Sam as she did, it could have been anything. He was always up to something and not always was it legal. Latara finished up her meal and hurried off. There was much to do before tomorrow.

Latara sighed and rubbed her forehead. Between this and her ladies, she was fast developing a headache.

“Captain, just pick out six of your men you can do without. Samnon will be in charge of this little expedition my father has set up.”

“But---Princess--- he can’t—I can’t—”

Latara held up a dainty hand and gave the elf a stern look.

“You can and you will. Either you do as I ask or you can answer to my father. Am I clear?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

He opened his mouth again about to say something, but Latara gave him a look nobody wanted to be on the end of.

“Not a word about Samnon. I know his reputation. Lady bless, I grew up with him. He may not be conventional, but I’d trust all our lives with him. Now, if you will excuse me, I have other things to see to today. I expect those six men to be ready to leave by sunrise, Captain.”

Latara turned sharply on her heels and hurried off with her ladies following behind. As they flocked around her like chicks to a mother hen, Latara told them what she expected from them. Some pouted. Some looked excited.

“Is Samnon really coming with us, Princess?”

“He is and I expect all of you ladies to be on your best behavior or you’ll find yourself dismissed from my service.”

She hated saying that but a couple of her ladies were known to do things they shouldn’t. They were also free with their….favors. A fact, that hadn’t slipped past her notice, however, they managed to circumvent most gossip and there wasn’t a person who could directly prove anything. For nothing had ever been brought to Latara’s attention.

“Now, you ladies go and pack. Do not load up everything you own, we’ll be back after a month.”

When they came to the hall where the ladies’ quarters were, they split company and Latara hurried off to go find her father.
Samnon exited the gardens and headed quickly back to where he had left his uniform. He would not leave here in this formal get up. His men would laugh him out of town he was sure. Not that he cared what they thought, that wasn’t really his style, yet, the uniform slipped back on like an old glove. He might not always enjoy his service, but it was useful.

Dressed as the soldier he was once again Sam headed from the summer villa to see what was so urgent. The soldier that had drawn messenger duty tried to talk to the half-elf scout but Sam gave him a glare stern enough thatthe human quickly fell silent. Though half the princesses guard were elves, hold overs from when they had come to this place with her mother, and his too for that matter, most of the soldiers were human. Though Sam was half human too, he had grown to hate most of them over the past few years as he had dedicated his life to the prosparity of his true people. Not that the elves treated him much better, but one could dream of acceptance, right? At least he had gained some security with his skill at what he did, this summoning by what ever the local soldiers had found was proof of that, he was the best scout in the area.


Twenty minutes later he was on the outskirts of the forest. He knelt down to get a closer look at a track. These forests surrounded the capital on its west and southern sides. To the east lay the ocean which made the capital such a prosperous trading port. To the north there was mountains. The elves that went south to trade would skirt the capital on its western edge and then go south through the human lands to sell their wears, or reverse that when they wished to escape human clutches.

This was the western boarder, and this was clearly a boot print, not the soft boot of an elf, but the heavy boot print of human, or perhaps orc. “Troubling,” he murmured. What would bring orcs this far south. Especially accompanied by their hunting wolves, if he guessed the other print. Just what was going on.

“You think its an invasion captain?” One of the boarder patrol asked Samnon, his teeth stained red with the leaves he seemed to be perpetually chewing.

“No, but it’s a probe of some kind. I don’t like it.” Samnon didn’t like it both for the elven party coming through in two days as well as his journey with the princess starting tomorrow. He now hoped he would have men to lead. The odds were good that the Orcs wanted the elves for there was no love loss among those rivals for the northern lands, yet, why would they be in human lands looking for elves. This didn’t sit right with Samnon, but he didn’t have time to figure it out. He had given is opinion but now had an expedition to plan instead.
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“And where is Samnon now?”

Her father asked as she continued to pace his throne room. The question halted her in her tracks. She waved a hand airily as she looked toward her father.

“Something important came up while we were having breakfast.”

Her eyes narrowed slightly.

“Why do you ask?”

She knew her father all too well.

“I just wanted to have a few words with him before you both left on the morrow.”


Her tone held a slight warning tone which made him hold up a hand.

“Daughter, nothing bad or complicated, I assure you. I just wish to have a word with him before he departs with you to meet the Prince.”

“Speaking of that, Father. Is this really so necessary? You know my lack of enthusiasm for this marriage. Yes, I realize the importance of it but if not for this possible impending war, my marriage wouldn’t be happening quite so quickly. I realize I am some sort of bargaining chip in your politics and I’ve been groomed for this time in my life. It doesn’t mean I have to like it. Add to it that I have heard some unsavory things about Prince Dexter.”

“Now Latara, since when have you taken to listening to gossip?”

She began pacing again.

“It is hard to ignore in this case, Father.”

Her father could hardly deny it. After all, those very same rumors she was alluding to, he had heard of them as well. Still, for the sake of their kingdom, he had to set them aside because there simply was no proof. If anything, he would charge Samnon with learning of the truth and if the rumors proved true, then he would let Samnon deal with the human. Of course, the king had not heard of an ounce of cruelty about the Prince either so, hopefully, that was something.

“Well, just remember, Daughter we have no proof to attach to this gossip. So, you will go with Samnon and discover this for yourself.”

“As you will, Father. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go check up on my ladies and see to it that they are staying on task.”

Latara had ceased her pacing headed toward the door of her father’s throne room. She stopped just shy of having the door opened for her and turned back toward her father once more.

“Oh, and Father? I wish you could have simply allowed me my own heart’s desire when it comes to marriage.”

Without waiting for a reply, she signaled the guard to open the door for her and she swiftly exited the room. The king stared at his departing daughter’s back and thought to himself.

I wish I could have Latara. I wish I could have.