Long lost novel series


Jan 17, 2022

I am looking for a story I have read quite some time ago. I do not remember the series name but I’m pretty sure it was under the novel’s category and had somewhere around a dozen stories in the series. Here is a synopsis of what I can remember from the story.

It centers around a middle age high school teacher who takes a new job in a new city. While driving to new city he stops at a diner, where we hooks up with his waitress in his/her car. He later finds out on the first day of classes, she is a senior (18) in one of his classes. They proceed to a have a secret relationship, and eventually her best friend who is also a senior (18) joins them creating a 3 person love affair that they are all happy with. A couple chapters in the male of the story wants to take the girls on a romantic get away but right before they leave the friend tragically dies in a car accident. The main girl eventually goes to college, but returns to the town to be with the guy. That’s about all I can remember, if anyone can point me to this series it would be greatly appreciated!