J.K. Rowling returns human rights award amid criticism from organization


Literotica Guru
Mar 22, 2020
Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling says she is returning an award from a human rights group linked to the Kennedy family after the president of the organization criticized her comments about transgender issues.

Rowling's decision comes after Kerry Kennedy, the president of the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights nonprofit and the late American senator's daughter, published a statement expressing her "profound disappointment" with the author's comments.

"The statement incorrectly implied that I was transphobic, and that I am responsible for harm to trans people," Rowling said on her website.

"As a longstanding donor to LGBT charities and a supporter of trans people's right to live free of persecution, I absolutely refute the accusation that I hate trans people or wish them ill, or that standing up for the rights of women is wrong, discriminatory, or incites harm or violence to the trans community."

In a series of tweets in June, Rowling said she supported trans rights but did not believe in "erasing" the concept of biological sex. Rowling said she refused to "bow down" to a movement seeking "to erode `woman' as a political and biological class and offering cover to predators like few before it."

she can feel free to go fuck herself with the script for her next shitty fantastic beasts movie.
Cancel JK, but KEEP POTTERMORE ALIVE. (Fuck her opinion critics.)

Headline: White straight woman of privilege with limited understanding of a SERIOUS MEDICAL ISSUE unwittingly becomes a tool for right wing bigots. This post is proof of that.

She is ALMOST as bad as Susan Sarandon.

The two are actually identical in their stubborn refusal to recognize the damage they have done, and continue to do, to the causes they claim to support.

Very poor form J.K. (And Susan)
I totally agree with JK, and I'm proud she's standing up for herself. I really don't see what's so wrong. She's always been pro-LGBT and as far as I know never said a thing against Trans. She's getting getting shit because she "believes in biological sex"??? The f is wrong with that? Are women everywhere supposed to let trans people (or anyone) dictate how they want to think of themselves? Does she not have a right to her opinion? This is stupid.
I totally agree with JK, and I'm proud she's standing up for herself. I really don't see what's so wrong. She's always been pro-LGBT and as far as I know never said a thing against Trans. She's getting getting shit because she "believes in biological sex"??? The f is wrong with that? Are women everywhere supposed to let trans people (or anyone) dictate how they want to think of themselves? Does she not have a right to her opinion? This is stupid.

She could have done that while keeping the trans community out of her mouth.

As this post proves, there are those who will use her words and actions as a way to divide what should be parties with mutual goals and interests.

She is 2020's version of Susan Sarandon.

A useful tool for the right.

If you're a Trumplodyte, I'm sure you love what she's said and done.

If not, you're just naive.
Headline: White straight woman of privilege with limited understanding of a SERIOUS MEDICAL ISSUE unwittingly becomes a tool for right wing bigots. This post is proof of that.

She is ALMOST as bad as Susan Sarandon.

The two are actually identical in their stubborn refusal to recognize the damage they have done, and continue to do, to the causes they claim to support.

Very poor form J.K. (And Susan)

Another science denier^^

Recognizing biological facts hasn't done anyone any damage.

The same cannot be said about those in denial of the facts...."woke" science deniers such as yourself are the problem
i believe in biological sex. and non-biological sex. and imaginary sex. and whatever the fuck kind of sex you're offering me. why doesn't everybody just shut up?
I really don't see what's so wrong.

She's getting getting shit because she "believes in biological sex"??? The f is wrong with that?

It goes against the "woke" narrative, that's what's wrong with it.

Facts, science and objective reality are transphobic. :D

Are women everywhere supposed to let trans people (or anyone) dictate how they want to think of themselves?

YUUUUP!! Believe that......

Does she not have a right to her opinion?

Nope, toe the "woke" line or you're a white supremacist transphobic Nazi.

This is stupid.

The suffering and oppression of trans people at the hands of science is stupid to you?

NAZI!!!!! FASCIST!!!! :D

Careful.....you're treading AWFULLY close to deplorable think there.
She could have done that while keeping the trans community out of her mouth.

As this post proves, there are those who will use her words and actions as a way to divide what should be parties with mutual goals and interests.

She is 2020's version of Susan Sarandon.

A useful tool for the right.

If you're a Trumplodyte, I'm sure you love what she's said and done.

If not, you're just naive.

Or just a fan of science and objective facts/reality.....rapidly becoming the same thing.
FecesFan should stick to his plants; like the zucchini his beard keeps him plugged with 24/7 365, because human psychology and biology is way above his welfare pay grade.

And no, I'm not going to explain the science to him, because apparently he can read, and there are numerous studies readily available on the Internet to educate stupid people like him.
No, obviously, since the whole issue started between her and the Trans Community and it's the Trans community giving her shit. So of course she's going to respond.

And the "division" has nothing to do with taking her words and actions in some way or another. There's been a division between the Trans Community and the Feminist community for a while. No one here invented it.

I think what ROwling was pointing out was that there are elements of the so-called Trans Community which are playing right into the violently misogynistic hands of the RIGHT.

Take a chill pill. Biological sex, EEK!!!!!

She could have done that while keeping the trans community out of her mouth.

As this post proves, there are those who will use her words and actions as a way to divide what should be parties with mutual goals and interests.

She is 2020's version of Susan Sarandon.

A useful tool for the right.

If you're a Trumplodyte, I'm sure you love what she's said and done.

If not, you're just naive.
Whose whiny, petty, snide, and myopic alt are you?

Mommy, mommy *sob, sob* they said wuh-wuh-words and *sob, sob* I didn't like the-them because they're tr-tr-TRUE!

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lol. Says the guy supporting the climate change and pandemic denier in Chief.

Oh, and a world famous pathological liar. yeah, trumpism stands for objective facts.

Or just a fan of science and objective facts/reality.....rapidly becoming the same thing.
You're not woke enough for some. Your party stands together divided.

lol. Says the guy supporting the climate change and pandemic denier in Chief.

Oh, and a world famous pathological liar. yeah, trumpism stands for objective facts.

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling says she is returning an award from a human rights group linked to the Kennedy family after the president of the organization criticized her comments about transgender issues.

Rowling's decision comes after Kerry Kennedy, the president of the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights nonprofit and the late American senator's daughter, published a statement expressing her "profound disappointment" with the author's comments.

"The statement incorrectly implied that I was transphobic, and that I am responsible for harm to trans people," Rowling said on her website.

"As a longstanding donor to LGBT charities and a supporter of trans people's right to live free of persecution, I absolutely refute the accusation that I hate trans people or wish them ill, or that standing up for the rights of women is wrong, discriminatory, or incites harm or violence to the trans community."

In a series of tweets in June, Rowling said she supported trans rights but did not believe in "erasing" the concept of biological sex. Rowling said she refused to "bow down" to a movement seeking "to erode `woman' as a political and biological class and offering cover to predators like few before it."


If she had not done this you would all be calling her a hypocrite. "she says she believes in biology but she's happy to take the awards from organisations that don't agree." Now she has said to the organisation "I'm obviously not the person you thought I was, you'd better take your award back." and she is criticised for haveing some integrity.

However, I doubt she'll lose any sleep about what anyone thinks of her. She has already shown that she is a very strong person and one who is prepared to turn her back on Hollywood cash if she doesn't get what she wants.
It's like saying
I believe in God
but I don't accept the
Pope's word as infallible.


I've been saying for years that for
the deviant (from the norm) communities
that mere acceptance has never been the goal,
it has always been about ascendency over society...
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Headline: White straight woman of privilege with limited understanding of a SERIOUS MEDICAL ISSUE unwittingly becomes a tool for right wing bigots. This post is proof of that.

She is ALMOST as bad as Susan Sarandon.

The two are actually identical in their stubborn refusal to recognize the damage they have done, and continue to do, to the causes they claim to support.

Very poor form J.K. (And Susan)

She obviously understands more about it than you do. And "serious medical issue"? Really? Misogynist, homophobic cunts throwing women and gay kids under the bus because they and their bearded chums want to pretend to be women three days a week is a serious medical issue? Fuck off with that bullshit.
If she had not done this you would all be calling her a hypocrite. "she says she believes in biology but she's happy to take the awards from organisations that don't agree." Now she has said to the organisation "I'm obviously not the person you thought I was, you'd better take your award back." and she is criticised for haveing some integrity.

However, I doubt she'll lose any sleep about what anyone thinks of her. She has already shown that she is a very strong person and one who is prepared to turn her back on Hollywood cash if she doesn't get what she wants.

It gets easier to turn your back on things like "Hollywood cash"
when you've already earned more than you will ever need.

;) ;)
she can feel free to go fuck herself with the script for her next shitty fantastic beasts movie.

And you can pointlessly bow down to the next meth dick you choose to suck.

Good fuck woke boi, if it doesn't fit your narrative... destroy it. This, from the party of inclusiveness and no judgment.

J K Rowling makes a perfectly reasonable statement and is hounded for not being 'woke'.

Sorry 'woke' people. Women are women. Trans people are not biologically women. You may support trans rights but not at the expense of denying women's rights.

Live with it. A trans person can never become a biological woman. Yes, trans people deserve consideration and support but not when they attack women for being women.
J K Rowling makes a perfectly reasonable statement and is hounded for not being 'woke'.

Sorry 'woke' people. Women are women. Trans people are not biologically women. You may support trans rights but not at the expense of denying women's rights.

Live with it. A trans person can never become a biological woman. Yes, trans people deserve consideration and support but not when they attack women for being women.

Sorry ogg but your online buddies most likely won't agree with you. Probably shame you, shut you down, protest all your posts and stories and try to attack you in real life.

Tolerance and inclusiveness only apply when you agree with being woke.

Nice knowing you old fart.
Sorry ogg but your online buddies most likely won't agree with you. Probably shame you, shut you down, protest all your posts and stories and try to attack you in real life.

Tolerance and inclusiveness only apply when you agree with being woke.

Nice knowing you old fart.

This is what to has come to...