it's not rocket science: vaccine rates drop, diseases rise and so do death tolls. UK, measles and whooping cough


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009

the vaccines are there, the uptake of them is down. London has an uptake of only 36.8%

UK health officials say there have been 1,319 cases of whooping cough in England in March, up from 900 in February, giving a total of nearly 2,800 so far this year.
The bacterial infection, which can develop into prolonged bouts of coughing, is a cyclical disease, with peaks seen every three to five years.

The last peak year came in 2016, when there were nearly 6,000 cases in England.

Half of cases seen so far this year have been in the under-15s, with the highest rates in babies under three months, who are most at risk. The five babies who died this year - the first deaths since 2019 - were all under three months old.

like so many of the old 'childhood' diseases, vaccination worked so well as to almost eradicate their threat... so much so that people haven't seen the kind of suffering they can produce and their rarity means people become oblivious to their risks so fewer bother to get the vaccines.

i find it breathtaking that there could see a return to the kinds of agony whooping cough causes that was prevalent back when i was a baby! my poor mum had to cope with 4 children under the age of 7 going through the absolute distress of whooping cough whilst having to cope with it herself, throwing up between rounds of clearing up kids' puke and their struggles to breathe.

though the overall rate of vaccination in the UK is still in the 90+%, the fact London's rate is so low is a minefield waiting to blow :(
The world has changed since I was a kid. Our parents believed in the vaccines and they worked. I still remember when the polio vaccine first came out, polio was still a crippler and killer when I was a kid. It tasted like sugar water in a little plastic medicine cup. The only people that didn't get vaccinated back in those days were the hard core Christian Scientists.

Social media and lunatic fringe conspiracy theorists have made it so much easier to spread lies, and half truths, about proven successful vaccines that it has become folk lore. This leads the gullible to not want to vaccinate their kids.
Therein lies the problem. There was never a booster for the Polio vaccine, or any of my childhood vaccines, and yet they worked.
Google what are novel viruses, and what happens when people refuse to get vaccinated.
Google what are novel viruses, and what happens when people refuse to get vaccinated.
Google the Covid vaccine and the changing narrative from the so called experts. First it would stop you from getting Covid, then it would prevent you from dying, then it would lessen the symptoms. Then you needed a booster every other month or so.

Funny neither my wife nor I got vaccinated and we both had Covid twice. It wasn't anything worse than a head cold, head ache, and persistent cough. Look, if you want to keep getting boosters forever Rock on with your bad self. I'm sitting this one out. But I did get my flu and pneumonia shots.
Google the Covid vaccine and the changing narrative from the so called experts. First it would stop you from getting Covid, then it would prevent you from dying, then it would lessen the symptoms. Then you needed a booster every other month or so.

Funny neither my wife nor I got vaccinated and we both had Covid twice. It wasn't anything worse than a head cold, head ache, and persistent cough. Look, if you want to keep getting boosters forever Rock on with your bad self. I'm sitting this one out. But I did get my flu and pneumonia shots.
Whatever floats your boat. At 70, I'm OK with getting a vaccine every 6 months for a virus that kills mostly seniors.
Whatever floats your boat. At 70, I'm OK with getting a vaccine every 6 months for a virus that kills mostly seniors.
I'm 65 with 2 co-morbidities. I worked in EMS during the height of Covid. Why am I not dead? Luck of the draw? Good immune system? What? My Brother In Law got the shot and the boosters and and damn near died from Covid. Why? Because by your logic I should be dead and he never should have gotten sick.

Like I said Rock On, get the shots, big pharma needs another few billion dollars.
I'm 65 with 2 co-morbidities. I worked in EMS during the height of Covid. Why am I not dead? Luck of the draw? Good immune system? What? My Brother In Law got the shot and the boosters and and damn near died from Covid. Why? Because by your logic I should be dead and he never should have gotten sick.

Like I said Rock On, get the shots, big pharma needs another few billion dollars.
Because enough is not known about novel viruses. Do what you have to do.
though the overall rate of vaccination in the UK is still in the 90+%, the fact London's rate is so low is a minefield waiting to blow
Most of those are non-White, aren't they?

For better or worse, persons of color are notably unwilling to put their trust in a medical system that used to experiment on them when not actively exterminating them. Libs have a lot of trouble reconciling this fact or explaining why the people who did that back then should still be trusted now. The real sticking point, which none of them want to dwell on, is that Western governance hasn't really changed at since the days of MKULTRA or Tuskegee.
I'm 65 with 2 co-morbidities. I worked in EMS during the height of Covid. Why am I not dead? Luck of the draw? Good immune system? What? My Brother In Law got the shot and the boosters and and damn near died from Covid. Why? Because by your logic I should be dead and he never should have gotten sick.
This thread is about statistics associated with vaccines. An anecdote about you and your brother in law does not fall into the category of statistical analysis.
Remember, proles, the Kool aid doesn't work if everyone doesn't drink it..........
I love how people here don't understand simple logic, the covid virus keeps on moving the goalposts (mutates) therefore the vaccine cannot prevent sickness from the new strain. This one is a bitch and I am all for people not bothering with it, actually I was quite pleased when covid was first reported, I thought this could be the one unfortunately I was wrong. You see there are just way too many people on earth and not enough resources. If you are stupid enough not to want to vaccinate please don't, you will be helping the rest of us.
This thread is about statistics associated with vaccines. An anecdote about you and your brother in law does not fall into the category of statistical analysis.
Silly numpties continue to believe that the plural of "anecdote" is NOT "fact" but "anecdata".
Most of those are non-White, aren't they?

For better or worse, persons of color are notably unwilling to put their trust in a medical system that used to experiment on them when not actively exterminating them. Libs have a lot of trouble reconciling this fact or explaining why the people who did that back then should still be trusted now. The real sticking point, which none of them want to dwell on, is that Western governance hasn't really changed at since the days of MKULTRA or Tuskegee.
i don't know the statistics nowadays as i've been here 7 years, but London as a whole?not so much. There are many immigrants of all skin colours, from all continents, and the further out you go towards London's boundaries the 'whiter' it gets.

inner London has pockets of many ethnicities, plus a blending of so many so there is a multiverse of beautiful skin tones and cultures—but London has a flavour all its own and this has ALWAYS been made up of a polyglot of inhabitants due to its status as the capital city and having major ports and airports.

there was a lot of medical disinformation spread by the kind of people you see here in the states regarding the dangers of the virus and vaccines; fear, denial, 'too new, untested, too risky'. But that's boosted by a growing trend amongst a certain crowd of largely white, affluent, ridiculous people who developed this notion that vaccines are detrimental, period. The ones who spread the 'vaccines cause autism' story, even though that's been fully debunked. Sadly, that's also expanded to the mindset of 'fuck everyone else, i'd rather risk my child getting the diseases' (and spreading them to others) with these people. It used to be understood that by protecting your own you were also protecting others: it was the right thing to do.

what's so sad is that the UK offers free healthcare for all its population, and so there should be no reason not to get your kids vaxxed for safety.
I'm 65 with 2 co-morbidities. I worked in EMS during the height of Covid. Why am I not dead? Luck of the draw? Good immune system? What? My Brother In Law got the shot and the boosters and and damn near died from Covid. Why? Because by your logic I should be dead and he never should have gotten sick.

Like I said Rock On, get the shots, big pharma needs another few billion dollars.
One of the underlying reasons for distrust for the vaccine other than its efficacy is big pharma making billions while being subsidized by big government.
I love how people here don't understand simple logic, the covid virus keeps on moving the goalposts (mutates) therefore the vaccine cannot prevent sickness from the new strain. This one is a bitch and I am all for people not bothering with it, actually I was quite pleased when covid was first reported, I thought this could be the one unfortunately I was wrong. You see there are just way too many people on earth and not enough resources. If you are stupid enough not to want to vaccinate please don't, you will be helping the rest of us.
Can I give out the shots? I'm more than willing to help you

Especially if I can use the Astrazenica brand!
Because enough is not known about novel viruses. Do what you have to do.
I have done what I chose to do regarding the Covid vaccinations. AND quite clearly I have not tried to stop anyone from getting the vaccination and booster party pack if that is their decision. Sadly some of the pro-vaccination side wish to take my right to choose away or wish me death because I refuse vaccination. I can't relate to those people and that mind set is frankly scary. Wishing death to some one you disagree with seems way out in insanity land to me.
I love how people here don't understand simple logic, the covid virus keeps on moving the goalposts (mutates) therefore the vaccine cannot prevent sickness from the new strain. This one is a bitch and I am all for people not bothering with it, actually I was quite pleased when covid was first reported, I thought this could be the one unfortunately I was wrong. You see there are just way too many people on earth and not enough resources. If you are stupid enough not to want to vaccinate please don't, you will be helping the rest of us.
You are seriously fucked in the head wishing death upon people who disagree with your viewpoint.

Look, I've had Covid twice, I have 2 co-morbidities, and I'm still alive with no lasting effects. What more could the vaccinations have done for me? Well, besides increasing my risks of myocarditis, stroke and death?
You are seriously fucked in the head wishing death upon people who disagree with your viewpoint.

Look, I've had Covid twice, I have 2 co-morbidities, and I'm still alive with no lasting effects. What more could the vaccinations have done for me? Well, besides increasing my risks of myocarditis, stroke and death?

You said you were an EMS. LIAR!

Being inbred and retarded aren't considered comorbidities.