Isolated Blurt Thread

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I've managed to break another finger, with the chuks this time...and just in time for the tournament this weekend and testing next week. Yay me. :rolleyes:

If nothing else, it's proof of how much damage you can do with a pair of nunchuks (it was only a glancing blow, and I can't even bend my finger :eek: )

I thought the whole point of 'chuks was to break the other guy's fingers. :catgrin:

Hello, bad witch.
I should be getting paid by Tuesday now... I don't want to wait that long, but I think I can put off the job search for a couple of days if there really are two paychecks at the end of that wait.
I just don't want to blank out in the middle of one of my katas. If I can do that, the rest is cake.

I learned something about myself like four or five years ago, and that is that I could spin and toss a flag far better while drunk off my ass than I ever could while sober. And I was one of the best on the guard when I was in college.

This got me thinking: why was it so easy to do complicated maneuvers with a flag that night, and so much more difficult when performing, even if I was performing a simple routine I knew inside and out? Well, I can't think when I'm drunk. So hand me a flag when I'm in that state and I'll just do without thinking. My hands, my arms, my shoulders, feet, back, they all know what to do, and when, and how. I figured out that my mind could get in the way of that and often did (read: I dropped the biggest toss of the show in the middle of the most important performance of the season the last year I was there because I was afraid of the girl next to me tossing her flag too far to her left again and getting it tangled with mine).

This is not to say that you should go get drunk and then go to your tournament. ;) But don't overthink it...your body should already know what to do. Let your muscles and your reflexes do the work, and try and keep your mind out of it, and you'll do fine. :)
I learned something about myself like four or five years ago, and that is that I could spin and toss a flag far better while drunk off my ass than I ever could while sober. And I was one of the best on the guard when I was in college.

This got me thinking: why was it so easy to do complicated maneuvers with a flag that night, and so much more difficult when performing, even if I was performing a simple routine I knew inside and out? Well, I can't think when I'm drunk. So hand me a flag when I'm in that state and I'll just do without thinking. My hands, my arms, my shoulders, feet, back, they all know what to do, and when, and how. I figured out that my mind could get in the way of that and often did (read: I dropped the biggest toss of the show in the middle of the most important performance of the season the last year I was there because I was afraid of the girl next to me tossing her flag too far to her left again and getting it tangled with mine).

This is not to say that you should go get drunk and then go to your tournament. ;) But don't overthink it...your body should already know what to do. Let your muscles and your reflexes do the work, and try and keep your mind out of it, and you'll do fine. :)

You're absolutely right - it's muscle memory. Plus, martial arts have been in practice so damn long that they're designed to work with your body...that is, it's designed so that one move just naturally flows into the next.

My instructor is always telling us that when we think about it too hard, we make mistakes. She says to let our bodies do the next move, since they naturally follow each other.

Now, sparring is another situation entirely. You have to be a quick thinker, fighting smart instead of reacting. I think that's why I enjoy it so much.

I've decided, though, that although I'd love to win something, just competing will be good for me. :)
I've been moaning about how nervous I was, but I surprised myself hugely today.

I tied for first in weapons, took third in the kata, and second in kumite/sparring. I'm proud of myself. :)
I've been moaning about how nervous I was, but I surprised myself hugely today.

I tied for first in weapons, took third in the kata, and second in kumite/sparring. I'm proud of myself. :)


We're proud of you too.


We're proud of you too.


Thank you, Og. That means a lot to me. :kiss:

Honestly, my best moment came when my instructor walked up, hugged me, and said, "I'm really proud of you." That was worth more than any of the trophies I took home.
Oh, isn't insomnia wonderful ?
All this black night and nothing to do.
I might even try writing. . . .
I've been moaning about how nervous I was, but I surprised myself hugely today.

I tied for first in weapons, took third in the kata, and second in kumite/sparring. I'm proud of myself. :)

I am UBERproud of you!!!!!!:kiss:
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