I'll never manage to write anything


Loves Spam
May 18, 2023
After quitting that medieval-fantasy story I'd been writing (because I couldn't find proper names for the characters), I deduced I'll never manage to finish any story. So I might as well give up writing altogether. I'm sorry that I never managed to finish or publish anything. I don't have what it takes to be a writer.
You know there are name generators online that could help you, right?

You could use place holder names while writing as well, and as the story progresses you could be struck by inspiration for what they're name should be.

Lastly, not every name has to be stunning and memorable, its the character themselves that will attract the reader.

There are ways around this, but only if you want to take them.

Being a defeatist certainly isn't going to help.
Please don't give up. Maybe you threw yourself in too deep. Try writing a short story. Just two characters in a simple setting. Concentrate on building their background and personalities. Don't worry about the sex. A story can be erotic without spurting cocks and spasming pussies.

And just because a story is a medieval fantasy, doesn't mean that characters have to have weird names. Personally, I find names such as Fengurk, Rimbutton and Portalina completely confusing and off-putting. I can never remember who is supposed to be who. Pick names from the bible if you want. They've been around for thousands of years - supposedly.
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If you feel overwhelmed, start small.
Most of my published stories are long, but almost all of them, even the ones with complicated plots start out as flash fiction. I have a folder brimming with flash fiction (most less than 500 words), and that's all they'll ever be and that's ok. Every once in a while I'll write a flash fiction that lends an interesting premise or a character or both, and I wanna see what happens. That's usually how a 500 word story turns into 30k words for me. Anyways that's my jam. Maybe it could be yours too? Either way the important thing is to have fun. If you're not having fun writing fiction then don't write. 🤷🏻‍♀️
'Never' is a very long time.

Write a sentence. Write another sentence another day. Sometime, a third sentence. Even at one sentence a day that's likely 3000 words after a month.

Eventually you end up with a draft story. It'll likely be shit because all first drafts of first stories are, but editing a draft to improve it is way easier than creating a story from nothing. And there you go. Publish and be damned, and work on the next one. Or three...
My dream to become an author was just crushed.
Just so you know the story, the person you're replying to who is mocking you pulled their stories because they were mad they weren't getting a lot of views...so now they get no views.

So take their critique for what its worth which is nothing because he's a quitter and a baby.
@ the OP: Many people tried helping you in many ways in your many past posts. And one in particular who most deserves an award for his earlier patience looks as though he finally gave up trying. And nobody blames him.

Although ADHD & family isn’t what ails you, you should read that thread, (https://forum.literotica.com/threads/coping-with-add-and-writing-life.1597987/ but PLEASE don’t post there) to see how people who struggle with various OTHER types of mood disorders than you actually acknowledge them and sometimes proactively seek help of the non pity-seeking variety

You are lucid enough for some straight talk. Other people seek out and actually try to get professional help. You choose not to. That’s your fault. And with that, I have returned myself to the “done trying” list.
Literally how I picked the names for my characters Rachel and Leah in my latest story 😅
Good ol' Old Testament. Can't go wrong.
I tried to read Old Testament in the past, but I quit somewhere during Exodus, because, God, that God (no pun intended) was freaking me out like hell.
Please don't give up. Maybe you threw yourself in too deep. Try writing a short story. Just two characters in a simple setting. Concentrate on building their background and personalities. Don't worry about the sex. A story can be erotic without spurting cocks and spasming pussies.

And just because a story is a medieval fantasy, doesn't mean that characters have to have weird names. Personally, I find names such as Fengurk, Rimbutton and Portalina completely confusing and off-putting. I can never remember who is supposed to be who. Pick names from the bible if you want. They've been around for thousands of years - supposedly.
Hi @KachinaDoll - may I borrow "Rimbutton" please?
Don't start off trying to write the Great (insert country here) Novel. Write a short story and publish it. Then another, and another. Well you get the picture. Participate in the contests, events, and challenges. Just do your writing in small chunks to begin with.