If Roe v. Wade is ever reversed . . .

Actually legal and safe abortion is statistically less dangerous than all sorts of things... including, but not limited to colonoscopies, lightning strikes, distracted driving, taking penicillin. Giving birth. Even being pregnant. Ironically enough.
No. Don't you remember hearing about the old days? Did you see Dirty Dancing? Abortion gone bad.

Never had an abortion. It wouldn't be my choice, as I was adopted as a baby. So my belief is more in that direction.

However, not my business what other choose to do. I don't know their circumstances. All women, have the right to choose in a safe environment.

Now STFU Lance.

No. No I don't. Please tell us.

I'm glad it's your choice, hopefully it always remains that way. I just don't want to pay for yours or others choices. I pay for mine.

And Lance, the ghost of your dreams might be amused that you think I am him. In spite of your grasping at straws, sorry, I'm not.
Honey, I am past child bearing, so don’t worry your head.

I could go on about planned parenthood. One way or the other, you will pay for it.

I find it strange that on the same day that Lance posted about toe fucking, your toe sucking alt was created. And not too many folks post between 4:30-5:30 AM.

Things that make you go hmmm.

Anyway have a good night.
No. No I don't. Please tell us.

I'm glad it's your choice, hopefully it always remains that way. I just don't want to pay for yours or others choices. I pay for mine.

And Lance, the ghost of your dreams might be amused that you think I am him. In spite of your grasping at straws, sorry, I'm not.

you have never paid for anyone's abortion. when people like you are so gullible and uninformed, you become a danger to the rest of society.
I'm glad it's your choice, hopefully it always remains that way.
I just don't want to pay for yours or others choices. I pay for mine.

He has a point.

I'm not very familiar with how the cost for abortions in calculated, but I understand that taxpayers fund part of it via Medicaid. And 20% are also free.

While I'm pro-choice myself, I fully understand Republicans' point on funding:
Why should they be forced to fund a procedure which they find to be ethically and morally ireprehensible? Especially for the repeat aborters.

Most women would rather pay for their own abortion.
They have their own dignity and don't want 'abortion handouts', and are also mindful of their privacy. The process is traumatising enough on it's own.*
. . . that will be an electoral gift to the Democrats: After all, it won't mean abortion is banned -- all it means is that the issue will henceforth be an ordinary political-legislative issue without constitutional protection. I.e., to be fought out in the legislatures. And that will position the Dems to win the votes of the silent-on-this-issue majority -- the millions of Americans who are morally uncomfortable with abortion, but still want it to be there in case their teenage daughter gets pregnant.

Yes the parents want their daughters to have an abortion after their fathers, uncles, grandfathers or rapist got them pregnant. They do not want their daughter butchered by some back alley abortionist.
At this point reversal of Roe v Wade would be a very good thing. It is truly obscene and an insult to the creator what they are doing with late-term abortion and commercializing fetal tissue. Planned Parenthood is business profiting from murder.

You've been listening to too many Pro-Lifers who are in reality nothing but antiabortionists since 99.9% of them do not adopt any of the babies from the girls/women they convinced to have the baby. No State allows late term abortions unless the mother's life is in danger. Planned Parenthood's main service is providing well-woman exams, providing mammograms and testing for STD's. They also give family planning counselling and provide birth control such as the pill, injection and IUDs. Abortions are just a tiny percentage of their services.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety)
by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

-H. L. Mencken​

If all the abortions were stopped and women had to give birth to unwanted babies, would those children grow up to be Republican voters? Or Democrats?

Look at the demographics of the women who have abortions now...

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety)
by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

-H. L. Mencken​

How Marxist of you. :rolleyes:
This. Why can't it just be this?!

Because men think they have the exclusive right to dictate to women about their rights to make their own decisions about their reproductive system. Men want to return to the days when women were nothing more than chattel.
Because men think they have the exclusive right to dictate to women about their rights to make their own decisions about their reproductive system. Men want to return to the days when women were nothing more than chattel.

That must be why we've fought so hard to treat them equally under the law.

But don't let that stop you from putting your sexism and hate on display. ;)
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Because men think they have the exclusive right to dictate to women about their rights to make their own decisions about their reproductive system. Men want to return to the days when women were nothing more than chattel.

That is ridiculous. Please see Trysail's post #39.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety)
by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

-H. L. Mencken​

The RW's dedication to banning abortion is no imaginary hobgoblin.
The RW's dedication to banning abortion is no imaginary hobgoblin.

Fundamentalist Christian/theocratic conservatives.......not the RW, lot of the RW doesn't think the government has any fucking bidnizz in a doctors office.
Fundamentalist Christian/theocratic conservatives.......not the RW, lot of the RW doesn't think the government has any fucking bidnizz in a doctors office.

And yet they all seem to line up on the same side of the issue, including the purely economic conservatives.