I am the Boss (Closed to PrincessAmelia)


Literotica Guru
Feb 15, 2012
Charles John Donnell
Age 33
Height 6'1"
Weight 180lbs
Physically fit man with long, dark hair combed in a swooping fashion to the right with piercing blue eyes. No tattoos or piercings.

Here I was the boss. Everything inside this building and everyone in it was under my control. The first floors was a bank that funneled money and the upper floors were part of the operation. We controlled the money going in and out and with that money we lined the pockets of many powerful men and women and also opened up buidlings that the people needed, soup lines, medical clinics, halfway houses, all out of the generous nature that possessed my body and t win their hearts and minds.

Sitting in my penthouse behind my finally crafted oak desk, gently puffing on a cuban cigar and savoring the flavor. I generally did not smoke but I was in the company of my friend Hugo from Cuba and he gave it as a gift for our business transaction. He needed a loan and it was illegal to trade with Cuba even still, but he needed the money to build a hospital. I gave him the money with a generous interest and my aide drafted up the contract and set everything in motion.

I was the boss and though I was fair I did have to be hard. My men on the ground floor were the enforcers to ensure everything was kept in ine and my interests were protected, that being to stomp out trouble makers and to protect people such as Hugo as he headed out with the loan.

A new hospital will be lovely in Cuba. Hugo was a frequent guest and always payed what was owed thus I was not worried, however, once he was gone I was informed by my aide that Antonio, a man that was my chief enforcer years ago, had finally been found in the bottom of the lake.
Real name: Detective Scarlet Jones
Fake name: Crystal
Description: brunette long curly hair, blue eyes, size 8, 30 D chest, 5 foot 6, tanned and cute round ass.
History: she became a detective because her family made her she does enjoy her job but would leave it for love. She's put many criminals behind bars and she's cunning and very scheming.

She was in a hidden police van getting a recording device in her ear they were like mini ear plugs. She was in http://www.greatglam.com/pd-players-club-black.cfm she was going to pretend to be an old school friend of his so she could get into his world. She tossed her hair back as she walked to the building. She asked to the see the boss and she was brought into his office. "Well well John Donnell your doing pretty well for yourself do you remember I'm Crystal from high school we were good friends." She smiled at him.
Once Hugo was gone and I could organize my office I began to reflect on Antonio. He was quite the cunt. He was two faced but dedicated. Perhaps too dedicated as he enjoyed "breaking legs" way too much, perhaps he enjoyed the power he had. Either way, he was gone and it was a real mystery as to how he eneded up at the bottom of the lake. No matter. He was gone and now that I had a new enforcer chief I could focus on the matter at hand.

There was going to be a celebration coming up soon that I was hosting. Many other bosses were to show up and we were going to have, what in layman's terms would call a meeting of the bosses, to go over future prospects and it was something in the works for months.

Leaving the cigar smoldering in the ashtray and i poured myself a glass of scotch and sat going through some finance papers seemingly content with myself as I enjoyed the high life, the only thing missing was a pretty woman drapped around me fullfilling my every need.

That is when my receptionist buzzed me in the office and said that there was someone there to see me. When she enetered and called my name it made me pause. The face, i could not fully reconize it but when she smiled it was slowly coming back whom she was as I stood up and moved around to the front of the desk and it clicked, "Oh my goodness! how have you been? It's been years!"
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He did go to high school with a Crystal who looked like her and that was good for her job they had researched into his high school years and found a girl he dated who looked like her.

"Yeah its been ages and I'm good you seem to be good your doing good anyway. You always said you wanted to do well and make a name for yourself. How are you is there anyone special in your life." She smiled at him as she sat down she crossed her legs.
"I'm doing alright," smilng as i moved round to my seat and asked if she would like a drink. It was a good time to catch up on the past. Now the memories started to come back to me. I didn't use things such as facebook or myspace. All i had were the fading memories of the good ol' days as she smiled at me. Wow, i wondered what she was doing here.

"What brings you by? Are you looking for a job? because I am hiring" it was true as i lined myself with friends, people that I could trust in my profession and having a womanaround would be a nice change of pace for this all man's work place with the exception of my receptionist.
"I'm so glad your doing good could you make me a gin and tonic please." She said smiling she flickered her long eyelashes at him. She stroked her side she felt nervous doing this job like every other time she did a job. She was an undercover detective and she still felt nervous and kinda bad for tricking guys into trusting her but it was how she made her mum. It kept her in a lovely house and in designer clothes. She liked the finer things in life. "Well I wanted to catch up but I do need a job what job is available I'm willing to work hard for you if its a good job." She said
Going over to hte bar and pouring her a drink I handed it over with a small napkin and leaned against the desk in front of her with my arms crossed and looked her over. Very sexy, especially with a dress such as that that revealed the fine figure. "Well, I do have need of another assistant. My current on is about to transfer over to another branch and I need someone that is more likable. I like Michael but he can be quite stubborn, if you catch my drift" chuckling lightly, and the truth of the matter was I needed a better appearance and having a fine young woman at my side would give a better impression to the other bosses. "I can promise you a salary over 100,000 a year plus benifits" it was a high amount, but our business could afford it. Hell, the receptionist had 80,000 a year, over twice as high as a receptionist would at any other so called bank. "Are you good with computers and writing?"
She sipped on her drink. She loved a good gin and tonic even when she was working. "Well I've done assistant wori before so it will be easy work for me." She looked him over he was good looking unlike many the guys she had sent to prison. "Wow that's great wage you know you don't have to give me the job just because I'm an old high school friend." She put her hand on the table she tapped her red acrylic nails on the table. She looked at him as she sipped more on her drink. "So what are you doing tonight mister big shot." She bite her lip in a flirty way."Yeah don't you remember I was kinda a nerd at school I'm sure that's why you dated me just to get me to do your homework." She said laughing. "So the job what will I be doing for you." She un-crossed her legs and she ran her hand down her legs she quickly took her shoe off and itched her foot she had a recording device in her shoe that was annoying her she slide her shoe back on.
The way she moved was very appealing and i smiled, "Well, I need someone that I can trust to go through all of the numberrs of the bank and make sure everything is...what's the exact word for it?" Thinking for a moment and snapping my fingers, "Uh...kosher...I guess the word is. I have many things that need to be put in order before this business meeting ii'm throwing. There are many other bank managers that I'm meeting in a little while and I want to make sure that everything in order or else I will look like a complete idiot. You know what that was like, right? Remember that science report where I mixed the symbols together and I couldn't figure out what it was?" chuckling a little bit and feeling the nostalgia come flooding back was so sweet.

Looking at her fingers there was no sign of a ring, "Are you married? A woman like you would have a man bynow"
"Well you can trust me come on I knew about all your drug dealings when we were in high school and I never told a soul. Well I can take a look over the books see if there's any problems. Oh your having a meeting do you want me to go or can I help." She said she leaned a little on the table. "I know bankers are suppose to be the good guys but even they like to have a flirt like me around." Her boobs were nearly falling out of her dress. "Oh my god yeah science you made a right fool of yourself but you still looked hot so the girls of the class didn't realise you were the hot guy of the school most girls wanted you so much including myself but I was lucky I actually got you and by the way you still look hot I'd say you've got hotter with age." She flirtly winked at him.
"Well no I'm not married I don't have a man don't have time for a man." She said it was true even in her real life she had no time for guys and dating. "What about you is there a Mrs Donnell. Do you remember when we were young and we said if we were not married by the age of 45 we would get married." She laughed as she finished her drink and put it on the table.
"Oh, yeah, I remembered all that." In school I was eighteen but I never knew that many of the girls liked me. I wanted to get my degree and now Crystal was leaning herself forward and showingmore and more of herself, a bit of a tease if you asking me with those full breasts hanging low and the way she spoke in a teasing voice.

"I remember that promise, but we're a long way from 45" laughing as I took a drink from my scotcha nd flicked my eyes over at the smoldering cigar. "In the end though, i'm trying to stay focused on this party. If it works out well then we can form a nice bond with all the banks and we can be able to keep a good deal of money flowing into the city and be able to stablizie in this poor economy. We have opened soup kitchens and all that to help out the poor but we need to do more." I was passionate about this, but I knew it was all part of the plan of winning hearts and minds of the the masses to back my moves.

"If you wish to come and help, please feel free. I can arrange for a limo service to take you where you need to go."
She was flirting with him and her boobs were sitting on the desk and they were popping out she didn't normally dress this way but she was dressing in a way that would get his attention. "Yeah quiet a while way. That's good your staying focused I really want to stay in a good job for long time and maybe you can help me become focused and help me learn to enjoy working hard. I'm willing to work hard cause its you and you have always been good to me." She was kinda shocked when he talked about soup kitchens. "Oh wow your still kind heart I do believe your still the guy I had so much fun with." She leaned over and straitened his tie her hand brushed against his chest."Well I'd love to come help you maybe later on we can catch up a bit more. I've missed you strangely I thought I'd never see you again but I'm glad I came." She looked into his eyes she was a master at manipulating guys like John. "Why don't I just come with you unless you already have a date."
The way her breasts lay on my desk and was now brushing up against me as she touched my tie was eye popping, they were about to burst out from her dress but shaking my head slightly, "Well, I don't have a date, Crystal, but how about this. Since the party is a bit of a ways off, how about you come over to my loft later today and you and I can go back through the nostalgia we share in private." Smiling and showing a million watt smile.

I love going through nostalgia, especially with some one like Crystal, and perhaps we could go over some more personal memories that would only be comprosmising in a position in this office. In my mind I knew there were business that needed to be done, but seeing those bright eyes of Crystal right before me and hearing her words were very distracting and I just wanted to do so much with her this very instant despite whom was just outside.
"Well sure just give me your address and I'll be there so we can discuss business and maybe talk about the old days." She smiled as she got up off her chair she leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Is it going to be a dressy night do I need a long dress or a short mini dress." She stroked his arm softly. She was kind of enjoying flirting with him. "I will see you later babes." She said walking away shaking her ass. She walked out of the building and went to the van they drove her to a flat were she was going to pretend to live while doing the undercover work.
"Well, short dress if you don't mind" I smiled before she left, and watched as she started swaying her ass. It was hynotising to say the least. Crystal had taken care of herself through all of these years, perhaps better than alot of others from school. With her gone I felt my body fueled by addrenalin and there was a hard on between my legs because of our contact but simmering down and sitting behind my desk and picking up the phone there was a great deal that needed to be done.

Summoning my receptionist I put her to work drafting up the files that Crystal needed to sign for employment. Like everyone else there would have to be a background check and finances and so forth to ensure that she was not trouble and it was also to search to see if she was not a cop or something. I hated to do that, especially when it was someone i knew personally, but it had to be done or she might be pointed out as favoritism and then I was on the phone to go over preparations for the party. It would be taking place at the same loft, a 4,500 square foot top floor of a sky scraper that had window walls and a indoor pool, some would call it something that Bruce Wayne would have, but it was mine.
She had created a record that they would find it would show she had been arrested a few times for drugs. Being a detective meant she was good at hiding and forging things. She was feeling good about this job she did feel he didn't need to go to prison he was helping the poor and he wasn't going round murdering people. Sometimes the law really annoyed. She was starting to like her job less and less but she had to stick at it or her family would disown her. She sat at a dressing table doing up her make up she was sat in her underwear wondering what to wear that night. She was nervous because tonight there wasn't just him.
After wrapping up my business at 4 o' clock I left my papers at the receptionist and decided to head back to my loft early. I had given my address over to Crystal before she left and I would give her the employment papers when she arrived at my place. To further give an impression I had ordered a limo to be sent to her place to pick her up. Hopefully it was going tobe the first time she ever experienced such service. Getting to my place there was just myself in this plcace with a ceiling twelve feet high with a crystal chandlier in the living room with the finest leather furniture, a roaring fireplace fueled by natural gas, and the floor was marble. It was the best place in the city and it was all mine as I went to the bedroom and changed into better apparel to get ready for Crystal's arrival It wasn't to be sex, I wanted to go back through the memories and be able to start a future at last. Having a woman at my side, as I said before, would give a better image in this business.
She slipped into http://www.sparklingstrawberry.com/products/Sassy-Electric-Pink-Halter-Mini-Dress.html she didn't put any underwear on she was getting into being Crystal and she actually wanted to have sex with John. She pleasantly surprised when the limo came and picked her up as she climbed into the car she tied her hair up in a ponytail. She looked out the window as the car drove to his home. His home looked massive from the outside. She walked over to the front door and knocked. She tapped her heel on the floor waiting she hated waiting she was very impatient.
opening the door myself my jaw nearly dropped seeing what she was wearing it was just so revealing and sexy the way she had done herself up and seemed so wild. Inviting her inside and askig if she wanted a drink I went to the bar near the fireplace and prepared to pour myself a cocktail. Normally I didn't drink much, but this was a special occassiona and I wanted to show of what I had to offer to Crystal. On the coffee table in the center of the room was the employement papers. "Oh," quickly pointing at them, "Those are hte papers. If you'll take and sign them we can go through the steps. Of course, there is the background check and all of that. Have to be fair, now. Evn for someon like you, Crystal." Giving a smile and pouring the mixture into abruised crystal glass and coming back to the coffee table and having a seat, "You look impressive."
"God your a bad influence on me you get me drinking more then usual but I will have a white wine if that's okay." she said as she sat at the coffee table. "Don't worry about it hun I understand even though you know you need to check things over and I'm fine with that. You do it to all your staff so I should sign the papers and get checked over too." She flicked through the papers as she heard him she looked impressive "Is that the only word you can think of to explain how I look." She looked at him as she took her drink from him she was looking over the papers she was pretending to read them because she really didn't need to read them She knew what papers like this said. She took the pen of the table and signed the contract.
I wanted to say much more 'sexy, hot, gorgeous' but some some reason what came out wasimpressive as I didnt want to give the appearance that I had her over just for a romping good time, though the thought did come through my mind at once time or another, but as she leaned forward and went over the papers and signed I was looking at her hanging breasts and felt my heart climbing into my throat as I was trying to keep myself under control and not turn into a animal and just grab and fuck her silly on her couch.

"Don't worry" I chuckled, "I'm not trying to get you drunk or anything. Just trying to be a good host." When she signed I took the papers and placed them on my desk on the other side of the room and came back and sat in the chair across from her beside the fire and felt the warm glow coming from it.

"Once it goes through you can start. It takes just a day and we have the weekend. So, perhaps you can start monday," smiling.
She always thought of having sex with the guys she was going to arrest but she only fucked a few of them but something was different about this guy she wanted him so much she was trying to convince herself it was just her being in character but it wasn't. She sipped on her drink and then she smoothened out his shirt. She liked having her hand on his manly chest. She wanted to rip his shirt off right then but she was taking it slow. "Okay but don't think I'm being your tea lady." She laughed looking at him. "So what do we do now." She said stroking her leg.
Looking at her fine body and feeling the touch there was so many things that were flowing through my mind. "Well, we have this entire place all to myself. But first tell me about yourself. What have you been doing with yourself since we last met?" In truth I was still looking her over very carefully the way the dress hung on her body showing off all of her fine features including those gorgeous breasts that appeared to be all natural and the way she caressed her legs seemed to be flirting. I have had that experience before with many women, but never seemed to to have any action with them, but Crystal seemed to be very different in all. She was some one I knew and there was history, perhaps things would turn out different this night as i slowly finished my drink and set it on my coffee table.
"Well I've not being doing much my parents have both been very ill for the past couple of years so I was looking after them. How did you start all of this what you have how did you get." She said looking round the room. "Do you mind if we go sit on the sofa this chair is hurting my back." She said getting up and going to sit on the sofa she wanted to lean on him. She notice he was looking over and it gave her chills down her back. She sipped on her wine she really wanted him something made him appeal to even the real her.
As we went over to the sofa and sat down beside one another I said, "I'm so sorry to hear about your parents," trying to recall them was next to impossible, not even their names, "But perhaps this job will be able to help them in some way. Perhaps they can be covered by the medical care." Trying to be very hopeful to ease her troubles. "What about you though? All these years and no man? I thought you couldn't keep them off of you" laughing a bit. "All of these years and you still look pretty much the same if not better" quickly running my tongue over my thin lips.