help with rejection of story


May 3, 2020
I need a little help. I am not a first time author and this is not the first story I've had rejected here at Lit. It is, however, the first time I've had the same story rejected three times, this last time for a reason that I don't understand. Perhaps someone reading this can help me out or direct me to a way of having it cleared up.
The premise of the story (and it's an actual true story btw) is a friends with benefits with a twist. That twist being that the woman involved is lactating breast milk due to the fact that she's nursing an infant. NO, the infant isn't being fed when anything sexual happens. The child is not used or included in any kind of sex act, that has been cleared up and seemingly approved. Although, I have come across more than one instance of a breastfeeding mother (in the act of feeding) who is being sexually attended to, in stories that are online here at Lit and available for any to read. No, this does not happen in my rejected story. What this story was rejected for this time simply confuses me because it was rejected due to, a breastfeeding mother becoming sexually aroused and leads to sex. ??? How is that offensive?
It's a scientifically documented fact that many (not all) women do indeed become sexually aroused when breastfeeding their babies. I even looked up and provided a link to the National Library of Medicine and studies and articles published by the Journal of Perinatal Education about this phenomenon. I tried to send an email to Laurel with this information and asking for Lit to reconsider my silly little short story on that basis. I've not heard back yet, almost a full week later.
I think the frustration is getting the better of me, perhaps, but I just want to learn how to address this situation and correct it. I know the story is innocuous, hell, it's barely entertaining to many who seek material to read from this site. At best, it's just a sidebar memory of my own past experiences, hence it being just a short story, but I know that it's harmless and unoffensive. That's why I can't understand the last rejection. I do fully understand and support Lit's policy against any kind of pedophilia, so the initial rejection was actually expected and it was later cleared of that count. Now if I can just get this latest confusion cleared it may get posted yet.
Anyone have any ideas or suggestions that might help?

If I'm understanding this correctly - the mother becomes sexually aroused while breastfeeding an infant and then finds an adult friend to act on that arousal?

Consider this synopsis - an adult man gets an erection watching a 10 year old girl in a bikini then goes to find an adult friend to have sex with.

Unless I'm missing something, I think this should make the issue clear.
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You're right that women can be aroused by breastfeeding. My wife was a breast-feeding coach,and the way she put it was "If breast feeding weren't pleasant for women then hardly any infant would have survived."

True or not, that isn't the issue. The issue is that you've triggered Laurel's rejection.

@TheRedChamber is likely right, that your character becomes aroused by breastfeeding, that leads directly to sex, and to your rejection. But I'm not sure that's really enough to say. A lot depends on the way you write it, and we don't know that. I imagine that scenario could be written without triggering a rejection, but probably not the way you wrote it.
Yeah. What Millie said.

FWIW, I am putting the last touches on a long serial (>300K words) which is going to end in a climax (the literary kind) where the topic of breastfeeding may or may not arise in any continuation of the story. The difficult decision has been made there will not be a sequel, at least not published on LitE. "No under 18" anywhere near sexual content is a hard rule here.
Yeah. What Millie said.

FWIW, I am putting the last touches on a long serial (>300K words) which is going to end in a climax (the literary kind) where the topic of breastfeeding may or may not arise in any continuation of the story. The difficult decision has been made there will not be a sequel, at least not published on LitE. "No under 18" anywhere near sexual content is a hard rule here.
Amen, Brother Pix, preach on! Unfortunately, we're the choir.
She is getting aroused while breastfeeding an infant. Science or not, it breaks the rules, so there is no point in further pursuing this angle in my opinion. You can make small alterations to make the story comply with Lit's rules. You are right about one thing though. There are stories, recent ones even, which managed to bypass this rule, and while I do have a theory or two about the reasons, I'd rather not speculate.
I need a little help. I am not a first time author and this is not the first story I've had rejected here at Lit. It is, however, the first time I've had the same story rejected three times, this last time for a reason that I don't understand. Perhaps someone reading this can help me out or direct me to a way of having it cleared up.
The premise of the story (and it's an actual true story btw) is a friends with benefits with a twist. That twist being that the woman involved is lactating breast milk due to the fact that she's nursing an infant. NO, the infant isn't being fed when anything sexual happens. The child is not used or included in any kind of sex act, that has been cleared up and seemingly approved. Although, I have come across more than one instance of a breastfeeding mother (in the act of feeding) who is being sexually attended to, in stories that are online here at Lit and available for any to read. No, this does not happen in my rejected story. What this story was rejected for this time simply confuses me because it was rejected due to, a breastfeeding mother becoming sexually aroused and leads to sex. ??? How is that offensive?
It's a scientifically documented fact that many (not all) women do indeed become sexually aroused when breastfeeding their babies. I even looked up and provided a link to the National Library of Medicine and studies and articles published by the Journal of Perinatal Education about this phenomenon. I tried to send an email to Laurel with this information and asking for Lit to reconsider my silly little short story on that basis. I've not heard back yet, almost a full week later.
I think the frustration is getting the better of me, perhaps, but I just want to learn how to address this situation and correct it. I know the story is innocuous, hell, it's barely entertaining to many who seek material to read from this site. At best, it's just a sidebar memory of my own past experiences, hence it being just a short story, but I know that it's harmless and unoffensive. That's why I can't understand the last rejection. I do fully understand and support Lit's policy against any kind of pedophilia, so the initial rejection was actually expected and it was later cleared of that count. Now if I can just get this latest confusion cleared it may get posted yet.
Anyone have any ideas or suggestions that might help?

Clearly against Lit rules to have anyone under 18 involved in something that leads sexual arousal.

But it makes me look forward to having a baby 🤭.

Hi Frodov: If that is really you in your avatar, you have more guts than I do. My photo in there would probably cause people to turn into stone.

I see that you have a number of submissions here and that have done very well. You did make your case to Laurel. If you read the thread I just posted, I was rejected for the first time this week, and I waited for Laurel's response before I asked anyone here about what to do. I offered to cut some things, but that wasn't it She just posted it in another category.

In your case, you would probably have to change the story; see what she says eventually. Arguably the rules are a bit vague at times, but that is not going to help you. Referring to the Journal of Perinatal Education is also not likely to help.
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Since you asked for more specific suggestions:

Unfortunately, it doesn't matter what we think, it depends on what Laurel thinks. It is taking her a while to get back to you. But it's sort of like the cops at a traffic stop (fortunately, it's only been about tickets, not anything worse). They'll give you one chance to explain yourself (usually not at the very beginning), and that's it. At least with the police, you have later opportunities to challenge, say a ticket, in court. They might not even show up. With Lit, it's one time and that's all. You can't argue you're way out it (or into it, in the sense of getting published).

That leaves you with two options:

1. Try to rewrite it and then resubmit it. From what you've described of the plot, you don't have much leeway with that.

2. Resubmit it on another site.
Get the child right out of the room, ideally right out of the house, before there's any sexual connection between the adults.

Don't bother "arguing the case", it's not going to help one bit.

Rewrite the scenes with the child, make them completely non-sexual, and resubmit the story. Forget about the scientific justification blah blah blah, that's irrelevant.

It can be done - I've done it, and got myself a Hall of Fame story.
I need a little help. I am not a first time author and this is not the first story I've had rejected here at Lit. It is, however, the first time I've had the same story rejected three times, this last time for a reason that I don't understand. Perhaps someone reading this can help me out or direct me to a way of having it cleared up.
The premise of the story (and it's an actual true story btw) is a friends with benefits with a twist. That twist being that the woman involved is lactating breast milk due to the fact that she's nursing an infant. NO, the infant isn't being fed when anything sexual happens. The child is not used or included in any kind of sex act, that has been cleared up and seemingly approved. Although, I have come across more than one instance of a breastfeeding mother (in the act of feeding) who is being sexually attended to, in stories that are online here at Lit and available for any to read. No, this does not happen in my rejected story. What this story was rejected for this time simply confuses me because it was rejected due to, a breastfeeding mother becoming sexually aroused and leads to sex. ??? How is that offensive?
It's a scientifically documented fact that many (not all) women do indeed become sexually aroused when breastfeeding their babies. I even looked up and provided a link to the National Library of Medicine and studies and articles published by the Journal of Perinatal Education about this phenomenon. I tried to send an email to Laurel with this information and asking for Lit to reconsider my silly little short story on that basis. I've not heard back yet, almost a full week later.
I think the frustration is getting the better of me, perhaps, but I just want to learn how to address this situation and correct it. I know the story is innocuous, hell, it's barely entertaining to many who seek material to read from this site. At best, it's just a sidebar memory of my own past experiences, hence it being just a short story, but I know that it's harmless and unoffensive. That's why I can't understand the last rejection. I do fully understand and support Lit's policy against any kind of pedophilia, so the initial rejection was actually expected and it was later cleared of that count. Now if I can just get this latest confusion cleared it may get posted yet.
Anyone have any ideas or suggestions that might help?

Rather than telling everyone why you think Laurel rejected your story, why don't you state the text of your rejection notice? I've noticed several authors doing what you just did, and when the actual text of the rejection became known, the reason for rejection became clearer. Why not do the same?
Rather than telling everyone why you think Laurel rejected your story, why don't you state the text of your rejection notice? I've noticed several authors doing what you just did, and when the actual text of the rejection became known, the reason for rejection became clearer. Why not do the same?
Her rejection notice of me was a bit ambiguous. It said that the story (essay, actually) should be a forum post, not a separate submission. I replied with only two points: 1. at 2,700 words it was too long for a forum post, and 2. I offered to drop any mention of Quentin Tarantino's alleged foot fetish, even though she hadn't menitoned that. It worked; it was published in a different category, and Tarantino stayed in the picture.
Her rejection notice of me was a bit ambiguous. It said that the story (essay, actually) should be a forum post, not a separate submission. I replied with only two points: 1. at 2,700 words it was too long for a forum post, and 2. I offered to drop any mention of Quentin Tarantino's alleged foot fetish, even though she hadn't menitoned that. It worked; it was published in a different category, and Tarantino stayed in the picture.
Gunhill, that's one of your thread derailments. The OP is on about breastfeeding, and you've introduced Tarantino. Let the OP answer, get his question sorted, only then should we derail a thread.

On my first read, I thought it was the OP replying and thought, why would you be told to write an essay about breastfeeding? Then I realised it was you. It's too early in the morning!
Yeah. What Millie said.

FWIW, I am putting the last touches on a long serial (>300K words) which is going to end in a climax (the literary kind) where the topic of breastfeeding may or may not arise in any continuation of the story. The difficult decision has been made there will not be a sequel, at least not published on LitE. "No under 18" anywhere near sexual content is a hard rule here.
Yep, I have a young couple that has a child. They live in a one room cabin, where do they put the child when they want to have sex? I guess Nick has to add a nursery to the cottage if they want to have sex in the winter.
Gunhill, that's one of your thread derailments. The OP is on about breastfeeding, and you've introduced Tarantino. Let the OP answer, get his question sorted, only then should we derail a thread.

On my first read, I thought it was the OP replying and thought, why would you be told to write an essay about breastfeeding? Then I realised it was you. It's too early in the morning!
Guilty as charged. I tried to justify it by suggesting that moderator's rejections weren't always clearly worded or even very specific. MetaBob said that the reason would be clearly stated in the rejection notice.
The premise of the story (and it's an actual true story btw) is a friends with benefits with a twist. That twist being that the woman involved is lactating breast milk due to the fact that she's nursing an infant. NO, the infant isn't being fed when anything sexual happens. The child is not used or included in any kind of sex act, that has been cleared up and seemingly approved. Although, I have come across more than one instance of a breastfeeding mother (in the act of feeding) who is being sexually attended to, in stories that are online here at Lit and available for any to read. No, this does not happen in my rejected story. What this story was rejected for this time simply confuses me because it was rejected due to, a breastfeeding mother becoming sexually aroused and leads to sex. ??? How is that offensive?
It's a scientifically documented fact that many (not all) women do indeed become sexually aroused when breastfeeding their babies. I even looked up and provided a link to the National Library of Medicine and studies and articles published by the Journal of Perinatal Education about this phenomenon. I tried to send an email to Laurel with this information and asking for Lit to reconsider my silly little short story on that basis. I've not heard back yet, almost a full week later.

I don't see how this could possibly help your case. The only way Laurel is going to approve this story is if she decides it doesn't cross the "sexual activity involving a minor" line. Sending her evidence about how some women really do get sexually aroused while breastfeeding their babies is basically saying HELLO YES MY INTENTION IS TO WRITE ABOUT SEXUAL ACTIVITY INVOLVING A MINOR.

Whether it's realistic is beside the point. Plenty of realistic themes are off limits here.
A deep sigh of exhaustion from going over and over the things that cannot be done at this site. If I had a nickel for every time we have done this, I'd be a Nickelair.

Yes. 🪙 And each one is the same. "I know the rules, but can I get around them if I do it this way?"
Why is it so hard to be thankful for this wonderful place to share our interests and follow the rules?
In my actual experience, there's very little about using a breast pump that is likely to lead to arousal.
Experiences vary. Which is all I'm saying about that!

Mum and child have to be separated for whatever reason, someone or a pump come to the rescue.
In my actual experience, there's very little about using a breast pump that is likely to lead to arousal.
Not using one and finding an alternative worked very nicely for me.

The key to getting any such scene over the line, though, is to get the kid into another room, or better yet, into another house.
Not using one and finding an alternative worked very nicely for me.

The key to getting any such scene over the line, though, is to get the kid into another room, or better yet, into another house.

Well... Don't use the kid like a sex toy and you're probably doing alright.