For longer stories - What's your favorite MacGuffin?


The rug really tied the room together, did it not?
Other movie MacGuffins:

Rosebud, in Citizen Kane

The rug in The Big Lebowski

The Holy Grail in most movies about King Arthur

The money stolen by Janet Leigh's character in Psycho
In the Smokey and the Bandit movies, the cargo is almost incidental to the story, it gets the story moving, but they are road trip movies. Except the the elephant, the cargo is barely even mentioned.
The Empire in Star Wars. The Imperial Navy part of it is slightly more than a mere MacGuffin, but the bureaucratic and administrative apparatus that would make it an actual government are barely even mentioned.
I think I watched something recently where it was a key. It was some kinda terribad movie. People were after something somebody had and when they got to or near the goal, they found out that the thing they had, that opened or did whatever, didn't even matter. It's probably good I don't remember, I'd probably get mad all over again from the time I wasted.

To actually add to the conversation; I think the cat in That Darn Cat was the MacGuffin. The movie made no sense to me.
It just occurred to me that the identify of Jon Snow, in Game of Thrones, is a kind of MacGuffin. The reveal is a huge part of the series, but once we find out who he is it's completely irrelevant to the rest of the story. It has no impact on the outcome.
It just occurred to me that the identify of Jon Snow, in Game of Thrones, is a kind of MacGuffin. The reveal is a huge part of the series, but once we find out who he is it's completely irrelevant to the rest of the story. It has no impact on the outcome.
well, it means it's technically incest when he and Danaerys play hide the helmet.

Which is cool for visibility, I guess?
Psychological McGuffins- think the story of Keyser Soze- can be fun too. Consider this for example- what could make an anti-sexual assault crusader prosecution attorney switch sides to defend the wrongfully accused?

The answer will come in future episodes of my ficverse. :)
Consider this for example- what could make an anti-sexual assault crusader prosecution attorney switch sides to defend the wrongfully accused?

Money, for one! You make a lot more as a successful defense attorney than as a prosecutor working for the government.

But belief in the system, too. I have no illusions about most criminal defendants but I believe all of them deserve fair legal representation.
Money, for one! You make a lot more as a successful defense attorney than as a prosecutor working for the government.

But belief in the system, too. I have no illusions about most criminal defendants but I believe all of them deserve fair legal representation.

This is true. Money is a common motivator. The character I’m discussing doesn’t mind working pro bono, but money is nice. And she believes in the system too.

We’ll see her evil counterpart first in my ficverse… I’ll get back to writing the good one soon. Thx for the feedback. ;)