Emperor Caligula Carrot, Donald, the first of his name

Endlessly contributing to the media feed

Must look! Must watch! Must read! Must react!

Trying to sip from a firehose. Horrible effect on the consciousness- it bypasses conscious consumption, and tickles the lizard response.

/end gsgs comment

On Trump’s first day in office, with respect to the size of his inauguration crowd, he insisted that what was demonstrably, visibly, incontrovertibly false was actually true. At that moment, we learned that all the lies and exaggerations and provocations of the previous year were not just campaign tools, designed to con and distract, but actually constitutive of his core mental health. He was not lying, as lying is usually understood. He was expressing what he believed to be true, because his ego demanded it be true. And for Trump, as we now know, there is no reality outside his own perfervidly narcissistic consciousness.

What we can expect, in his newest public speech-

It therefore comes as absolutely no surprise that, all these months later, he believes he has achieved more in ten months than any administration in history, or that he won the popular vote once you remove millions of illegal voters, or that a huge wall on the southern border will still be paid for by Mexico, or that his favored health-care bill would make health insurance cheaper, better, and more available; or that his massive tax cut for the super-wealthy is about the “forgotten men and women” of the white working class.

All Trump cares about is the “win” — and he will describe its content as what he wants it to be, not what it is, and most of his supporters will believe him.

And so, at a time of deeply destabilizing social inequality, this law will actively shovel billions more to the super-rich, add more than a trillion to an already unprecedented peacetime debt, eviscerate affordable health care for millions, increase taxes on many middle-class blue-state residents, and eventually require massive cuts to Social Security and Medicare as we inevitably face a future fiscal collapse. But again, Trump’s delusional vanity simply wishes all these consequences away. They will not happen. Believe him. And not only are his absurdly rosy predictions true, they are actually going to be surpassed.


The article author leaves out the malicious trolling urge.

Emperor Carrot adores mocking, enjoys shoving a shiv, throwing the bird at the people that he has no respect for.(Everyone, but himself.)
I want to give a sincere apology to all those on this post that I have called leftist. It is my desire to tell only the truth and by calling you that I am using your ideology of twisting the truth. Mr. and Mrs. Obama, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, and company all are followers of Mr. George Soros. No one denies that. And Mr. Soros is and has always been a Nazi. History has shown that the Communists and the Fascists and the Middle East Terrorist are like street gangs that want the same thing, except each wants to control the whole gang land territory. Since your beloved leaders (actually royalist, but I won’t go into that now) are all puppets of Mr. Soros and therefore Nazi. That Mr. Soros has stated that he owns the Democratic Party and thus has now made it his far right party. Thus instead of calling you, their followers leftist, it is only polite and proper that I refer to you as Fascists. I want to thank you for accepting my apology.

By the way Mr. Soros and company, including Rep. Princess Nancy of San Francisco and Senator Sanders among other traitors to the Democratic Party and the U. S. met in CA to discuss their plans for the basic overthrow of the U. S. Hey don’t laugh, look at what is planned for the President’s State of the Union speech. Both his speech and the Democratic response are to be disrupted by these traitors and their paid hoodlums. The fake media will cover these as if they are spontaneous demonstrations. Did you know that the people who attended this meeting had to sign papers saying they would not disclose what was said or who attended? These are the same people who give away state secrets and take the side of terrorist who wish to kill you. But that is understandable, That is what traitors do.

It is always amusing to read the comments made by the Soros followers. They have no will power or ability to think for themselves. Their Gods Soros, Clinton, Obama and Sanders tell them what to think, what to say, what to do and like the fake media that Hillary Clinton put inside a rope barrier willing go along as sheep to the butcher. You know when you are told to go and riot and stop traffic, cause damage to public and private property, and assault the police and American citizens you have done it. The next step is strapping a bomb to your chest and walking into a school. You say “No.” But you have done the prior things and it is only a short step to the other. Remember your life is not your own, so that is understandable.

In Europe this week, George Soros said that Face Book and Google are a danger to his world because they allow people too much freedom of speech. (He has taken control of Yahoo, which is why it is so censored). As punishment for their crimes Face Book was taken (hacked) off the internet for a while today as a warning. The same will happen to this site if people try to exercise their right to free speech and to telling the truth. So after this post I will be more careful about being honest. That is understandable. (By the way your Leader lost over a billion dollars when Trump was elected and the markets went up and he lost millions of dollars backing a losing candidate who ran against Trump. No wonder he is upset.)

You don’t mind being lied to and made fools of by the living gods who rule you by divine right. Remember Obama told us that he lied about everything in Obama Care and his bloody Chicago Butcher Mayor of Chicago and hater of Black Americans who with his brother and another quack doctor were the main authors of the Bill also admitted they lied or they could not get it thru their own puppets in Congress. (Although Princess Nancy who with her crooked husband lives in a large castle away from the serfs of San Francisco helped force it thru even with the fact that she still has not read it). But you were not upset over being lied to and made a fool of and being forced to take poor insurance at a huge cost. After all your gods in the Party did not think it was good enough for them so they exempted themselves from it but you were required to accept it and the lies. But being foolish and sheep it is understandable.

Hillary Clinton, who no one has ever accused of being smart or having an original thought, used Trumps factual charge that she and her husband were puppets and paid political whores of the Russians and turned it around and accused Trump of what crimes she has committed. The leftist (there I go again) are great at rewriting not only history but the dictionary. Can anyone explain how a Communist Country can call itself “People’s Democratic Republic” with a straight face? So if the people on this sight were honest and upset about anything Trump might have done with the Russians they would also be calling for the two Clinton’s and Obama’s heads for there is plenty of evidence that they have committed treason and taken money and supported the communist as well as the terrorist of the Middle East. But no one on here from the Soros far right sees anything wrong, so it means that their shock at Trump with the fake charges from the media and turncoats in Washington is nothing but smoke blowing from their behinds in a last minute attempt to overthrow the United States. But that is understandable.

The leftist, fascists, progressives, royalist, pot heads, drug dealers, slave traders, sexual perverts, cartoon characters and the dead who go to the polls and vote not their own conscience, but like the fake legislative bodies in Nazi Germany, Communist China, Iran, Cuba, North Korea, etc. just rubber stamp what your Masters in the Police State tell you to do. So no matter which of the above titles you give yourself, the fact is you are a Nazi follower of a Nazi who wants to be Emperor of the world. But that is understandable; you do not have the ability to think for yourself. Obey, conform, and surrender.

Hillary has a long list of hate against women other than her Dyke criminals, yet she expects “All women to vote for her”, just as she expects all blacks to vote in a block and obey their Masters. The fact the Democratic Party has always been anti black and the slave party and the party of the rich and anti worker and poor; and that the so called “Civil Rights” leaders are nothing but a bunch of Overseers whose job it is to destroy everything Rev. King gave his life for and that the Party says that blacks, Latinos and elderly are too stupid to go the DMV to get I.D they can show at the polls. But that is understandable. That they should hate anyone who believes they are equal to all others and human. Without hate and stupidity the leaders like Soros and Clinton and Obama and Sanders would have no followers.

Obama was the worst President this country has ever had and considering some of the fools who the boys in the back smoke filled room have pushed on us that is saying a lot. But at least we have a Constitution that keeps traitors and criminals like Obama from keeping power. Well until they destroy it of course. You can understand why Obama hates the Constitution and Americans. We prefer to be free and that is not how he was trained and brought up and how the poor misguided fools on here believe. It is understandable. As a slave you don’t have to make any decisions or be responsible for your life.

To be a dictator you have to follow the “Rule Book”. Destroy education, destroy religion (these two are the most dangers to dictators), destroy freedom of the press and free speech; destroy the regular police and military. If you are going to turn your country into a Police State you cannot have people who have sworn to protect and serve the people. You have to have a state police force (the FBI and DOJ) and military that control and punish the people if they don’t bow and kiss the feet of the King. (See Cuba and North Korea and Iran and China, etc) You use people who you will later stand against the wall, such as criminals, drug dealers, gays, teachers and easy led students and any minority that you can get to feel sorry for themselves and blame the world for any troubles they have. After the “revolution” you get rid of the revolutionaries. Example, Hitler’s Brown Shirts, Lenin and Stalin’s Bolsheviks, Mao’s 1000 miles marchers, Castrol’s fighters, and anyone who might in the least way think “I overthrew one government, I can do it again” types and you feed them to the dogs (see North Korea). Or someday the real revolutionary freedom fighters will line you up against a wall. Either way your fate is the same. But as the dead followers of previous dictators will tell you, that is understandable.

For those of you that still have some respect for yourself and the ability to judge take a look at the news stations on NHK or German TV or BBC America and see how real news reporters do it. Then compare their reporting of the cartoon world of MSNBC, CNN, ABC and CBS and yes FOXX. For example there have been two very large earth quakes, including one in this country, and a volcano eruption yet none of our so called news media covered the stories. Nor did they cover the story in Africa when one of the countries there, after tens of decades finally became free people. It was headline in Europe, Asia, Australia, but not a word here. Our fake news media has the people of this country believing that the world is flat and the only news is the fake reality of Hollywood clowns and the fake reality from the swamp monsters of Washington. But that is understandable. Educated people, informed people are a danger to people like Soros, Clinton, Obama and Sanders. But I dare you to listen and watch a real news show and compare it to the comic and lies you get off CNN and MSNBC and all the others. But I know you won’t. You are afraid to hear the truth. That is understandable.

Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy seeing you loyal followers of Soros making fools of yourself. You are adorable children, little spoiled, largely uneducated and rotten, but adorable and that is understandable. You have the right to make fools of yourself and create and listen to lies, but you don’t have the right to force your corruption upon us grownups.

God Bless the Constitution.
You really should reduce the amount of datura (Jimson weed, belladonna) you smoke. I know atropine's alternate reality is enticing, but it will cause serious optical and neural damage. Stick with medicinal cannabis. Maybe mix in some nutmeg for the rush.

Funny. Obama and Clinton Pot Heads making jokes about drugs. Hey that's how they make their money baby. At least you weren't able to deny anything I wrote which I take as a complement. Medical pot helps with pain. That's true. I know several pot heads and they get so high you could light them on fire and they wouldn't feel a thing. Again thank you for agreeing with me even if it was a left handed joking way of doing it. Now you can go back to the drug din or as it is called Soros DNC.
At least Nero could produce a pleasant tune.

Hey people if you want to really get upset of a President spending your money for his own personnel use how about Obama and the pizza party?

Besides the blatant statement of Obama spending $65,000 of taxpayer money on flying in hotdogs/pizza from Chicago for a private party at the White House, the other thing that should jump out to you is the sentence, “If we get the same “waitresses,” I’m all for it!!!” by Aaric S. Eisenstein, senior vice president of Stratfor.

Why is the word waitresses in quotes? Taken at face value, it would appear Aaric is making a subtle hint towards the waitresses for the last event being attractive, and wanting to get the same ones for this hot dog event. Although if that’s the case, why the quotation marks? Is the term “waitresses” code for something more unsavory taking place at these elite private parties?

(we all know that the Clinton's and Obama's have no respect for women so it is easy to read between the lines on that last paragraph.)

How much tax payer money did Obama spend going to his many fund raisers in Hollywood, New York, Las Vegas, etc.? And ask how many trips did he make to Compton or Harlem or inner Chicago? He and the Clinton's spent a fortune of your money (I know you like being taxed and giving it away to the rich like the Clinton's and Obama's so they can live like kings off your sweat and blood.) How much money did he and his family waste of tax payer money on their vacations around the world? Not to their homes here in the U. S., but overseas? Again I can't hear you complaining?

When you do start complaining about Clinton, Obama and the other fat cats who have made a fortune in office, not the business world, then we will listen to you.
Funny. Obama and Clinton Pot Heads making jokes about drugs.
Stick to datura. Reality won't bother you anymore.

Oh look, Obama! Oh look, Clinton! Oh look, Bullwinkle!

Somebody smoked too many banana peels.
State of the Union a chance for reset

Karen Tumulty
Philip Rucker

scratch that-

Trump’s State of the Union address is a chance for the president to hit reset

Where did the original headline, go ?


"Amid turmoil, Trump seeking a reset with State of the Union.” But the original headline had already been syndicated at local papers across the country,.."

"...political scientist Norman Ornstein writes on Twitter:

Norman Ornstein
Memo to journalists and pundits (including Van Jones) who will comment after the State of the Union: a president reading from a teleprompter for 45 minutes without melting down does not make him presidential

Norman Ornstein
Memo to journalists and pundits (including Van Jones) who will comment after the State of the Union: a president reading from a teleprompter for 45 minutes without melting down does not make him presidential

But in Imperial Presidency dogma, every single thing a POTUS does is Presidential, by definition. Obstructing justice is Presidential. Shitting on the Constitution is Presidential. Ordering numerous illegal actions is Presidential. Taking orders from foreign owners is Presidential. Dissent is disloyalty to the God-Emperor -- ready the firing squads.
After the Cold War

The USA and USSR had something else in common. Never would their leaders admit failure, or mistakes, or errors in judgment, while today’s historians have uncovered a ever growing number of mind-boggling failures and misunderstandings.

As part of this “We Are Correct and Perfect” mentality, we let the CIA invade Cuba and others. And we suffered greatly in Viet Nam, even as we won the Tet Offensive.

As part of this “We are Correct and Perfect” mentality, USSR had a massive failure in Egypt, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and lastly, in a futile, deadly and magnificent failure, they repeated the British mistake of invading Afghanistan. It was as deadly for the Soviets as it was for the Brits a generation earlier (and for the US a generation after the failed Soviet invasion).

But, in one news controlling effort, the Soviets managed to do something that fully reflected their Potemkin mentality — Leonid Brezhnev. They made him appear alive, well, sane, stable, and full of leadership qualities.

Emperor Carrot Head wants a nation, just like Putin's. He makes his wishes known during the Covfefe of Uniom 2018

January 30, 2018

Under the cover of his soothing rhetoric about unity and bipartisanship, Emperor Carrot Head called on Congress to give him unprecedented and unquestionably anti-democratic powers:

“Tonight,” he said, “I call on the congress to empower every Cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers—and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.”

Under Trump’s proposal, any Cabinet secretary could decide that, say, a law enforcement official investigating the president had “undermined the public trust” or “failed the American people”—and fire him on the spot. In other words, Trump is calling for an end to any semblance of independence for the IRS, the FBI, the Department of Justice, or any other federal agency.

"...the 45th president of the United States asked Congress for the authority to end the rule of law."

More front page headline switching-

(This time around, the headline generated backlash)

State of the Union

A Call for Bipartisanship

Weirdly, the paper hailed the speech as “A call for bipartisanship,” with a smaller headline touting Trump’s “message of unity.”

After about an hour of being relentlessly raked over the coals, the paper unveiled its new front page, instead highlighting a random line from the speech across five columns. The Post said that the earlier image was just a first edition, though that didn’t explain why it hadn’t mentioned that fact before.


State of the Union a chance for reset

Karen Tumulty
Philip Rucker

scratch that-

Trump’s State of the Union address is a chance for the president to hit reset

Where did the original headline, go ?


"Amid turmoil, Trump seeking a reset with State of the Union.” But the original headline had already been syndicated at local papers across the nation.

"TV ratings information is public, and Trump’s tweet was quickly fact checked. Unsurprisingly, it’s false."

While the White House might muddy the waters by mentioning streaming in its attempt to explain Trump, the more likely explanation is that he was willing to lie in the face of fact.


gsgs comment- I did not watch. I flipped through the channels, and caught odd moments (with the sound turned off).

Caught a moment of angry faces in the crowd, and a moment of others clapping as if they were in a state of hysteria.
Castrol’s fighters

You mean these guys?

Stick to datura. Reality won't bother you anymore.

Oh look, Obama! Oh look, Clinton! Oh look, Bullwinkle!

Somebody smoked too many banana peels.

Most pot heads are leftist who have nothing to lose by destroying their brains. Me I hate the smell of the cow dung.

Now as to your comment, I guess I hit a cord there. The truth can hurt especially when you have been brought up on lies.
I’m sure most of you saw the President’s State of the Union speech and how the Socialist/Fascists Democrats shot themselves in the foot again. Now I know those of you who still hang on to your loyalty to Princess Nancy, Soros, and Clinton and Obama will admit that when Nancy ordered that all Blacks be segregated and put in the “back of the bus” in the Halls of Congress, that all members of Latin decent and all women also be segregated and that she and her Hench men kept an eye on them all that it showed what racists the leaders of the Party really are. After all these are not representatives of the people, but slaves who owe their allegiance to her and Soros and not to the people or the Constitution and every time something good was said about African Americans, First Responders, our Military, and when victims of Obama’s friends were introduced who died or were tortured and that this country will no longer bend over backwards for the Democrats M13 gangs or drug dealers, slavers, and terrorists, she made sure they did not smile or applaud. And when the chant U. S. A., U. S. A., U. S. A. went up one of her low life Chicago gangsters got up and left because “it was an insult” to the Communist and Fascists members of the Party. She would have taken names, but even you know she is uneducated and has never read a Bill in her full time in Congress. However, the poor slaves, all members of the Party, knew she would have them whipped and sold down the river if they behaved like Americans and human beings.

The poor woman has had so many face lifts from quacks that every time she opens her mouth a fart comes out. She is unable to give a full sentence without messing up her words. If the members of the Democratic Party had any back bone or an ounce of brains they would overthrow her and Clinton and Soros and instead of being a party of the corrupt ultra rich and criminals and terrorists go back to being a party of the working class.

For those of you who want to see what is in store for you look at California, Illinois, and Washington State. The leaders, only one of who was elected (California and Illinois are run by Obama criminals, the democrats are just puppets) are anti worker and anti poor and anti citizens.

Did you see poor little Nancy and how her Obama Care Face Lift was falling apart. Her jaw was so slack she looked like a cow chewing its cud. She brought shame to the Party, but worst of all she fell into President Trump’s trap. The dummies keep showing not only how stupid they are, but what fools and how much they hate the American people. She looked liked the witch who cried “I’m melting, I’m melting.”

But this is great. It shows what bigots the Soros Party is and how much they hate minorities and women as well as human rights. The more times they put a bullet in their foot, especially when that foot is in their mouth, the more the people of this country will turn on them. The Clinton’s, the Obama’s, Soros and company are the best thing for the Republican Party. Even the fake media, whose polls have always been lies like their so called news, had his speech being approved between high 60’s and low 80 percent. They tried to give lame excuses that their own polls were incorrect, but that made them just look dummier.

Now the dirty cops in the FBI and DOJ are on the spot and crying and pissing their pants. Hopefully they will all be run out of town or sent to jail. They have been caught in the fake reports about Russia and Trump while at the same time caught covering up the truth about Obama and Clinton and their real treason with the Russians and other dictatorships.

Just for fun, please defend her putting all the so called African Americans (I don’t believe they are really black or they would never allow themselves to be segregated and forced to put on those fake Girl Scout slashes) and people of Southern European decent as well as women in their segregated groups. (You might have noticed that the Republicans acted according to the laws of the land and all members of their party were treated as grown up and human beings and free people and as Americans.) Quite a difference between the two parties, but to be honest there was a time when the real Democrats thought and acted that way too.
[manic ranting]
Yes, definitely too much datura. Native Americans used it in coming-of-age rituals but you should be mature by now. You don't need that alternate reality anymore. Clean up.
Jackie Kucinich
Taxpayers are paying for this Trump visit to Cincinnati, right? Not the RNC? Just checking. Because this sounds vaguely political and by vaguely I mean, completely.

Did Emperor Carrot give the impression that all of Ohio loves him ?

President Trump supporters and protestors rally against one another in Blue Ash


Feb 5, 2018

Closed, controlled event at factory- partisan campaign rally speech, paid for by all taxpayers

President Trump called Democrats who failed to clap for his State of the Union address last week “un-American.”

Then, somewhat flippantly, he threw out another loaded charge: “Someone said 'treasonous.' I guess, why not? Can we call that treason? Why not?”

This is not the first time that Trump has used the word treason against a perceived political enemy. In an interview last month with the Wall Street Journal, Trump accused a pair of FBI agents, Peter Strzok, once the bureau’s second-ranking counter-intelligence official, and Lisa Page, of treason.

“That is treason,” Trump said. “See, that's treason right there.”


Oops! Boasted too soon ?

At its close, the Dow Jones industrial average had fallen more than 1,150 points.


What is a Emperor Carrot Head speech, without a few lies ?

Some Fact Checking

President Donald Trump today visited the Greater Cincinnati area, dropping by Blue Ash industrial equipment company Sheffer to speak with workers and a select group of Republican elected officials.


"They would rather see Trump do badly than our country do well. It’s very selfish. It got to a point where I really didn’t even want to look too much over to that side because honestly, it was bad energy. You've got half the room going crazy, wild, they want to do something great for our country. And you have the other side, even on positive news, they were like death and un-American. Somebody said treasonous. I mean, yeah, I guess, why not. Can we call them treason? Why not. They certainly didn’t seem to love our country very much. It's very, very sad."


Judd Legum
"We caught them. It's so much fun." -- Trump on the Nunes memo

but did we catch them in the act or what?” Trump said. “You know what I’m talking about. Oh, did we catch them in the act. They are very embarrassed. They never thought they were going to get caught. We caught them. We caught them. It’s like so much fun, like the great sleuth"


Rep. Jim Renacci took a ride, aboard Air Force One. Who else cane to Ohio with Trump ?

Sen. Rob Portman, Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor and Secretary of State Jon Husted also were to attend the president’s gathering. Taylor is running for governor against Attorney General Mike DeWine, Husted’s running mate.

Melania is being monitored, after that rebellion during the SOTU speech-

Melania sat between Jane Portman, the senator’s wife, and White House adviser Kelly Anne Conway and Michael Fisher, the hospital’s chief executive officer.

(Dispatch, the conglomerate that ate alternative, independent Ohio press)


Response to the usual over-the- top insults-

California Rep. Adam Schiff

Adam Schiff retorted: "Instead of tweeting false smears, the American people would appreciate it if you turned off the TV and helped solve the funding crisis, protected Dreamers or ... really anything else."

Pelosi, who represents San Francisco, responded on Twitter, writing: "Every American should be alarmed by how @realDonaldTrump is working to make loyalty to him synonymous with loyalty to our country. That is not how democracy works."

Americans, asking questions...

I am glad that I avoided the Super Bowl coverage.

Before entering the Trump International clubhouse to watch the Patriots-Eagles game with members of the private club, the president and first lady Melania Trump paused outside to listen to the pep band from Florida Atlantic University play “Hail to the Chief,” Earth, Wind & Fire’s “Boogie Wonderland” and Walk the Moon’s “Shut Up and Dance.”

(Yes, half-dressed young women and teens lined up for Emperor Carrot to ogle.)


Melania will be "crowning 50" very soon, and she dressed herself to resemble a cheerleader that night.


Chris Ruddy, the CEO of Boca Raton-based Newsmax Media-

"My view is the president should wall himself off from this. None of the crimes that have been involved so far with Mueller involve his campaign or impact him. The president should stay away from it,” said Ruddy, who said he had chatted briefly with Trump on Saturday night.


If Trump is sucking Putin's penis, throwing an American flag over the occurrence does not make it patriotic.

So now the idiot is politicizing the death of the black NFL player at the hands of a drunk illegal immigrant. Funny, the dolt doesn't give a shit about black people, let alone NFL players, unless they get killed by a illegal. Red meat for his dim supporters.

But idiot doesn't drive home the message of drunk driving. He is so predictable and cheap.
Emperor Carrot Head has lavished himself and his family with tax payer money. We are paying for his transport to his golf junkets, business properties, his campaign rallies, and his wheedling for campaign cash from billionaires.

Now, he wants a military parade in DC. The Pentagon is giving him a parade. It will cost millions.


We have lost the ability to protect the well being of the nation, because he is emptying the offices of watchdogs, and sending assassins to kill the watchdog offices. No watchdogs to pay. No reports of wrongdoing. No complaints are received, no responses are sent out. No fines are taken. No compensation is made. No remedies are applied. The laws that protected the nation were rolled backwards. What need is there for watchdogs ?

Emperor Carrot Head has lavished himself and his family with tax payer money. We are paying for his transport to his golf junkets, business properties, his campaign rallies, and his wheedling for campaign cash from billionaires.

Now, he wants a military parade in DC. The Pentagon is giving him a parade. It will cost millions.


We have lost the ability to protect the well being of the nation, because he is emptying the offices of watchdogs, and sending assassins to kill the watchdog offices. No watchdogs to pay. No reports of wrongdoing. No complaints are received, no responses are sent out. No fines are taken. No compensation is made. No remedies are applied. The laws that protected the nation were rolled backwards. What need is there for watchdogs ?

It's the military. They'll end up spending a lot more if they don't parade.
It's the military. They'll end up spending a lot more if they don't parade.
Maybe they'll bring out all the stealth gear and invisible camo that nobody can see. A parade with only the sounds of creaking tracks and stomping jackboots echoing through the capitol. Proof that USA technology (licensed from Israel) is the world's best. MAGA! MAGA!
Representative Barbara Comstock of Virginia dared to contradict Emperor Carrot Head.

Republican Rep. Barbara Comstock of Virginia, pushed back at the White House meeting. “We don't need a government shutdown on this."


Trump interrupted her to insist Democrats were not in agreement.

“You can say what you want,” he said. “We’re not getting support from the Democrats on this legislation.”

Speaking over him, Comstock continued to make her case.

Trump ended the exchange with a curt “Thanks, Barbara,” and looked away.

Her northern Virginia district is home to tens of thousands of federal workers and she lives near the CIA headquarters.

Now that they’re (Republican party, and Republican White House operatives) dissing the FBI and throwing around classified documents like banana peels to keep Mueller off Trump’s tail, what institution won’t they wreck for (Emperor Carrot Head) him?

Maybe that’s why top Republicans won’t condemn even Trump’s most egregious behavior — they’re afraid if they make him mad, he’ll do to the party what he’s done to the FBI. Though some of us would argue he’s done that already.


The Nunes memo argument was eclipsed by the budget fight. The latest Republican scandal arrived just in time to split attention away from the budget deal that was made.

President Trump is expected to release the Democratic addendum to the four-page Republican memo on Friday.

The lies, misrepresentations, misleading narrative from the Nunes memo was allowed to infect, fester, and propagate without a clear counter-declaration by the Democrat's memo.


gsgs comment-

The Ever-Changing Opera, of Emperor Carrot Head's White House

Is Emperor Carrot Head truly upset at John Kelly ? Or, is this just a posture and a song that is in the script ?

Rob Porter was just another employee, that was willing to get his hands filthy. There are always more weasels in the pipeline looking for a position in Emperor Carrot Head's White House line-up. Emperor Carrot does not relish putting on his costume, and pretend to be presidential. He would rather be fawned on, and drooled over by patrons at his golf properties, golfing, or wearing his comfy bathrobe, and eating burgers in bed.

According to his public schedule, Trump’s daily intelligence briefing began at 11 a.m. But it was either really short, or it never happened. Instead, Trump appears to have been glued to his preferred source of intel: Fox News. At 11:03 a.m. the network’s John Roberts began a report on “revelations … from the text-message chain between FBI agent Peter Strzok and his then-lover, FBI attorney Lisa Page.” Seven minutes later, Trump came out firing.


I suppose that Emperor Carrot Head could be miffed because of the exposure of ite House Staff Secretary Rob Porter. It calls attention to his own violence against his first wife. In the moment of #MeToo, it is not a good look for the White House.

White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter's love affair
with Hope Hicks, the White House Director of Strategic Communications

The crisis also raises questions about Hope Hicks’s decision-making, and whether her romantic relationship with Porter clouded her judgment. According to a source, Hicks did not get a sign off from Trump for the White House’s initial statement defending Porter, in which Kelly was quoted calling Porter a “man of true integrity.”


When Emperor Carrot Head said that he would employ the "best people," we learned after-the-fact what he meant. The best people to look after his own person, and his personal interests. Loyalty to Emperor Carrot Head, defense of him, and the furthering of his interests.

There is a wall between Emperor Carrot Head's "Upside Down" universe and the real world, that Democrats must deal with.My chosen metaphor is the thin pane of glass, that is Alice in Wonderland's mirror- From what I have been witnessing, that wall consists of lies.

Republican Chairman Devin Nunes plans to put up a physical partition separating GOP committee staffers from their Democratic colleagues on Capitol Hill.

The wall is expected to be built in the committee’s secure spaces this spring.


GOP members of the House Intelligence Committee are planning to have a wall constructed to separate aides for Republican and Democratic committee members in the committee’s secure spaces, CBS News reports.

While other House committees divide aides from the two parties, CBS News notes that House Intel is supposed operate with a more bipartisan spirit than the others. The wall is only the latest reminder that those days are over.

According to Emperor Carrot Head, the Robert Porter scandal is Hope Hick's fault


Josh Marshall
He's blaming Hope Hicks ... "The president feels that Hope Hicks has allowed her romantic relationship with Porter to really cloud her judgment and her decision-making ... that Hope Hicks put her own priorities above his and above the White House's

Josh Marshall

The sum of Trumps anger at his staff seems to be: You got everyone mad at me and my toy is gone

CNN now reports that Trump is blaming the whole mess on his communications director, Hope Hicks

Alibi Ike: Has an alibi for everything.

I wasn't there. Someone else did it. It's all the fault of [insert name here]. They're all conspiring against me. Nobody told me. That's not my signature. I don't remember. It was only a joke. The dog ate my homework.

Winners don't whine.