Distance Domination-Support Thread

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Our washer died a while back, puking a full load of water out onto the top floor, soaking through into the living room downstairs. It sucked balls. You have my sympathy.

Thanks :kiss:

The guy downstairs came up to talk to me and thank God he is a real doll! He said he thought that my washer must have blown the moter and like you said just exploaded. He's being so sweet about having such a nasty shower at 2am, he even asked if there was anything we needed help with! I'm feeling very fortunate right now. The guy that lived there before him used to complain about my beach towels hanging on the porch because they "got his stuff wet".
Your downstairs neighbour rocks.

In my case, it was a kid sock that got sucked past the baffles into the pump. Wrecked the pump entirely and burnt out other stuff. Dead dryer, and a load of water puking out.
I may be in the wrong place entirely

I may be in the wrong place but I got played big time 3 times sinice i joined Lit. I know there isnt a 100 percent way of knowig for sure but 4 out of 4 strikes ?

Can someone give meat least a little Idea of what to try
I may be in the wrong place but I got played big time 3 times sinice i joined Lit. I know there isnt a 100 percent way of knowig for sure but 4 out of 4 strikes ?

Can someone give meat least a little Idea of what to try

I don't understand the question. :confused:

But in the interest of being helpful, I have found that the majority of adult sights consist of a large number of people who wish to live some sort of fantasy life on the net and have no intentions of "being real". Ya just kinda haft to get a feel for who is playing around and who is looking for a serious relationship and who is at least being straight with you.

My best advice would be to read the threads here and maybe even post some specific questions. The best thing I can tell you to try is what ever you are interested in. With out knowing you from adam, I can't really tell you specific things to try. What turns me on, may not do it for you.

Anyway, best of luck to you. :)
I may be in the wrong place but I got played big time 3 times sinice i joined Lit. I know there isnt a 100 percent way of knowig for sure but 4 out of 4 strikes ?

Can someone give meat least a little Idea of what to try

i met Master on lit. the very short version of it is we started as friends doing the friendly PMs. then we progressed to IM. then to e-mails. and eventually started a real time relationship. the entire process took months, and niether of us were looking for somebody originally.

my advice would be to take your time. get to know people before entering a relationship with them. dont be afraid to be just friends, and see if things progress from there.
dont be afraid to be just friends, and see if things progress from there.

Boy ain't that the truth.

Jounar and I have a simular story, and we celebrated out 3 year anniversery this past september, and a long distance relationship was far from either of our minds, especailly as far apart as we are (about 3500 miles).

some times the best things just happen
i have been missing him pretty badly lately. living with my parents is getting to me, and there is absolutely no way around it except to drop out of school the last semester of senior year (no way in hell is that happening).

i just want to go home where if i have a bad day at least it gets better when i fall asleep with him that night. now i have a bad day and we have to fight to make it any better. so much harder online then in person. in person i just need to be in his arms for a few minutes. to get the same effect on the phone and online it takes longer and still doesn't carry the warmth of touch. i have to say, even without the touch, im happily surprised at how much simply seeing him does. thank god for webcams.

i just want to go home.
i have been missing him pretty badly lately. living with my parents is getting to me, and there is absolutely no way around it except to drop out of school the last semester of senior year (no way in hell is that happening).

i just want to go home where if i have a bad day at least it gets better when i fall asleep with him that night. now i have a bad day and we have to fight to make it any better. so much harder online then in person. in person i just need to be in his arms for a few minutes. to get the same effect on the phone and online it takes longer and still doesn't carry the warmth of touch. i have to say, even without the touch, im happily surprised at how much simply seeing him does. thank god for webcams.

i just want to go home.

Wishing you all the best ... :) Be with him soooooon!

Regards ...
We finally have another visit planned for the end of next month. He has so much going on in his life that it won't be the kind of visit we have had in the past but at least we will get to spend some time together. This is going to be a very difficult year due to circumstances in our home lives. I desperately need to just physical touch base with him to reassure myself that will will make it though this year.
I gotta say, if they do not step up and give him leave soon I am going to strangle someone.

Everything, everything, is set for the wedding. The only thing I am missing the person I am suppose to marry! It is getting very frustrating. We have both been depressed and crying a lot. It is just so hard having to wait for other people to make it happen... accepting that there is nothing we can personally do is not easy.

Seriously considering a brief trip to England for Valentine's Day just to have a few days. However, I think flying over there (for an insane amount of money) staying for a handful of days, and having to leave again would be harder than not seeing him at all until the wedding.
I gotta say, if they do not step up and give him leave soon I am going to strangle someone.

Everything, everything, is set for the wedding. The only thing I am missing the person I am suppose to marry! It is getting very frustrating. We have both been depressed and crying a lot. It is just so hard having to wait for other people to make it happen... accepting that there is nothing we can personally do is not easy.

Seriously considering a brief trip to England for Valentine's Day just to have a few days. However, I think flying over there (for an insane amount of money) staying for a handful of days, and having to leave again would be harder than not seeing him at all until the wedding.

I've had to comfort my sister in law many a time because my brother's leave was in limbo. It's hard enough when you have a set date, but for that date to be at the whim of a third party and never truely knowing for sure when he gets it (as they can call you back early from your leave!) can't imagine!

Our time together this month has been sketchy at best. Tonight he broke down and started texting me (a very expencive way to comunicate for both of us). He was up until almost 3am his time texting with me, being naughty while I was trying to work as well. Was wonderful. :heart: I've missed him so much lately, but still he's been my rock through all of the drama of this month.
I've had to comfort my sister in law many a time because my brother's leave was in limbo. It's hard enough when you have a set date, but for that date to be at the whim of a third party and never truely knowing for sure when he gets it (as they can call you back early from your leave!) can't imagine!

Our time together this month has been sketchy at best. Tonight he broke down and started texting me (a very expencive way to comunicate for both of us). He was up until almost 3am his time texting with me, being naughty while I was trying to work as well. Was wonderful. :heart: I've missed him so much lately, but still he's been my rock through all of the drama of this month.

awwww I am so glad you got some time together.. Dont you guys have unlimited texting? Id go for that. ;)

HUGS to both of you my friend We will know monday 2nd when I can get out to see you . ;)
awwww I am so glad you got some time together.. Dont you guys have unlimited texting? Id go for that. ;)

HUGS to both of you my friend We will know monday 2nd when I can get out to see you . ;)

He has unlimited texting....to any one in Ireland. I have 1000 texts a month which I don't even come close to breaking....but that's only to any one in the US. I have a sim card for an Irish company, but I get charged roaming and paying in Euro gets really expencive. Until I can find a plan that includes Europe as international (most international plans I've seen just mean Canada and Mexico) texting is just very expencive, but an indulgance from time to time.

I can't wait to see you. :kiss: I almost have my sewing area restored and I'm anxious for a challenge. ;)
being away would be so much easier if there werent so many negative forces to face back home.
Unlimited texting is nice. Blew through a thousand last week alone.

Emails are better, but I'm not a huge email guy.

I'm going to start writing letters. Actual hand written letters. Slower but more romantic.
I wish you were here too. For a lot of reasons. Miss you! :kiss:

at the risk of inciting another wildone "i hate you, cry me a river" post, i miss you too.

life is so awkward around my parents right now. they have stopped hiding the fact that they think everything related to my relationship, from the people, to the move, is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad idea (to steal from the children's book title).

im still trying to figure out how im going to get through the next few months.
at the risk of inciting another wildone "i hate you, cry me a river" post, i miss you too.

life is so awkward around my parents right now. they have stopped hiding the fact that they think everything related to my relationship, from the people, to the move, is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad idea (to steal from the children's book title).

im still trying to figure out how im going to get through the next few months.

You will get through the next few months by realizing that it is only a few months and you will be able to move home where you belong.

I know these next few months will seem like forever but it could be worse.

Try to focus on the positive, and ignore the negative. (i know, I know easier said than done :) )
You will get through the next few months by realizing that it is only a few months and you will be able to move home where you belong.

I know these next few months will seem like forever but it could be worse.

Try to focus on the positive, and ignore the negative. (i know, I know easier said than done :) )

What she said.

Thank you, ES :rose:
Unlimited texting is nice. Blew through a thousand last week alone.

Emails are better, but I'm not a huge email guy.

I'm going to start writing letters. Actual hand written letters. Slower but more romantic.

I send a lot of hand written letters. I save it for when the sentiments are not quite as urgent and a lot of times it's when I'm in a more poetic mood. Not that I write poetry to him, or even love letters for the most part, they're more everyday things.

I send emails more than anything. I kind of use him as my journal. It makes me feel better to be able to write him and let him know every detail of what's going on in my life and in my head. Sometimes it even shortens the distance.
Boo fucking who
You think you are so special
That your relationship is the only one that is what it is
Get a life and quiet being such a whiny little baby as that is what you are acting like

I'm going to start writing letters. Actual hand written letters. Slower but more romantic.

I got a handwritten letter from Master Monday. I haven't stopped reading it and actually think I've read it 8 times today. I carry it in my planner or my pocket if I'm wearing something with pockets. I even sleep with it under my pillow.

It makes the longing to be home easier. I have his thoughts. I have his scent. I have him in my heart. :heart:
I got a handwritten letter from Master Monday. I haven't stopped reading it and actually think I've read it 8 times today. I carry it in my planner or my pocket if I'm wearing something with pockets. I even sleep with it under my pillow.

It makes the longing to be home easier. I have his thoughts. I have his scent. I have him in my heart. :heart:

I have to admit there is something rather soothing about seeing his script. I pull out the christmas packages he's sent me if for no other reason than to see my name in his hand writing. :eek:
Boo fucking who
You think you are so special
That your relationship is the only one that is what it is
Get a life and quiet being such a whiny little baby as that is what you are acting like

like clockwork. :rolleyes:

I got a handwritten letter from Master Monday. I haven't stopped reading it and actually think I've read it 8 times today. I carry it in my planner or my pocket if I'm wearing something with pockets. I even sleep with it under my pillow.

It makes the longing to be home easier. I have his thoughts. I have his scent. I have him in my heart. :heart:

i have a binder that viv made for me (scrapbooked it) and i keep all the handwritten correspondence from Master or viv in it. it helps me to read it at times when im feeling really down.

i totally agree with the scent part. Master sent me one of his shirts in the package with my birthday present. it was right off of his back, so it still smelled like him. i have been sleeping with it every night since.
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