Curiosity Intrigues the Cat. (closed to DrekSilverBorn

Aurora nodded as she got out of the car seeing the man that was apparently Flynn's dad. She was nervous even now, way before he told her that she would be. She smiled to the best of her ability as she looked to him.

"Hi, I'm Mark. Mark Carsen, Flynn's dad.. You must be the girl he was talking about. Aurora is it?" the man said.

Aurora nodded and stood by Flynn, quite nervous. That's when there were several human women that seemed overly happy coming out of the structure. Mark turned with a smile waving. "That's Claudette, June and Alanna. And behind them is Flynn's mother, Lilly."

"Oh god, Dad! I didn't think that she'd be that cute! Oh gosh, are those kitten ears!?!" Alanna said.

"Alanna, keep calm. She's probably just cosplaying as usual," June said as she came over behind Aurora and touched her tail, it only reacting to being touched, her ears lowering. "Oh wow, everything must be electrical. Where's the remote? I wanna control it."

"Girls, calm down. You're going to embarrass your brother. Hey Flynn darling, welcome home," Lilly said as she came out of the house closing the door.

Aurora kept close to Flynn, feeling very nervous now as his sisters touched her. "Flynn?" she questioned trying to move away.
I watched Aurora getting asked all these question i thought in the back of my mind i told you they would be like that i looked toward my father and gave him a hug i watched June pull Aurora tail thats when Aurora yelped i grabbed her arm and whispered its ok i said with a smile i finally said to all my sisters she is the real deal i said with a chuckle a real live neko girl and June be gentle with her tail its very delicate i said with a chuckle i could see by my father and mother reactions they were quite shocked when i told them.
Aurora couldn't handle it. She made a mad dash over to Flynn but that's when his sisters chased after her. She saw her escape and ran to climb into the tree nearby. She had a rough time climbing in her current form but she made it up. It was different being near so many humans and they were all too wild. She looked down to Flynn and saw the look on his parents' faces. Was it wrong that she was here? Was he in trouble? "Flynn--mmrrrr," she half growled and purred as she looked to him for him to help her escape.

"But damn it, I want to see how she works!" Alanna screeched out as she tried to climb the tree, only to be brought back down by Mark.

"You need to chillax or hell, I don't know. Flynn, are you serious? She's like from one of those Japanese films Alanna is always watching?" Mark said as he looked to his son.

"Oh wow, I didn't think he'd come home with someone like this. I mean, wow. She's not truly human is she?" Lilly said as she stayed close to Mark.
I tried to grab a hold of one of my sisters before Aurora ran up the tree but it was too no anvil i saw the look on my father and mother like they were shocked at what i brought home i finally said yes she is like one of those girls from a Japanese film but she is the real deal i said with a laugh her name i said is Aurora Tigris she is the last of kind and she is with me i said with my face red as can be i walked over to the tree where Aurora was and began telling them the story of how after i got started on my thesis paper for school i found the map in grandfather office where it showed a couple of drawings of undiscovered flowers so i went there hoping i would find some and i found them and more her i said pointing up.
Lilly nodded as she looked up into the tree once more. "Oh, I understand. She's the last one huh?"

Mark took Flynn by the shoulders and looked to the Aurora. "Oh, I don't care --- as long as my boy is happy! Now how about some dinner -- your mom has been slaving over it all evening.."

Aurora's ears perked when she heard that word. Her stomach growled as she looked down to them. She jumped down and held onto Flynn. "I believe I can eat. Just stay with me.." She looked into his eyes and pressed her lips against his while they were in front of his family. That's when she looked to everyone and their expressions were odd. "Did I do wrong Flynn?"
Aurora is amazing once you get to know her sure she has her moments but who doesn't i said once my dad mentioned food i felt Aurora jump down onto my arm i'll always stay with you cutie i said smiling and no you didn't do anything wrong they are just surprised is all we made our way into the house i stopped once i went inside its been a while since i been home i said how is school going i said looking to each of my sisters.
"I'm thinking of dropping out of college and going on a world tour, basically going everywhere to find myself," Alanna said as she sat down at the table.

June just rolled her eyes and drank some of the water that their mother had set out. Everything seemed too rushed for her as she was silent. She didn't even want to mention anything to Flynn.

Lilly walked around and sat down next to Mark who was sitting at the head of the table.

Claudette just looked in the direction of Aurora who was now sitting down next to Flynn. "Oh nothing really is going on with me. Just been trying to find a good place to settle down on campus."

Aurora looked around as she was nervous still. That's when she saw the food sitting before them and realized there was no meat. That only made her stomach sink. "They're vegetar--rrrr--ians?" she asked Flynn, remembering what he had told her about people that eat nothing but grass type foods.
I nearly fell over out of my chair to find yourself i said with a chuckle well i said if its ok with mom and dad i can give you some money and the jet so you can use it rather than trusting airlines i could tell June was upset about something i would have to take her aside later and ask her whats wrong i smiled when Claudette was looking for a place to settle down on campus i told her Grandfather had friends at the college maybe you ask them for help hey you might get into a good sorority i watched Aurora reaction when she saw at the veggies brought out i chuckled well i know it doesn't taste as good as meat but it is healthy and plus it will help keep your coat shiny i said with a laugh.
Claudette looked to her brother and just shrugged. "I know Granddad had a bunch of pull there, that's why I'm there to begin with. I'll talk to Mr. Grant tomorrow about getting into a dorm. I know he and Granddad were in good, especially during poker night. I used to count the chips for them."

Mark coughed as he looked to Claudette. "You did what? I cannot believe he got you into gambling." Claudette just shrugged as she continued to eat.

Aurora looked to Flynn and grinned, picking up the fork to try and eat. She put one of the parts of green food up to her lips and licked it. She shivered and then grinned. "Wow, tastes good," she said as she began to eat. It wasn't meat but it sure tasted good.

Alanna grinned really wide when Flynn mentioned the jet. "Oh god! I'd love to take that! Would save me a lot of money! Thanks, bro!"

June kept her gaze on Aurora as she then looked to Flynn, standing up and pushing the chair back, leaning on the table. "You think that you can just bring this 'thing' in here and think that we'd all be accepting of 'it'? Just what in the hell is she? She's got the ears of a cat and the tail to boot and yet, she talks with broken English! What the hell? Is she an alien?"

Lilly sat up and looked to June. "Junie! Shut your mouth. Your brother's choice is just that -- his choice! Mind your tongue!"

Aurora put her arm around Flynn. "Maybe I should go," she said looking to him.
I laughed when Claudette told dad about the gambling incident well grandpa always thought of her as a good luck charm he always won big when she was around i smiled when Aurora said she liked the veggies good they are very yummy huh its no problem sis i said besides i don't mom and dad to worry about you i looked June when she blurted out what she was feeling i looked at her and said June she is more human than me you mom dad Claudette and Alanna so fucking what if she looks any different i love her for who she is on the inside i don't care about looks so June i said looking into her eyes grow up if you have a problem we can talk in the other room like adults i looked at Aurora no you are staying June is just being how she always is and needs to grow up.
June has had enough at this point. "If you have something to say, Flynn---just fucking say it! Better yet, let's go in the front room since you have such a need to act like an adult!" She shoved out of the chair and stormed into the front room, with him following behind. "This is bullshit! I saw Grandpa's research just as much as you did. This will bring you nothing but trouble. Her kind are cursed to look like that. What if she kills you? Sure, she's all kind right now but what if she completely turns around and harms you! That will kill the family and it will most of all kill me!"

Aurora heard everything that was being said and couldn't help but have tears fall from her eyes. She got up from the table and started to run off outside, Claudette and Alanna in pursuit. She climbed up the tree once more and her form started to shift again. She had fur but the human features.

"Aurora! Come down from there! It's not safe! Claudette, don't climb -- you know how Mom feels about that!" Alanna looked to her sister and Aurora as she stood at the base of the tree.

Claudette climbed up and straddled the tree branch as she looked to Aurora. She reached her hand out and rubbed Aurora's ears. "Don't worry. My brother has a plan for everything. He loves you very much -- and I don't mind having a kitty for a sister.."

Aurora looked to her as she grinned, purring from the touch of Claudette's hand on her ears. She couldn't help but feel that she had caused this and Flynn's unhappiness.
I got up and followed after June we hit the living room and she laid into me reminding me about the research that our grandfather had down she is the last of her kind June and she is with me now and under my protection you and i both know what that means i will protect her and our family at any chance and she won't hurt anyone i promise i heard the commotion outside with Aurora thanks June see what you did stop acting like a child and grow up she is staying and that's final i said i walked out of the house and saw Claudette up in the tree consoling Aurora i thought to myself at least she will be loved by two of my sisters i looked back and watched June turn and huff and puff all the way up to her bedroom fuck i said this is not going to go well.
Aurora came down the tree and stood among Flynn's family, then she saw him coming out of the house. She had heard some of the conversation and knew that his other sister did not approve of this. She moved to the side and ran up to Flynn as her form shifted once more back into her complete humanoid form. "Oh Flynn..." she gasped as she put her arms around his neck to hold onto him.

"She's quite the keeper, son..." Mark said as he put his arm around Lilly.

Aurora heard this and looked into Flynn's eyes. "Can we go to your home now?" she questioned.
I joined my family outside yea dad she is quite the keeper but some people in the family need to grow up i raised my voice loud enough so June could hear me once Aurora jumped down and asked if we were going to my home i looked to my parents and said yea i think we should get going feeling pretty jet lagged and god knows i have alot to unpack i gave a hug to both my parents and took Aurora and we made our way to the car once we got inside the car i reached over and gave Aurora a deep long kiss its not going to be just my home anymore its going to be our home your family now always and forever i said with a smile and i love you Aurora.
"I love you too, Flynn..." Aurora smiled as she looked to him. She sat back in the seat as she watched him drive. She moved her one hand over his lap as she stayed close to him. Her body temperature was rising as she sat there, her body craving him as time went on. "Do you have a nest there, like in your tent?" she looked to him and moved her hand over his crotch. That's when she noticed a huge building coming up and she looked to Flynn.. "Is that our home?" she questioned.
I was loving the feel of Aurora close to me i chuckled well i said my nest is a lot bigger i said smiling hopefully you will like it i said but i must warn you please try to keep the claws retracted while we are in the bedroom we came up toward my house yep thats home i said smiling and now its your home too i felt my cock start to rise just from her touch i groaned thats when the car stopped and the driver said Mr Carsen we are home i gave Aurora a quick kiss and said lets get us unpacked and i can show you around our home ok babe i said.
Aurora nodded as she walked with him inside of the large home. She looked to him and realized that his manhood was starting to show once more. She smiled coyly as she thought about having him to herself once again. Her hormones were jumping around like crazy within her body as she felt herself grow moist in her nether region. Just the thought of being laid by him again made her heart race.

They walked inside and Aurora's eyes widened at the vast beauty of their home. "Oh wow! This is amazing!" she exclaimed with such curiosity. She dropped the bag she had helped him carry inside and ran up the stairs with such speed and agility. She began to open doors and look into the various rooms that he had. She opened one room and it was decorated in royal purple*. Of all the humans' material colors, she loved this one the most.

She yelled downstairs, "Oh Flynn! It's amazing!" She was like a kitten again. So playful and agile as she ran about on two legs.

Once we got inside the house she started to run everywhere opening each door it was like a kid in a candy store i just laughed and began unpacking each of the clothes and all the items we got from engkilili so many different outfits i heard her yell down Oh Flynn its amazing i yelled back upstairs i am glad you like it Aurora have you decided which bedroom you want to sleep in tonight with me i said smiling knowing full well there wasn't going to be much sleeping i was going to have fun with her body tonight i began to get some ideas on how to pleasure her in different ways.
Aurora continued looking through each room, finding that each bedroom was different. "Oh, I don't know!" she exclaimed as she finally sat down at the top of the stairs. She panted slowly as she came down from the excitement of searching each room. "What about the royal one?" she questioned him as she walked down the stairs then turning into the room that he was in. She saw that he was turned away from her so she stripped from the clothes she was in and pressed against him, her humanoid breasts poking into his back. "Are you really enjoying me here?" Her hormones were bouncing around a lot as she held onto him.
I heard her say how about the royal room i thought about her answer oh i said the purple room that is a comfy room huh i said with a chuckle i felt her hug onto my back with her boobs touching my shirt you should already know how much i enjoy you here i caught you catching glances of my cock at my parents house and in the car i turned around and grabbed her and pulled her on top of me i started grabbing her tits how naughty kitty you have been i said smiling.
Aurora mewled as she felt him grip her tits. She sat on top of his body feeling his manhood pressing against her. "You are naughty too," she moaned as she began to run her hands through his hair. She leaned down and sniffed him gently, nuzzling his face with her nose before kissing his lips. Her body was becoming hotter as time went on and she knew that there would be a considerable change in her body if they continued with this. "Make love?" she questioned.
He felt her nuzzle him like a cat does to one it loves love i said i think your going to find out a new word tonight i said i flipped her where i was on top of her and began to start kissing her neck i am going to teach you so many new words tonight Aurora and i said whispering into her ears we are going to find out which one of us has more energy i began kissing down her chest making sure to really taste her this i said looking up is called pleasure its where a man pleasures a female i gently slid both my hands down her sides making sure she moans at every turn once i got to the top of her pussy i looked up and saw the cutest face i licked once watching her reaction i smiled this is going to be a fun night indeed i might need to order in desert i said with a smirk.
His body was pressing against hers and it felt so good. She moaned and purred as he kissed her neck. She gasped as he moved his hands down her sides, chills brought to the surface of her skin as her pleasure was heightened. She looked down to him as she held onto the bed that they were on. His face was just above her pussy, already teeming with wetness because of the way she reacted to him. Her nipples were quite erect and her breasts were heaving gently as she released her claws, gripping the bed more as she watched his tongue come out. "Oh Flynn..." she moaned, waiting in anticipation of his tongue to touch her dripping cunt.
I began to slide my tongue along her slit making sure not to go inside just yet i was enjoying each of her reactions i got to the bottom of the silt and moved my tongue against her back leg making her shiver how does that feel my little kitty with my one free hand i began to rub her ass making her moan against my touch i got all the way to the back of the leg before i stopped licking i think kitty wants more than pleasure am i right i said with a smile.
His touch was giving her such sensations. Aurora mewled and moaned as she as feeling the pleasure. Her tail began to flicker about as it had before, her body completely intrigued by the different ways Flynn was causing her to feel. "Oh Flynn..." she moaned as she looked down to him. As he asked her about wanting more than just pleasure, she smiled and nodded gently. "Mor--rrrrrr--more.." she purred as she arched her back adjusting on the bed for him.