
He looked at her and was tempted to let his other half out. It was already baying at him in reaction to the howls of the other wolves. These were foreigners and the territorial instincts of his other were urging him to fight them.

Still he was worried that if he did let him out, it would only turn on Red and not the others. With a hard fight ahead and easy prey beside it, and much hated prey at that, would it's natural instincts to attack interlopers win out, or would it go after it's prey.

Stygian could not afford to find out, at least not yet. Although he knew if it came down to it,he would not hesitate to call on his other half to save her.

"Then we try to sneak past. From now on there will be no talking. Try to step in my footsteps and be as quiet as possible. We are going to go a long way out of our way, but if we are lucky we can circle around them and enter the village from the other side. It will add a day to our trip but it will be worth it."

Grabbing her hand he led her through the gap and right up to the edge. He crouched down in the shadows and waited for ten minutes while he listened to the howls, getting a feeling for where the wolves were. Finally he dashed along the rock wall, keeping to the shadows and hiding behind any cover he could.Occasionally he would stop and stay hidden with her then dash off again.

After ten minutes he again waited then ran quickly across the narrow gap and into the woods going a short way in then heading to the left again. He saw that Red wanted to talk but he shook his head and just kept going.

After two hours of a slow but steady jog, the howls were off in the distance and he turned straight and began to walk. Keeping his voice low he whispered to her. "We might be okay for the moment but we still have to be careful. They could have scouts out here that are just being silent. We will travel straight until sunset then maybe camp for the night."

He handed her the water skin as he continued to search the ground for signs of any wolves and he continually sniffed the air, but everything seemed fine.
Weaving their way through the path, Red too listened carefully to the howls. They were at a distance, yes, but not far enough where they could relax and be assured they will live through the night.

But those howls, surely they belong to the wolf's pack. What if he was leading her to the pack of animals? What if this really was an ambush but towards her. As the wolf led her by the wrist, Red was itching to yank her hand away. He was leading to her death. He was going to exact his revenge. He...

They ducked and hid at every chance from the bushes to the rock walls. Concealing themselves was not a problem but even a sliver of a breath would be enough to attract them. If they were going to fight, it was best if they got over it now. It wasn't her first time being outnumbered, even in a solo battle. With a pack of wolves and their built outweighing her odds.

After over an hour of moving stealthily through the woods, they managed to finally slow down. Still, they weren't in the clear. One small whiff of them from the wind and they were likely to be the next delectable snack. Taking a sip from the water he offered her, she leaned up against the tree yo get a moment's worth of rest.

"I wasn't planning on sleeping tonight."
Stygian looked at her. She was tired and haggard, yet he did not doubt that she would be as good as her word. Shaking his head he looked back towards the way they had to go.

They had been fortunate so far. The wind was blowing over their left shoulders taking their scent away from the wolves behind them and also not allowing any wolves hidden in front of them from smelling them.

It also enabled Stygian to say with a little bit of comfort that there were no wolves ahead. The problem was he could smell a change coming. The winds smelt of a storm and while rain would be good for hiding their scent, before it started the winds would change and who knew which way they would blow. They needed to move and fast.

Taking one last sniff he looked at Red then decided. "The way ahead seems clear and there is a storm approaching. The changing winds could send our scent to the pack chasing us. We must chance running to get as far ahead of them as we can."

He pointed to a small game trail that ran roughly the way they were going. "If we stick to this we should make good time and maybe not as much noise, however I know you don't trust me so I will let you make the decision."
The winds were picking up from the other direction than before. Red's main concern was that with this change, they were bound to attract stragglers from a distance that had not caught them the first time. For a moment, she could have sworn she heard some rustling in the bushes but quickly assumed that it was attributed from the wind.

No. Perhaps. The near hour journey in to the path with the intent of just getting far away from them was slowly wearing her down.

"However, I know you don't trust me so I will let you make the decision."

Red side eyed the wolf. She was really tempted to take out her scythe and give him a piece of her mind if he didn't stop taunting her with trust issues. Yes, neither of the two had any reason to trust one another but at this rate, he was pushing her, just daring for her to attack.

"We'll deal with our problems when we get to the village," she said with a bit of irritation. "I'd rather not stand here for too long and have whatever it is out there pick up our scent faster."
Growling a little under his breath, Stygian took the lead and began to run at an easy ground eating pace. It was one he could sustain for hours on end, and although it did not appear that fast, it ate up the miles quickly.

The only talking he did was to warn Red of any obstructions in the trail ahead. Still she was rather noisy. He had thought Hunters could run almost as silently as a wolf through the woods, yet where he made virtually no noise, she made mistakes. Not all that often he had to admit, but if they were being tracked it would help their pursuers.

After an hour the storm hit and brought with it the promised rain and forceful winds. Still he did not stop. The rain would mask their scent and the swirling winds would make it impossible to track them while the storm raged. It also solved the problem of trying to be quiet.

He decided to deviate from the path and set off in more of a straight path towards the village. If they were lucky the storm would last all the way there and they would arrive soaked but alive with their pursuers none the wiser.
Unlike the light footed wolf, Red was at a disadvantage. She could keep her footsteps quieter to not attract the unwanted attention. The problem was that if she reduced her speed to a casual stroll or stealth weaving, they would never make it out of the forest.

Well...there was going barefoot. The noise would be reduced but her bare feet will be vulnerable to the smaller and equally thorny plants and other things. As the Hunter warned her as a child, one shouldn't go barefoot in unfamiliar territory. Only when they know the landscape well enough will they be able to get through it with or without footwear with such ease. Even with the speed they were going, Red felt the wolf's irritation ooze out of him.

The wolf had muscle and a sack. Red also had a burlap sack and a large weapon that was bound to weigh her down a little if she was not careful.

As they continued moving, tiny wet droplets hit the top of her head. Only several steps later did it rain, growing stronger by the minute. Mustering up what energy she had left from the long trek, she ran, straying not too far behind the wolf.


Red didn't know how long she had been running. Though she focused on reaching the villages, she wanted to simply get away. It was only when the wolf told her they had reached some sort of village in the clearing.

She wiped the sweat off of her forehead, waiting for her head to stop spinning from the adrenaline. Red leaned up against one of the trees, squinting through the rain to get a better look. A few people were still out and about, trying to get their animals and chickens in to the shelter.

"Grimsby" said Red. "We're in the east. Should have an inn somewhere.

It had been some time since Red last went to this village. Six years to be exact when they fought off a problem the village had been plagued with. She doubted that anyone would remember the twelve year old that came to assist the Hunter in wiping out the village's problems with certain phantoms that love to blend in with the shadows.
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Stygian looked at Red in concern although he tried not to show it. He knew she was surviving on pure adrenaline at the moment and that as soon as they stopped for any length of time she was going to crash, and crash hard.

He needed to get her in out of this rain and in to somewhere warm. He looked up and down the main street and finally spotted the sign of the inn blowing in the wind. He led her towards it, drawing curious looks from the few locals actually outside. However they had their own problems to deal with and wanted in out of the miserable weather as much as they did.

Soon he was guiding Red through the inns door and slamming it shut behind them. He led her directly over to the fire and sat her before it, then approached the bar. There were few people in the place. Two travelers and one or two locals that had probably been caught here by the rain and decided to stay instead of trying to walk home.

Looking at the man behind the bar Stygian tried a smile but knew it was hopeless. He had already seen his scar and weapon and was none too pleased about it. "Two rooms, preferably with fires and meals."

The man looked at him then at Red. "Only one room left, but it has a fire and two beds. 5 coppers a night but that includes your meal and enough wood for the fire. The meal's nothing fancy, just a beef broth and a roll, but it's hardy. I will throw in your first Ale as well."

Stygian nodded and handed over the money and the man yelled back into the kitchen. "Your meals will be out in a minute." he poured two large ales and Stygian thanked him and took them over to the table where he had left Red.

He found her half asleep and nudged her awake putting the ale in front of her. "Foods coming and I have a room with a fire for us. Sorry we have to share but you will have your own bed," he smiled. "Unless you want to share," he teased then regretted it. He took a big swig of ale to hide his embarrassment. Why the hell had he said that?
Strangers caught a glance at the young woman and the rather intimidating man that led her around the village. Perhaps he was taking her along by force. Or maybe the young woman was a whore who was in need of sex and money. He liked the younger ladies. She liked the older man she could mooch off of in gold and silver in the long run. Or so those were the thoughts likely running through the villagers' heads as they hurried their kids and animals back in to shelter.

More glances greeted them when they entered the inn. Red hung out by the fireplace curled up on the couch while the wolf made attempts to grab a room for the night. Her ears perked when the innkeeper said that the only room they had available had two beds. Two rooms would have been nice. One bed in one room would have been a bit tolerable as she would have forced the wolf to sleep on the cold floor. He did not deserve the pleasure of sleeping on a bed. Still soaking wet from the rainstorm, Red pulled the cloak around her body. Had it not been for her boots and her oversized weapon, she may very well pass for a large red pillow that the inn provided.

Red looked up just in time for the innkeeper to give the wolf his complimentary two ales. As the wolf headed her way, Red could have sworn the innkeeper was studying her. She turned her attention to the ale that the wolf set down in front of her. No, it was probably nothing at all. The innkeeper had guests and a reason to yell at his kitchen staff.

Tired and her throat parched from the long travel, Red chugged down the apple ale until she consumed half of it. The taste of apple and beer mixed together made her head spin a little but it was enough to make sure her throat did not dry out.

"Sorry we have to share but you will have your own bed. Unless you want to share"

Her eyebrows raised before she glanced up at the wolf. "It would have been easier if it were one bed. Only you would be sleeping on the floor."

She took another swig at the ale before she added. "Guess we'll just have to sleep with one eye open, now don't we?"
Stygian shook his head. So it seemed no matter what he did she was not going to trust him. Well he could hardly blame her but it was getting a little tiresome.

"You can sleep that way if you wish. Me I am going to sleep rather peacefully thank you. I am tired and wet and sore. As soon as I have eaten I am going upstairs to start the fire and undress to put my clothes before it to dry, hop into bed and probably pass out until tomorrow night."

He smiled, "If you want to kill me this is going to be your big chance. Just wait a half hour before coming up and I will be so fast asleep I won't even hear you."

He took sips of his ale unlike her. He knew what too much on an empty stomach could do.

Eventually the food came out and it was exactly how the inn keeper had described. However it was filling and after eating nothing for most of the day it was soon gone. He smiled and looked at her. Finishing his ale he stood up and started for the stairs.

"Remember a half hour and you will have your chance," he called back chuckling.
The food rolled by as soon as Red was nearing the end of her fill of ale. After a day of travel with only barely to eat and water that wasn't nearly enough to quench her thirst, Red almost felt ravenous as she ate her meal. Sure it was simple and nothing fancy but it was enough to fill her and get her stomach to stop complaining.

In between her bites, she heard the wolf offering Red a timeframe on when she could have the first opportunity to ambush him and he didn't have to fight back Thirty minutes, he says? The wolf appeared to be a little too smitten with the idea that will be the only pleasurable sleep he'll get on the bed. As he left, Red anticipated the thought of killing her nightmare once and for all. Traveling with him had been insufferable and he was one insult away from getting a nice addition to his collection of scars.

Alone and done with her meal, the last part of Red dried off. Only her cloak and skirt remained a little wet from the downpour.

Glancing up at the clock, the anticipation and patience soon wore thin. Screw what the wolf said about waiting thirty minutes. The damn wolf was setting up a trap. Pathetic on how he needed half an hour to get it all ready for the kill. She thought he was more clever than that.

Fifteen minutes passed. He was not going to determine how long she would wait and she was going to follow the beat of her own drum and kill him. Sure, in his sleeping form would be satisfactory but nothing more will be music to her ears than the sounds of groans and gurgling sing after she slices him deep.

Armed with her scythe, she made her way to the room where the innkeeper put the both of them in. The wolf didn't think of closing the door all the way, leaving a crack open for her to peek in. Was he really that stupid to leave himself exposed and an easy target? Holding her scythe in hand, she was ready to go in for the kill. The innkeeper made a mistake of pitting them in a room together. Come morning, he'll be finding a dead body or at least blood splattered from floor to wall.

He had just started undressing, his back to the door. Truly this wolf is stupid if he was going to face away from one of the vulnerable areas that an attack will shoot right at him.

Still, she found herself staring at him. The hunter side of her rolled her eyes. Just makes for an easier kill. The other side of her watched with fascination. Most of the time, she had seen him in dim light. With the fire illuminating their suite more brightly than the previous nights, she was able to see his toned body in much better shape and detail. Despite the scars and bruises, his skin looked smooth to the touch.

She longed to feel him again. Her hunter persona longed to feel the wolf too...granted if it were his blood that splattered and landed on her.

Red used the blade of her scythe to slowly open the door. Sneaking in, she quietly closed and locked the door behind her, doing her best to make her footsteps as quiet. She hoped she could reach him before he sensed her enough to turn around. Just as she was less than five feet away from having his head, the wolf turned his head at her direction. Out of reflex, Red immediately went in for the kill, having him pinned up against the wall while trapping his neck between the wall and the curved blade of her scythe. If he dared to move he would easily cut his own head off.

Red was a mix of things; irritated, upset, angry, yet determined to finish him off. She had enough of his insults and feeling being talked down to.

Just you try! She gritted her teeth, daring him to fight back.

The longer their eyes locked on to one another, the anger in her eyes slowly faded to the familiar young woman he had met back in the mountains. Her face softened, revealing someone more in her youth rather than the hunter she was grown and bred for. Red yanked her scythe from the wall, freeing his neck from any potential threat and tossed it aside.

Without warning, she pinned her body up against his. With or without clothes, even Red couldn't help but enjoy how his body felt against hers. She lifted her head up just enough for their faces to meet. She stood on her toes to get a little more leverage as he head barely reached up to his should standing on her two feet.

Like a child wanting sweets, she planted a kiss on the wolf's lips. Soft and simple at first, the taste left her wanting more. The kisses steadily grew more greedy, wanting so much to savor the moment for as long as she could.
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Stygian had walked towards the room wondering why he had baited her so. Was it because he had a death wish or simply because he was so tired? Whatever the reason it was done now and he could not take it back. He simply unlocked the door and walked inside. He placed the key back in the door on the inside and was going to lock the door when he realized something. Red did not have a key of her own. Damn how could he have overlooked that. Still he could deal with this. Closing the door he left a tiny gap and then began preparing the fire.

It took a little while but he soon had a nice fire going and on a frame near it he began to fold his sodden clothes. His cloak went on first followed by his boots and socks. He was just standing up to take off his shirt when he heard a noise behind him. He listened but heard the familiar sounds of Red's presence so continued. If she wished to kill him then so be it, he was to tired to fight back.

He removed his shirt and hung it up then dropped his trousers and hung them up as well. Now standing naked in a warming room with his back to the door, he heard her slip inside and lock the door. Wondering what she was up to he turned his head and found her just behind him. She immediately rushed him, pinning him to the wall her blade digging in to the wall and then across his throat effectively trapping him. He looked down into her eyes and saw only anger and wondered just how much longer he had to live. The wolf inside him was howling to be let out but he managed to keep him under control.

Finally she threw her scythe away and then pressed herself against him and her mouth sought his and she kissed him. Slowly at first and then with more hunger. That had the effect of both shutting up his wolf and arousing him greatly. He raised his arms up and wrapped them around her waist, pulling her in tighter and returned her kisses allowing his tongue to slide into her mouth. He was not going to question her change of heart he was just going to accept it.

After five minutes of kissing and pressing his body against hers, he pushed her away reluctantly and looked at her. "Now Red, don't you think you are a little overdressed for this sort of thing,"he chuckled. "Perhaps you would like some help slipping into something a little more appropriate, like nothing at all?"
It was in Red's nature to kill this man before her. With him being naked and vulnerable, she had a chance to finish him off while she had the chance and he wouldn't be none the wiser. She hoped the innkeeper was prepared for the next day to find the room a bloody mess with a possible dead body lying on the floor. Sure, she could kill him but she had hoped to bait the beast outside of him so she can finish off what was started.

His reciprocating of the kiss slowly hushed the thoughts of her hunter nature. They were alone in the room and it's unlikely that even if he were to call upon his comrades, it will be hours until they come to his aide. Besides, he was enjoying himself. Whatever little time of peace they were allowed to have, they will have to make the most of it.

For a moment, she couldn't help but grin a little at the thought of getting undressed out of the rain soaked clothes. Red was quick to press her lips together until it was a straight line, embarrassed that he provoked such a reaction out of her.

"Maybe," she replied, her body still pressed up against his. "But if you really want...I mean it would be nice to get a little help with that."
Stygian's smile widened as he pushed her up and then sat up himself. Slowly he began to unbutton her top and then peeled it off her revealing her wrapped breasts. He tossed the top towards the line he had set up to dry their clothes and smiled as it folded itself across it.

He leaned up and kissed her as his hands found the end of her wrap and he began to loosen them finally freeing her breasts to his eyes. He kissed down her throat until he could lavish kisses upon them, then he suckled each of her nipples in his mouth, flicking them with his tongue before he stared into her eyes.

"Stand up Red so I can continue."

She complied and he dragged her pants down to her ankles and she stepped out of them as he knelt in front of her. Again he tossed them on the line and he gently massaged her legs delaying the final event. Finally he grabbed the edges of her undergarment and ever so slowly lowered it until she was completely naked before him.

He smiled and then leaned forward and kissed her lower lips just as he had kissed her upper ones then gently pushed her back onto the bed while remaining on his knees before it.

"You are always on edge around me, worried that I am going to attack you and eat you. Well let me show you exactly how this wolf is going to eat you my dear."

Leaning forward he spread her legs and then started to lick all around her most intimate of areas before he kissed her lips again, then thrust his tongue inside her, licking her walls, tasting her, then proceeding upwards to that small nub of pleasure and working his tongue all over it.
Red craned her neck back, giving the wolf a little more room to access her neck. A risky move as even she wasn't quite sure if doing so would give the wolf more incentive to rip her head open. While her hunter instincts were disgusted that she gave in so easily to his advances, Red couldn't help but relish in the pleasure he was giving her. She may have been dwelling in it a little too much for soon he told her to stand was she sitting there nearly bare for him to see.

He helped her up from the bed enough to pull her pants and lingerie off of her before pushing her back on to the bed. Almost out of nature, having an idea of what he planned to do, Red tried to squirm her way out of his hold.

"Well you can't exactly blame me or the hunter for constantly thinking you're going to kill me the moment we're alone. Your beastly side is just dying to get out. I saw it..."

Her words were cut off when the wolf proceeded to flick his tongue between her legs, sending her mind in to a state of sin.
Stygian concentrated all his efforts on her pleasure nub, rolling it around with the tip of his tongue then licking it with long full swipes of it. He soon had her wriggling within his grasp and then he changed his attack moving lower and plunging his tongue deep into her and licking her walls clean of her juices and slurping them noisily down. Or he tried to, for she produced so much he was not able to ever lick her entirely dry.

Eventually she grabbed his head and thrust up into his face while pulling his head tightly into her and came loudly. He did not care as it just provided him with more juices for him to swallow and he drank them down with relish before beginning again.

Red however had other plans. Pulling his head out of her crotch she looked down at him and smiled.
The wolf wasn't helping matters at all! Oh no, he was making it much worse for Red. Squirming just to get out of his hold was not getting her anywhere. His grip on her was firm, making sure that she wouldn't get away so easily. Relaxing was out of the question as long as he used his tongue to hit all the right places. He knew which places to hit that surely elicited a good amount of moaning.

Her mind, reeling in from the crazy sensation, wanted him to stop. The wolf intended to drive Red in to madness and he did not plan on backing away so soon. Her hands decided to put a stop to it. The wolf has gone on long enough.

Her hands decided to betray her, pushing the back of his head between her legs, feeling the vibration coming from his lips and the wetness of his tongue drive further in to her. Unable to take it anymore, her body shuddered, releasing a stream of juices in to his mouth. By the time he finished lapping it up, she tilted his head up enough to see some of the juices coat his lips and chin.

Red glanced at the lone bed beside them. "Maybe you should push the beds together."

She saw the wolf grinned at the thought as he got up. With ease, he pushed the beds together to make more room for the both of them before returning, this time on top of her. Her fingers stroke his face, nearly touching the scar line that ran from his eye to near his lip, contemplating on whether she should say what was on her mind.
He was glad that she was not rejecting him and as he returned he laid down beside, but on top of her. He kissed her gently and allowed his hands to gently roam her body. They traveled up and down her legs, his fingertips lightly brushing her skin as he gently caressed her, then he moved to her sides.

She raised her hand and her fingers stroked his face, almost but not touching his scar. Normally he would have growled and snapped at anyone that even came close to it, but for some reason it felt right when she did it.

He sucked in a breath and then lightly grabbed her wrist and placed her fingertips on it. "It is okay if you touch it," he whispered.

He continued his light caresses of her body, now circling her breasts, ending on her nipples before going to the next one, then lightly tracing the valley between them before moving up to her neck and then to her face.

He saw the indecision on that beautiful face and leaned into kiss her again then pulled back slightly. "You want to tell me something Red but are afraid to. Don't worry I have heard every rejection there is and I can live with it," he chuckled hiding his pain. "So just tell me what it is you wish to say, I can handle it."
It was a peculiarly strange feeling having her fingers run down the wolf's scar. No, Red wasn't the one who drove the blade in to his flesh those many years ago but she was the cause of him being marked and ultimately mocked after all this time. Sometimes she found herself staring up at the wolf lying on top of her. Whenever their eyes met, a bit of her childhood flashed in her memory. The wolf was hungry to kill her, seeing Red as prey that would prove to be a danger for his kind and the like. His eyes showing an intrigue that he caught someone so young...someone who was about to not have a chance to stop the likes of his kind from being free to terrorize the world around them.

The wolf wanted her dead then. Her natural instincts insisted that he would kill her once they find her mentor.

Looking up at the wolf, his gaze still intimidated her. Unlike the past where she would either cower or put up a front and be ready to fight him to the death, it was a different want for the both of them.

No, she needed to push those particular thoughts out of her mind. She already damned herself the moment she willingly went along with the wolf's games rather than using it to her advantage. Or was it still possible to slowly rope him in to the perfectly laid trap she had for him in the long run. This can still work out if she could do it without getting too sucked in to it. But in order for him to fall completely in to it, Red needed to suck up her pride. There was always that saying that in order to finish a bigger task, there will be times where they would have to do something drastic that they never wish to do.

Red feared that she may regret this and have it all turned on her. The hunter side of her considered what Red had in mind to be vile and would rather have her tongue removed then to have another taste of that.

For a long moment, the only sounds that filled the room was the occasional crackle of the fire and the soft sounds of his breathing as the wolf kissed her on the side of Red's neck. She returned the kiss, keeping his eyes on his while her arm loosely draped over his waist, making sure she could still feel him pressed up against her.

Red shook her head as the wolf coerced her to tell him what's on her mind. She broke away the gaze from his, lowering her eyes to his broad shoulders.

"I need you to take me tonight." Was the only thing she managed to finally whisper. Lowering her head, not wanting him to see her face burning red with deep embarrassment.

"I'm going to hell, am I?"
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Stygian chuckled as he got off of her and slowly walked over to the other side of the room. Without too much effort he lifted the pallet bed and carried it over to her side and placed it next to hers, pushing it firmly against the other bed so there would be no chance of them moving apart. The simple hay filled mattresses were easy to push together and he even placed his underneath hers so a gap was not formed.and then moved the mixture around inside so it evened out a little. He got under both of their blankets and cuddled up to her, pulling her naked body onto his chest and placing his arm under her.

The room was now cozy and warm and because they had two blankets, they were soon warm and toasty. Finally he looked down at where her head was resting on his chest and answered her question. "No, you are not going to hell unless I am right beside you," he chuckled. "Why would you go to hell because you choose to sleep with me? Oh I know I am ugly and smell like a dog when I get wet," he told her trying to make her laugh, "And you could definitely do better, but that doesn't damn you to hell just because you choose to show pity on me."

He leaned down and kissed her gently before tilting her head up. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met Miss Hunter," he told her smiling, "And if it means going to hell if I sleep with you, then it is a small price to pay."

He kissed her again more passionately, then rolled them over so he was above her and slowly began to kiss all around her neck and shoulders as his hands began to wander her body. "Now ask me again Red. Tell me what you want me to do and this time look me in the eyes when you say it."
Red felt the wolf slip away. Maybe what she asked was rather awkward. She wouldn't blame him. If it were a month ago and the wolf approached her with the same proposal, she would have either refused or act on the only instinct she knew and simply kill him by any means.

Whatever it was, it seemed he just wanted to sleep next to a naked woman tonight. Shivering a little from the cold, rainy run they had gone through, her body jumped when she felt the wolf pull her in to his arms, giving her an odd sense of protection. Sleep, though still a luxury, was something she can indulge herself in just a little more with him around, despite her hunter's reluctance. Two to four hours of sleep have stretched closer to seven in recent days. While her hunter self kept warning her that he was going to kill her in her sleep, Red tried to convince herself that it has been several days so far and the wolf has not attempted such.

Not yet at the least.

Cuddled up against the wolf and taking slow breaths, the sound of his voice lulled her in to a comforting state. Only when his question of why she thought she was going to hell perked her up a little.

"We are who we are." She tried to choose her words carefully. "Both of us are meant to kill one another. It's like the analogy of what happens when an angel and demon suddenly fall for one another beyond what they were meant to be. It just goes against everything we were raised to be."

"Oh I know I am ugly and smell like a dog when I get wet..."

"No you're not!" Red cut him off almost immediately. "You're..."

Red's face burned almost the same shade as the cloak hanging on the line. Nuzzling her head on his chest, she tried to conceal her face in his skin. It would be wise if he didn't lift her head up. Even if the wolf tried to flatter her, he should know better on how difficult it is to reveal such thoughts to whom she considered an enemy.

A small smile curled her lips when she felt him kiss the top of her head. Red was just starting to actually relax when the wolf tilted her head up and kissed her passionately. With his weight on top of her and his hands roaming as they rolled, Red almost panicked and instantly wanted to fight off the wolf. As much as she enjoyed what he was doing to her, when one is raised for nearly all their life to fight back when an enemy has them in their grasp, it's an instinct that is hard to shake off.

Especially that the wolf had her on her back with one hand pinned on to the bed by his.

"Now ask me again Red. Tell me what you want me to do and this time look me in the eyes when you say it."

She shook her head, not because she wanted to refuse him but she wanted to keep that vulnerable side of her in the dark. Even her hunter self was on the verge of screaming at Red to kill the wolf and not to give in his advances.

The wolf's lips seem to find her weak spot immediately on her neck. Focused on her shoulders and neck, he knew how to make her body quiver. It didn't help much further when he tilted her head slightly to the side to expose more of the flesh. He looked at her, waiting for an answer. She tried to avert her gaze but he cupped his hand under her chin.

Red finally dared to look up at him.

"I still want you to teach me how to be a woman."
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Stygian looked down at her and gave a small wry smile. "A woman huh. Well I can try to do that if you teach me how to be less of an animal," he chuckled.

He leaned down and began to tenderly kiss her lips again and then her neck. He had quickly worked out that it made her weak at the knees and he licked, kissed and nibbled his way up and down her entire neck and out and along her shoulders.

He soon had her quivering beneath his touch and he smiled. Well it was a good way to start and he slowly moved down to her breasts, running his tongue around them as he proceeded to do the same. Kissing and nibbling them as he ran his hands around them, he slowly massaged her delicate orbs. He let her moans and groans guide him as to what she liked as he massaged her, then both his mouth and his fingers started to play with her nipples.

He sucked one into his mouth as he lightly flicked it with his tongue. The other he pinched lightly between his fingers and rolled it around. He increased pressure on both and licked harder and rolled faster, then switched places beginning all over again.

Of course he had the problem of what to do with his other hand, so he allowed it to snake down her body and slowly begin to play with her wet opening. He trailed one finger up and down her lips before parting them and letting it penetrate her slightly. It gathered up some of the juices that had already leaked from her and spread them around then he plunged it into her and circled it around. Slowly he thrust it in as deep as it would go, then pulled back out. he kept that up for several minutes before he moved his finger upwards and found her clit. Slowly he began to massage it, working it in circles and teasing it.

He finally took his mouth of her breasts and looked her in the eyes. "Feeling like a woman yet Red?" he teased.
Red could not help but smile as the wolf offered to help her explore what she may have been missing out in life while she was focused on killing adversaries and the travels that go along with it. Under his caresses, she began to relax, slowly ridding herself the thoughts that he was going to kill her much to her hunter's dismay. If he were to kill her now, Red hoped it would be fast and quick. The quicker, the less painful it would be. Her hunter half, knowing the wolf all too well, thought the opposite and hinted that he would make her death slow, painful, and if he felt up for it, likely to go on for weeks.

That smile widened a little more in to a grin at his response. His kisses to her neck interrupted her every so often, causing her to squirm as he hit the sensitive areas with his tongue.

"I don't know," she said in a rather innocent way. "Maybe that animal side of you might be intriguing to play with if he could control his urge to kill me."

She blushed, realizing that her inner thoughts regarding the creature that resided in the wolf have now been let out as if something in her mind changed gears and flicked the switch to have her thoughts heard out loud rather than kept to herself. No, it's his damn fault for causing her mind to scatter. Yes, that should be it. Doing this with his human persona was bad enough. To have such thoughts about the wolf would be damning.

Red remembered the wolf's eyes staring at her in his creature form after their fight with the snake creatures. How her hunter persona was worn and exhausted from the injuries that she received and the self inflicted burns she brought upon herself from the embers. She remembered clearly as a child the same murderous gaze he gave her as he pinned her down and readied himself for the final blow. It was similar several nights ago when the two met again. Though he was still intimidating and could have easily snapped her in half after killing their enemies, Red wondered about the feeling of bitter resentment that he gave off before he reverted to his human form.

The creature was a curious puzzle for her. If it's one thing she and her hunter half had in common, they both had the wolf pegged as an uncontrollable monster that would likely go in to a frenzy and kill her the moment it laid his eyes on Red.How in the world had she survived that night, or that the creature chose to not kill her and add her to the collection of rotting corpses?

The thoughts disappeared, bringing Red back in the moment where the wolf squeezed her breast with one hand while sucking on the other. She let out a small gasp when he pinched her nipple and licked the other simultaneously. She didn't notice his other hand snaking its way down until it cupped between her legs. With one finger, he circled it around her clit, triggering a reaction in the form of juices to seep out of her. It was when he pushed a finger inside of her that surprised Red. Yet for whatever reason, her body was happily feeding off of the high. Her arms wrapped around him hoping that she wouldn't lose herself to the hell that is insanity that he was sending her to. As he pushed what felt like a finger in and out, her nails sunk on to his back, slowly scratching the flesh though careful not to break the skin.

She hated him.

Still, she couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed when he pulled his finger away.

"Feeling like a woman yet Red?"

Red looks up at him for what felt like the longest time. From the corner of her eye, she noticed his finger glistened with the juices that he managed to obtain from inside of her. She thought over how to respond to his question without setting off any false hope and impressions upon her enemy. A bit reluctant at first to open up something much deeper to her adversary, it took Red nearly a minute to finally admit it.

"What you did earlier..." she said, indicating to his wet finger that rested on the opening between her legs. "I liked it. I was wondering if you could try using two fingers."
Stygian chuckled as he again leaned down and resumed his task. He started by kissing her gently again and then moving back to her neck. He had quickly learned that this was her weak point and he began to nibble and lick her all along her neck. He smiled as he heard her groans and how her body wiggled beneath him.

Slowly he lowered one hand down her body, letting it glide lightly over her skin and tickling her lightly. He wanted her to know that his hand was approaching the spot she had requested and for her to anticipate his touch. He didn't immediately dive towards it however. He circled her breasts, then her belly and glided up and down her sides before he headed towards the junction between her thighs.

Like before he circled it before teasing her outer folds with one finger before slipping it inside and teasing her. He let just the tip of his finger enter her and move up and down her slit before he pushed his finger deep into her and swirled it around.

Without withdrawing it he slowly pushed a second finger into her and continued his slow teasing, moving them in and out. Slowly he twisted them around and then he curled his fingers and fished around inside of her. Suddenly he heard her gasp as his fingers found a rough patch inside of her. Grinning he continued to move his fingers over that spot as he nibbled on her neck and then moved up to her ear.

"Are two fingers better my dear hunter or would you like to go for three?"
If the wolf was going to continue driving Red mad with what he was doing to her neck, her only instinct would be a swift kick or two to get him off of her before she loses herself. Even throughout the madness, she managed to give him a kiss on the top of his head. One hand massaged the back of his head, playing with the locks of his hair, while the other grabbed on to the hay filled mattress.

As a last resort, Red attempted to clamp her legs together but the wolf put a stop to it, using his hand to keep them open.

After much teasing, Red felt the wolf's finger push inside of her folds, working its way inside such a tight space, though at a slower pace than how he was earlier. Just as Red was settling in to such a relaxed state, she felt another one of his fingers push inside of her.

"Oh my god," she gasped, trying to not think of the mixture of discomfort, pain, and pleasure that he had her under. The wolf only made things worse when he slowly pumped his fingers inside of her. Though it took some time, Red finally succumbed to the pleasure that he was building up inside of her.

"Are two fingers better my dear hunter or would you like to go for three?"

He knew damn well he was taunting her. Had this not given her much pleasure, the hunter side of her had much biting remarks for him. Still she had fallen this far.

"I want it," she responded as she found herself lost in the haze of her own lust. She gave him a side glance before adding. "I can take it. You know you want me to take it"
Oh he knew she could take it and more and before this night was over he was going to show her just how much she could take and just how many different pleasures there were available to her. He was going to finally have a woman beg him to pleasure her and then beg him to pleasure her again. He wanted her to keep him around not only because he was useful for her to find her master but because she wanted him by her side and in her bed.

He decided to leave her neck alone for now. He kissed down from it and attacked her breasts.His mouth immediately sought out her nipple and sucked it hard into his mouth. His teeth nibbled on it gently before his lips and tongue went to work on it, mauling it and flicking it hard inside his mouth.

His hand pinched and pulled at her other nipple, causing her a little pain but also pleasure. Then he flicked it and rolled it around, pulling it out from her body and letting it snap back.

Meanwhile he had been probing inside her with two fingers, getting her wetter and wetter until he placed a third finger at her entrance and slowly inserted it. he allowed her time to become accustomed to the new sensation then began to plunge slowly in and out of her again. As he did he added a slight twisting motion, stretching her out a little until his hand was gliding in and out with no resistance.

Finally he began to thrust in and out of her with some strength and then smiling he worked his way down her body and began licking at the top of her slit, finding her clit and working it over with his tongue. He chuckled as he wondered how long it would take him to drive the normally cool hunter wild.