
My Erotic Tale said:
Is this a good critic?

10/09/05 By: twelveoone
A really bad collection of cliches, cheap sentiment, or is that just sediment of nothing new to say, even dipping into forced rhyme "we both just want to scream". Your "friends" to do wish to tell you this, and you do wish to listen.
Yes I gave you a 50, it is as low as I mark, it doesn't even deserve that.
I am tired of YOUR critical attitude of anyone pointing out the faults of a "poem". Remember the email, you sent me slamming the one I got an "E" - that you didn't agree with. That is what is known as inconsistency, your best work shows evidence of it. This one doesn't - it is just bad.
Yes, I have the balls to leave my number - 1201


I also didn't note yesterday that 1201 actuaaly gave me the answer I have been asking for weeks now...why are you busting my chops 1201? well here it is and I just now saw it.

Remember the email, you sent me slamming the one I got an "E" - that you didn't agree with. >>>1201 this the thorn in your soul that has my name on it? Is this the day I stepped on your toes? My opinion rubbed you wrong? A professional critic like your self 12 and can't take what you dish out daily...tisk tisk

I see the light <grin>

Yee-HAH (score was 100 BTW)
09/07/05 by twelveoone
"gather together on gathering day
they're coming
yes, coming
wild horses are coming this way."

what else can I say? you here, have mastered the art of repititon - put it to music

"Beating the earth in a drumming sound
hundreds of poundings pounding the ground"

with drums

on the slight downside, the first two lines could and SHOULD be stonger

Thunder that rumbles across a cloudless sky - change cloudless to something else

This is your weakest line, kind of old, kind of akward:
"is the sound of an ancient wild and free pride"

Whine- forget this one, a few others- wise up, boy. I don't care what anyone thinks - least of all you.
You write good, you get praised, you write crap, you get slammed, you act like an asshole - you get slammed HARDER , tired of it, place need more critics, has enough lame poetry.
My Erotic Tale said:
Intelligent Design by LeBroz @ "A Poem Academy" <scroll up approx five posts>

I am with as much fault as 12
just for playing along with the rasberry tossing <bigrin>

Well now an 1/2 admission, just remember who you are tossin agin.
My Erotic Tale said:
yes sir!

the poem you spat about, called crap and verbally shit on...

(now mind you I aint no critic) <grinin>

Our Love is like a River~

(the in depth beginning of this poem started while I sat watching the river roll by as I do daily. Very therapeutic and is a very tranquil setting that has spawned many of my poems. (many know this but) I was thinking about wife (templeminded) we are separated (2 years now) and I felt/seen the similarities with the river and our love. Hence come the poem.

Our love is like a river
that runs forever deep

Deep (the word) 15 years together

unseeing around the bend
knowing together we'll keep

the future is uncertain but out bond is strong even separated

some days are so very blue
basking in the beautiful hue

I thought the word hue fell into a double meaning 'you'
I know...I am just clever that way

while other days are Grey
reflecting the clouds that grew

temple has just found out she has cancer

some days are lightly lazy
like a slow moving stream

well being with out power for 11 days after RITA ...with out modern conveniences and gasoline things slowed to a crawl...literaly

other days seem choppy
we both just want to scream

we raised 4 kids (her sister died of cancer leaving three wonderful girls that we raised all the way to college, our son and then adopted two boys (family situation) it can get rough

our love is like a river
long and running strong

play the similarities and the length of the river is long like our relation ship

our love is like a river
nature's living song

nature brings people together...mating and bonding is instilled ...perhaps human nature to be more correct

there ya go explanation for the poem you call "Crap"

my expectations are none...I wrote it and slipped it into my list <simple>
I will now that it is in my list, send temple the link and that is the rest of the story.

Thank you Art - did you stop to think, this has been played 10,000 times over, better? Did you ever notice the forced rhyme, cliches? You have been here for over a year. Instead of the "Academy", maybe you should have paid more attention.

As for you calling my stuff crap, don't care, didn't write it for you. Slamming me for not writing much, there is a reason for it (editting, revision, try it)- you either get it or you don't - don't expect many too, but it is there. And it is something you never saw before.

I hold you partially resposible, for the critic lite mentality, for the march to the LCD.
And since you are the biggest loudmouth around here - BAM.

Don't like it, too bad, try really reading something about Zen, instead of that pap you are pushing around, you'll write better.
SeattleRain said:
oh, 1201 one of the articles you suggested reading was about how poets used to be everyday people-- carpenters, farmers, and the like, and now they are trained poets teaching poetry editing poetry journals holding poetry contests.

There is NO rule about this, but in general, I tend to enjoy the workin' mans poems. One of my favorites works at a vineyard, hard labor.

Einstein did his best work while working at a patents office.

I do not mean disrespect to the trained poets living a life among poets at all. I would love to someday go for a MFA (don't hit me 1201) because I really do not have a good background in the classics, etc. But I also would like to learn how to build a house, wire electricity, plumbing. Everytime someone has the ceiling tiles out and a guy or girl up there fixing something, I have to stop and watch, so fascinating!
Which, when you think about it, puts me firmly in the

Doesn't it?
pap is pap whether is has a degree ot not
good is good regardless
twelveoone said:
Thank you Art - did you stop to think, this has been played 10,000 times over, better? Did you ever notice the forced rhyme, cliches? You have been here for over a year. Instead of the "Academy", maybe you should have paid more attention.

As for you calling my stuff crap, don't care, didn't write it for you. Slamming me for not writing much, there is a reason for it (editting, revision, try it)- you either get it or you don't - don't expect many too, but it is there. And it is something you never saw before.

I hold you partially resposible, for the critic lite mentality, for the march to the LCD.
And since you are the biggest loudmouth around here - BAM.

Don't like it, too bad, try really reading something about Zen, instead of that pap you are pushing around, you'll write better.

I think your missing several points here 12!
How can you see things with an open mind with your mind closed.

I have never heard of a poem about love being like a river so to me is new and exciting.

<delete comment>
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My Erotic Tale said:
I think your missing several points here 12!
How can you see things with an open mind with your mind closed.

I think your missing several points here boy!

I didn't write it for you or Lit readers
I wrote it for temple and myself
I can't match poetry with greats and don't even try <obvious to all but you>

I don't mind you ranting and carrying on like an asshole, I have come to accept you for being a barking pup. I can almost count on a PEEP from your disgruntled mind and that is okay cause even the bull frogs bellow. I read zen my freind, you trying to stick more pins in my voodoo doll, doesn't always work. I am content with my writes (that I will get better in time) or I will not but I enjoy writing and an uncredible critic is not going to change that.

but for the poem for the love in my life who is going through HELL right now and has to read my poem to her with yours and sacks crap on it, all I can say is what she said...she read the poem and not the idiot 'crap' comments from shallow minds<grin>

you seem to use me for your verbal punching bag, all I can say is
"you hit like a girl. "<bigrin> >>>>excerpt from the movie SAHARA
Art, I understand you're going through a difficult time with your wife. And it's good that you're writing poetry about it, writing for you, for her, for whatever reason. Maybe you should just give her the poetry and leave lit out of it. Or simply turn off comments--since it's for her only. :) Or delete the comments you don't want.
WickedEve said:
Art, I understand you're going through a difficult time with your wife. And it's good that you're writing poetry about it, writing for you, for her, for whatever reason. Maybe you should just give her the poetry and leave lit out of it. Or simply turn off comments--since it's for her only. :) Or delete the comments you don't want.

why? <respectfully>

one dog barked, I barked back, then all the dogs in the neighbor hood barked been this way for a long time <grin> nothing serious ...just lung and literature excercise!

I save my writes by posting them in my list of poems here at lit. I have for ...a long time now...two years? I am not gonna stop because one person don't like my poetry <grin> I am not afraid of ill comments and if some one gives me an opinion of my poem ...I should be able to give my opinion of their opinion!!! <simple>

The political manipulations of 12 to slap at my opinion of critics without credentials now grows into disecting of my poem? It was the fact I didn't agree with a YDD award and the poem 12 wrote that I didn't understand bothers him? His barking on various threads of mine now leads to him chokin his chicken and that's my fault? His tantrums are harmless....mere words in the wind that moves my windmill of thought<grin> (that is a good thing)

What will he come up with next <grin> for some one with this big of an imagination, I wish we could see more poetry from his mental swirls. <now that would be productive thought>

I did find it humorous that this was the poem that surfaced the day he woke up wanting to chew on somebody. I write all the time for various people and various reasons like..."The Lucky ones" Paul Peter "the painter" recalls his life when Hungry was over thrown by germans then went crawling one at a time back to germany after russia kicked their ass. <example> "Trail of tears" "Shaking my fist at the heavens and kicking dirt into hell" and "a Blizzard forever" etc etc etc ...I write and submit <is that a crime> "call the grammar police 'art submitted' a poem again." <grin>

Thanks Eve...(~_~) BOWS HUMBLE
....but these colors don't run...
<red neck with a blue heart that writes on white>
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Credentials do matter, to a certain extent. If you have a leaky pipe, you call a plumber, not fat Uncle Joe lounging on his couch. Why is poetry different than plumbing, or doctoring, or anything else? Of course, there's always the chance fat Uncle Joe knows something Mr. Plumber does not. But I'll take my chances on the guy with the license, and just give Uncle Joe another turkey leg to gnaw on.

My Erotic Tale said:
I apologize for not keeping up with who does what days, I would like to mention a poem and hope that today's reviewer could shed an even greater light on this marvelous write. I point at this poem for it is a GRAND example of indifferences, which there has been a lot of lately.

Intelligent Design by LeBroz

thanks Leon for shedding the light of enlightenment my way more than once <grin>

In poetry, other thing matter too, when judging a critique....credibility for one. I want to know what a critic has to say on poems other than mine. And it would be your first step onto that road of credibilty, Erotic Tale, if you didn't recommend every single poem that is written by one of your cronies.

What else matters, to me at least?

The ability of the critic to produce quality poetry of his own, to put his words into perspective for me. There is obviously a personal battle going on between you and 1201, Tale. In the area of critique, whose word do I weigh more heavily? Let's look at what is before me....

1201 writes high quality poetry. You do not....what else do I need to know?

He does not make dozens of spelling mistakes every time he writes. He knows how to make a subject agree with its verb. He conjures up images I've never seen or thought of before, not the same tired ones you can get anywhere. That, sir, is called respect for the language, as Lauren so aptly put it.

If asked to defend the quality of one of his poems, he does so, without taking offense or accusing the critic of vindictive attacks.

Sure he speaks his mind unflinchingly, but he does not start thread after thread after thread that are duplications of one another like you do, and then post on all of them until other threads are driven down the page. When a discussion is over, he lets his threads die, as this one will. That is called respect for the community.

And unlike you, he does not argue with no logic...nor does he exploit the vulnerabilities of new poets by pretending he's their buddy and telling them that every critical word spoken to them is mean-spirited and evil.

Credentials do matter, but not as much as intelligence.
My Erotic Tale said:
why? <respectfully>
Oh, I thought it was upsetting temple and that you could just turn off the comments or delete them.
tarablackwood22 said:
Credentials do matter, to a certain extent. If you have a leaky pipe, you call a plumber, not fat Uncle Joe lounging on his couch. Why is poetry different than plumbing, or doctoring, or anything else? Of course, there's always the chance fat Uncle Joe knows something Mr. Plumber does not. But I'll take my chances on the guy with the license, and just give Uncle Joe another turkey leg to gnaw on.

In poetry, other thing matter too, when judging a critique....credibility for one. I want to know what a critic has to say on poems other than mine. And it would be your first step onto that road of credibilty, Erotic Tale, if you didn't recommend every single poem that is written by one of your cronies.

What else matters, to me at least?

The ability of the critic to produce quality poetry of his own, to put his words into perspective for me. There is obviously a personal battle going on between you and 1201, Tale. In the area of critique, whose word do I weigh more heavily? Let's look at what is before me....

1201 writes high quality poetry. You do not....what else do I need to know?

He does not make dozens of spelling mistakes every time he writes. He knows how to make a subject agree with its verb. He conjures up images I've never seen or thought of before, not the same tired ones you can get anywhere. That, sir, is called respect for the language, as Lauren so aptly put it.

If asked to defend the quality of one of his poems, he does so, without taking offense or accusing the critic of vindictive attacks.

Sure he speaks his mind unflinchingly, but he does not start thread after thread after thread that are duplications of one another like you do, and then post on all of them until other threads are driven down the page. When a discussion is over, he lets his threads die, as this one will. That is called respect for the community.

And unlike you, he does not argue with no logic...nor does he exploit the vulnerabilities of new poets by pretending he's their buddy and telling them that every critical word spoken to them is mean-spirited and evil.

Credentials do matter, but not as much as intelligence.

another dog barks an opinion...
wondering curiously what propelled you to lay your opinion out...a 1201 fan? That I would understand better than your placing 1201 to be right cause he can spell.

Just because you can spell, don't make you right or intelligent <grin> obviously, I can see this in your post. FOR if you read this thread or my threads...<my threads> each has different purpose ......and I thought this was an amature writing forum offered to the free will public, not just for scholastic disecting of literature.

you agree with my point on credentials disagree with my ?

exploit new poets? I feel you missed the mark here Tara... I cushion the blow of the new poets clashing with the so called intellects critics balancing the harsh comments /critic with encouragement and inspiration while they are torn apart by critics with a need to disect literature. As they are here and made the transition they find some one willing to teach them or work with them. (this is not my expertise) The many of thin skinned poets that run for the hills after coming to this forum and finding it not so favorable. I do a good deed Tara rather your smart enough to see it or not. <examples> Rf made it vs somemoron decided he would rather go back to school and take an english course than listen to ten people say ten different things about his poem...then they argue over who is right? <laughing>

you claim...If asked to defend the quality of one of his poems, he does so, without taking offense or accusing the critic of vindictive attacks. you been gone a bit? he has done a lot of vinditive attacks I am simply defending my literary creations. He tells me when my poems are good and then places comments that "this poem is CRAP" <See above posts> I can't help but feeling you hopped in here without reading the whole thread as so many do. You assumed HERE WE GO AGAIN...and defended your buddy >>>>cool>>> that's fine too
WickedEve said:
Oh, I thought it was upsetting temple and that you could just turn off the comments or delete them.

no I talked to her this morning and she has been busy and said she will probably view the poem today. I just hope she don't turn into Ninja <grin> and keeps her templeminded coolness cause I pitty any one that fires up her INTELLECTUAL red hair. >>>you think I am bad <bigrin> but truely she has compassion for ignorance and has blessed me with this comment this morning. <grin> I found compassion for 12 he wrestles with his intellect to the point of becoming ignore-ant.

one more thing...I to wrestle within <grin>
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This is why there is an "ignore" option

Why do you waste your time? Arguing about and explaining poetry reminds me of the quote:

"Never try and teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and makes the pig angry.".​
Rybka said:
Why do you waste your time? Arguing about and explaining poetry reminds me of the quote:

"Never try and teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and makes the pig angry.".​

I like ham and bacon

I don't use the ignore....that to me shows your limitations and ignore-ance
besides 1201 squeals a pretty darn good song

I can't sing a lick but I write some darn good songs.
the one that comes to mind right now!

"facts are facts
that is that
let it be like Water off a ducks back"
Rybka said:
Why do you waste your time? Arguing about and explaining poetry reminds me of the quote:

"Never try and teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and makes the pig angry.".​

from the wisdom of the Snow Owl...thanks Du~

Nothing Exists

Yamaoka Tesshu, as a young student of Zen, visited one master after another. He called upon Dokuon of Shokoku.

Desiring to show his attainment, he said: "The mind, Buddha, and sentient beings, after all, do not exist. The true nature of phenomena is emptiness. There is no realization, no delusion, no sage, no mediocrity. There is no giving and nothing to be received."

Dokuon, who was smoking quietly, said nothing. Suddenly he whacked Yamaoka with his bamboo pipe. This made the youth quite angry.

"If nothing exists," inquired Dokuon, "where did this anger come from?"
Rybka said:
Why do you waste your time? Arguing about and explaining poetry reminds me of the quote:

"Never try and teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and makes the pig angry.".​

No pig has the ability to sing. All writers have the ability to improve.

tarablackwood22 said:
No pig has the ability to sing. All writers have the ability to improve.


a pig wallers
dogs bark
writers write
pompuss pomp
critic critique
and artist paint
and all have the ability to live
and improve in their art

in their own worlds
but what happens when you put them in the same corral <grin>
Tristesse said:
Hello sweetness. I've missed seeing you, are you here for a bit now?


I miss you too. :kiss:

I doubt if I'll be staying. Some things - ignorance, deceipt, mediocrity - bother me ( I can't help it :) ), and there are too much of them here now.

I also can't help peeking in from time to time...old habits.

During the civil wars in feudal Japan, an invading army would quickly sweep into a town and take control. In one particular village, everyone fled just before the army arrived - everyone except the Zen master. Curious about this old fellow, the general went to the temple to see for himself what kind of man this master was. When he wasn't treated with the deference and submissiveness to which he was accustomed, the general burst into anger. "You fool," he shouted as he reached for his sword, "don't you realize you are standing before a man who could run you through without blinking an eye!" But despite the threat, the master seemed unmoved. "And do you realize," the master replied calmly, "that you are standing before a man who can be run through without blinking an eye?"

tarablackwood22 said:
I miss you too. :kiss:

I doubt if I'll be staying. Some things - ignorance, deceipt, mediocrity - bother me ( I can't help it :) ), and there are too much of them here now.

I also can't help peeking in from time to time...old habits.


Well, all those things crept in because of the vacuum left when folks like you jumped ship.

Drowning rat.
