Confessions: What are yours? Part V

ICT the process of moving is going to be tough, but will be worth it when we’re done.

IFCT I fucking hate moving!
ICT I bought a case of wine the other day and one of those huge bottles of vodka bc my alcohol runs were becoming too frequent.
ICT today wasn’t a good day for a 3 hour+ conference call at 9am given what is on my mind
IACT i am worried that the things in my head may come out on the call by accident - not a good idea!
ICT that I was glad his thoughts were my thoughts.

IACT I am totally stoked that he mailed my birthday present, even though I know I probably won't be able to wait until my birthday to open it.
ICT the Mr. gave me permission to accept the phone number of a fellow from FetLife.

IACT I am a bit nervous about texting him.

IFCT it's silly to be nervous but there it is.
ICT I really feel let down

IACT I’m thinking more seriously about taking leave from work

IFCT constantly trying to juggle everything on my own is impacting my health and state of mind
One time I came home from work, after having just finished fucking and cumming inside my female coworker. My wife started rubbing my crotch soon after we sat down on the couch. Very soon, we were undressed on said couch and she went down and started sucking. There’s no way she couldn’t have smelled and tasted it. She went at it enthusiastically and hard trying to get my cum. After a few minutes I stopped her and pushed her back and got inside her. I fucked her slow and deep and she came quick. The second time she came it was even harder and her pussy milking me sent me shooting into her spasming cunt. She never said a single word about the cum and pussy smell on my cock
ICT I've spent an hour searching rough sex and con non con groping videos.