CMNF BBQ party


curious alien
Jul 3, 2017
P (for POV) with a little group of people (could be family, but not necessarily) surprise crash someone's known BBQ party. They're warmly welcomed, and everything goes as expected, mostly, with one anomaly sticking out: Nancy, one of the women already there, known to P as strict laced rather prudish person with weil of authority (probably school teacher or some such) is completely nude.

Regardless, she acts her full self, not as much as it was normal to be nude, but rather as if nothing was amiss. Likewise, nobody else acknowledge her nudity in any overt way either. Others of the P's group fall into that same attitude seamlessly as well, it is almost like P would be the only one seeing her that way, or the only one who finds that weird. P is at least mildly shocked, confused, but also intrigued, and just don't know how to behave.

P just can't behave, and bring the fact of Nancy's nudity to the attention somehow. However, the only thing P achieve with that is that Suzy, an important girl in his group (sister, gf, bff, wife, mother? whatever) is encouraged to disrobe by others. When Suzy musing that she would never, host's smoking hot daughter Debbie strip like it mean nothing, just to prove the point. After that, for great surprise and possibly silent outrage of P, Suzy comply and get naked too.

While nudity of Nancy and Debbie is mostly ignored, Suzy become center of everyone's attention -- or at least it's how P feels like about it. Her appearance is discussed, she is even touched frequently, but it is important to note that all the attention is positive, she is not been embarrassed, and instead quickly grow confident and have great time. Also while she is undoubtedly turned on by the experience, there is no overt sexual activity.

If, and only if, P happen to be female, she may be compelled to strip next and steal the spotlight, but this is highly optional and possibly even counterproductive.

Another optional element could be yet another girl going into the house and returning nude, seemingly without as much as lingering glance from anyone.

Now, just because we have to have sex (I won't care for in this), some of that can happen afterwards, between P and Suzy most probably, or with Debbie, or even Nancy, someone else entirely (especially if P is a straight girl), or any combination of them, but if an orgy happens it better be separate from the original event, even while clearly inspired by it.

This can be read as having deliberately absurd elements, but that is part of the appeal, it is clearly seen that way by P. Making it solidly believable 'realistic' story is possible while could be a challenge, but I think, while it can be, it is not necessary to ever explain why Nancy is nude, for example.
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Now, before you scowl that's just don't happen, it does. Just last summer was in a relatives party, two dozen plus people of four generations, nobody further apart than second cousins and in-laws. It was in paid for place on a brook with a pond. Main attraction was giant soup bowl on the bonfire. It was paid for the sauna, but it was merely lukewarm and nobody cared to heat it up. Still two young girls (jailbailts not allowed to appear here without age correction actually) used it as licence to get naked and hang out the whole afternoon that way, despite visiting the actual sauna for maybe twice fideen minutes. Nobody bat an eye, including their present mothers. It could be different if anyone not considered family was there, or not, kind of hard to tell. But that's there, and part of culture we're quickly losing for globalisation.
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