Claymore and Dagger (closed)

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"I will miss you," Sam nodded. "I'm sorry, love. Yer startin' t'see I'm no' very good a' this. Never really been one t'talk about emotions."
"Then you'll simply learn how to start." Fiona said with a shrug of her shoulders, looking at Sam as if it were a simple solution.
"You're too stubborn." Fiona murmured as she lay her head down on his chest. "If you were less stubborn this might be easier."
"Blame my bloodline. Get it all from them," Sam let his other arm drape around her. He really had never been one for words of love. It was actions he valued most, and he only hoped Fiona understood when instead of talking, he preferred to be with her as they were now, simply laying in bed close together. But still he tried, murmuring, "I love you, Fiona."
"Took you long enough, Ghis." Fiona murmured, kissing him as he finally let his guard down enough to express himself in a way other than physically.
"I've bloody said it before," he muttered back, drawing her in closer for another kiss. "But maybe I should keep my mouth shut a little more if yer gonna harp on me about it." He gave her a tiny smirk then.
"My fox would be rather upset." Fiona murmured as Sam held her tightly. "She likes hearing the words. I enjoy hearing them too."
Sam let out a soft chuckle, kissing her forehead. "Jus' fer her then." His hand rose to her side where her tattoo of her fox was hidden under the nightgown.
Fiona's eyes softened as she felt Sam reach up and touch her tattoo, her fox melting at the attention that her lover gave to her. She let out a long sigh of contentment, blue eyes closing as she let Sam simply hold her without saying anything. She knew that he was doing what he knew how to do in a relationship and it was all a learning experience for the both of them.
Come the next morning, Sam was up at dawn as always, reading letters that the Triad leaders had received and wanted to share with him. Once that was finished, he dressed in his normal uniform for the time being and tended the drakes before returning to Kayla. The ball would start just before dinner, so Sam was going to try to get a little bit of discussing done with Kayla and Elhardt while Kjersten saw to the last minute touches with the ball. Then, Sam wanted to introduce them all properly to Invah with Fiona.
"Samuel, do you ever stop?" Kayla asked as she ate her breakfast, looking at her nephew as he started in on correspondences that he had gotten the evening before. "Even the hardest working among us takes time to rest."
"I'm reading letters. Tha's hardly work," Sam muttered, not lifting his eyes from the paper before him. If he'd been a workaholic before, the news of war had increased that tendency tenfold. He hadn't even realized a serving woman had placed a plate before him about five minutes prior. "I jus' want t'make sure I understand everythin' tha's happening with the Empire."

Beside Kayla, Christopher looked to Fiona with a sympathetic smile. "You poor girl. You picked quite a challenge for yourself."
"He knows my displeasure." Fiona commented to Christopher as she took a sip from her tea. "He's old enough to know better, but he will make his own choices."

Fiona glanced at Sam as the plate of food went untouched in front of him. "He also knows that things will change in the very near future. He seems to forget that I am not a soldier, but his mate."
"Watch yourself, Sam," Christopher warned. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Especially werefolk," he added that last bit with a smile, and Sam could only sigh and set the letter aside.

"I'm just trying to do my job."

"Even though you said you'd relax today," the usually-quiet Kristoff murmured, stirring his tea absently.

"Is everyone jus' against me today?"

"Always," Christopher chuckled.
"When your teenage cousin thinks that you're too busy, you might be too busy." Fiona said with a grin towards her lover.

"Sam's always too serious." Lena chimed in, looking up at her older cousin as she pushed her porridge around in her bowl. "He doesn't even like to ride horses with anyone very often anymore."
"Is that so?" Sam looked down at Lena. "Well if I'm so serious an' boring, maybe I won' have time to introduce you to Kennah or the dragons." He'd promised her both the night before if she was patient. The little grin on his face told everyone else he was only teasing, though.
"That's alright. Fiona will take me." Lena challenged, her little mind as sharp as they came. "And Da and Ma will come with me. I don't need a boring old cousin to introduce me to dragons."

"That's a bit harsh, spurv." Kayla commented, looking at her small daughter as the little girl ducked her head suddenly.

She had called Lena sparrow since the day that she was born, a tribute to her twin brother who was known as little sparrow still to this day. Lena loved birds, nearly as much as her uncle had when he was younger and her room was filled with his drawings of the little creatures.
Sam had to crack a little smile at Lena. She'd always had that sort of independent attitude that harkened back to Selena in particular. So Sam rose, coming around the table. He scooped Lena up with a little smirk and carried her away. "We'll be back," he commented to Kayla.
Lena gasped as Sam scooped her up, carrying her out of the room as he told her mother that they would be right back. "Where are we going?" Lena asked, her dark eyes bright as she looked at her cousin.
"I made a promise, didn' I? Sam gave her a little smile. "I'll even give you a special introduction t'Invah and Gaiann."
"Really?" Lena asked as her gaze grew a little brighter. "You haven't even introduced Ma or Da yet! Why just me?"
"Because I'm a boring old cousin who likes to surprise you," Sam chuckled. He brought her out to the barns before setting Lena on her feet. The door had been left open for the drakes to come and go, and just inside, Lena saw a drake for the first time. He was a great golden beast with a black mane, laying with a tiny blue fledgling rolling around between his arms, her scales flecked with blue. Watching over them was a lovely blue teal drake with a longer black mane, and she was the first to look up at Sam's entrance.

"Kennah," Sam murmured, and the blue drake made her way around her mate to approach, glancing at Lena as she walked. Sam reached out to take Kennah's head in his hands. With a murmur of a few Erygonian words, she lowered her head to Lena's level and fixed the girl with a calm teal gaze.
Lena watched the drakes closely, tilting her head to one side as the blue drake made her way towards them. She watched as Sam spoke to the drake in Erygonian, a language which she knew a few words of herself, and then the drake turned her attention towards her with a calm gaze.

"This is your drake?" Lena asked as she reached out to pet the animal's maw. "She's beautiful."
"Kennah's my best girl. Next to Fiona, o' course," Sam smiled as Kennah closed her eyes and let the girl pet her. "An' tha's Roman an' little Elin."

At his name, Roman looked over long enough for Elin to escape his arms to come running to Sam. He scooped her up and she immediately began gnawing lightly on his fingers. It was a comfort, like a baby sucking its thumb.
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