Can We Be Hard-Headed About Pre School? A Look at Head Start

Well I think it's more a wishful innuendo to violence, but we'll go with your thoughts on it that it was an indirect appeal to violence. If that is the case, then the things the FPOTUS has said are well within your definition, exemplified by his latest here: Quote of the day. Thank you for clarifying that for those of your compadres who are a bit fuzzy on whether what he says, is an "indirect appeal to violence".

Violence only exists in my comment if you're racist. Going to a place to discuss your view on race is not a violent suggestion, directly or indirectly.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, unaffected by the reality distortion cocoon of Ishmael, Project Headstart and other government preschool programs have been shown to have significant increases in high school graduation rates:

The article you posted and the article I posted are both presented by employees of the Brookings Institute. They contradict each other. I would like watching a debate between the authors. Unfortunately, those who attribute easily documented academic differences between the races to genetic differences often do so at the risk of their careers.
Violence only exists in my comment if you're racist. Going to a place to discuss your view on race is not a violent suggestion, directly or indirectly.
Sorry dude, but no. It has a bit to do with race and a lot to do with fact. The area residents you mentioned are primarily black, that is true. BUT that section of Chicago is also known for its violence. So by not specifying which criteria you are using you leave it open to interpretation which, much like Schrödinger's cat, can be interpreted either way correctly. You very well may have meant one thing while projecting another, much like one of our FPOTUS claims to do on a continual basis.

The only response you deserve is calling you out for what you are.

You should present this on the south side of Chicago. In all honesty it's one of the places you'll get the discussion you want and deserve.
Blacks living in the south side of Chicago have more to worry about than my opinions. They are killing each other.
Sorry dude, but no. It has a bit to do with race and a lot to do with fact. The area residents you mentioned are primarily black, that is true. BUT that section of Chicago is also known for its violence. So by not specifying which criteria you are using you leave it open to interpretation which, much like Schrödinger's cat, can be interpreted either way correctly. You very well may have meant one thing while projecting another, much like one of our FPOTUS claims to do on a continual basis.

You can certainly have that position. Ive actually been to Chicago on the south side.

The author can safely go there and present his views on racism without engaging in violence. I specifically chose that place because of what people perceive of it I also chose it be a use it's predominantly a greater chance that racist dipshit would be presenting the arguments to the people he hates.

And after all, the same person consistently spouts that he wants to have a discussion about the topic he brings up.....why would he decline that discussion?
I’m guessing JohnEngelman is on board with Shockley’s voluntary sterilization bonus plan.

Seems like I heard of a study where they gave financially struggling single moms a couple of hundred extra dollars a month and the positive impact on the family and kids, including their educational performance, was significant.
I think this is just a sign of the general disdain and bullying of the educated.
fox etc dishes out simple one liners that show how simple economics are, or scientists don't know anything etc.
those easy one liners are adopted, the spouted out with adoring responses by others.
the rise of the uneducated - believers in supply side, vaxxies, flu shots, race relations.
I even saw something where the whites feel they are the most discriminated group around haha.