Can We Be Hard-Headed About Pre School? A Look at Head Start


Jan 8, 2022
by Grover J. "Russ" Whitehurst, January 18, 2013, Brookings

There is no better example of our need to think critically and consider the evidence about preschool education than Head Start, the federal program for children from low-income families that is administered through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Head Start was begun in 1965 as part of the Lyndon Johnson administration’s war on poverty. Presently it serves about 1 million children annually (roughly 10% of the nation’s population of 3- and 4-year-olds[1]) at a yearly cost to the federal budget of approximately $8 billion...

The Head Start Impact Study is a randomized controlled trial, the gold-standard for evaluating the effectiveness of social and health programs. And it involves long-term follow-up of participants, which is both highly desirable and very unusual in evaluations of social and education programs.

The findings, in brief, are that there were effects favoring Head Start children on some outcome variables at the end of the Head Start year. However, these impacts did not persist...

If this conclusion by the authors isn’t clear enough, I’ll put it in less academic language:

There is no measurable advantage to children in elementary school of having participated in Head Start. Further, children attending Head Start remain far behind academically once they are in elementary school. Head Start does not improve the school readiness of children from low-income families.


The Brookings Institute is considered to be a liberal research institute. When a respectable organization or individual publishes findings that conflict with that the organization or individual wants to believe, I believe we should consider those findings seriously.

Professor Arthur Jensen was a Berkeley professor who in 1969 had an article published in the Harvard Educational Review in which he predicted that virtually nothing could be done to improve intelligence and school performance. As a result of his article new left radicals interrupted his classes, he received death threats, and sometimes required police protection.

Since the publication of Professor Jensen's article much money has been spent in efforts to disprove his thesis. Nevertheless, subsequent events have substantiated his predictions. This is his explanation of the findings presented in Grover J. Whitehurst's article:


Where the differences in basic characteristics are not conspicuous, as in the case of [East] Asians and whites, and when persons can fit in and do the same kinds of jobs and do them as well as anyone else, it may work. See, there are blacks who fit in this way too — who do all right.

But the black population in this country is in a sense burdened by the large number of persons who are at a level of g that is no longer very relevant to a highly industrialized, technological society. Once you get below IQs of 80 or 75, which is the cut-off for mental retardation in the California School System, children are put into special classes. These persons are not really educable up to a level for which there’s any economic demand. The question is, what do you do about them? They have higher birth-rates than the other end of the distribution.

People are shocked and disbelieving when you tell them that about one in four blacks in our population are in that category — below 75.
You could have made your point re. preschool without having to introduce race into the discussion. Any advantages that preschool gives a child evaporates by the time they're in 3rd grade. This has been known for at least two decades now. It amounts to taxpayer funded day care.
You could have made your point re. preschool without having to introduce race into the discussion. Any advantages that preschool gives a child evaporates by the time they're in 3rd grade. This has been known for at least two decades now. It amounts to taxpayer funded day care.
Yes, racists need race to make any point
Yes, racists need race to make any point
You need to yell "Racist! to make any point. You cannot post fact based and rational arguments to prove your view points, so you need to resort to insults and name calling. Insults and name calling are the lowest form of discourse.
That is what I expected from you, and no better. You posted no evidence that Grover J. Whitehurst and Professor Arthur Jensen were mistaken, because there is no evidence.
The only response you deserve is calling you out for what you are.

You should present this on the south side of Chicago. In all honesty it's one of the places you'll get the discussion you want and deserve.
You need to yell "Racist! to make any point. You cannot post fact based and rational arguments to prove your view points, so you need to resort to insults and name calling. Insults and name calling are the lowest form of discourse.
The only point is that you're a racist. You don't deserve anything more.
The only response you deserve is calling you out for what you are.

You should present this on the south side of Chicago. In all honesty it's one of the places you'll get the discussion you want and deserve.
You seem to think that by beating me up and maybe killing me blacks could prove to me that they do not have murder rate eight times the white rate.
The only point is that you're a racist. You don't deserve anything more.
What have I said that is not true? I repeat: what have I said that is not true?

You are the person who does not deserve a response. I honor you by paying any attention to your exposures of ignorance and malevolence.
What have I said that is not true? I repeat: what have I said that is not true?

You are the person who does not deserve a response. I honor you by paying any attention to your exposures of ignorance and malevolence.
"I honor you"


Wtf is "exposures of ignorance and malevolence" that a marketing term from racist forums or something?
You could have made your point re. preschool without having to introduce race into the discussion. Any advantages that preschool gives a child evaporates by the time they're in 3rd grade. This has been known for at least two decades now. It amounts to taxpayer funded day care.
Head start does all it can to level the playing field but at the end of the day it is still a low-income family even in third grade, that has so much less to offer and support the education of their child than they do to provide other things the family could use to enrich their lives.

The data only proves more funding through elementary and into middle school would be a better support for these students. And yes it is a big investment, but one that will pay dividends.

The figure quoted from Brookings by the OP suggests it’s 8,000 a year for students in head start. The national average for a year of day care is $17,000 a year (also a Brookings figure).

So if school is just “day care” for these kids, the investment of $8,000 will go a long way. The average expenditure for public school in the US is $15,000, and yes an increase would be helpful- but hardly is an additional $8,000 since the infrastructure is already there.
You could have made your point re. preschool without having to introduce race into the discussion. Any advantages that preschool gives a child evaporates by the time they're in 3rd grade. This has been known for at least two decades now. It amounts to taxpayer funded day care.
Not to mention that this topic has been discussed before; it's nothing fresh, new or earth-shattering.

We've known for a long time that the head start fades in the stretch run...
The only response you deserve is calling you out for what you are.

You should present this on the south side of Chicago. In all honesty it's one of the places you'll get the discussion you want and deserve.
Yeah. This is an indirect appeal to violence. There's a reason you picked this as a location and it ain't pretty...
Yeah. This is an indirect appeal to violence. There's a reason you picked this as a location and it ain't pretty...
There's a reason I picked it, yes. And there's a reason both you and Touvie immediately concluded the same thing, which is why I picked it

If he ever tried to make his argument there, you both might learn something, though not for the reasoning you both believe.

And that says a lot.

And no, I never mentioned violence directly or indirectly
Dude, you are really full of yourself this morning. You are not the stuff of genius...
Dude, you are really full of yourself this morning. You are not the stuff of genius...
You are the decider on genius now? Hmm. We are all in trouble. Your credit card scams (alerts) are legend… bad, but legend!
You could have made your point re. preschool without having to introduce race into the discussion. Any advantages that preschool gives a child evaporates by the time they're in 3rd grade. This has been known for at least two decades now. It amounts to taxpayer funded day care.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, unaffected by the reality distortion cocoon of Ishmael, Project Headstart and other government preschool programs have been shown to have significant increases in high school graduation rates:

The only response you deserve is calling you out for what you are.

You should present this on the south side of Chicago. In all honesty it's one of the places you'll get the discussion you want and deserve.
Yeah. This is an indirect appeal to violence. There's a reason you picked this as a location and it ain't pretty...
Well I think it's more a wishful innuendo to violence, but we'll go with your thoughts on it that it was an indirect appeal to violence. If that is the case, then the things the FPOTUS has said are well within your definition, exemplified by his latest here: Quote of the day. Thank you for clarifying that for those of your compadres who are a bit fuzzy on whether what he says, is an "indirect appeal to violence".

You could have made your point re. preschool without having to introduce race into the discussion. Any advantages that preschool gives a child evaporates by the time they're in 3rd grade. This has been known for at least two decades now. It amounts to taxpayer funded day care.
To correct your statement, any DIRECT learning advantage levels out at around grade three. But if you and anyone interested would read the Brookings link that RDB posted you will find that it not only has lasting advantages for the student, but also for the parents for decades after the child leaves the program.
