California to impose a medi-Cal individual mandate to pay for HC for illegals


Loose canon extraordinair
Jul 30, 2016
They are going to tax the people who DO NOT have HC in order to pay for the HC of illegal immigrants.

The state will reportedly tax individuals who do not pay for health insurance in order to pay for part of it. The policy would revive an individual mandate penalty that initially came with the federal health care bill former President Obama signed into law.

Since when is it a good idea to tax the poor to give freebie shit away? Only in California... :rolleyes:
They are going to tax the people who DO NOT have HC in order to pay for the HC of illegal immigrants.

Since when is it a good idea to tax the poor to give freebie shit away? Only in California... :rolleyes:

Democrats and taxes are synonymous.;)
This policy of California may be illegal under federal law as it entices illegal entry into the United States and gives them aid and comfort:

Encouraging/Inducing -- Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv) makes it an offense for any person who -- encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law.

Conspiracy/Aiding or Abetting -- Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(v) expressly makes it an offense to engage in a conspiracy to commit or aid or abet the commission of the foregoing offenses.

Governor Newsome's offer to give them free medical care is an obvious inducement.
This policy of California may be illegal under federal law as it entices illegal entry into the United States and gives them aid and comfort:

Encouraging/Inducing -- Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv) makes it an offense for any person who -- encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law.

Conspiracy/Aiding or Abetting -- Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(v) expressly makes it an offense to engage in a conspiracy to commit or aid or abet the commission of the foregoing offenses.

Governor Newsome's offer to give them free medical care is an obvious inducement.

If it is illegal, BFD. I believe CA is the only sanctuary state, and they will pretty much ignore any law they don't like.
45 gave massive tax cuts to the rich which will never trickle down, tubby bitch.

All for the greater good, amirite?

You are rich, have many employees, everyone should man up and pay for the ill eagles.

Emergency rooms are required to treat anyone who comes in, regardless of ability to pay.
Preventative care is always cheaper than emergency care.
Care in a doctor's office is always cheaper than treatment in an emergency room.
They are going to tax the people who DO NOT have HC in order to pay for the HC of illegal immigrants.

Since when is it a good idea to tax the poor to give freebie shit away? Only in California... :rolleyes:

Tax the crap out of the illegals...

;) ;)
Tax the crap out of the illegals...

;) ;)

I actually think that a tax on all remittances to foreign nations is a good idea. It's race and citizenship neutral too.

The fact that it falls disproportionately upon illegal immigrants should be a warning indicator to them that all things in paradise aren't necessarily what they seem to be.
45 gave massive tax cuts to the rich which will never trickle down, tubby bitch.

Your mom will not raise your allowance because she doesn't like to enable your hookers and meth habit. It has nothing to do with supply-side economics.
Emergency rooms are required to treat anyone who comes in, regardless of ability to pay.
Preventative care is always cheaper than emergency care.
Care in a doctor's office is always cheaper than treatment in an emergency room.

Wait, I thought the talking point was that people didn't have ACCESS to healthcare. Are you now trying to tell us that they've had ACCESS all along?

Imagine that...
I actually think that a tax on all remittances to foreign nations is a good idea. It's race and citizenship neutral too.
Except for the federal government I'm pretty sure remittances are sent to individuals, not nations.
And would that include residents who are actually sending remittances to other nations, like paying their taxes? Tax their taxes?

And how would that be managed anyway, taxing a gift sent to a family member just because they are in a different country. There are a lot of US citizens with family in other countries. We should tax them when they send birthday, christmas, etc. gifts to an uncle, grandmother, sister?
Or will their be a form to prove they are allowed to without tax? What would be the cost to taxpayers for managing such a system?
Wait, I thought the talking point was that people didn't have ACCESS to healthcare. Are you now trying to tell us that they've had ACCESS all along?

Imagine that...
Well, now I see why you think paying less for a mortgage is stupid. You appear to apply the logic even to healthcare. Must be a theme for you.
Wait, I thought the talking point was that people didn't have ACCESS to healthcare. Are you now trying to tell us that they've had ACCESS all along?

Imagine that...

"access to emergency health care" is not the same thing as "access to healthcare".

It's cheaper to give an asthmatic kid a $35 inhaler than wait until he goes into full respiratory arrest and ring up a $10,000 hospital stay.
Emergency rooms are required to treat anyone who comes in, regardless of ability to pay.
Preventative care is always cheaper than emergency care.
Care in a doctor's office is always cheaper than treatment in an emergency room.

Provide healthcare to our own citizens and secure the damn border. It's your money
as well as mine that is providing healthcare for people that don't belong here. You want to pay the bill then you "PAY IT", I have enough of my own bills. Why can't people understand we have a 22 trillion dollar debt.
Your mom will not raise your allowance because she doesn't like to enable your hookers and meth habit. It has nothing to do with supply-side economics.

Did your wife leave you because you're a gullible dumbass who believed all of her obvious lies?

There's a pattern.
45 gave massive tax cuts to the rich which will never trickle down, tubby bitch.

Not entirely, but so what?

It's their money.

Like the Trumps

Last I saw that's still a lie.

Why can't people understand we have a 22 trillion dollar debt.

Because they haven't had to feel it.

Raise EVERYONES taxes to 37% until it's paid down and you'll see a whole lot more concern really fuckin' fast. :D
Not entirely, but so what?

It's their money.

Last I saw that's still a lie.

Because they haven't had to feel it.

Raise EVERYONES taxes to 37% until it's paid down and you'll see a whole lot more concern really fuckin' fast. :D

Our lower income families are having a hard enough time of it but yet we insist on letting illegals flood our nation and then we give them healthcare whether it be emergency room or scheduled health maintenance. Once illegals are here its too late, you just can't refuse to give them medical care, that's not the christian thing to do, but yet, we have american citizens going without. How fucked up is that?
Our lower income families are having a hard enough time of it but yet we insist on letting illegals flood our nation and then we give them healthcare whether it be emergency room or scheduled health maintenance. Once illegals are here its too late, you just can't refuse to give them medical care, that's not the christian thing to do, but yet, we have american citizens going without. How fucked up is that?

Yea we can....we can secure the border and control immigration.

But the left doesn't want that, they want a welfare state for anyone who can make it here at the taxpayers expense.
Except for the federal government I'm pretty sure remittances are sent to individuals, not nations.
And would that include residents who are actually sending remittances to other nations, like paying their taxes? Tax their taxes?

And how would that be managed anyway, taxing a gift sent to a family member just because they are in a different country. There are a lot of US citizens with family in other countries. We should tax them when they send birthday, christmas, etc. gifts to an uncle, grandmother, sister?
Or will their be a form to prove they are allowed to without tax? What would be the cost to taxpayers for managing such a system?

Well, now I see why you think paying less for a mortgage is stupid. You appear to apply the logic even to healthcare. Must be a theme for you.

Same old song and dance.

You either are too stupid to breathe OR you intentionally fail to comprehend what is obvious to almost everyone else on the planet.

Or, IOW, the same old song and dance.

PS. Mine is still bigger than yours will ever be. Even on the internet.
"access to emergency health care" is not the same thing as "access to healthcare".

It's cheaper to give an asthmatic kid a $35 inhaler than wait until he goes into full respiratory arrest and ring up a $10,000 hospital stay.

Apparently you've never heard of hospital-run clinics for the poor.

Which means either there are no hospitals where you live; or, there are no poor people where you live; OR you don't get out much and therefore don't have any ability to speak intelligibly on the subject.

Pick one. Not that anyone really cares.