Bill Wenger: Our Woke Military Will Get Us Killed

Not totally on topic; but did anyone catch the finale of "Tough as nails"???

It's a show that pits male and female blue collar workers AGAINST EACH OTHER DOING THE SAME GRUELING TASKS.

Guess who won???

Yep, you guessed it; it was a woman.

Even better, she was quite androgynous, which kinda destroys the notion of biologically static genders.

She also won by being tough, smart, and skilled in equal measure.

I'm sure she would be a revelation to the board's Deplorables.

With war on the horizon it would serve us well to get our act together before Biden and the Democrats hand us a massive military defeat on two fronts:

Our Woke Military Will Be Deadly for Us.

Where does "deadly for us" come in? We're not at present faced with even any possible conflict that we cannot well afford to lose.
With war on the horizon it would serve us well to get our act together before Biden and the Democrats hand us a massive military defeat on two fronts:

Our Woke Military Will Be Deadly for Us.
Bill WengerBill Wenger|Posted: Dec 12, 2021 12:01 AM

There are numerous other such leadership and training failures caused by a lack of focus on warfighting and mission while genuflecting at the altar of Wokeness.

General Mark Milley, during the last months of the recent Presidential election, called the Chinese to tell them if former President Trump initiated hostile action against the PRC, Milley would inform them of the action.

Trump was so unhinged by losing the election that he might have done anything, including provoking a war with China, to stay in power. I am glad that there was an adult in the room who kept him from doing that.
Trump was so unhinged by losing the election that he might have done anything, including provoking a war with China, to stay in power. I am glad that there was an adult in the room who kept him from doing that.

That is a lie. Trump was against endless war. but he knew he would be expected to defend the nation and the only way to do that was to rebuild the military.
ReichGuide conveniently forgets that Trump told Howard Stern he supported invading Iraq.

Trump says whatever suits him at the moment.

A classic sleazy politician.

In theory, not practice.

This similar to pointing out that you can get field promotions or other absurd things that can but do not happen.

They do happen, just not very often as a percentage of promotions in most units. Deployed infantry units in a combat zone? Not very uncommon, I saw at least a few every deployment I went on.

Some because you're the senior whatever got injured/ill/killed and now your next in line.

Some were like my first E4 to E5, I was a senior E4 doing well pre-deployment, halfway into my 2nd combat tour and I was doing the job of an E5, team leader of 4 grunts. Command just didn't see any reason to bother with a dog and pony show promotion board, I was out doing the ultimate end job well enough, they gave me E5.

Maybe you meant commission? Where they make an enlisted guy an officer in the field? THAT is super rare.

Even in WWII when it was most common because holy fuck everyone is dead, when you look at the sheer number of people in the military vs the 25,500 (out of the 31,200 from WWI-Vietnam) battlefield commissions that happened across it? It was an extremely small minority of officers who became officers that way.

Very few of us even want to be in Special Ops

That's fine, I still think they should have mercilessly brutal physical and psychological combat training standards.

Vs. generator repair mechanics or linguistics specialists, or whatever that will do just fine with average to low key PT standards.

and you do a disservice by using pencil pushers as your example.

Why? They are an large portion of the military that doesn't need to be hard core physically fit like an artillery battery or infantry company. They NEED to be nerdy pencil pushers, work out for basic health and conditioning not to be jacked PT monsters like a combat arms unit.

Somehow you are constantly pushing that Americans should get into trades but you're not talking about the mechanics who repair everything from Hummers to damn near commercial trucks. Forklift drivers are in such high demand that where I live the are literal Temp agencies specifically for Forklift drivers and then one for general labor, sometimes side by side or sharing a waiting area. And those skills once you rejoin the civillian job are worth far more than being able to read a topography map.

I didn't need to list every MOS to make my point, which is that physical/mental training standards should be MOS appropriate. It would not only be the most fair/equal it would also be the best way to fill job positions.

There are people who maintain the weapons, and the drone pilots and lots of things that virtually any member of Congress could handle just fine.

Sure. But there are a lot of other jobs not everyone can do.

Not everyone can nor should they be allowed to be a fighter pilot for example or a Submariner or a nuclear propulsion tech, EOD or whatever. Certain jobs should be select and have high standards mental and or physical.

Super easy PT would do well for most people but I went most of two years only bothering when I felt like it which wasn't that often. I don't so much disagree with you on that particular issue but the reality is you are talking about sexes for the most part. The only reason my mechanic can get beneath my car is that he has a lift. As long as my car runs, I don't give a fuck. Taking apart and doing basic maintenance on pretty much any weapon could be handled by a twelve year old with appropriate training. I'm not promoting child labor, just pointing out that there are lots of jobs that boil down to "Are you tall enough to see over the counter?" And those jobs will only increase as more and more fighting is done remotely rather than man on man.

I'm actually talking about not giving any fucks about sexes or race or any of that shit. I'm saying I think standards should be job appropriate, not based on your gender or age or anything other than your ability to do the job.

None of us today are likely to see a world where boots on the ground isn't required. Hold them to whatever standards people in the know think is necessary for whatever dog shit stupid reasons they see fit. The reality is they have been lowering (as a rule) standards have been steadily declining.

Yup.. standards have been declining. An awful shame.

Participation trophy culture, equity culture, is a pernicious evil like that.
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That is a lie. Trump was against endless war. but he knew he would be expected to defend the nation and the only way to do that was to rebuild the military.

He never did anything to rebuild the military. He demanded a big budget for it, but that was all.
The U.S. Military

That is a lie. Trump was against endless war. but he knew he would be expected to defend the nation and the only way to do that was to rebuild the military.

The United States has had the best equipped, best financed military for decades. It still lost to the North Vietnamese Army and the Taliban. The U.S. military is an expensive government spending program that does not work.

The time has come to slash the budget of this worthless boondoggle. We should tell the Pentagon to do more with less.
The US military was not unleashed in those conflicts
because they were geo-political conflicts of the super-
powers and fought pretty much by proxy. They were
never defeated in a battle-sense and those wars were
lost by the political class and it's lack of resolve in the
face of public opinion and elections. Only those who
believe that their team won the political and ideological
conflict willingly hang our defeat on the military.

It's their scapegoat for their failed school of Kumbayah
and the attempt to grovel for love and approval from
the absolute worst manifestations of their sacred belief
system of enlightened moral equivalency...

I.e., who are we to say that we're better than North
Korea or North Vietnam? Those people want to be
Communists! Who are we to judge them?
The United States has had the best equipped, best financed military for decades. It still lost to the North Vietnamese Army and the Taliban. The U.S. military is an expensive government spending program that does not work.

The time has come to slash the budget of this worthless boondoggle. We should tell the Pentagon to do more with less.

The military didn’t lose Vietnam, politicians did!
That is a lie. Trump was against endless war. but he knew he would be expected to defend the nation and the only way to do that was to rebuild the military.

So he diverts a shit ton of military money to build his stupid wall. Great way to rebuild the military.
I think that money had already been earmarked,
but the former occupant of the Oval Office refused to use it...
So he diverts a shit ton of military money to build his stupid wall. Great way to rebuild the military.

That money had nothing to do with rebuilding the military. Biden is using it to pay those wall contractors not to build it.:rolleyes:
Jesus fucking Christ....... you're an illiterate fucking retard Luk.

Learn to got-damn read boy.

Best you put Luk on iggy and rebuild your self-esteem.

The military didn’t lose Vietnam, politicians did!

"We" dropped more bombs on North Vietnam than we dropped on Germany and Japan during World War II. I am glad the politicians did not let the military drop more bombs.

In addition to being immoral the War in Vietnam was a stupid war. In his memoirs President Eisenhower said that as many as 80% of the Vietnamese north and south supported Ho Chi Minh. We should have left that country alone.
So he diverts a shit ton of military money to build his stupid wall. Great way to rebuild the military.

None of the money he diverted, legally I might add, affected readiness. If Nancy and her gang of misfits took an interest in real border security she would have supported Trump’s comprehensive plan, now, all that technology is rotting in the desert.
"We" dropped more bombs on North Vietnam than we dropped on Germany and Japan during World War II. I am glad the politicians did not let the military drop more bombs.

In addition to being immoral the War in Vietnam was a stupid war. In his memoirs President Eisenhower said that as many as 80% of the Vietnamese north and south supported Ho Chi Minh. We should have left that country alone.

Johnson directed the war from the Oval Office.

I agree, we never should have engaged in Vietnam, hindsight is 20/20.
The way you prevent war is to prepare for war. Wokeness and Democrat leadership send a signal to our enemies that we aren't ready for war. So like wolves, they begin to circle.:rolleyes:

World War 1 was basically everybody prepared for war and the first excuse they got to try out their new toys was a reason to split back up into teams as they had throughout most of history and seen how many of the others they could kill and maybe redraw some lines.

Preparing for War is like buying hammer after hammer after hammer and when you get a leaky sink you've no clue how to deal with it.
I feel like I’ve (We’ve) heard this before.

With war on the horizon it would serve us well to get our act together before Biden and the Democrats hand us a massive military defeat on two fronts:

Our Woke Military Will Be Deadly for Us.
Bill WengerBill Wenger|Posted: Dec 12, 2021 12:01 AM

There are numerous other such leadership and training failures caused by a lack of focus on warfighting and mission while genuflecting at the altar of Wokeness.

General Mark Milley, during the last months of the recent Presidential election, called the Chinese to tell them if former President Trump initiated hostile action against the PRC, Milley would inform them of the action. This is obvious and absolute sedition and near treason (treason must be against a declared enemy by the Constitution). Milley was not held accountable as he should still be, properly tired by a military tribunal and sentenced, minimally, to a long term in Leavenworth Prison.

The sad fact is, as I experienced last week, from the very top of DoD down to and including mid-grade officers and senior non-commissioned officers the military has bought into political wokeness and the propaganda of the left at the expense of training to, “… to close with the enemy by means of fire and maneuver to defeat or capture him .” We may well pay the price very soon for that failure to plan and train for war by having our collective butts handed to us by the Chinese over Taiwan, and by the Russians invading and conquering Crimea on the way to further Black Sea area dominance.

Bill Wenger is a retired commercial real estate executive, college professor, and U.S. Army Infantry Airborne Ranger Colonel. He voluntarily served four combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan after initial military retirement. He served 42 years commissioned service. He earned five Master’s Degrees and has taught National Strategic Planning, the Operational Level of Warfare, business and U.S. History. His latest book is on Amazon: The Key to American Independence: Quantifying Foreign Assistance to the American Revolution.

Yep… this has been said before… it’s also been proven incorrect..
World War 1 was basically everybody prepared for war and the first excuse they got to try out their new toys was a reason to split back up into teams as they had throughout most of history and seen how many of the others they could kill and maybe redraw some lines.

Preparing for War is like buying hammer after hammer after hammer and when you get a leaky sink you've no clue how to deal with it.

Your analogy is typical of the left, kind of like defund the police and lawlessness will just evaporate from the utopia y’all desire.