At the Edge of Reason (closed for Ravenloft)

"I can, and I will, do you seriously want yo go back to a job you hate when you have a guy willing and able to make it so you can acut ally start finding out who you really want to be? It's not about weather or not you're going to do yourself harm any more, it's about making you the best you you can be!" He took her by her shoulders and shook her gently. "Yes, yes I do, I'm loaded, I just don't like to flaunt it. And I'm not flaunting it now, I'm investing it in you because I know you can become something great!"

He followed her out into the kitchen and stooped her again. "You can't expect me to just give up on you, not now, now when I've decided you are my chance to redeem myself!" He froze, backing up a step and taking a deep breath. He looked at what she was going to make for herself and frowned. "Let me cook for you... this... isn't healthy, you'll never feel like you have any energy if this is all you keep eating..." he looked up into her eyes, stern, but calmly saying. "You've already let me in, just let me help you, it will cost you nothing, I swear."
Sasha sighed as she heard Trent talk and rolled her eyes a tiny bit. She actually was tempted to take what he offered but she couldn't drag him down into her depressing life. She just couldn't. He was so attractive but young, and alive. She couldn't make him almost dead like her. Not going to happen. When he took her by the shoulders and shook her she was surprised, even more by his words about having enough money. Sasha sighed and wanted to tell him it wasn't just about if he had enough money but didn't going to the kitchen.

Sasha thought Trent had left by the time she got the noodles out and was about to get the pan out when he talked again, making her jump. Jeez would he not give up? What in the world made him care so much?! It was weird, and strange. He was young though, at least he seemed that way to her who seemed old to herself because of how not passionate and unhealthy she had become. Wait did he just say redeem himself? What in the world did that mean? Sasha forgot it though, becoming exhausted by all his passion. "I really don't get why you are so passionate. Also it's not just about the money, I don't want to drag you down into depression with me okay? You have passion and liveliness and can go and do whatever you want. That does NOT include being stuck here with me and my boring life okay? Also you do not have to cook for me but I only know how to cook ramen noodles so I guess I can have you cook one more meal, I just can't drag you down with me. You need to go back to your own life." Sasha looked pained as she said this, feeling exhausted and weak, wondering exactly when last she had ever done this much talking or much of anything, especially when she didn't have work. Soon Sasha couldn't stand anymore and fell to her knees, about to fall onto her hands as well, feeling so weak.
"Because you're so dispassionate, if you can't fight for all that you deserve, than I will, even if I have to fight you. You can't drag me down, I've already hit rock bottom and I'm on my own way back up. You can only help me to help you. I find no joy in going alone, I see who I used to be in you, and that is why I am so passionate about you. I know where you are right now, I was there once. Trust me, I won't let things be boring for long. You've just got to stand up and take my hand!"

As if on cue, Sasha fell and Trent knelt after her quickly. "Oh no you don't, I won't let you fall. I'll turn you before I see you give in to your depression!" He hoisted her to her feet and embraced her, pressing his body against hers, taking her by her chin, lifting her lips to his. He kissed her, passionately, deeply, obsessively. "I will show you what life is worth living for, even if I must force you!" His hunger, his lust drove him to scoop her up and take her back to her bed. Once there, he undressed her and began touching her naked breasts, kissing them and gently sucking them as one hand slid between her legs to just caress her sex, letting her body respond to the gentle attention.
Sasha was surprised when Trent knelt and picked her up, embracing her and then tilted her chin up and Sasha was still exhausted. Before he kissed her with such passion and life that it jolted her awake and all she could do was just let him kiss her, her own mouth responding on instinct. Then he did something even more drastic and picked her up after speaking about forcing. "Hey wait what are you doing?" Sasha blushed a deep red as he picked her up and was even more surprised when he laid her on her bed before he started undressing her. Sasha was hopeless to stop it, so exhausted and weak as she was and tried weakly to push at him but couldn't and even her struggles stopped when he went to touching her now naked breasts. She moaned then, clutching at the bed as he started giving attention, even sucking on them and her head tilted back, her body responded, even arching some towards his mouth and hands. Then one hand slid down and she gasped in surprise as pleasure coursed through her, moaning at the feel of his hand gently caressing as she panted, exhausted and full of energy at the same time. It was weird but Sasha's head went out the window, just feeling at this point as he continued.
"I won't hold back any longer, I've wanted to make love to you since I first saw you on the roof Sasha... I tried to go slow, be your friend, take my time, but I just can't wait, I need to show you all the joy and pleasure I can bring you! I need to take you, make you mine. Your body is so beautiful! Look how it responds to my touch! I've longed for this! You can't imagine how much... how much I want to take you... take you over and over, again and again..." he growled hotly in her ear as he lay next to her, fondling her pussy seductively, using his words to make her burn with desire. He wanted to keep her mind at least somewhat present, he couldn't let her drown in the sea of passion that must np be consuming her. "Hey, listen... listen to my vouce, stay with me, you don't have to lose your mind to this, let me guide you through it... try to stay with me, in the moment, your body knows what to do... trust it, trust yourself Sasha..." he whispered, coaching her back from the brink.
Sasha heard Trent's words and they just turned her on, how could he do this to her? But she only just met him yesterday night! "Heeeeyyy, waiiitttt a minute............" Sasha weakly turned her head to look at him after he finished, trying to stay with what was happening and everything. "Weee just meettttt, yesterdaaayyyy." Sasha moaned then, not being able to keep denying what she felt even though she barely knew him and also felt so weak. Ugh her being this weak was annoying the hell out of her but she didn't know what to do. "Tooooo weakkkkk." Sasha could feel herself going in and out of consciousness, trying to stay away even as her body responded to him subconsciously. She even tried to sit up but couldn't, damn why did she have to be so weak. Guess this was what she got for eating one meal a day and then having all this excitement. She also thought all the pain was going to end last night so she had even just sat around more than usual.
Trent only cradled her head lovingly in response to her trying to stop him. His eyes were full of passion and desire, desire for her. "No, I've been watching you, from afar, it wasn't until you went to the roof that I knew you needed me, I didn't know how much pain you were in... if I had, I would have come to you sooner... shhh, relax now, stay with me, you're doing so good, I can feel you getting wetter and wetter... your body knows what it wants, just let it go darlin, trust your flesh..." Trent urged, seeing her sort of fade in and out even though her pussy was plenty ready he knew he needed to do something to bring her out of her dwindling stage of conciousness. The only thing he could think of was to trick her into tasting some of his blood. So, he bit into his lower lip and let some of his vampirism vitae mingle with his saliva, thinning it just enough that she wouldn't be able to notice it when he kissed her.

And he did, he kissed her long and deep, making sure some of his blood touched her tongue. It went to work almost instantly, filling her with supernatural power, enough to wake her up fully, make her bodys senses reach their natural peek. He smiled as he could feel her precious little clit twitch under his finger tips. He rubbed it in circles, making her twitch even more, loving her tenderly with his fingers and his bright blue eyes. He kept eye contact with her, nodding slowly, encasing her to come toward her release. "Take deep breaths, try to relax, don't try to rush it, it will come on its own... trust me..." he ran his fingers through her hair, soothing her, working her up, doing all sorts of things to her pretty body.
Sasha barely heard Trent speak and just leaned into him, not fighting it. To be truthful she felt a sort of bond with him, it shook her but it also made her want to be with him, which scared her. It scared her because when he finally realized that he didn't want to be stuck with her and wanted to enjoy his own life she would be left, heartbroken and even worse off then she already was. She was scared to have hope of anything different and she was so weak and frail, who would want her? Sasha was about to let sleep overtake her when she felt his kiss and suddenly she was wide awake and beyond thinking at this point she kissed him back, stronger and feeling more alive then she had all year, like when she had been a teenager, alive and loving how she felt. Back then she had been happy, the night the best part. Back then she had friends and people who cared. She had forgotten all about that. As Trent drew away she didn't stop him but pressed against him, scared to go back to the way she was before she met him, even though it had just been a little while ago. "Please don't leave me alone again." Sasha said those words before she moaned out, letting her body take control while still keeping eye contact, her lips actually reaching for his as she gave in to what she wanted and felt the pleasure start build in her, her hips starting to rock on their own.
"You're trembling... it's going to be okay, I won't leave you, you've got me, darlin." He closed the distance between their lips once more and sighed hapilly with her while she began to rock herself against his finger tips. It was so erotic, feeling her take on part of the building rhythm, she was finally seeking her own pleasure and come hell or high water, he was determined to get her there, if only with his hands... anything more would have to wait, he wanted her to be ready when and if she would give up her virginity to him.
Sasha heard Trent and smiled happily right before his lips went to hers again and even though it didn't feel the same as last time, none of the others did actually which was weird to her, she enjoyed it, kissing him back, her hands actually gently resting against his chest, not pushing or pulling or doing anything. Just sitting there as she rocked her hips, feeling the pleasure continue to build and build, moaning into his mouth, something about him just was fueling her on, she hadn't felt this alive in so long and she remembered something briefly, like she had tried this or something but that quickly fled as he continued and she didn't try to rush it like he asked, just letting it build even though it was a little hard as the pleasure continued to grow.
He pulled away from her lips, remembering the first time he had watched over her at night about a year ago. It was time to come clean about it, he thought. He settled his lips at her ear and hooked one leg over hers to keep hef legs parted so he could continue strumming his fingers along her moist slit, pleasuring her. "You know... I like to watch over you at night... ive been doing it for a while now, off and on... there was this one night, I caught you playing with yourself... I know I shouldn't have watched, but I couldn't stop, you were so sexy... I think you must have felt me watching because you stopped before you could make yourself cum, but you were so close, I could hear you holding your breath and whimperjng, getting more and more frustrated until you just gave up and curled up in a ball, falling asleep... I wanted to come into your room while you slept, I wanted to feel you, you were still wet and I know you were still horny, you kept wiggling in your sleep, like you were having a dream... I heard you gasp in your sleep... you were having a wet dream... do you remember? Do you remember what you were dreaming about? I... I thought I heard you... saying my name... did you dream about me? I want to know... please say yes... please say you came for me... in your sleep!" He urged, kissing and nibbling on her ear as he rubbed her tender clit in slow, seductive circles. "I want it to be me who lights your fire..."
Sasha moaned out as he continued playing with her but was surprised as he hooked one leg over hers and she wondered why, she wasn't thinking of closing them yet though the pleasure was really strong so she might soon she though she thought. Then he started talking and suddenly she knew why as she blushed, tried to close her legs in embarrassment at knowing he had watched and grew even wetter and hotter than she already had been at the same time. The truth was that she had been watching him for awhile, in a way. When she would see him possibly at the same time she went to work she would kind of stare for a minute before blushing and hurrying away. She had always thought he was attractive but she never had the courage to talk to him, let alone tell him her feelings or anything of the sort. So even as she blushed in embarrassment, she knew she also had to tell him as he asked her if she had thought of him. "Yes, I did. I had tried thinking of something else while I had masturbated but I couldn't and got frustrated, trying to reach orgasm even as I thought of you but felt something was missing. Then I tried to sleep but dreamed of you, touching me like this and was able to, I always thought you were attractive but never had the courage to talk to you, much less tell you what I felt." Right then as she relived it she suddenly felt herself burst and let out a series of moans, jerking as she came, shuddering as he legs opened and tried to close, her body shaking a bit with the force of it as she panted. She then drew away from his fingers and pushed at them as she became very very sensitive as she lay there, panting and resting against him.
"I could tell you liked me, always rushing off when I noticed you looking at me in the hall... you were so shy and lovely... I wanted to kiss you every time you would run away... I was waiting for you to stop, to find the courage to talk to me... but now... you need never be alone again. I will love you with all I've got!" He barely got out these words when orgasm took Sasha. It was a thing of beauty, how her whole body was consumed with pleasure. The way her eyes fluttered and her nose scrunched up and how she moaned and writhed with her sudden release. She shuddered and tried to press her legs together, but he kept them apart with his knee. It was like her body was on automatic, all he had to do was cover her pink little hooded clit with his finger tips and all her writhing and shuddering was keeping her at the heights of her pleasure. He counted at least three distinct cycles of repeated orgasms before she was panting and pushing his talented fingers away. "You did marvelously, love, fantastic, I felt three whole waves before you couldn't take any more." He whispered in hef ear, resting his hand on her belly, feeling it rise and fall with her every breath.
Sasha barely heard Trent's words as she orgasmed and then came down, panting. "Mmmmm. You really shouldn't look in on people when they are masturbating you know." Sasha was still a little miffed about that even though it was kind of hot and had made her wetter when he told her. Now she was thirsty though. "Could you go get me some water though? I always get thirsty. Sorry." Sasha was telling the truth, maybe it was all the moaning she did but she always was really thirsty and needed something to drink and all she had was water, though Dr. Pepper was her favorite thing to drink.
Trent only smirked in response to her panting, slightly miffed reply. "Like I was expecting to catch you playing with yourself... anyway, once I started watching, I couldn't tear my eyes off of you... the way your slit glistened and how intense you were... it made me really hot." He tried explaining why he couldn't stop watching once he started. "Oh, I'll go get you some water, but you have to do one thing for me when I get back. I want you to play with yourself... while I watch... and rub my cock for you. Okay? ...if you dont... I'll have to eat your pussy or something... ive gotta get off soon or its going to hurt, you know. I hate getting blue balls."
Sasha huffed as he said about expecting her to play with herself and retorted again. "I wasn't expecting someone to be watching mister." Sasha listened again and then blushed as he explained, making her own pussy hot again. She then listened to his request and groaned a little. "Can we do it later? I haven't had that many orgasms in......... let me see............ let's say FOREVER. It's verrrryyy sensitive so please let me rest a bit okay? How about I stroke you to orgasm? If you really need it. I just really need to rest. Please." Sasha panted a little, exhausted right then.
"Yeah, but you liked it, I can tell. You like being watched. Your pussy is still twitching... see, it just twitched! God, it's so hot!" Trent licked his lips and tilted his head as she groaned, explaining that she felt too sensitive to rub herself. "Well... okay... how about this, come sit facing me with your legs open so you can stroke me while I can still look at your wet pussy and pretend you're fucking me?" He asked, getting up to go get her some water.
Sasha listened to Trent as he talked and blushed as he said it was hot and that her pussy just twitched and she slammed her legs closed for now before hearing his offer and nodded. "Fine, I guess that's alright." Sasha still kept her legs closed though, wanting the water before doing anything else, still tired and thirsty.
Trent chuckled. "You know, you're adorable, the way you blush, so easy to tease you." He returned with a glass and a pitcher full of ice water for her to drink and an orange he had bought for her the other night. He peeled if fir her and offered her each individual wedge. "Here, you need to eat as well... citrus will give you energy and restore you're fluids. I like it when you're wet, after all and it's very sexy, feeding you." He sat with her on her bed, facing her, naked and ready for her to pleasure him now that she had her water and a quick snack. "Feeling better? Feel up to helping me cum for you?" He asked with a smirk, his manhood twitching in anticipation of her touch.
Sasha was about retort about the adorable part when he came back with water and an orange. She decided then to let him get away with it and took the piece, drinking some of the water as well, smiling. She blushed a deep red though as he said about getting her wet and decided not to comment, feeling refreshed afterwards and nodded, and narrowed her eyes, deciding to tease him. "Of course, but as a punishment for teasing me, no touching my body whatsoever during the process, at all. Only part of my body that should be touching you is my hand, nothing else, whatsoever." She didn't know if it would tease him, but just knowing he couldn't touch even if he hadn't been going to probably should do the teasing part. She then on her knees spread her legs and put her hand around his cock, stroking up and down slowly.
"Oh, but you can be so cruel. What if you want to touch me with more than just your hands? Aren't you curious how I might feel in your mouth? Or... In your perfect little pussy? Can't you imagine how good it would feel sliding me deep... inside of you?" Trent closed his eyes, enjoying the attention with a knowing smirk. Planting the notion of how good it would make her feel taking him inside her was probably enough to make her think about it the entire time she stroked him. Who was being punished now? He thought with a sly chuckle.
Sasha gulped when Trent started talking and gripped his cock a bit hard as he stroked, trying not to focus on the images his words were creating. She was failed miserably. Damn men, they always had to win didn't they. Sasha was stubborn though so she didn't say a word or make any noise even though she got wet at the images in her mind. She was determined to win this one, not wanting to always lose, she wasn't a wimp and she was goimg to show that as she stroked up and down. She was still gripping his cock, though it wasn't enough to hurt him.
"Speechless? Well, at least you've got a firm... grip..." Trent smirked, nibbling at his lower lip as he watched Sasha's hand glide up and down his shaft. "If that's even half as tight as your pussy feels, I'm going to be in heaven the day you let me slide myself deep inside of you..." he persisted in filling her mind with carnal images. "Just look at how I fit your pretty little hand and tell me you wouldn't love to know how I might fit your tight little pussy?" Trent chuckled softly as he stretched out, giving her more access to his body, relaxing into her firm strokes. "Mmm, just wait till you see how hard you make me shoot my cum for you... I can feel it building up, more and mord, for you! Are you ready? I am almost there! Nnnnnhah! God! You're going to make me cum!" Trent tensed up, scrunched his eyes shut tight and began shuddering as he spurted his seed uncontrollably on her bed and sheets. It 2 as kind of messy, but he was in extacy, finally being given release. "Holy fuck! That was good... hmph!" He sat up with a grunt and noticed the mess he had made and grinned, going right at trying to clean her and her bed up of his spunk. "Maybe let me shoot it all inside of you next time and it won't be so messy..."
Sasha frowned as she kept stroking him, trying to ignore the images in her head as she stroked. Damn men they were so annoying. No wonder she was always alone, maybe that was better then having men always wanting to win at everything, even teasing. She stroked until he shot his cum watching him and then went to her bathroom, turning on the shower and stepping in it, needing some time to think without him, aggravated and turned on at the same time. So in the shower she started touching her breasts and neck, slowly starting. She then went to her belly and sides and then back up to her breasts, caressing all over her self before one hand slipped down to cup her pussy, moaning softly as she did before moving her hand up and down, still with her hand in the cup formation, rubbing her clit and smoothing over her pussy as she got herself hot, starting to breath heavily as she did this, thinking of Trent.
Trent could hear everything Sasha was doing in the bathroom as he lay in her bed. He closed his eyes and imagined her in his minds eye as she turned on the shower and shed her clothes. He licked his lips as he followed her into the shower with his imagination, assisted by the soft sounds of the warm water caressing her skin. The almost imperceptible noise her hands made as she caressed herself from her neck to her breasts, down to her belly were such sweet seductions. Before he was aware of it, Trent was up on his feet, stalking her, his eyes closed, filling his mind with images of her caressing herself, so innocently, so sweetly.

His fangs were out and his breath was speeding up, his hunger growing for her sweet, sensual blood, so full of her young lust. He was in the doorway of her bathroom, wavering on his feet, lost in the enticing, alluring half dream of her in his imagination, drawn to her by the sounds she made as she touched herself, lured in by the smell of her sex, he craved her so very much. He slowly walked forward, still in his waking dream, his hands seeking out the thin, filmy shower curtain that separated them.

Finding the edge of the curtain, he slipped in behind her and snaked his arms around poor Sasha's body, pulling her back tightly against his full and powerful, naked body. He growled hotly in her ear as he sought out her neck , blindly and in his Trance like state, stifling her scream of surprise with one hand as I his other hand covered hers, pressing her fingers gently inside of her tight and virginal canal. He pressed his manhood against her pert little behind and rubbed against her seductively until he was nestled length wise along her moist, warm slit.

From the front, he massaged her tight little pussy with her own hand, by put from behind, he teased and tantalize her sweet folds with the flat lengoth of his aroused manhood. His mouth slowly latching upon her throat, he panted hotly, ignoring her struggling and muted screams, conjuring up the heat and lust he knew hid in her trembling heart. He loved her but the call of his hunger was too great to resist, in an instant he pressed his fangs into her tender neck and freed her blood to dance across his tongue.

Passionately, he drank from her even as he forced her to cum on her own fingers and bathe the length of his cock in her sticky, warm juices even as she slowly melted in his arms, growing weak as he drained her of her life's blood. It wasn't until he was holding her up that he realized he had taken too much and had doomed her. In a flash, he turned her around in his arms, his eyes stricken with fear and love, desperate to save her from deaths embrace. He tore a fang into his own wrist as the water splashed down on them and pressed his bleeding wrist to her pale lips as he'd eyes flip uttered and rolled back in her head. "Drink... please! Sasha! Drink of me! Please don't give in! I need you! I need you!" He gasped, choking on the words and the water as he pulled her close and shook her, demanding that she cling to the last shreds of her drifting conciousness. "Don't die! I promised I would protect you! Drink!" He insisted, his voice shuddering with emotion.