Ask Your Moderator


JtohisPB/Brooke :)
Dec 9, 2008
Since the new format doesn't make it easy to find the forum moderators, I wanted to create this thread to encourage members to reach out to a moderator when needed. I am the moderator for the How To and How To Cafe forums. Feel free to ask questions here or via PM.
1how to find out who is on line same time as me,
2., in particular threads. how to erase some of my post?
1how to find out who is on line same time as me,
2., in particular threads. how to erase some of my post?
From the Main Literotica Forums page, if you scroll down to the bottom, you can find a list of who’s currently online (screenshot of currently online right now attached). This won’t tell you everyone who is online, though, as many of us use invisible mode so it doesn’t show when we are online.

If the thread is open, you can edit your post. Assuming things are the same as before the recent upgrade, posts have to be at least 5 characters long, so most people edit their post and leave 5 dots in place of the former text. If the thread is closed to new posts, you can reach out to a mod and ask us to edit the post.


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A question. As an author on lit, I find it frustrating that stories, especially the ones that are multi chapters, don't get published as quickly as some others. Yes I understand that mods are busy people and competition entries will take priority. BUT it seems I have been left behind. My competition story has been published, that you, but my continuing story is now 3 chapters behind. Many of my friends on lit have asked me to find out while. Me saying be patient has worn thin. How can I contact the mods directly to hurry them along?

I have noticed that many of my friends have had several stories posted since my last chapter was. 18th March until today is a long time to wait when you have a story running.
A question. As an author on lit, I find it frustrating that stories, especially the ones that are multi chapters, don't get published as quickly as some others. Yes I understand that mods are busy people and competition entries will take priority. BUT it seems I have been left behind. My competition story has been published, that you, but my continuing story is now 3 chapters behind. Many of my friends on lit have asked me to find out while. Me saying be patient has worn thin. How can I contact the mods directly to hurry them along?

I have noticed that many of my friends have had several stories posted since my last chapter was. 18th March until today is a long time to wait when you have a story running.
Sorry I’m just now seeing this. None of the forum mods are story mods so we can’t be of help to you. I would ask this question in the author forum or PM Laurel.
Since the new format doesn't make it easy to find the forum moderators, I wanted to create this thread to encourage members to reach out to a moderator when needed. I am the moderator for the How To and How To Cafe forums. Feel free to ask questions here or via PM.
I thought you were the moderator for the Playground too.
Is it possible to change my username ?
There is not a way for us to change our own usernames. You can PM Laurel and ask for a change, but with such a new account with so few posts, I’d recommend just creating a new account. Laurel is the site owner and has a lot of responsibilities competing for her time; you may or may not get a response to a PM request like this.
You have every right to remove yourself from the site at any time for any reason.

As a security measure and to make sure that the you are the one closing the account, to remove your account you must log in to your profile:

Once logged in, please do the following:
- Click "New Story" in the top header menu.
- Choose "New Story".
- Make the title "REMOVE MEMBERSHIP".
- Choose any category (it doesn't matter - this will not be posted publicly).
- In the "Story Text" field, request that your membership be terminated.
- Submit the story using the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the form.

All story, audio, poem, and art submissions you have on the site will be removed with your account. Be aware that we do not retain site submission data - including votes, comments, and the text itself - for deleted accounts.

Once an account is deleted from Lit’s servers, they cannot restore the account or any related data. Account cancellations are usually done within 4-7 days.
A bit new here. Do I have to scroll to the top to see the little envelope if I got a reply to my conversation ? Some conversations get quite long
Since the new site update, is it still necessary for mods to lock threads that reach 5,000 posts?
If it's still necessary, can a mod please lock this old thread? (A new thread has already been made.)

Cocksuckers 7.0
One other question:

I've written four stories that have been on this site for years. Is there a way to make some small corrections to my stories in order to fix a couple of typos?
It's kinda bugged me for years but I didn't want to erase the story from the site and reupload a new version with the corrections.
Since the new site update, is it still necessary for mods to lock threads that reach 5,000 posts?
If it's still necessary, can a mod please lock this old thread? (A new thread has already been made.)

Cocksuckers 7.0
I haven’t seen an answer to this question yet, but I’ve been paying attention to the isolated blurt thread in the GB and Laurel has yet to cap it so I think the cap is not a thing. That said, if you want to message Laurel and ask her to close the thread, I bet she would. (I don’t have any sort of mod menu in that forum or I’d do it).
I haven’t seen an answer to this question yet, but I’ve been paying attention to the isolated blurt thread in the GB and Laurel has yet to cap it so I think the cap is not a thing. That said, if you want to message Laurel and ask her to close the thread, I bet she would. (I don’t have any sort of mod menu in that forum or I’d do it).
Back in the day, I remember that Laurel would proactively lock a thread that reached 5,000 posts and she would create a new thread to replace it.

I sent a message to Laurel the day it reached 5,000 posts. I understand it taking a few days to lock a thread depending on how busy she is but I've had old threads stay open for a month or more after messaging her. Same thing happens when GrandpaBill creates a new alt on the General Board. Members would report his new alt and then we wait a week to a month+ for a mod to finally press a few buttons to ban his newest alt (I think he's in the 300+ range of new alts). Do you have any idea why it would take that long to make that kind of change? Maybe Laurel should allow the other mods access if she's too busy to do that kind of stuff herself.
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No clue on any of that. The Grandpa Bill family of alts is limited to the GB, right? Since that forum is unmoderated, it wouldn’t change anything to give us the power to ban users. We only have additional tools in the specific forums in which we are moderators. That said, I would delete the posts of a Grandpa Bill type the second I recognized them or others started reporting.
No clue on any of that. The Grandpa Bill family of alts is limited to the GB, right? Since that forum is unmoderated, it wouldn’t change anything to give us the power to ban users. We only have additional tools in the specific forums in which we are moderators. That said, I would delete the posts of a Grandpa Bill type the second I recognized them or others started reporting.
I think he mostly would post in the GB but I remember seeing a few of his posts elsewhere as well. The next time a new alt GrandpaBill alt pops up, I'll see if he posts in another forum and then report that post. Maybe we will have better luck that way instead of waiting for Laurel to do it.

Is Laurel the only mod on the GB that can ban people and lock threads that reach 5,000 posts? I sent her another message about that old thread to lock but she has never replied.
I think he mostly would post in the GB but I remember seeing a few of his posts elsewhere as well. The next time a new alt GrandpaBill alt pops up, I'll see if he posts in another forum and then report that post. Maybe we will have better luck that way instead of waiting for Laurel to do it.

Is Laurel the only mod on the GB that can ban people and lock threads that reach 5,000 posts? I sent her another message about that old thread to lock but she has never replied.
Laurel, as far as I know, is the only person who can do that on the GB. And from what I’ve seen, we haven’t been closing threads any more. Since the forum update, I’ve only closed threads if the thread starter asked me to. I’ve been watching the iso thread in the GB to follow Laurel’s lead on closing threads.
Hi, how do i start a thread?
i am looking for help finding FM monogamist stories with pantyhose and some cross-dressing.
i get fed up of stories where a domme f or m dominates. i am looking for kinky couple stores, with a bit of love and caring.